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Create a Visio Diagram based PDF from Lotuscript in R6.5.1? Without using OLE.

Hi there,
Does anyone wish to know how to generate/populate a Visio Diagram based PDF file on the fly? This is my first time in here posting info and I wanted to post a solution I've developed.
Avatar of Bozzie4
Flag of Belgium image

Yes, sounds interesting :-)

Avatar of Zvonko
Can you show me the solution: http:Q_20963198.html
Avatar of qwaletee

We are all stilll waiting with baited breath!
Forget it rikkeith.
Avatar of rikkeith


Firstly sorry for the delay in getting this to you.  
My solution requires a wee bit of OLE to be honest for the .VDX(Visio XML document)->.VSD file conversion and the final conversion to PDF format.  However the latter OLE option is avoidable with the use of the DocConverter Product that I have adopted to use here. Ref.

The conversion to VSD is only required since a lot of third party conversion

There are a few prerequisits to implementing this solution.  
These are as follows.
1. The client browser viewing the resultant output has a Visio viewer active X component and Adobe Acrobat 5  incstalled at least.
2. The Domino server should be R6.x at least as the code required to parse XML via lotuscript is only available in R6.
3. The Domino Server should have the MS Visio 2003 installed for the VDX to VSD conversion.
4. The Domino Server should have the DocConverter Product installed for the VSD to PDF conversion.

We have a web form to capture our user's data that we wish to transpose onto our Visio/pdf output diagram.  
Create the Visio diagram that you wish to use as the template for the output visio diagram.  Once you have pupolated all the shapes with their titles and defined the text areas that will be updated, save the file in VSD format and also in VDX format.
Now open up the VDX file in IE5 and you will see the XML document produced.  This is what you will be working with when you parse the XML within the document.

The key Node Elements that you will be dealing with are as follows:


The web form's fields text data will be used to populate specific shapes and the text therein.
Each field in the web form requires to be mapped to a specific shape on the diagram.  
Get shape ID's:
By openning and selecting each shape in your visio diagram, you will be able to get each shapes ID number.

You should then create a keyword lookup form and views for this purpose.

the data I Used is as follows:

Web Form Field Name:      
VDX File Elements:-
Element Name:      
Element ID Attribute:      
Element NameU Attribute:       .
(for check box only : Checkbox ID Attribute:)
For Divided Process shape only : Divided Process Element ID: of the shape in the Divided process that holds that text you wish to change.)

Once you have completed creating your mapping documents with a corresponding lookup views(which I'll leave upto your discretion),
then create a VDX template form to hold your VDX template which will be used to create your populated VDX diagram, and resultant PDF file.

The agent code that I used for generating VISIO based PDFs is as follows:
Option Public
Option Declare
REM Constants found in a Notes names.nsf DXL file
REM Node names
Const DOCUMENT_NODE_NAME = "VisioDocument"
Const PAGES_NODE_NAME = "Pages"
Const PAGE_NODE_NAME = "Page"
Const SHAPES_NODE_NAME = "Shapes"
Const SHAPE_NODE_NAME = "Shape"

REM Attribute names

REM Attribute values
Const ID = "ID"
Const NAMEU = "NameU"

' Arrays for Fieldto VDX Element mapping
Dim FieldArray() As String
Dim VDXElementArray() As String

Dim docList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <VisioDocument> nodes
Dim pagesList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Pages> nodes
Dim pageList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Page> nodes
Dim shapesList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Shapes> nodes
Dim shapeList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Shape> nodes
Dim subshapeList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Shapes/shape> nodes
Dim actList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <Act> nodes
Dim itemList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <item> nodes
Dim userList As NotesDOMNodeList  'list of <user> nodes

Dim eNode As NotesDOMElementNode  'a <document form= > node
Dim iNode As NotesDOMNode         'an <item> node
Dim txtNode As NotesDOMNode ' an <text> node
Dim textChild As NotesDOMNode     'the actual data value
Dim tNode As NotesDOMElementNode  'a <text> node; where we append new text data
Dim attrNode As NotesDOMAttributeNode  'attributes of <item> node
Dim attrs As NotesDOMNamedNodeMap

