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Refreshing the parent page while avoiding windows message (must resend data)

is there anyway of refreshing the parent page without the windows message (must resend data) coming up.

These are my circumstances

1.I have a clients page and on this page the user selects the client from a drop down box and hits go.

2.Once the go button is pressed all the client sites for that particular client are displayed on this page.

3. I have the option ADD SITE on this page also and when it is clicked a popup window appears.

4. The user then enters the new site details using this pop up window and clicks add.

what i want to do is:

1. Display a message in the pop up window saying site details have been added

2.Close the popup window.

3. Then Refresh the clients page to display the latest site that has just been added

Appreciate any help,
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Are you using cfmx?
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yeah at the moment
If you areusing CFMX this will work

<form method="post" action="test.cfm">
<input type="text" name="fname">
<input type="text" name="lname">
<input type="text" name="phone">

<input type="submit" value="Hit Me!">
<cfif isdefined('fname')>
<cfset events= structNew() />
      <cffunction name="init" access="public">
            <cfloop collection="#form#" item="key">
                  <cfset set(key, form[key])>
            <cfloop collection="#url#" item="key">
                  <cfset set(key, url[key])>
            <cfreturn events />
      <cffunction name="set" access="public">
            <cfargument name="name" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="value" required="true" />      
            <cfset events[] = arguments.value />
      <cffunction name="getEvent" output="true" access="public">
            <cfargument name="alias" type="string" required="true">
                  <cfreturn events[arguments.alias] />
                  <cfreturn "">
      <cffunction name="getAllEvents" output="true" access="public">
                  <cfreturn events />
                  <cfreturn "">
      <!--- Call the init function --->
      <cfset temp=init() />
      <!--- Call the getAllEvents function and set temp equal to the returning struct --->
      <cfset temp=getAllEvents() />
      <!--- declare the URLString variable --->
      <cfset URLString='index.cfm?'/>
      <!--- loop through the temp struct to build your URLString --->
      <cfset counter=0 />
      <cfloop collection="#temp#" item="key">            
            <cfif key is not 'FIELDNAMES'>
                  <cfset URLString=#URLString# & #iif(counter is not 0,'"&"','""')# & '#key#=#temp[key]#'/>
                  <cfset counter=counter + 1 />
<a href="#URLString#">Click Here To Refresh</a>      

use this #URLString# to refresh in the Jscript
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set the #URLString# variable into javascript variable and send it to the popup then you can refresh the page with the url in the jscript variable.
the pop up only comes when u try & resubmit values to a page !

so if the page happens to be a plain simple HTMLpage - refreshing shldnt be a problem at all
else i dont think u can eliminate the message - when u refresh it - unless u use some other means of submitting ur date once again thru [hidden forms or url's]

PS : if u r using framsets - then u can use window.document.parent[0/1/2].location ... use 0/1/2 based on the heirarchy of the frames.
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Yeah, use GET and not POST in your forms.
any luck?