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Using FileSystemWatcher and Threads

I have a windows service that I want to monitor a directory and once a file is detected or changed I want it to append to another file in another diectory and delete from the current directory. Once the file's contents are moved to the new directory I need the data to be read and manipulated. I need to make sure that the reading of the file (parseFile) is complete before I copy over new data. I presume I need to use a Thread ... This is what I have so far:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Iteba.Solprint.DAO;

namespace Iteba.Solprint.CP2000Worker
      public class CP2000Worker : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase
            /// <summary>
            /// Required designer variable.
            /// </summary>
            private System.IO.FileSystemWatcher FSWatcher;
            private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
            public System.Threading.Thread FileDetectionThread;
            public System.Threading.Thread MainWorkerThread;
            protected ISolprintDAO dao;
            private string file;

            public CP2000Worker()
                  // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Component Designer.

            // The main entry point for the process
            static void Main()
                  System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;

                  // create an instance of the CP2000Worker
                  CP2000Worker cp = new CP2000Worker();
                  // create a CP2000Worker service
                  ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { cp };
                  // start the service


            /// <summary>
            /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
            /// </summary>
            private void InitializeComponent()
                  components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
                  this.ServiceName = "CP2000Worker";

            /// <summary>
            /// Clean up any resources being used.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
                  if( disposing )
                        if (components != null)
                  base.Dispose( disposing );

            /// <summary>
            /// Set things in motion so your service can do its work.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnStart(string[] args)

            /// <summary>
            /// Stop this service.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnStop()
                  // TODO: Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service.
                  // stop the threads

            // look for the presence of a new file to read
            public void FileDetection()
                  string[] file, file2, file3, destfile, destfile2;
                  file = new String[10];
                  file3 = new string[3];
                  destfile = new String[10];
                  destfile2 = new String[10];
                  string filename = "";
                  string sLine = "";
                  string logDir = "", tempFilename = "";
                  char[] sep = {'\\'};
                  char[] sep2 = {'.'};
                  long destFileLength = 0;
                  ArrayList arrText = new ArrayList();

                  // get the data access object
                  dao = SolprintDAOFactory.GetSolprintDAO();

                  // get the directory on the Management Gate where we will be getting the file from
                  string srcDirectory = dao.GetMGDirecectory();
                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  // where are we copying the file to
                  string destDirectory = dao.GetSRCDirecectory();

                  //FSWatcher.Path = srcDirectory;
                  FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
                  watcher.Path= srcDirectory;
                  watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Attributes | NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Security | NotifyFilters.Size;

                  watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
                  watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);


            public static void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
                  //Console.WriteLine("File: {0} {1}", e.FullPath, e.ChangeType.ToString("G"));

                  TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("C:\\log2.log");

                  // write to the file

                  // copy file over and append to a file in another directory and
                  // and then call ParseFile to read the new file

                  ParseFile(string fileToRead)


            public void ParseFile(string fileToRead)
                  this.file = fileToRead;

            // use this as the WaitCallback delegate to queue in the thread pool
            public void ParseFile(object file)
                  ParseFile ((string) file);

                  string sLine="", timeStamp = "", jobDate = "", operatorStartDate = "", operatorEndDate = "";
                  string activity = "", empCode = "", new_flag = "", activity_desc = "", process = "";
                  string jdf_activity_desc = "", currentActivity = "", halt_currentActivity = "", jobSumID = "", personnel = "";
                  string useCount = "", previous_empCode = "", previous_jobSumID = "", logDir = "";
                  string Line = "", halt_empCode = "", jdfCC = "", orderedJobNo = "";
                  int halt_job_number = 0, halt_job_part = 0, halt_job_section = 0, halt_activity = 0;
                  int halt_solprintCC_Code = 0, halt_qty_produced = 0, halt_qty_to_add = 0, halt_activity_code = 0;
                  string destFile = "", srcFile = "", tempCopy = "", src_temp = "", destFile2 = "";
                  string fault = "", halt = "", halt_date = "";
                  string[] valueArray, jobDetailsArray, descArray, paramArray, paramArray2, infoArray;
                  string[] jobNumber = new string[3];
                  ArrayList arrText = new ArrayList();
                  ArrayList arrayText = new ArrayList();
                  ArrayList arrJobDetails = new ArrayList();
                  valueArray = new String[11];
                  infoArray = new String[15];
                  paramArray = new String[12];
                  paramArray2 = new String[12];
                  jobDetailsArray = new String[3];
                  descArray = new String[3];
                  char[] sep = {'\t'};
                  char[] sep1 = {'_'};
                  char[] sep2 = {'\\'};
                  char[] sep3 = {' '};
                  char[] sep4 = {'-'};
                  int ccCode = 0, solprintCC_Code = 0, previous_solprintCC_Code = 0, job_number = 0;
                  int previous_job_number = 0, job_part = 0, previous_part = 0, job_section = 0;
                  int activity_code = 0, qty_produced = 0, previous_qty_produced = 0, bcodedet = 0;
                  int previous_bcodedet = 0, previous_ccCode = 0, previous_activity_code = 0, halt_previous_activity_code = 0;
                  int count = 0, dummyJobNumber = 0, qty_to_add = 0, previous_job_section = 0;
                  decimal jobTime = 0, operatorStartTime = 0, operatorEndTime = 0, start_time = 0;
                  decimal end_time = 0, previous_end_time = 0, previous_start_time = 0;
                  decimal previous_time = 0, operator_number = 0, halt_end_time = 0, halt_start_time = 0;
                  // get the data access object
                  ISolprintDAO dao = SolprintDAOFactory.GetSolprintDAO();