Dim numChildren As Integer
Dim iAttr As Integer     'attribute counter
Dim AttrVal As Variant
Dim iDoc As Integer    'counter for docList
Dim wDoc As Integer    'counter for docList
Dim yDoc As Integer    'counter for docList
Dim zDoc As Integer    'counter for docList
Dim tDoc As Integer    'counter for docList
Dim subDoc As Integer ' counter for subshapelist
Dim actDoc As Integer ' counter for actList
Dim userDoc As Integer ' Counter for userlist
Dim iItem As Integer   'counter for itemList
Dim newData As String         'user input

Dim newChild As NotesDOMNode  'node used for the append operation
Dim m As Integer              'match list counter
Dim v As Integer                        ' vdxarray counter
Dim i As Integer                         ' pointer to first | in VDX Array entry.
Dim n As Long

Dim domParser As NotesDOMParser
Dim docNode As NotesDOMDocumentNode
Dim rootElement As NotesDOMElementNode

Dim session As NotesSession
Dim inputStream As NotesStream
Dim outputStream As NotesStream, outputLog As NotesStream
Dim origXML As String, reportFile As String, logFile As String, outputXML As String
Dim outputVSD As String, outputPDF As String
Dim pdfURL  As String
Dim NL As String    'carriage return + line feed
Dim LF As String '
Dim view As NotesView
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim pdfhtml As String

Sub Initialize
      Dim xdoc As NotesDocument
      Dim vwPEP As NotesView
      Dim docPEP As NotesDocument      
      Dim queryString As String
      Dim unid As String
      Dim userName As String
      Dim action As String
      Dim startUNID As Integer
      Dim startName As Integer
      Dim rest As String
      Dim tmp As String
      Dim map As String
      'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      Set session = New NotesSession
      Set db = session.currentdatabase
      Set vwPEP = db.GetView("PEPbyUniqueId")
      Set xdoc = session.DocumentContext
'      Call xdoc.Save(True, False)
      queryString$ = xdoc.Query_String(0)
      unid$ = getParm(queryString$, "UNID")   ' The unique ID for the DocumentContext.
      map$ = getParm(queryString$, "map")    'The diagram type flag.
      Set docPEP = vwPEP.GetDocumentByKey( unid$ )
      If docPEP Is Nothing Then
            Print "Unable to find document " + unid$
            Exit Sub
      End If
      Call getVDXTemplate(map$)
      Call CollectPEPData(docPEP, map$)
      Call UpdateVDX
      Call ExportVDXtoPDF(docPEP)
      Call KillTempFiles
      Call PublishPDFtoWeb(docPEP)
      Print pdfhtml
      Exit Sub
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("Initialize - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub

