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setting attach movie params inside a loop

can someone tell me what's wrong with this?? here's my AS :

d = 100;
for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
// some things happen in here, not important
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("cc_trigger", "card_trigger"+i, d, {_xgX+j*spread, _ygY-(cardSize*i), textbox:cardText[i], Id:j});
trace (j);

I've got two loops which attach clips to the stage in a 3 x 3 matrix.

the problem is "Id:j" in the second "for" loop. it's should set the variable "Id" in the 3 clips in the first row to "0", the 3 clips in the second row to "1" and the 3 in the third row to "2".

Instead it sets all the Id's in all clips to 2 (??) (ie it seems to be waiting til all the loops are finished and then looking at what "j" ends up as, which is 2).

You'll see in the output window when you trace "j" it goes

which is what it should do!! help?

Nick Fracture
Avatar of negatyve

the correct sintax is:

// "card_trigger" + d
_root.attachMovie("cc_trigger", "card_trigger" + d, d

and not

// "card_trigger" + i
_root.attachMovie("cc_trigger", "card_trigger" + i, d
Avatar of nickaxl


no, that's not it. Sorry, the code was incomplete, so i'll post it all so it's (hopefully) less confusing. The problem is that the "j" variable which gets set in the first "for" loop passes at runtime like it should to all the variables i'm using it to set EXCEPT the one called "Id".

Alternatively, the .fla is at if you want to have a look.

Here's all the AS that's on the first frame of my mc:

// set misc variables
d = 200;
t = 0;
spread = 214;
menuSpeed = 5;
textSpeed = 5;
ogX = 7;
ogY = 147;
maskSize = 200;
cardSize = 70;
marginT = 7;
marginB = 67;
// set text variables
cardText = new Array();
cardText[0] = "yeah number one yo.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[1] = "yeah number two.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[2] = "yeah number three bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[3] = "yeah number four bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[4] = "yeah number five bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[5] = "yeah number six bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[6] = "yeah number seven bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[7] = "yeah number eight bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
cardText[8] = "yeah number nine bro.\rhere's some test text.\r3 lines.\rmaybe 4.\rfive.\rsix.";
// create mask clips
function cc() {
      active = false;
      newY = this._y;
      newH = this._height;
cc.prototype = new MovieClip();
cc.prototype.onEnterFrame = function() { = this.difY;
      this.read2 = this.difH;
      if ( {
            this.difY = this.newY-this._y;
            this._y += this.difY/menuSpeed;
            this.difH = this.newH-this._height;
            this._height += this.difH/menuSpeed;
            if (Math.abs(this.difY)<0.2 && Math.abs(this.difH)<0.2) {
                  this._y = this.newY;
                  this._height = this.newH;
         = false;
Object.registerClass("cc", cc);
// make the matrix
for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
      _root.attachMovie("cc_cardholder", "maskedT"+j, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:0});
      _root.attachMovie("cc_cardholder", "maskedB"+j, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:0});
      _root.attachMovie("cc_textholder", "maskedC"+j, d, {_x:14, _y:7});
      _root.attachMovie("cc", "maskT"+j, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:-46});
      _root.attachMovie("cc", "maskB"+j, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:214});
      _root.attachMovie("cc", "maskC"+j, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:154, _height:marginB-marginT});
      for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
            _root["maskedT"+j].attachMovie("cc_card", "card"+i, d, {_x:7, _y:ogY-(cardSize*i), textbox:cardText[t]});
            _root["maskedB"+j].attachMovie("cc_card", "card"+i, d, {_x:7, _y:ogY-(cardSize*i), textbox:cardText[t]});
            _root.attachMovie("cc_trigger", "card_trigger"+i, d, {_x:ogX+j*spread, _y:ogY-(cardSize*i), textbox:cardText[t], Id:j});
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thanks so much, yeah that worked. I get it now. I used my "t" variable to name them instead of "d", gives them individual names in order. nice one!
you're welcome! :)