                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  destFile = file.ToString();
                  destFile2 = destFile;

                  string destDirectory = dao.GetSRCDirecectory();

                  paramArray = destFile.Split(sep1);

                  srcFile = paramArray[0] + ".bde";

                  src_temp = paramArray[0] + ".temp";

                  jdfCC = paramArray[0];

                  paramArray = jdfCC.Split(sep2);

                  jdfCC = paramArray[paramArray.Length - 1];

                  paramArray2 = destFile2.Split(sep2);

                  tempCopy = logDir + paramArray2[paramArray2.Length - 1];

                  // read the last info log file to get the
                  // last record read from the previous poll

                  if (File.Exists(logDir + "lastInfo_" + jdfCC + ".log"))    

                        // create a log file
                        string logfile = logDir + "readfile_log.log";
                        // create a writer and open the file
                        TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(logfile);

                        //create a new reader object
                        StreamReader Info_objReader = new StreamReader(logDir + "lastInfo_" + jdfCC + ".log");

                        // read in the file
                        while (Line != null)
                              Line = Info_objReader.ReadLine();
                              if (Line != null)
                                    infoArray = Line.Split(sep);
                        // close the reader object
                        // set the variables with the information from the lastInfo log file
                        // this is the data read from the previous record
                        previous_bcodedet = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[0]);
                        previous_empCode = infoArray[1];
                        previous_jobSumID = infoArray[2];
                        previous_ccCode = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[3]);
                        previous_solprintCC_Code = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[4]);
                        previous_job_number = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[5]);
                        previous_part = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[6]);
                        previous_job_section = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[7]);
                        previous_qty_produced = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[8]);
                        previous_time = System.Convert.ToDecimal(infoArray[9]);
                        previous_start_time =  System.Convert.ToDecimal(infoArray[10]);
                        previous_end_time = System.Convert.ToDecimal(infoArray[11]);
                        previous_activity_code = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[12]);
                        qty_to_add = System.Convert.ToInt32(infoArray[13]);

                        // write to the log file
                        tw.WriteLine(previous_bcodedet + " " + previous_empCode + " " + previous_jobSumID + " " + previous_ccCode + " " + previous_solprintCC_Code + " " + previous_job_number + " " + previous_part + " " + previous_job_section + " " + previous_qty_produced + " " + previous_time + " " + previous_start_time + " " + previous_end_time + " " + previous_activity_code);


                  // create a log file
                  string logfile_paramArray = logDir + "readfile_paramArray.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter twp = new StreamWriter(logfile_paramArray);

                  // write to the log file
                  twp.WriteLine(" jdfCC " + jdfCC + "destFile = " + destFile + " srcFile - " + srcFile + " src_temp - " + src_temp + " tempCopy - " + tempCopy);


                  // get the position of the previous version of this file
                  FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(destFile);

                  src_temp = srcFile;

                  // create a log file
                  string logfile_info = logDir + "readfile_fileinfo.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter twl = new StreamWriter(logfile_info);

                  // write to the log file
                  twl.WriteLine(" destFile = " + destFile + " srcFile - " + srcFile);


                  // get the dummy job number, which will be used when there is
                  // no job number on the record currently being read
                  dummyJobNumber = dao.GetDummyJobNo();

                  //create a new reader object
                  StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(destFile);

                  // read in the file
                  while (sLine != null)
                        sLine = objReader.ReadLine();
                        if (sLine != null)
                  // close the reader object

                  // how many records are in the file currently being read
                  int lastRecord = arrText.Count;

                  // get the record indentifier codes
                  personnel = dao.GetRecIDCodes("Personnel");
                  process = dao.GetRecIDCodes("Process");

                  // get the information needed
                  // reading file onle line at a time
                  foreach (string sOutput in arrText)
                        // get the bcodedet recnum
                        bcodedet = dao.GetBcodedetRecnum(job_number,job_part,job_section,solprintCC_Code);