Sub GetVDXTemplate(mapType As String)
'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      Dim rtitem As Variant
      Dim inputFullpath As String
      Dim outputFullpath As String
      Dim filepath As Variant
      Dim PDFOutput As Variant, tmp As Variant
      Dim datestr As Variant
      Dim item As NotesItem
      Dim tView As NotesView
      Dim tmpltDoc As NotesDocument
      Dim timestamp As New NotesDateTime(Now)
      ' This sub is used to get the correct VDX template for the MAP option specified and extract this file to the
      ' \\server.domain.local\E$\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\html\vdxcache directory (specified in parameters)
      'under a timestamped renamed version of the file.
      'This file path is then used by OrigXML and the InputStream in the UpdateVDX sub to facilitate parsing of the unique  VDX file
      'prior to conversion to PDF
      'Get the timestamp for this instant
      datestr = Cstr(Format(timestamp.lsLocalTime,"dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss"))
      'Get the correct VDX file template
      Set tView  = db.getView("vdxtemplate")
      If Not (tView Is Nothing) Then
            Select Case(mapType)
            Case "RoadMap" :
                  tmp = "VDXRoadMapTemplate"
            Case "Concept" :
                  tmp = "Phase1Template"
            Case "Feasibility" :
                  tmp = "Phase2Template"
            Case "Development" :
                  tmp = "Phase3Template"
            Case "Implementation" :
                  tmp = "Phase4Template"
            Case "Termination" :
                  tmp = "Phase5Template"
            End Select
            Set tmpltDoc = tView.GetDocumentByKey(tmp)
            If Not (tmpltDoc Is Nothing) Then
                  Set object = tmpltDoc.GetAttachment( tmpltDoc.Att_name(0) )
                  If  Not (object Is Nothing) Then
                        'Get unc filepath for vdxcache directory on Server to hold the VDX file
                        If ( object.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then
                              'Specify the full path of the xml file that will be updated with PEP information
                              filepath = getParameter("vdxcache")
                              PDFOutput = getParameter("PDFDirectory")
                              OrigXML = Cstr(filepath(0))+datestr+"_"+object.Source
                              outputXML = Cstr(filepath(0))+datestr+"_Out_"+object.Source
                              outputVSD = Replace(outputXML,".vdx",".vsd")
                              outputPDF = Replace(Cstr(PDFOutput(0))+datestr+"_Out_"+object.Source,".vdx",".pdf")
                              'Update OrigXML for Inputstream process in UpdateVDX sub
                              ' Extract the file to the SSYDAPP01
                              ' (Domino Server running as account with read/write access to the file system)
                              Call object.ExtractFile(OrigXML)             
                              Call object.ExtractFile(outputXML )
                        End If
                  End If
            End If      
      End If
      Exit Sub
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("GetVDXTemplate - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub

Sub CollectWebformData (Webdoc As NotesDocument, map As String)
      Dim webfield As Variant
      Dim webvalue  As Variant
      Dim ElementName As Variant
      Dim ID As Variant
      Dim NameU As String
      Dim DPShapeID As Variant
      Dim NameU_All As Variant
      'Collect all vdx mapping documents as redim each array with the collection.count
      'parse through the web document and assign each updated field to the correct VDX mapping value
      'Open web field to VDX element mapping view

      Dim VDXmapping As NotesView
      Dim vdxmapdoc As NotesDocument
      Dim i As Integer ' - counter for vdxmapdoc
      Dim x As Integer
'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
'Update the above arrays with data from web prior to passing stored values to the corresponding VDX element
' initialise counter
      'Parse though mapping and update the arrays with data that is held in the respective fields
      Set VDXmapping=db.GetView("vdxmap"+map$)
      Set vdxmapdoc = VDXmapping.GetFirstDocument
      While Not vdxmapdoc Is Nothing
            webfield = vdxmapdoc.GetItemValue("webField")
            webvalue = PEPdoc.GetItemValue(webfield(0))
            'if Other specified for Tasks, pick the other data entered
            If webvalue(0)="Other" Then
                  pepvalue = PEPdoc.GetItemValue(webfield(0)+"_1")
            End If
            If Ubound(webvalue) > 0 Then
                  For x=1 To Ubound(webvalue)
                        webvalue(0) = webvalue(0) + "|" + webvalue(x)
                  Redim Preserve webvalue(0)            
            End If
            'web value to populate in FieldArray
            If Not (webvalue(0)="") Then
                  Redim Preserve FieldArray(i)
                  FieldArray(i) = webvalue(0)                  
                  ElementName = vdxmapdoc.GetItemValue("ElementName")
                  ID = vdxmapdoc.GetItemValue("ID")
                  NameU_All = vdxmapdoc.GetItemValue("NameU_All")
                  DPShapeID = vdxmapdoc.GetItemValue("DPShapeID") ' For divided Processes only
                  Redim Preserve VDXElementArray(i)
                  If Not DPShapeID(0) = "" Then
      VDXElementArray(i) = ElementName(0)+"|"+ID(0)+"|"+NameU_All(0)+"|"+DPShapeID(0) ' For divided Processes only
      VDXElementArray(i) = ElementName(0)+"|"+ID(0)+"|"+NameU_All(0)
      End If
      End If
      Set vdxmapdoc = VDXmapping.GetNextDocument( vdxmapdoc)      
      Exit Sub
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("CollectPEPData - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub

