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HTML code that enforces authentication

I want to download (for offline browsing) a GUI configuration.  IE is used to view the config.  If I save the page and view it offline, the html code reflects the page that makes me authenticate.  I would like to take out the code that tells it to force authentication.  
Here's the html code from a page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
      <meta name="SonicWALL Administrator" content="Copyright 2003 (c) SonicWALL, Inc. All rights reserved.">
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      <script type="text/javascript" src="utilityFunctions.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="netObj.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="netAddrObj.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="serviceObj.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="schedObj.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="popups.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="wizards.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="ruleTbl.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="zoneObj.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="cookies.js"></script>
      <script type="text/JavaScript">
      var bGroupRule = false;
      var strGroupTitle1;
      var strGroupTitle2;
      var toZone = "WAN";
      var fromZone = "LAN";
      var srcZoneHandle = 1;
      var dstZoneHandle = 2;
      var pageStartItem = 0;
var tableSortCol = 3;
var tableSortInverted = 0;
var pageSize = 50;
var tableSize = 1;

      var zoneObjArray = new Array(6);
zoneObjArray[0] = new zoneObj("LAN", '18205','1', '1', '1', '0', '0', 1, '1', 'X0');
zoneObjArray[1] = new zoneObj("WAN", '18205','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 1, '1', 'X1');
zoneObjArray[2] = new zoneObj("DMZ", '18189','1', '2', '1', '0', '0', 0, '0', 'N/A');
zoneObjArray[3] = new zoneObj("VPN", '26397','0', '5', '0', '0', '0', 0, '1', 'N/A');
zoneObjArray[4] = new zoneObj("MULTICAST", '26397','0', '6', '0', '0', '0', 0, '0', 'N/A');
zoneObjArray[5] = new zoneObj("WLAN", '18205','0', '4', '0', '0', '0', 0, '0', 'N/A');
zoneObjArray[5].wlan = new wlanZoneCfg(1,1,'SonicPoint',1,1);
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices = new guestServicesCfg(0,0,0,10,0);
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.smtpRedirect = new gsSmtpRedirectCfg(0,'');
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.customAuthPage = new gsCustomAuthPageCfg(0,0,'',0,'');
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.postAuthPage = new gsPostAuthPageCfg(0,'');
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.deny = new gsDenyCfg(0,'');
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.pass = new gsPassCfg(0,'');
zoneObjArray[5].guestServices.bypass = new gsBypassAuthCfg(0,'');