                        if (bcodedet != 0) previous_bcodedet = bcodedet;
                        if (empCode != "") previous_empCode = empCode;
                        if (jobSumID != "") previous_jobSumID = jobSumID;
                        if (ccCode != 0) previous_ccCode = ccCode;
                        if (solprintCC_Code != 0) previous_solprintCC_Code = solprintCC_Code;

                        if (job_number != dummyJobNumber)
                              previous_job_number = job_number;

                        if (job_part != dummyJobNumber)
                              previous_part = job_part;

                        if (job_section != dummyJobNumber)
                              previous_job_section = job_section;

                        if (qty_produced != 0)
                              previous_qty_produced = qty_produced;

                        // the information in the file is separated by tabs
                        // split the information up into an array
                        valueArray = sOutput.Split(sep);

                        // get the Personnel details
                        if (valueArray[0] == personnel)
                              // if it is not he standard format for this record type
                              // then we will not be reading it
                              if (valueArray.Length != 10)
                                    // not a valid start of job record
                                    string log_dir = logDir + "personnel.log";

                                    TextWriter tw_personnel = new StreamWriter(log_dir);

                                    // write to the log file
                                    tw_personnel.WriteLine("Not a valid Personnel Record - length - " + valueArray.Length + " - in file - " + file);


                                    string logfile_P = logDir + "readfile_Personnel.log";
                                    // create a writer and open the file
                                    TextWriter tw_p = new StreamWriter(logfile_P);

                                    // write to the log file
                                    tw_p.WriteLine("In personnel ");

                                    if (new_flag != "F")
                                          // we have not just ended a job so we will have to get
                                          // the end time for the operator and update the database
                                          timeStamp = valueArray[1];
                                          // get the activity number
                                          activity = valueArray[2];

                                          // get the operator number
                                          operator_number = System.Convert.ToDecimal(valueArray[3]);
                                          empCode = dao.GetEmplyeeCode(operator_number);

                                          // is the operator coming or going
                                          string opDesc = dao.GetOperatorDesc(activity);

                                          int code = dao.GetSolprintCC_Code(System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[9]));

                                          if (opDesc == "going" || opDesc == "going operator")
                                                // update the system field in Jobgroup - set the operator no to blank
                                                string error = dao.UpdateOperatorNo(code, "");

                                                // the operator is logging off so update database
                                                // with their work details (JobTrans)
                                                operatorEndTime = getTime(timeStamp);
                                                operatorEndDate = getDate(timeStamp);


                                          if (opDesc == "coming" || opDesc == "coming operator")
                                                // update the system field in Jobgroup - set the operator no
                                                string error = dao.UpdateOperatorNo(code, empCode);

                                                // get the operator start time
                                                operatorStartTime = getTime(timeStamp);
                                                operatorStartDate = getDate(timeStamp);
                                                // update the activity table with the new employee code
                                                error = dao.UpdateEmpInActivity(job_number,job_part,job_section,empCode,solprintCC_Code);

                                    tw_p.WriteLine("empcode - " + empCode);

                        //get the process messages
                        if (valueArray[0] == process)
                              if (valueArray.Length != 15)
                                    // not a valid Process record, so write to the log file
                                    // and skip this line

                                    string log_dir = logDir + "process.log";

                                    TextWriter tw_personnel = new StreamWriter(log_dir);

                                    // write to the log file
                                    tw_personnel.WriteLine("Not a valid Process Record - length - " + valueArray.Length + " - in file - " + file);

                                    new_flag = "";


                              string logfile3 = logDir + "readfilex.log";

                              // create a writer and open the file
                              TextWriter tw3 = new StreamWriter(logfile3);

                              // manipulate the timestamp to get the time and date
                              timeStamp = valueArray[1];

                              if (jobTime != 0) previous_time = jobTime;

                              // format the time and date
                              jobTime = getTime(timeStamp);
                              jobDate = getDate(timeStamp);

                              // write to the log file
                              tw3.WriteLine("In begining - previous_time - " + previous_time);

                              tw3.WriteLine("after get time - jobTime - " + jobTime);


                              // the job number/part/section is sometimes missing from the BDE file
                              // if this is the case use maintenence job number
                              if (valueArray[2] == "")
                                    // the job number is missing so get the maintenence job number
                                    job_number = dao.GetMaintJobNo();
                                    job_part = dummyJobNumber;
                                    job_section = dummyJobNumber;

                                    // we need to separate the ordering number
                                    // from the begining of the job number
                                    // e.g. 001-32452
                                    orderedJobNo = valueArray[2];
                                    jobNumber = orderedJobNo.Split(sep4);
                                    job_number = System.Convert.ToInt32(jobNumber[1]);
                                    job_part = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[3]);
                                    job_section = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[4]);


                              if (halt == "Y" && job_number == dummyJobNumber)
                                    // the last record was a halt
                                    // and this record has no job number
                                    // it must be logged as a fault
                                    //halt_start_time = jobTime;
                                    halt_activity_code = activity_code;
                                    halt_date = jobDate;
                                    fault = "Y";