Sub UpdateVDX
      ' This sub is used to parse the VDX inputStream file XML object and update the outputStream file
      'The principle fucntionality is held in processShapes
      Dim id As String
      Dim nameu As String
             'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      If Not createFiles( "Update Contacts List") Then Exit Sub
      'The following creates input and output streams
      'Set notesDOMParser = notesSession.CreateDOMParser( [ input [, output ] ] )
      Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser(inputStream,outputStream)  ' We are outputting to the same file
      'Now the the XML is in Dom Parser, truncate the input file so that we can repopulate it with the updated xml
      Set docNode = domParser.Document
      Set rootElement = domParser.Document.DocumentElement
      Set pagesList = rootElement.GetElementsByTagName (PAGES_NODE_NAME) ' was PAGES_NODE_NAME
      If pagesList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Sub
      For iDoc = 1 To pagesList.NumberOfEntries    'search <Pages...> nodes
            Set eNode = pagesList.GetItem(iDoc)
            If eNode.NumberOfChildNodes > 0 Then
                  REM Element name ='Pages'>
                  Set pageList = eNode.GetElementsByTagName (PAGE_NODE_NAME)
                  If pageList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Sub
                  For wDoc = 1 To pageList.NumberOfEntries    'search <Page...> nodes
                        Set eNode = pageList.GetItem(wDoc)
                        If eNode.NumberOfChildNodes > 0 Then
                              REM Element name ='Pages'>
                              Set shapeList = eNode.GetElementsByTagName (SHAPE_NODE_NAME) ' was SHAPES_NODE_NAME
                              If shapeList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Sub
                              Call processshapes
                        End If  ' if pagelist.NumberOfEntries >0
                  Next  ' - Get all in pageList
            End If ' - pagesList.NumberOfEntries > 0
      Next ' - Get all in pagesList
      'Walks the DOM document tree and streams the resulting XML to the DOM parser's output object, provided one was specified.
      Call domParser.Serialize()
      Call inputStream.Close
      Call outputStream.Close
      Exit Sub
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("UpdateVDX - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub
Function createFiles(title As String)
      ' This function creates the NotesStream to the VDX files on
      ' \\server.domain.local\E$\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\html\vdxcache directory (specified in parameters)
      ' for input and output and outputlog( as applicable)
      'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      createFiles = True
'create the output file
      Set outputStream = session.CreateStream
      outputStream.Open (outputXML)
'open the input XML file
      Set inputStream = session.CreateStream
      inputStream.Open (origXML)
      If inputStream.Bytes = 0 Then createFiles = False
      Exit Function
'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
Print(" createFiles - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Function

Function processShapes
Dim id As String
Dim nameu As String
Dim dpshapeid As String
Dim tVal As String
Dim rkVal As String
Dim rVal As String
Dim offset As Long
'Delcare error handling for entire script
On Error Goto Errorhandler
NL = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
'Now we parse through the VDXElementArray to get the ID and NameU attributes
For v=0 To Ubound(VDXElementArray)
      i = Instr(VDXElementArray(v),"|")  ' Get first | in entry
      n = Instr(i+1,VDXElementArray(v),"|") ' Get2nd | in entry
      m = Instr(n+1,VDXElementArray(v),"|") ' Get3nd | in entry
      id = Mid(VDXElementArray(v),i+1,(n-i)-1)                                                 'Get the ID value
      If m<=0 Then
      nameu = Mid(VDXElementArray(v),n+1,Len(VDXElementArray(v))-1)       'Get the NameU Value
      Elseif m>0 Then
      nameu = Mid(VDXElementArray(v),n+1,(m-n)-1)                   'Get the NameU Value