      var serviceObjArray = new Array(138);
serviceObjArray[0] = new serviceObj('BearShare',1,3101,6,6346,6349,0);
serviceObjArray[1] = new serviceObj('Citrix',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[1].children[0] = 'Citrix TCP';
serviceObjArray[1].children[1] = 'Citrix UDP';
serviceObjArray[2] = new serviceObj('Citrix TCP',1,3101,6,1494,1494,0);
serviceObjArray[3] = new serviceObj('Citrix UDP',1,3101,17,1604,1604,0);
serviceObjArray[4] = new serviceObj('DNS (Name Service)',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[4].children[0] = 'DNS (Name Service) TCP';
serviceObjArray[4].children[1] = 'DNS (Name Service) UDP';
serviceObjArray[5] = new serviceObj('DNS (Name Service) TCP',1,3101,6,53,53,0);
serviceObjArray[6] = new serviceObj('DNS (Name Service) UDP',1,3101,17,53,53,0);
serviceObjArray[7] = new serviceObj('Destination Unreachable',1,3101,1,3,3,0);
serviceObjArray[8] = new serviceObj('Direct Connect',1,3101,6,411,412,0);
serviceObjArray[9] = new serviceObj('ESP (IPSec)',1,3101,50,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[10] = new serviceObj('Echo',1,3101,1,8,8,0);
serviceObjArray[11] = new serviceObj('Echo Reply',1,3101,1,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[12] = new serviceObj('Edonkey',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[12].children[0] = 'Edonkey TCP';
serviceObjArray[12].children[1] = 'Edonkey UDP';
serviceObjArray[13] = new serviceObj('Edonkey TCP',1,3101,6,4661,4662,0);
serviceObjArray[14] = new serviceObj('Edonkey UDP',1,3101,17,4665,4665,0);
serviceObjArray[15] = new serviceObj('Enhanced TV',1,3101,6,9000,9000,0);
serviceObjArray[16] = new serviceObj('FTP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[16].children[0] = 'FTP Data';
serviceObjArray[16].children[1] = 'FTP Control';
serviceObjArray[17] = new serviceObj('FTP Control',1,3101,6,21,21,0);
serviceObjArray[18] = new serviceObj('FTP Data',1,3101,6,20,20,0);
serviceObjArray[19] = new serviceObj('Filemaker',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[19].children[0] = 'Filemaker TCP';
serviceObjArray[19].children[1] = 'Filemaker UDP';
serviceObjArray[20] = new serviceObj('Filemaker TCP',1,3101,6,5003,5003,0);
serviceObjArray[21] = new serviceObj('Filemaker UDP',1,3101,17,5003,5003,0);
serviceObjArray[22] = new serviceObj('GMS HTTPS',1,3101,6,3003,3003,0);
serviceObjArray[23] = new serviceObj('Gopher',1,3101,6,70,70,0);
serviceObjArray[24] = new serviceObj('H323 Call Signaling',1,3101,6,1720,1720,0);
serviceObjArray[25] = new serviceObj('H323 Gatekeeper Discovery',1,3101,17,1718,1718,0);
serviceObjArray[26] = new serviceObj('H323 Gatekeeper RAS',1,3101,17,1719,1719,0);
serviceObjArray[27] = new serviceObj('HTTP',1,3613,6,80,80,1);
serviceObjArray[28] = new serviceObj('HTTP Management',1,3613,6,80,80,1);
serviceObjArray[29] = new serviceObj('HTTPS',1,3613,6,443,443,1);
serviceObjArray[30] = new serviceObj('HTTPS Management',1,3613,6,443,443,1);
serviceObjArray[31] = new serviceObj('ICMP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[31].children[0] = 'Echo Reply';
serviceObjArray[31].children[1] = 'Destination Unreachable';
serviceObjArray[31].children[2] = 'Source Quench';
serviceObjArray[31].children[3] = 'Redirect';
serviceObjArray[31].children[4] = 'Echo';
serviceObjArray[31].children[5] = 'Router Advertisement';
serviceObjArray[31].children[6] = 'Router Solicitation';
serviceObjArray[31].children[7] = 'Time Exceeded';
serviceObjArray[32] = new serviceObj('IDENT',1,3101,6,113,113,0);
serviceObjArray[33] = new serviceObj('IGMP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[33].children[0] = 'Membership Query';
serviceObjArray[33].children[1] = 'V2 Membership Report';
serviceObjArray[33].children[2] = 'Leave Group';
serviceObjArray[33].children[3] = 'V3 Membership Report';
serviceObjArray[34] = new serviceObj('IKE',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[34].children[0] = 'IKE (Key Exchange)';
serviceObjArray[34].children[1] = 'IKE (Traversal)';
serviceObjArray[35] = new serviceObj('IKE (Key Exchange)',1,3101,17,500,500,0);
serviceObjArray[36] = new serviceObj('IKE (Traversal)',1,3101,17,4500,4500,0);
serviceObjArray[37] = new serviceObj('IMAP3',1,3101,6,220,220,0);
serviceObjArray[38] = new serviceObj('IMAP4',1,3101,6,143,143,0);
serviceObjArray[39] = new serviceObj('IRC (Chat)',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[39].children[0] = 'IRC (Chat) 194';
serviceObjArray[39].children[1] = 'IRC (Chat) 6666-6670';
serviceObjArray[39].children[2] = 'IRC (Chat) 7000';
serviceObjArray[40] = new serviceObj('IRC (Chat) 194',1,3101,6,194,194,0);
serviceObjArray[41] = new serviceObj('IRC (Chat) 6666-6670',1,3101,6,6666,6670,0);
serviceObjArray[42] = new serviceObj('IRC (Chat) 7000',1,3101,6,7000,7000,0);
serviceObjArray[43] = new serviceObj('ISAKMP',1,3101,17,500,500,0);
serviceObjArray[44] = new serviceObj('Idle HF',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[44].children[0] = 'HTTP';
serviceObjArray[44].children[1] = 'HTTPS';
serviceObjArray[44].children[2] = 'NTP';
serviceObjArray[44].children[3] = 'DNS (Name Service) TCP';
serviceObjArray[44].children[4] = 'DNS (Name Service) UDP';
serviceObjArray[44].children[5] = 'Echo Reply';
serviceObjArray[44].children[6] = 'Destination Unreachable';
serviceObjArray[44].children[7] = 'Source Quench';
serviceObjArray[44].children[8] = 'Redirect';
serviceObjArray[44].children[9] = 'Echo';
serviceObjArray[44].children[10] = 'Router Advertisement';
serviceObjArray[44].children[11] = 'Router Solicitation';
serviceObjArray[44].children[12] = 'Time Exceeded';
serviceObjArray[45] = new serviceObj('Kazaa / FastTrack',1,3101,6,1214,1214,0);
serviceObjArray[46] = new serviceObj('Kerberos',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[46].children[0] = 'Kerberos TCP';
serviceObjArray[46].children[1] = 'Kerberos UDP';
serviceObjArray[47] = new serviceObj('Kerberos TCP',1,3101,6,88,88,0);
serviceObjArray[48] = new serviceObj('Kerberos UDP',1,3101,17,88,88,0);
serviceObjArray[49] = new serviceObj('LDAP',1,3101,6,389,389,0);
serviceObjArray[50] = new serviceObj('LPR (Unix Printer)',1,3101,6,515,515,0);
serviceObjArray[51] = new serviceObj('Leave Group',1,3101,2,23,23,0);
serviceObjArray[52] = new serviceObj('Lotus Notes',1,3101,6,1352,1352,0);
serviceObjArray[53] = new serviceObj('MGCP TCP',1,3101,6,2428,2428,0);
serviceObjArray[54] = new serviceObj('MGCP UDP',1,3101,17,2427,2427,0);
serviceObjArray[55] = new serviceObj('MMS',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[55].children[0] = 'MMS TCP';
serviceObjArray[55].children[1] = 'MMS UDP';
serviceObjArray[56] = new serviceObj('MMS TCP',1,3101,6,1755,1755,0);
serviceObjArray[57] = new serviceObj('MMS UDP',1,3101,17,1755,1755,0);
serviceObjArray[58] = new serviceObj('MS SQL',1,3101,6,1433,1433,0);
serviceObjArray[59] = new serviceObj('MSN',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[59].children[0] = 'MSN TCP';
serviceObjArray[59].children[1] = 'MSN UDP';
serviceObjArray[60] = new serviceObj('MSN TCP',1,3101,6,1863,1863,0);
serviceObjArray[61] = new serviceObj('MSN UDP',1,3101,17,1863,1863,0);
serviceObjArray[62] = new serviceObj('Membership Query',1,3101,2,17,17,0);
serviceObjArray[63] = new serviceObj('Multicast RTP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[64] = new serviceObj('NFS',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[64].children[0] = 'NFS TCP';
serviceObjArray[64].children[1] = 'NFS UDP';
serviceObjArray[65] = new serviceObj('NFS TCP',1,3101,6,2049,2049,0);
serviceObjArray[66] = new serviceObj('NFS UDP',1,3101,17,2049,2049,0);
serviceObjArray[67] = new serviceObj('NNTP (News)',1,3101,6,119,119,0);
serviceObjArray[68] = new serviceObj('NTP',1,3101,17,123,123,0);