                              if (valueArray[5] == "")
                                    // there is no cost centre so report an error
                                    string cclogfile = logDir + "noCCLog.log";
                                    // create a writer and open the file
                                    TextWriter CC_tw = new StreamWriter(cclogfile);

                                    // write to the log file
                                    CC_tw.WriteLine("No Cost Centre on record");

                                  // gat the Cost Centre code      
                                    ccCode = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[5]);

                              if (valueArray[6] == "")
                                    // there is no activity so report an error
                                    string activitylogfile = logDir + "noActivityLog.log";
                                    // create a writer and open the file
                                    TextWriter Activity_tw = new StreamWriter(activitylogfile);

                                    // write to the log file
                                    Activity_tw.WriteLine("No Activity code on record");


                                    // get the activity number
                                    activity = valueArray[6];

                              // get our cost centre code
                              solprintCC_Code = dao.GetSolprintCC_Code(ccCode);

                              string logfile5 = logDir + "readfilets.log";
                              // create a writer and open the file
                              TextWriter tw5 = new StreamWriter(logfile5);

                              // write to the log file
                              tw5.WriteLine("before activity loookup - activity - " + activity + " ccCode - " + ccCode + " solprintCC_Code - " + solprintCC_Code);


                              jdf_activity_desc = dao.GetJDFDesc(ccCode,activity);

                              // is it an activity we are interested in
                              if (jdf_activity_desc == "")
                                    // this activity is not in the database so it is
                                    // one we are not interested in so skip the line

                              string logfile18 = logDir + "readfile_act_lkup.log";
                              // create a writer and open the file
                              TextWriter tw18 = new StreamWriter(logfile18);

                              // write to the log file
                              tw18.WriteLine("after activity loookup - " + activity_desc + " jdf_activity_desc - " + jdf_activity_desc);


                              if (jdf_activity_desc != "")
                                    // is it one of the pre-defined events
                                          case "S":

                                                // start of a job

                                                descArray = dao.ActivityCodeLookUp2(activity, ccCode);

                                                activity_desc = descArray[0];
                                                // check if the job was halted
                                                if (halt != "Y")
                                                      qty_to_add = 0;

                                                      halt = "S";
                                                      string logfile_start = logDir + "start.log";
                                                      string startJobError = "";
                                                      // start of the activity
                                                      start_time = jobTime;

                                                      TextWriter tw60 = new StreamWriter(logfile_start);

                                                      // write to the log file
                                                      tw60.WriteLine("in start - ");

                                                      tw60.WriteLine("after ActivityCodeLookUp2 - description is - " + activity_desc);

                                                      // is the jdf operator code on this record
                                                      if (valueArray[13] == "")
                                                            // it's not so get the code from the system table
                                                            empCode = dao.GetSysEmplyeeCode(solprintCC_Code);

                                                            // if there is no code in the system table then
                                                            // use a dummy employee code
                                                            if (empCode == "")
                                                                  empCode = "SYSMAT";
                                                            // get the jdf operator Code from this record
                                                            operator_number = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[13]);

                                                            // set the solprint employee code
                                                            empCode = dao.GetEmplyeeCode(operator_number);

                                                      activity_code = dao.GetActivityCode(activity, ccCode);

                                                      halt_previous_activity_code = activity_code;

                                                      startJobError = startOfJob(solprintCC_Code,job_number,job_part,job_section,empCode,
                                                            activity_desc, qty_produced, jobTime, previous_job_number, previous_part, previous_solprintCC_Code, ccCode);
                                                      // the job was halted and restarted
                                                      // new operator could have logged on
                                                      halt = "N";

                                                      // check if the operators have changed
                                                      if(empCode == halt_empCode)
                                                            // the operators have not changed so we don't need to
                                                            // add the qty to the Job Transaction table
                                                            halt_qty_produced = 0;

                                                      // if there were records in between the halt and the
                                                      // re-start, they must be logged as a fault
                                                      if (fault == "Y")
                                                            halt_activity = dao.GetHaltActivityCode(ccCode);
                                                            string logFaultError = dao.LogFaultError(halt_job_number,halt_job_part,halt_activity,halt_solprintCC_Code,halt_empCode,halt_start_time,jobTime,halt_date,halt_qty_produced);
                                                            fault = "N";

                                                      string haltJobError = haltJob(halt_job_number, halt_job_part, halt_job_section, halt_empCode, halt_solprintCC_Code, halt_start_time, halt_qty_produced, halt_qty_to_add);

                                                      // get the new start time
                                                      start_time = jobTime;
                                                      // update the current activity with new employee code and start time
                                                      string error = dao.UpdateActivity(job_number, job_part, job_section, empCode,solprintCC_Code, start_time);


                                          case "E":