      'Get the Divided Process Shape ID with text to update
      dpshapeid = Mid(VDXElementArray(v),m+1,Len(VDXElementArray(v))-1)       
'******************replace the ID value with the DPShapeID as this is the shape we want *******************
      id = dpshapeid
      End If
For zDoc = 1 To shapeList.NumberOfEntries    'search <Shape...> nodes
      Set eNode = shapeList.GetItem(zDoc)
      If eNode.NumberOfChildNodes > 0 Then
      If eNode.GetAttribute(ID_ATTR_NAME) = id Then
            If Instr(nameu,"Check box") >0 Then
            Set actList = eNode.GetElementsByTagName ("Act")
            Set subshapeList = eNode.GetElementsByTagName("Shape")
            Set userList = eNode.GetElementsByTagName("User")
            If actList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Function
            If subshapeList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Function
            If userList.NumberOfEntries = 0 Then Exit Function
For actDoc= 1 To actList.NumberOfEntries    'search <Act...> nodes
            Set eNode = actList.GetItem(actDoc)
            Select Case eNode.GetAttribute("IX")
            Case  0 :                         ' Set Shading                                          Case  1 :
            '_Unchecked action -  This is the Text Child Node for _unchecked node
            Set textChild =  eNode.Firstchild.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Firstchild       
            rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
            textchild.NodeValue = "0"
            Case  2 :
            ' Checked action -   This is the Text Child Node for checked node
            Set textChild =  eNode.Firstchild.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Firstchild       
            rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
            textchild.NodeValue = "1"
            Case  3 :                                                                         'Cross Mark
            End Select
For userDoc= 1 To userList.NumberOfEntries    'search <User...> nodes
      Set eNode = userList.GetItem(userDoc)
      Set textChild =  eNode.Firstchild.NextSibling.Firstchild       
      rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
      textchild.NodeValue = "1"
For subDoc= 1 To subshapeList.NumberOfEntries    'search sub <Shape...> nodes
      Set eNode = subshapeList.GetItem(subDoc)
      Select Case eNode.GetAttribute("MasterShape")
      Case  11 :
      'NoShow Node -  This is the Text Child Node for checked node
      Set textChild =  eNode.LastChild.PreviousSibling.Firstchild.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Nextsibling.NextSibling.Firstchild      rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
      textchild.NodeValue = "0"
      End Select

Goto getnext
tVal = FieldArray(v)
Set textchild = eNode.lastchild       ' Must now get Previous sibling as this is the text node
Set txtNode = textchild.PreviousSibling '  this is the text node
Set textChild =  txtNode.Firstchild       ' This is the Text Child Node hold
If textChild.NodeName = "pp" Or textChild.NodeName = "cp" Then '
Set textChild = textchild.NextSibling '  this is the text node
End If

rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
If Instr(rkVal,"Goal:")>0Then
textchild.NodeValue = "Goal: "+FieldArray(v)
Elseif  Instr(tVal," - Select -")>0 Then
textchild.NodeValue = ""
Elseif Instr(rkVal,"ROAD PLAN")>0  Then
textchild.NodeValue = "ROADMAP "+FieldArray(v) + " - Published "+ Format(Now,"dd/mm/yyyy")
Elseif Instr(rkVal,"Executive Names")>0  And  Instr(tVal,"|")>0 Then
rVal = Replace(FieldArray(v),"|",", ")
textchild.NodeValue = rVal
Elseif Instr(rkVal,"Project Team Names")>0   And  Instr(tVal,"|")>0 Then
rVal = Replace(FieldArray(v),"|",", ")
textchild.NodeValue = rVal
Elseif Instr(rkVal,"No Data")>0   And  Instr(tVal,"|")>0 Then
rVal = Replace(FieldArray(v),"|",NL)
textchild.NodeValue = rVal
textchild.NodeValue = FieldArray(v)
End If
rkVal = textChild.NodeValue
Goto getnext
End If ' end of nameu check
End If ' eNode.GetAttribute(ID_ATTR_NAME) = id
End If  ' eNode.NumberOfChildNodes > 0
Next ' for all shapeList.NumberOfEntries
Next ' for all in  VDXElementArray
Exit Function      
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("processShapes - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Function