serviceObjArray[69] = new serviceObj('NetBios',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[69].children[0] = 'NetBios NS TCP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[1] = 'NetBios NS UDP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[2] = 'NetBios DGM TCP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[3] = 'NetBios DGM UDP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[4] = 'NetBios SSN TCP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[5] = 'NetBios SSN UDP';
serviceObjArray[69].children[6] = 'SMB';
serviceObjArray[70] = new serviceObj('NetBios DGM TCP',1,3101,6,138,138,0);
serviceObjArray[71] = new serviceObj('NetBios DGM UDP',1,3101,17,138,138,0);
serviceObjArray[72] = new serviceObj('NetBios NS TCP',1,3101,6,137,137,0);
serviceObjArray[73] = new serviceObj('NetBios NS UDP',1,3101,17,137,137,0);
serviceObjArray[74] = new serviceObj('NetBios SSN TCP',1,3101,6,139,139,0);
serviceObjArray[75] = new serviceObj('NetBios SSN UDP',1,3101,17,139,139,0);
serviceObjArray[76] = new serviceObj('P2P Services',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[76].children[0] = 'Edonkey';
serviceObjArray[76].children[1] = 'WinMX';
serviceObjArray[76].children[2] = 'Kazaa / FastTrack';
serviceObjArray[76].children[3] = 'iMesh';
serviceObjArray[76].children[4] = 'Direct Connect';
serviceObjArray[76].children[5] = 'BearShare';
serviceObjArray[77] = new serviceObj('PC Anywhere',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[77].children[0] = 'PC Anywhere TCP';
serviceObjArray[77].children[1] = 'PC Anywhere UDP';
serviceObjArray[78] = new serviceObj('PC Anywhere TCP',1,3101,6,5631,5631,0);
serviceObjArray[79] = new serviceObj('PC Anywhere UDP',1,3101,17,5632,5632,0);
serviceObjArray[80] = new serviceObj('PNA',1,3101,6,7070,7070,0);
serviceObjArray[81] = new serviceObj('POP3 (Retrieve E-Mail)',1,3101,6,110,110,0);
serviceObjArray[82] = new serviceObj('PPTP',1,3101,6,1723,1723,0);
serviceObjArray[83] = new serviceObj('Ping',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[83].children[0] = 'Ping 0';
serviceObjArray[83].children[1] = 'Ping 8';
serviceObjArray[84] = new serviceObj('Ping 0',1,3101,1,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[85] = new serviceObj('Ping 8',1,3101,1,8,8,0);
serviceObjArray[86] = new serviceObj('Quake',1,3101,17,27910,27910,0);
serviceObjArray[87] = new serviceObj('RTSP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[87].children[0] = 'RTSP TCP';
serviceObjArray[87].children[1] = 'RTSP UDP';
serviceObjArray[88] = new serviceObj('RTSP TCP',1,3101,6,554,554,0);
serviceObjArray[89] = new serviceObj('RTSP UDP',1,3101,17,554,554,0);
serviceObjArray[90] = new serviceObj('Radius',1,3101,17,1812,1812,0);
serviceObjArray[91] = new serviceObj('Redirect',1,3101,1,5,5,0);
serviceObjArray[92] = new serviceObj('Remotely Anywhere',1,3101,6,2000,2000,0);
serviceObjArray[93] = new serviceObj('Remotely Possible',1,3101,6,799,799,0);
serviceObjArray[94] = new serviceObj('Router Advertisement',1,3101,1,9,9,0);
serviceObjArray[95] = new serviceObj('Router Solicitation',1,3101,1,10,10,0);
serviceObjArray[96] = new serviceObj('SIP',1,3101,17,5060,5061,0);
serviceObjArray[97] = new serviceObj('SMB',1,3101,6,445,445,0);
serviceObjArray[98] = new serviceObj('SMTP (Send E-Mail)',1,3101,6,25,25,0);
serviceObjArray[99] = new serviceObj('SNMP',1,3101,17,161,162,0);
serviceObjArray[100] = new serviceObj('SQL*Net ',1,3101,6,1521,1521,0);
serviceObjArray[101] = new serviceObj('SSH',1,3101,6,22,22,0);
serviceObjArray[102] = new serviceObj('Skinny',1,3101,6,2000,2000,0);
serviceObjArray[103] = new serviceObj('Source Quench',1,3101,1,4,4,0);
serviceObjArray[104] = new serviceObj('Squid',1,3101,6,3128,3128,0);
serviceObjArray[105] = new serviceObj('Streaming media',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[105].children[0] = 'RTSP';
serviceObjArray[105].children[1] = 'PNA';
serviceObjArray[105].children[2] = 'MMS';
serviceObjArray[105].children[3] = 'MSN';
serviceObjArray[106] = new serviceObj('Syslog',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[106].children[0] = 'Syslog TCP';
serviceObjArray[106].children[1] = 'Syslog UDP';
serviceObjArray[107] = new serviceObj('Syslog TCP',1,3101,6,514,514,0);
serviceObjArray[108] = new serviceObj('Syslog UDP',1,3101,17,514,514,0);
serviceObjArray[109] = new serviceObj('T120 (Whiteboard+A43)',1,3101,6,1503,1503,0);
serviceObjArray[110] = new serviceObj('TFTP',1,3101,17,69,69,0);
serviceObjArray[111] = new serviceObj('Telnet',1,3101,6,23,23,0);
serviceObjArray[112] = new serviceObj('Terminal Services',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[112].children[0] = 'Terminal Services TCP';
serviceObjArray[112].children[1] = 'Terminal Services UDP';
serviceObjArray[113] = new serviceObj('Terminal Services TCP',1,3101,6,3389,3389,0);
serviceObjArray[114] = new serviceObj('Terminal Services UDP',1,3101,17,3389,3389,0);
serviceObjArray[115] = new serviceObj('Timbuktu',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[115].children[0] = 'Timbuktu TCP 407';
serviceObjArray[115].children[1] = 'Timbuktu UDP 407';
serviceObjArray[115].children[2] = 'Timbuktu TCP 1417-1420';
serviceObjArray[115].children[3] = 'Timbuktu UDP 1419';
serviceObjArray[116] = new serviceObj('Timbuktu TCP 1417-1420',1,3101,6,1417,1420,0);
serviceObjArray[117] = new serviceObj('Timbuktu TCP 407',1,3101,6,407,407,0);
serviceObjArray[118] = new serviceObj('Timbuktu UDP 1419',1,3101,17,1419,1419,0);
serviceObjArray[119] = new serviceObj('Timbuktu UDP 407',1,3101,17,407,407,0);
serviceObjArray[120] = new serviceObj('Time Exceeded',1,3101,1,11,11,0);
serviceObjArray[121] = new serviceObj('V2 Membership Report',1,3101,2,22,22,0);
serviceObjArray[122] = new serviceObj('V3 Membership Report',1,3101,2,34,34,0);
serviceObjArray[123] = new serviceObj('VNC',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[123].children[0] = 'VNC 5500';
serviceObjArray[123].children[1] = 'VNC 5800';
serviceObjArray[123].children[2] = 'VNC 5900';
serviceObjArray[124] = new serviceObj('VNC 5500',1,3101,6,5500,5500,0);
serviceObjArray[125] = new serviceObj('VNC 5800',1,3101,6,5800,5800,0);
serviceObjArray[126] = new serviceObj('VNC 5900',1,3101,6,5900,5900,0);
serviceObjArray[127] = new serviceObj('VOIP',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[127].children[0] = 'H323 Call Signaling';
serviceObjArray[127].children[1] = 'H323 Gatekeeper Discovery';
serviceObjArray[127].children[2] = 'H323 Gatekeeper RAS';
serviceObjArray[127].children[3] = 'MGCP TCP';
serviceObjArray[127].children[4] = 'MGCP UDP';
serviceObjArray[127].children[5] = 'SIP';
serviceObjArray[127].children[6] = 'Skinny';
serviceObjArray[127].children[7] = 'T120 (Whiteboard+A43)';
serviceObjArray[128] = new serviceObj('WinMX',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[128].children[0] = 'WinMX TCP 6699';
serviceObjArray[128].children[1] = 'WinMX TCP 7729-7735';
serviceObjArray[128].children[2] = 'WinMX UDP 6257';
serviceObjArray[129] = new serviceObj('WinMX TCP 6699',1,3101,6,6699,6699,0);
serviceObjArray[130] = new serviceObj('WinMX TCP 7729-7735',1,3101,6,7729,7735,0);
serviceObjArray[131] = new serviceObj('WinMX UDP 6257',1,3101,17,6257,6257,0);
serviceObjArray[132] = new serviceObj('Yahoo Messenger',2,3101,0,0,0,0);
serviceObjArray[132].children[0] = 'Yahoo Messenger TCP';
serviceObjArray[132].children[1] = 'Yahoo Messenger UDP';
serviceObjArray[133] = new serviceObj('Yahoo Messenger TCP',1,3101,6,5050,5050,0);
serviceObjArray[134] = new serviceObj('Yahoo Messenger UDP',1,3101,17,5050,5050,0);
serviceObjArray[135] = new serviceObj('ZebTelnet',1,3101,6,2601,2620,0);
serviceObjArray[136] = new serviceObj('cu-seeme',1,3101,17,24032,24032,0);
serviceObjArray[137] = new serviceObj('iMesh',1,3101,6,4000,5000,0);