                                                // end of job

                                                currentActivity = "";
                                                halt_currentActivity = "";

                                                string logfile_end = logDir + "endOfJob.log";

                                                TextWriter tw70 = new StreamWriter(logfile_end);
                                                string endJobError = "";
                                                // if the job has ended straight after the start of the job,
                                                // i.e. there were no activities in between then
                                                // we need to igore this job as it will start again. So check
                                                // if the last activity was start of the job

                                                string lastActivity = dao.GetLastActivity(activity_code);

                                                if (lastActivity != "S")
                                                      qty_produced = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[9]) - halt_qty_produced;

                                                      end_time = jobTime;

                                                      // write to the log file
                                                      tw70.WriteLine("calling end of job ...");

                                                      // is it a legitimate job / part / section
                                                      if (job_number != dummyJobNumber || job_part != dummyJobNumber || job_section != dummyJobNumber)

                                                            endJobError = endOfJob(job_number, job_part, job_section, empCode, solprintCC_Code,end_time, qty_produced, qty_to_add);
                                                      tw70.WriteLine("in start - deleting bcodedet");
                                                      // we need to delete the record in the BCODEDET table
                                                      // this records current activity
                                                      endJobError = dao.DeleteActivity(job_number,job_part, job_section, activity_code);

                                                halt_qty_produced = 0;


                                          case "N":

                                                // new process
                                                string newProcessError = "";

                                                if (start_time != 0) previous_start_time = start_time;
                                                start_time = jobTime;
                                                if (previous_time != 0) previous_end_time = previous_time;
                                                if (activity_code != 0) previous_activity_code = activity_code;

                                                descArray = dao.ActivityCodeLookUp(activity, ccCode, previous_activity_code);

                                                activity_desc = descArray[0];

                                                // need to get the activity code
                                                activity_code = dao.GetActivityCode(activity, ccCode);

                                                string logfile_new_process = logDir + "newProcess.log";
                                                TextWriter tw40 = new StreamWriter(logfile_new_process);

                                                // write to the log file
                                                tw40.WriteLine("in New Process - " + activity_desc);

                                                tw40.WriteLine("in New Process - activity_code - " + activity_code + "previous_time - " + previous_time + " currentActivity = " + currentActivity + " activity - " + activity);

                                                // only call new process if it is the first time this activity has
                                                // been identified in the current section or the process was halted
                                                if (currentActivity != activity)
                                                      if (job_number != dummyJobNumber || job_part != dummyJobNumber || job_section != dummyJobNumber)
                                                            currentActivity = activity;

                                                            if (halt_previous_activity_code != activity_code || halt_empCode != empCode)
                                                                  halt_previous_activity_code = activity_code;

                                                                  newProcessError = newProcess(job_number, job_part, job_section, empCode,
                                                                        solprintCC_Code, start_time, previous_time, previous_start_time, activity_code,
                                                                        activity_desc, jobTime, jobDate, qty_produced);
                                                // the process could have been halted and restarted
                                                // we need to check that the counter wasn't reset
                                                // if it was we need to add the previous qty to the final qty
                                                      // if we are in the same section then the counter has
                                                      // been reset
                                                      if (qty_produced == 0)
                                                            // the qty has been reset so get previous qty
                                                            qty_to_add = qty_to_add + previous_qty_produced;

                                                            string logfile_qty_to_add = logDir + "qty_to_add.log";
                                                            TextWriter twr = new StreamWriter(logfile_qty_to_add);

                                                            // write to the log file
                                                            twr.WriteLine("qty_to_add - " + qty_to_add);


                                          case "C":

                                                // current count
                                                string logfile_cur_ct = logDir + "readfilec_t.log";
                                                string currentCountError = "";
                                                // create a writer and open the file
                                                TextWriter tw30 = new StreamWriter(logfile_cur_ct);

                                                // write to the log file
                                                tw30.WriteLine("in Current count - " + activity_desc);

                                                descArray = dao.ActivityCodeLookUp2(activity, ccCode);

                                                activity_desc = descArray[0];

                                                activity_code = dao.GetActivityCode(activity, ccCode);
                                                qty_produced = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[9]);
                                                tw30.WriteLine("in Current count - qty prod - " + qty_produced);
                                                // we only want to update the current count when we are in the
                                                // Print Run process

                                                useCount = dao.UseCurrentCount(activity, ccCode);

                                                tw30.WriteLine("use the current count - " + useCount);


                                                if (useCount == "Y")
                                                      // update the current count      
                                                      currentCountError = currentCount(job_number, job_part, job_section, empCode,
                                                            activity_code, activity_desc, solprintCC_Code, jobTime,
                                                            jobDate, qty_produced);

                                                case "H":

                                                      // Halt operation
                                                      // This needs to be ignored, the next activity will be a
                                                      // start of job but this is just a continuation of current
                                                      // section
                                                      halt = "Y";