Sub ExportVDXtoPDF(docPEP As NotesDocument)
      Dim NDocConverter As Variant
      Dim visioDoc As Variant
      Dim appVisioV As Variant, docObjV As Variant, dbPath As Variant
      Dim out As Integer
      Dim rv As Integer
      Dim redir As String
      Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
      Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
      Dim serv As NotesName
      Dim pdfdoc As NotesDocument
      Set serv = New NotesName(db.Server)
      Dim source As String, fs As String, bs As String
'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      Set appVisioV = CreateObject("Visio.Application.6")                                           'Instantiate Visio
      Set docObjV = appVisioV.Documents.Open(outputXML)            'Get Visio.Documents for the export
      Set visioDoc = appVisioV.Documents.Item(1)            'Get the document item of the Visio.Documents
      out = visioDoc.Saveas(OutputVSD)                   'Save Visio VDX to a VSD file
      appVisioV.Quit                              'Close Visio
      'Convert document to PDF
      Set NDocConverter = createObject("docConverter.docConverterClass") ' Instantiate DocConverter
      rv = NDocConverter.SubmitFile(OutputVSD,"")      
      While rv=2
            rv = NDocConverter.CheckStatus(OutputVSD,"")
      If rv=0 Then
            Msgbox" ***************successfully converted****************"
            'Add PDF as attachment to web doc.
            Set pdfdoc = db.CreateDocument()
            pdfdoc.form = "PDFs"
            Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem( pdfdoc, "Body" )
            Set object = rtitem.EmbedObject ( EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", OutputPDF)
            Call pdfdoc.Save( True, True )
            source = db.FilePath
            dbpath= Replace(source,bs,fs)
            redir =  "/intranet/db.nsf/3coltable?openform&ReDirect=/"
            'pdfURL= "http://" + serv.Common +redir + dbpath + "/0/" + docPEP.DocUNID(0) + "/$File/"+object.Source
            pdfURL= "http://" + serv.Common +"/"+dbpath + "/0/" + Cstr(pdfdoc.UniversalID) + "/$File/"+object.Source
            Msgbox pdfURL
            Msgbox" *************error converting***************"
      End If
      Exit Sub
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("ExportVDXtoPDF - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub

Function KillTempFiles
      Dim o As NotesEmbeddedObject
      'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      Kill OrigXML
      Kill outputXML
      Kill outputVSD
      Kill outputPDF
      Exit Function      
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("KillTempFiles - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Function

Sub PublishPDFtoWeb(docPEP As NotesDocument)
      Dim i As Integer
      'Delcare error handling for entire script
      On Error Goto Errorhandler
      pdfhtml = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"">"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"<html><head><meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"">"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"<title>OSDES PEP " + docPEP.projectName(0) +"</title>"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"</head><body bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"">"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"<table border=""2"" width=""100%"" bordercolor=""#000099"" bordercolorlight=""#000099"" bordercolordark=""#000099"">"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"<tr><td width=""100%"">"
      pdfhtml=pdfhtml+"<P ALIGN=center><IFRAME SRC=""" +pdfURL+""" WIDTH=""100%"" HEIGHT=750 FRAMEBORDER=0></IFRAME></P>"
      Exit Sub      
     'Use the Err function to return the error number and the Error$ function to return the error message.
      Print("PublishPDFtoWeb - Error Number " + Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " on line number " + Cstr(Erl))    
      Resume Next 'Continue where the agent encountered the last error
End Sub

that's IT.......

Make sure your security on your agent is set to:
Run as Web user
Runtime security is set to 3.allow restricted operations with full administrative rights.
and that your domino NT Service is run as an acount that can Read/Write/Delete files in the the VDXcache directory

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