      var addrObjArray = new Array();
addrObjArray[0] = new addrObj('All Authorized Access Points','8','','29','', '', '');
addrObjArray[0].children[0] = 'All SonicPoints';
addrObjArray[1] = new addrObj('All HF X0 IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[1].children[0] = 'HF Primary X0 IP';
addrObjArray[1].children[1] = 'HF Backup X0 IP';
addrObjArray[2] = new addrObj('All HF X1 IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[2].children[0] = 'HF Primary X1 IP';
addrObjArray[2].children[1] = 'HF Backup X1 IP';
addrObjArray[3] = new addrObj('All Interface IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[3].children[0] = 'LAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[3].children[1] = 'WAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[3].children[2] = 'X2 IP';
addrObjArray[3].children[3] = 'X3 IP';
addrObjArray[4] = new addrObj('All SonicPoints','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[5] = new addrObj('All WAN IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[5].children[0] = 'WAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[6] = new addrObj('All X0 Management IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[6].children[0] = 'LAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[6].children[1] = 'HF Primary X0 IP';
addrObjArray[6].children[2] = 'HF Backup X0 IP';
addrObjArray[7] = new addrObj('All X1 Management IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[7].children[0] = 'WAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[7].children[1] = 'HF Primary X1 IP';
addrObjArray[7].children[2] = 'HF Backup X1 IP';
addrObjArray[8] = new addrObj('DMZ Interface IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[9] = new addrObj('DMZ Subnets','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[10] = new addrObj('Firewalled Subnets','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[10].children[0] = 'LAN Subnets';
addrObjArray[10].children[1] = 'DMZ Subnets';
addrObjArray[10].children[2] = 'WLAN Subnets';
addrObjArray[11] = new addrObj('LAN Interface IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[11].children[0] = 'LAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[12] = new addrObj('LAN Subnets','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[12].children[0] = 'LAN Primary Subnet';
addrObjArray[13] = new addrObj('WAN Interface IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[13].children[0] = 'WAN Primary IP';
addrObjArray[14] = new addrObj('WAN Subnets','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[14].children[0] = 'WAN Primary Subnet';
addrObjArray[15] = new addrObj('WLAN Interface IP','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[16] = new addrObj('WLAN Subnets','8','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[17] = new addrObj('Default Gateway','1','WAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[18] = new addrObj('HF Backup X0 IP','1','LAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[19] = new addrObj('HF Backup X1 IP','1','WAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[20] = new addrObj('HF Primary X0 IP','1','LAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[21] = new addrObj('HF Primary X1 IP','1','WAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[22] = new addrObj('LAN Primary IP','1','LAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[23] = new addrObj('LAN Primary Subnet','4','LAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[24] = new addrObj('Secondary Default Gateway','1','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[25] = new addrObj('WAN Primary IP','1','WAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[26] = new addrObj('WAN Primary Subnet','4','WAN','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[27] = new addrObj('X2 IP','1','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[28] = new addrObj('X2 Subnet','4','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[29] = new addrObj('X3 IP','1','','793','', '', '');
addrObjArray[30] = new addrObj('X3 Subnet','4','','793','', '', '');