                                                      // get the information we need as we can not do the
                                                      // database amends until we know whether the operator
                                                      // is changing or not. we must wait to read the next records

                                                      //currentActivity = "";
                                                      halt_currentActivity = "";

                                                      string logfile_halt= logDir + "haltJob.log";

                                                      TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(logfile_halt);
                                                      //string haltJobError = "";
                                                // if the job has ended straight after the start of the job,
                                                // i.e. there were no activities in between then
                                                // we need to igore this job as it will start again. So check
                                                // if the last activity was start of the job

                                                      string lastActivity1 = dao.GetLastActivity(activity_code);

                                                      //if (lastActivity1 != "S")
                                                            qty_produced = System.Convert.ToInt32(valueArray[9]);

                                                            end_time = jobTime;

                                                            // write to the log file
                                                            tw.WriteLine("halt job - activity_code " + activity_code);

                                                            // is it a legitimate job / part / section
                                                            //if (job_number != dummyJobNumber || job_part != dummyJobNumber || job_section != dummyJobNumber)
                                                                  halt_job_number = job_number;
                                                                  halt_job_part = job_part;
                                                                  halt_job_section = job_section;
                                                                  halt_empCode = empCode;
                                                                  halt_solprintCC_Code = solprintCC_Code;
                                                                  halt_start_time = end_time;
                                                                  halt_qty_produced = qty_produced;
                                                                  halt_qty_to_add = qty_to_add;
                                                                  halt_activity = activity_code;
                                                                  //halt_previous_activity_code = previous_activity_code;
                                                                  //haltJobError = haltJob(job_number, job_part, job_section, empCode, solprintCC_Code,end_time, qty_produced, qty_to_add);
                                                                  tw.WriteLine(halt_job_number + " " + halt_job_part + " " + halt_job_section + " " + halt_empCode + " " + halt_solprintCC_Code + " " + halt_start_time + " " + halt_qty_produced + " " + halt_qty_to_add + " " + halt_activity + " halt_previous_activity_code - " + halt_previous_activity_code);


                  // once we have finished reading the file
                  // rename file copied over so we keep the latest version

                  string sfile = logDir + "file.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tf = new StreamWriter(sfile);

                  // write to the log file
                  tf.WriteLine("destFile " + destFile + " srcFile - " + srcFile + " tempCopy - " + tempCopy);

                  string newFile = logDir + ccCode + ".bde";
                  string newFile2 = destDirectory + ccCode + ".bde";

                  tf.WriteLine("jdfCC - " + jdfCC + " newFile " + newFile + " newFile2 - " + newFile2);


                  // Ensure that the target does not exist.
                  if (File.Exists(srcFile))    

                  // Move the file.
                  File.Move(destFile, srcFile);

                  // write the information needed for the next read to a log file
                  // so that if we are reading on a new call we don't loose the information
                  string Info = logDir + "lastInfo_ " + jdfCC + ".log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter lastInfo = new StreamWriter(Info);

                  // write to the log file
                  lastInfo.WriteLine(previous_bcodedet.ToString() + "\t" + previous_empCode.Trim() + "\t" + previous_jobSumID.Trim() + "\t" + previous_ccCode.ToString() + "\t" + previous_solprintCC_Code.ToString() + "\t" + previous_job_number.ToString() + "\t" + previous_part.ToString() + "\t" + previous_job_section.ToString() + "\t" + previous_qty_produced.ToString() + "\t" + previous_time.ToString() + "\t" + previous_start_time.ToString() + "\t" + previous_end_time.ToString() + "\t" + previous_activity_code.ToString() + "\t" + qty_to_add.ToString());



            private string startOfJob(int solprintCC_Code, int job_number, int job_part, int job_section, string empCode,
                  decimal start_time, int activity_code, string jobDate, string activity_desc,
                  int qty_produced, decimal jobTime, int previous_job_number, int previous_part, int previous_solprintCC_Code, int ccCode)
                  //string jobComplete = "";
                  string record = "";
                  string error_text= "";
                  string logDir = "";
                  int schedRecnum = 0;

                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  string logfile7 = logDir + "startOfJob_function.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw71 = new StreamWriter(logfile7);

                  // write to the log file
                  tw71.WriteLine("in startOfJob_function - " + record + " job details - " +  job_number.ToString() + job_part.ToString() + job_section.ToString());


                  // check that we gave the employee code
                  if (empCode == "")
                        empCode = dao.GetSysEmplyeeCode(solprintCC_Code);

                  string logfile71 = logDir + "readfilem.log";
                  string logfile8 = logDir + "schedRecnum.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw8 = new StreamWriter(logfile8);