      function displayHelp() {
      function shouldUseWizard(page) {
            var entryType;
            if ("" == "checked") {
                  entryType = 'wizard';
            } else {
                  entryType = 'dialog';
            openPage(entryType, page);
      function addGenericRule(){
            bGroupRule = false;
      function addGroupRule(groupTitle1, groupTitle2){
            bGroupRule = true;
            strGroupTitle1 = groupTitle1;
            strGroupTitle2 = groupTitle2;
      var ruleArray = new Array();
ruleArray.push(new ruleElem('2','1','','','','','5','1','0','','','1','1','0','0.000','0.000','0','0','0.000','0.000','0','0','0','0', 'LAN', 'WAN'));

      function addRuleCgiToForm(index, rule) {
            var form = document.getElementById("thisForm");
            var nameId = "policyAction_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.action);
            nameId = "policyEnabled_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.enable);
            nameId = "policyDstSvc_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.svc);
            nameId = "policySrcZone_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.fromZone);
            nameId = "policyDstZone_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.toZone);
            nameId = "policySrcNet_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.src);
            nameId = "policyDstNet_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.dst);
            nameId = "policyTime_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.tod);
            nameId = "policyInactivity_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.tim);
            nameId = "policyFrag_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.frag);
            nameId = "policyWhom_" + index;
            if (rule.wtype == '4' || rule.wtype == '5') { /* User or User group */
                  var value = rule.wtype + ',' + rule.wstr;
                  addRuleTagToForm(nameId, value);
            else { addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.wtype); }
            nameId = "policyComment_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.cmt);
            nameId = "policyLog_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.log);
            nameId = "policyPriType_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.pri);
            nameId = "policyProps_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.prop);
            nameId = "policyManagement_" + index;
            nameId = "policyBwEnabled_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.bwon);
            nameId = "policyBwGuar_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.bwg);
            nameId = "policyBwMax_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.bwm);
            nameId = "policyBwPri_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.bwp);
            nameId = "policyIbwEnabled_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.ibwon);
            nameId = "policyIbwGuar_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.ibwg);
            nameId = "policyIbwMax_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.ibwm);
            nameId = "policyIbwPri_" + index;
            addRuleTagToForm(nameId, rule.ibwp);
      function addNewRule(rule) {
            addRuleCgiToForm(-1, rule);
      function editCurrentRule(rule) {
            addRuleCgiToForm(-2, ruleArray[parent.frames["dataFrame"].currentIndex]);
            addRuleCgiToForm(1, rule);
      function ruleEnable(rule) {
            var modRule = ruleArray[rule];
            addRuleCgiToForm(-2, modRule);
            if (modRule.enable == '0') {
                  modRule.enable = '1';
            else  {
                  modRule.enable = '0';
            addRuleCgiToForm(1, modRule);
      function ruleAllEnable(tableNum, enable) {
            if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to '+(0==enable?'disable':'enable')+' these entries?')) {
                  var checkBox;
                  for (i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["enableRule_" + tableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox) {
                              var modRule = ruleArray[i];
                              addRuleCgiToForm(-2, modRule);
                              modRule.enable = (0==enable?'0':'1');
                              addRuleCgiToForm(1, modRule);
      function changeLogging(rule) {
            var modRule = ruleArray[rule];
            addRuleCgiToForm(-2, modRule);
            if (modRule.log == '0') {
                  modRule.log = '1';
            else  {
                  modRule.log = '0';
            addRuleCgiToForm(1, modRule);
      function editRulePopup(arrayIndex) {
            parent.frames["dataFrame"].currentIndex = arrayIndex;
      function delCurrentRule(index) {
            if (window.confirm("Do you want to delete this rule?") == true) {
                  addRuleCgiToForm(-3, ruleArray[index]);
      function openPage(type, page) {
            parent.frames["dataFrame"].currentIndex = -1;
            if (type == 'wizard') {
            } else if (type == 'dialog') {
      function popupRuleDlg(page) {
            var x = 0;
            var y = 0;
            if (screen) {
                  y = (screen.availHeight - 600)/2;
                  x = (screen.availWidth - 530)/2;
            closeWindow = true;
            if (getWindowHandle() != 0)
            setWindowHandle(,'Properties','width=600,height=530,top=' + y + ',left=' + x + ',screenX=' + x + ',screenY=' + y));
      function delSTMarkedRules(tableNum) {
            var imgDel = document.images["delImg"+tableNum];
            if (imgDel){
                  if (imgDel.className=="imgGray")
            if (confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete the selected entries?")) {
                  var checkBox;
                  currentIndex = -3;
                  for (i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["delRule_" + tableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox && checkBox.checked) {
                              addRuleCgiToForm(currentIndex, ruleArray[i]);
      function delMarkedRules() {
            if (confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete the selected entries?")) {
                  var checkBox;
                  currentIndex = -3;
                  for (i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["delRule_" + ruleArray[i].tableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox && checkBox.checked) {
                              addRuleCgiToForm(currentIndex, ruleArray[i]);
      function enableDeleteMarkedBtn() {
            var checkAllRules = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllTables"];
            var delMarkedRulesBtn = document.thisForm.elements["delMarkedRulesBtn"];

            if (!ruleArray || !ruleArray.length) {
                  if (delMarkedRulesBtn) delMarkedRulesBtn.disabled = 1;
                  if (checkAllRules) checkAllRules.disabled = 1;
            } else {
                  var selTotalCount = 0;
                  var objTotalCouunt = 0;            
                  var selCount = 0;
                  var objCount = 0;
                  var checkBox;
                  var imgDel;
                  var curTableNum = ruleArray[0].tableNum;
                  var checkSubTable = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllRules"+curTableNum];
                  for (var i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        if (curTableNum != ruleArray[i].tableNum){
                              //refresh subtable buttons
                              imgDel = document.images["delImg"+curTableNum];
                              if (imgDel){
                                    if ((objCount == 0) || (selCount == 0)){
                              if (checkSubTable) {
                                    checkSubTable.disabled = (objCount == 0);
                                    if (!checkSubTable.disabled) {
                                          if (checkSubTable.checked){
                                                checkSubTable.checked = (selCount > 0);
                              curTableNum = ruleArray[i].tableNum;
                              checkSubTable = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllRules"+curTableNum];
                              selCount = 0;
                              objCount = 0;
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["delRule_" + curTableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox) {
                              checkBox.disabled = (ruleArray[i].prop & POL_NO_DELETE);
                              if (!checkBox.disabled) {
                                    if (checkBox.checked){

                  //refresh last subtable buttons
                  imgDel = document.images["delImg"+ruleArray[ruleArray.length-1].tableNum];
                  if (imgDel){
                        if ((objCount == 0) || (selCount == 0)){
                  if (checkSubTable) {
                        checkSubTable.disabled = (objCount == 0);
                        if (!checkSubTable.disabled) {
                              if (checkSubTable.checked){
                                    checkSubTable.checked = (selCount > 0);

                  //refresh the rule table buttons
                  if (delMarkedRulesBtn) delMarkedRulesBtn.disabled = ((objTotalCouunt == 0) || (selTotalCount == 0));
                  if (checkAllRules) {
                        checkAllRules.disabled = (objTotalCouunt == 0);
                        if (checkAllRules.checked)
                              checkAllRules.checked = (selTotalCount > 0);
      function doCheckAllRules(tableNum) {
            if (ruleArray && ruleArray.length) {
                  var checkBox;
                  var checkAllRules = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllRules"+tableNum];
                  for (i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["delRule_" + tableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox && !checkBox.disabled) {
                              if (checkAllRules)
                                    checkBox.checked = checkAllRules.checked;
      function doCheckAllTables()
            if (ruleArray && ruleArray.length) {
                  var checkBox;
                  var checkAllRules = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllTables"];
                  for (i = 0; i < ruleArray.length; i++) {
                        var checkSubTable = document.thisForm.elements["checkAllRules"+ruleArray[i].tableNum];
                        checkBox = document.forms["thisForm"].elements["delRule_" + ruleArray[i].tableNum + "_" + i];
                        if (checkBox && !checkBox.disabled) {
                              if (checkAllRules)
                                    checkBox.checked = checkAllRules.checked;
                                    if (checkSubTable&&!checkSubTable.disabled)
                                          checkSubTable.checked = checkAllRules.checked;
      function prevNextLink(str) {
            parent.frames["tabFrame"].location.href  = str;
      function priorityPopup(index) {
            parent.frames["dataFrame"].currentIndex = index;
            popup('chgPriorityDlg.html', 'dialog', '280', '120');
      function changePriority(d) {
            var modRule = ruleArray[parent.frames["dataFrame"].currentIndex];
            addRuleCgiToForm(-2, modRule);
            modRule.pri = d;
            addRuleCgiToForm(1, modRule);
      function ruleSubmit(str) {
            document.thisForm.cgiaction.value = str;
      var addedRuleCgiTags = new Array();
      function addRuleTagToForm(name, val) {
            var form = document.getElementById("thisForm");
            addCgiTagToForm(document, form, "hidden", name, val, addedRuleCgiTags);
      function advancedRules() {
            popup("advRuleOptionsDlg.html", 'dialog', '500', '620');
      function defaultRules(srcZone,dstZone) {
            var strMsg;
            strMsg =  "Are you sure you want to reset the\n";
            strMsg += "Network Access Rules to their default values?\n";
            strMsg += "All rules you have added will be erased";