                  // makeready only occurs at the start of a new job and not
                  // a new part or section of the same job so check if we
                  // are on a new job

                  if (job_number != previous_job_number)
                        // this is a new job so delete the previous job from the current activity table
                        error_text = dao.DeleteJobFromActivity(previous_job_number,previous_part,solprintCC_Code);
                  // if we are now on a new part of the same job we can update the
                  // completed field of the schedfil record for the previous part

                  tw8.WriteLine("job_number - " + job_number + " previous_job_number - " + previous_job_number);
                  tw8.WriteLine("previous_part - " + previous_part + " job_part - " + job_part);

                  if (job_number == previous_job_number && previous_part != job_part)
                        error_text = dao.UpdateSchedfil(previous_job_number,previous_part,previous_solprintCC_Code);
                        tw8.WriteLine("Updated schedfil ... ");

                        if (error_text != "")
                              string logfile19 = logDir + "UpdateSchedfil_2.log";
                              // create a writer and open the file
                              TextWriter tw19 = new StreamWriter(logfile19);

                              // write to the log file
                              tw19.WriteLine("UpdateSchedfil 2 - " + error_text);


                  // get the schedfil recnum for the new activity
                  schedRecnum = dao.GetSchedRecnum(job_number,solprintCC_Code,job_part,activity_code);

                  tw8.WriteLine("schedRecnum - " + schedRecnum);


                  // there is no record so create a new activity
                  error_text = dao.CreateNewDCActivity(job_number,job_part,job_section,
                        solprintCC_Code, activity_desc, qty_produced, jobTime, jobDate, schedRecnum);

                  string logfile9 = logDir + "readfiledd.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw9 = new StreamWriter(logfile9);

                  // write to the log file
                  tw9.WriteLine("after new activity - " + error_text);

                  return error_text;

            private string endOfJob(int job_number, int job_part, int job_section,
                  string empCode, int solprintCC_Code, decimal end_time, int qty_produced, int qty_to_add)
                  string jobSumID = "";
                  int estRecnum = 0;
                  int bcodedet = 0;
                  string error_text= "";
                  string logDir = "";

                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  string logfile16 = logDir + "readfile_setComplete.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw16 = new StreamWriter(logfile16);

                  tw16.WriteLine("In endOfJob ...qty_to_add" + qty_to_add);

                  // add the extra qty if it was reset during the run
                  qty_produced = qty_produced + qty_to_add;

                  // check that we gave the employee code
                  if (empCode == "")
                        empCode = dao.GetSysEmplyeeCode(solprintCC_Code);

                  // get the
                  jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);

                  // if jobSumID is blank then a record was not found in Jobsum
                  if (jobSumID == "")
                        // so create one - we need to get the estimate recnum first
                        estRecnum = dao.GetEstimateRecnum(job_number);
                        // create a record in the Jobsum table
                        error_text = dao.CreateJobsum(estRecnum,job_number);
                        // get the new jobSumID
                        jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);
                  // get the bcodedet recnum
                  bcodedet = dao.GetBcodedetRecnum(job_number,job_part,job_section,solprintCC_Code);
                  // now set the job as completed
                  error_text = dao.SetJobCompleted(bcodedet,empCode,jobSumID,end_time, qty_produced);

                  // write to the log file
                  tw16.WriteLine("after Set Complete - " + error_text);


                  return error_text;

            private string haltJob(int job_number, int job_part, int job_section,
                  string empCode, int solprintCC_Code, decimal end_time, int qty_produced, int qty_to_add)
                  string jobSumID = "";
                  int estRecnum = 0;
                  int bcodedet = 0;
                  string error_text= "";
                  string logDir = "";

                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  string logfile16 = logDir + "readfile_setComplete.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw16 = new StreamWriter(logfile16);

                  tw16.WriteLine("In endOfJob ...qty_to_add" + qty_to_add);

                  // add the extra qty if it was reset during the run
                  qty_produced = qty_produced + qty_to_add;

                  // check that we gave the employee code
                  if (empCode == "")
                        empCode = dao.GetSysEmplyeeCode(solprintCC_Code);

                  // get the
                  jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);

                  // if jobSumID is blank then a record was not found in Jobsum
                  if (jobSumID == "")
                        // so create one - we need to get the estimate recnum first
                        estRecnum = dao.GetEstimateRecnum(job_number);
                        // create a record in the Jobsum table
                        error_text = dao.CreateJobsum(estRecnum,job_number);
                        // get the new jobSumID
                        jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);
                  // get the bcodedet recnum
                  bcodedet = dao.GetBcodedetRecnum(job_number,job_part,job_section,solprintCC_Code);
                  // now set the job as completed
                  error_text = dao.SetJobHalted(bcodedet,empCode,jobSumID,end_time, qty_produced);