            if (window.confirm(strMsg) == true) {
                  document.thisForm.cgiaction.value = "rulesWipe_"+srcZone+"_"+dstZone;
      function jumpToMatrix(view) {
            var ruleView = getCookie(RULE_VIEW);
            if (view != ruleView) {
                  setCookie(RULE_VIEW, view);
            document.location.href = "/rulesMatrixView.html";
      function cleanForm() {
            var form = document.getElementById("thisForm");
            removeAddedCgiTagsFromForm(form, addedRuleCgiTags);
      function clearRuleStats() {
            var f = document.thisForm;
            f.cgiaction.value = "clearRuleStats";
      function onLoadFunc() {
            // Enable/Disable the add/delete buttons for all tables listed on this page
              var ruleView = getCookie(RULE_VIEW);
            if (ruleView == null) {
                  ruleView = 0;
            //no options view any more
            if (ruleView == 3) {
                  ruleView = 2;
            document.forms["thisForm"].knobPageView[ruleView].checked = 1;
      function getPageEndItem(){
            var endItem = pageStartItem+pageSize;
            if (endItem > tableSize)
                  endItem = tableSize;
            return endItem;
      function getPrevPageStartItem(){
            var startItem = pageStartItem-pageSize;
            if (startItem < 0)
                  startItem = 0;
            return      startItem;
      function getNextPageStartItem(){
            var startItem = pageStartItem+pageSize;
            if (startItem >= tableSize)
                  startItem = pageStartItem;
            return      startItem;
      function getLastPageStartItem(){
            var startItem = (tableSize - ((tableSize-pageStartItem)%pageSize));
            if (startItem == tableSize)
                  startItem = tableSize - pageSize;
            return startItem;
      function setPagingButtons(){
            var href_firstPage;
            var href_lastPage;
            var href_prevPage;
            var href_nextPage;
            var prevId = getPrevPageStartItem();
            var nextId = getNextPageStartItem();
            var lastId = getLastPageStartItem();

            if (0 >= pageStartItem){
                  document.write('<img border=\"0\" src=\"firstPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">');
                  document.write('<img border=\"0\" src=\"prevPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">');
                  href_firstPage = "/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?startItem=0";
                  href_prevPage = "/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?startItem=" + prevId;
                  document.write('<a name=\"firstPage\" title=\"First page\" href=\"' + href_firstPage + '\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"firstPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a>');
                  document.write('<a name=\"prevPage\" title=\"Prev page\" href=\"'+ href_prevPage + '\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"prevPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a>');
            if (tableSize <= (pageStartItem+pageSize)){
                  document.write('<img border=\"0\" src=\"nextPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">');
                  document.write('<img border=\"0\" src=\"lastPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">');
                  href_nextPage= "/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?startItem=" + nextId;
                  href_lastPage = "/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?startItem=" + lastId;
                  document.write('<a name=\"nextPage\" title=\"Next page\" href=\"'+ href_nextPage + '\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"nextPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a>');
                  document.write('<a name=\"lastPage\" title=\"Last page\" href=\"' + href_lastPage +'\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"lastPage.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a>');
      function InitPagableButtons(){
            var f = document.thisForm;
            if (0 >= tableSize){
                  f.iSTStartItem.value = 0;
                  f.iSTStartItem.disabled = true;
            }else      f.iSTStartItem.value = pageStartItem+1;

      function onChangeStartItem(e){
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            var f = document.thisForm;
            if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape')
                Key = e.which;
                Key = e.keyCode;
            if (Key == 13)
                  var startItem = parseInt(f.iSTStartItem.value, 10);
                        alert("The item you have input is invalid, it must be an integer between 1 ~ " + tableSize + ".");
                        f.iSTStartItem.value = pageStartItem+1;
                  if (startItem == pageStartItem){
                  if ((startItem >= tableSize)||(startItem < 0)){
                        alert("The item you have input is invalid, it must be an integer between 1 ~ " + tableSize + ".");
                        f.iSTStartItem.value = pageStartItem+1;
                  parent.frames.tabFrame.location.href = "/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?startItem=" + startItem;
      function getSortedHref(col){
            var      bInverted;
            if (col == tableSortCol)
                  bInverted = (tableSortInverted?0:1);
            else bInverted = 0;
            return ("/ruleTable_" + srcZoneHandle + "_" + dstZoneHandle + ".html?sortCol=" + col + "&sortInverted=" + bInverted);
      function setColHead(col, title, tip){
            var upArrow = "<img src=\"upArrow.gif\" border=0 width=16 height=16>";
            var downArrow = "<img src=\"downArrow.gif\" border=0 width=16 height=16>";
            document.write('<a class=\"tableLink\" href=\"' + getSortedHref(col) + '\" onMouseOver=\"dlc(\'' + tip + '\', \'Click to sort by\')\" onMouseOut=\"nd();\" >' + title);
            if (col == tableSortCol){
                  if (0 != tableSortInverted)
      // -->
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      <title>Access Rules View</title>

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<div id="tabData" align="left">
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            <table class="toolBar" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" >
                        <td class="toolBarText" height="35" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp; Firewall &gt; Access Rules &gt; LAN &gt; WAN</td>
                        <td align="right" height="35" nowrap>
                        <input type="button" class="applyButton" style="width:170px;" value="Public Server Wizard..."  title="Launch the Public Server Wizard" onClick="publicServerWizard(false);">
                        <input type=button class=applyButton style="width:110" value="Clear Statistics" title="Clear All Access Rule Statistics..." onClick="clearRuleStats();">
                        <input type="button" class="applyButton" style="width:132;right:10px;" name="defaultButt" value="Restore Defaults..." title="Restore all rule tables to defaults..."  onClick="defaultRules('-1','-1');">
                        <input type="button" class="applyButton" style="width:20;right:10px;" name="helpButt" value="?" title="Get help on this page..." onclick="displayHelp();">


            <table nowrap border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
                        <td class="groupLabel" valign=bottom nowrap>                  
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    document.write('Access Rules (' + fromZone + ' > ' + toZone + ')');
                              // -->
                        <td align=right width=100%>
                              <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
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                                                                  <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                                                  // -->
            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
                        <td class=line3Ddark width="100%" height="1"><img src="clear.gif" height="1"></td>
                        <td class=line3Dlite width="100%" height="1"><img src="clear.gif" height="1"></td>

            <table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"  WIDTH="100%">
                        <td class="label">
                              View Style: &nbsp;
                              <input name="knobPageView" id="knobView0" onClick="{ jumpToMatrix(0); }" type="radio"><label id="labelView0" for="knobView0">Matrix</label>&nbsp;
                              <input name="knobPageView" id="knobView1" onClick="{ jumpToMatrix(1); }" type="radio"><label id="labelView1" for="knobView1">Drop-down Boxes</label>&nbsp;
                              <input name="knobPageView" id="knobView2" onClick="{ jumpToMatrix(2); }" type="radio"><label id="labelView2" for="knobView2">Option Buttons</label>&nbsp;
                               <input name="knobPageView" id="knobView2" onClick="{ jumpToMatrix(2); }" type="radio"><label id="labelView2" for="knobView2">All Rules</label>&nbsp;


            <table class="ruleTable" valign="middle" border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" nowrap>
                        <td class="tableHeader" width="3%" nowrap>
                <input type="checkbox" name="checkAllTables" onclick="doCheckAllTables();" onfocus="if (this.disabled) { this.blur(); }" value="ON">&nbsp;#</td>
                        <script type="text/JavaScript">
                              if ((-1 == srcZoneHandle)&&(-1 == dstZoneHandle)){
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\">');
                                    setColHead(1, 'Zone', 'From Zone');
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>&gt;</td>');
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\">');
                                    setColHead(2, 'Zone', 'To Zone');
                                    if (-1 == srcZoneHandle){
                                          document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>');
                                          setColHead(1, 'From Zone', 'From Zone');
                                    if (-1 == dstZoneHandle){
                                          document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>');
                                          setColHead(2, 'To Zone', 'To Zone');
                        // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(3, 'Priority', 'Priority');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(4, 'Source', 'Source network object');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(5, 'Destination', 'Destination network object');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(6, 'Service', 'Service object');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(7, 'Action', 'Action');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(8, 'Users', 'Allowed users');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(9, 'Comment', 'Comment');
                              // -->
                        <!-- get rid of the log column to save space in rule table
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>Logging</td>
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>
                              <script type="text/JavaScript">
                                    setColHead(10, 'Enable', 'Enable');
                              // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" nowrap>Configure &nbsp;</td>
                  <tr class="tableLineContrast"><td nowrap width=5>
              <input type="checkbox" name="delRule_0_0" onfocus="if (this.disabled) { this.blur(); }" onclick="enableDeleteMarkedBtn()" value="ON">&nbsp;1</td><td nowrap valign=top>1&nbsp&nbsp<img src=priority.gif alt="Change priority?" title="Change priority?" border=0 height=20 width=20 style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;" onClick="priorityPopup(0);"></td><td align=left>Any</td><td align=left>Any</td><td align=left>Any</td><td class="allowRule">Allow</td><td>All</td><td align=left>&nbsp;</td><td>
              <input type="checkbox" NAME="enableRule_0_0" onClick="ruleEnable(0);" CHECKED value="ON"></td><td><img src=stat.gif border=0 height=20 width=20 onMouseOver="dlc('<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr class=ttSmall><td nowrap><b>Rx Bytes:</b></td><td nowrap>0</td></tr><tr class=ttSmall><td nowrap><b>Rx Packets:</b></td><td nowrap>0</td></tr><tr class=ttSmall><td nowrap><b>Tx Bytes:</b></td><td nowrap>0</td></tr><tr class=ttSmall><td nowrap><b>Tx Packets:</b></td><td nowrap>0</td></tr></table>','Access Rule #1 - Traffic Statistics'); return true;" onMouseOut="nd(); return true;" style="cursor:hand">&nbsp;<img src=edit.gif alt="Edit this entry" title="Edit this entry" border=0 height=20 width=20 style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;" onClick="editRulePopup(0);">&nbsp;<img src=trash.gif alt="Delete this entry" title="Delete this entry" border=0 height=20 width=20 style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;" onclick="delCurrentRule(0);"></td></tr>

                        <td class="tableHeader" colspan=8 nowrap>
                              <input type="button" class="button"  title="Add a new entry" style="width: 100px;" value=" Add... " onclick="addGenericRule();">
                              <input name= "delMarkedRulesBtn" type="button" class="button"  style="width: 100px;" title="Delete marked entries" value="  Delete " onclick="delMarkedRules();">
                        <script type="text/JavaScript">
                              if (-1 == srcZoneHandle)
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>');
                              if (-1 == dstZoneHandle)
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>');
                              if ((-1 == srcZoneHandle)&&(-1 == dstZoneHandle))
                                    document.write('<td class=\"tableHeader\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>');
                        // -->
                        <td class="tableHeader" colspan=2 align="right" nowrap>
                              <input type="button" class="button" name="defaultBtn" style="width: 140px;" value="Restore Defaults..." title="Restore rule tables to defaults..."  onClick="defaultRules(srcZoneHandle,dstZoneHandle);">
            <input type="hidden" name="cgiaction" value="">
            <input type="hidden" name="error_page" value="ruleTable_1_2.html">
            <input type="hidden" name="refresh_page" value="ruleTable_1_2.html">


What in this code tells the page to make sure the user has authenticated, and can I remove it?  If I don't authenticate (enter username & password on main page), the code for this page shows the code for the 'authenticate page'.  If I remove the code, can I view the page offline without having to enter username & password?
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Good point.  Thanks.