                  // write to the log file
                  tw16.WriteLine("after Set Complete - " + error_text);


                  return error_text;

            private string currentCount(int job_number, int job_part, int job_section,
                  string empCode, int activity_code, string activity_desc, int solprintCC_Code,
                  decimal jobTime, string jobDate, int qty_produced)
                  string error_text = "";

                  error_text = dao.UpdateCurrentCount(job_number,job_part,job_section,
                        activity_code, solprintCC_Code, jobTime, jobDate, qty_produced);

                  return error_text;

            private string newProcess(int job_number, int job_part, int job_section,
                  string empCode, int solprintCC_Code, decimal start_time, decimal previous_end_time,
                  decimal previous_start_time, int activity_code, string activity_desc, decimal jobTime,
                  string jobDate, int qty_produced)
                  string completed = "N";
                  string jobSumID = "";
                  string error_text = "";
                  int estRecnum = 0;
                  int bcodedet = 0;
                  int schedRecnum = 0;
                  string logDir = "";

                  // get the log directory from the database
                  logDir = dao.GetLogDirecectory();

                  // get the schedfil recnum for the new activity
                  schedRecnum = dao.GetSchedRecnum(job_number,solprintCC_Code,job_part,activity_code);

                  // get the jobSumID
                  jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);
                  // if jobSumID is blank then a record was not found in Jobsum
                  if (jobSumID == "")
                        // so create one - we need to get the estimate recnum first
                        estRecnum = dao.GetEstimateRecnum(job_number);
                        // create a record in the Jobsum table
                        error_text = dao.CreateJobsum(estRecnum,job_number);
                        // get the new jobSumID
                        jobSumID = dao.GetJobsumID(job_number);
                  // get the bcodedet recnum
                  bcodedet = dao.GetBcodedetRecnum(job_number,job_part,job_section,solprintCC_Code);

                  string logfile = logDir + "readfile_update_1.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(logfile);

                  tw.WriteLine("in here ...");

                  // end the previous process
                  error_text = dao.SetProcessCompleted(bcodedet,empCode,jobSumID,previous_end_time, qty_produced);

                  // set new start time
                  error_text = dao.SetStartTime(bcodedet,start_time);

                  error_text = dao.UpdateDCActivity(job_number,job_part,job_section,
                        empCode, activity_code, activity_desc, solprintCC_Code, completed, start_time, jobDate, qty_produced, schedRecnum, bcodedet);
                  string logfile15 = logDir + "readfile_update.log";
                  // create a writer and open the file
                  TextWriter tw15 = new StreamWriter(logfile15);

                  // write to the log file
                  tw15.WriteLine("update activity - qty - " + qty_produced);
                  tw15.WriteLine("start_time - " + start_time);
                  tw15.WriteLine("previous_end_time - " + previous_end_time);
                  tw15.WriteLine("after update activity - error text - " + error_text);


                  return error_text;


            private string[] getJobDetails(string jobDetails)
                  string[] jobDetailsArray;
                  jobDetailsArray = new String[3];
                  char[] sep = {'/'};

                  jobDetailsArray = jobDetails.Split(sep);
                  return jobDetailsArray;

            private decimal getTime(string timestamp)
                  string hour = "";
                  decimal dhour = 0;
                  string minute = "";
                  decimal dminute = 0;
                  string seconds = "";
                  decimal dseconds = 0;
                  decimal jobTime = 0;

                  // separate out the hour minute and seconds from the timestamp string
                  hour = timestamp.Substring(8,2);
                  dhour = System.Convert.ToDecimal(hour);
                  minute = timestamp.Substring(10,2);
                  dminute = System.Convert.ToDecimal(minute);
                  seconds = timestamp.Substring(12,2);
                  dseconds = System.Convert.ToDecimal(seconds);
                  // round up the minutes if the seconds is greater than 30
                  if (dseconds > 30)
                        dminute = dminute + 1;

                  // the time is stored as a decimal in the database
                  jobTime = Decimal.Round(dhour + (dminute / 60),2);
                  return jobTime;

            private string getDate(string timestamp)
                  string year = "";
                  string month = "";
                  string day = "";
                  string jobDate = "";

                  year = timestamp.Substring(0,4);
                  month = timestamp.Substring(4,2);
                  day = timestamp.Substring(6,2);
                  jobDate = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
                  return jobDate;

            public void KillThreads()

            public void StartMainThread()
                  // create the thread
                  MainWorkerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new

                  // Starts the File Detection thread
            // main worker thread - sole job is to start other worker threads at a specified time
            public void MainWorker()
                  int pollTime = 0;

                  // get the data access object
                  dao = SolprintDAOFactory.GetSolprintDAO();

                  // get poll time
                  pollTime = dao.GetPollTime();

                  // poll time is stored in the database in seconds
                  // we need to convert this to milliseconds
                  pollTime *= 1000;

                        // create the File Detection thread
                        FileDetectionThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new

                        // Starts the File Detection thread
                        // wait the specified poll time and start a new thread.

at the moment the OnChanged method isn't being called and I am unsure on how to prevent the file being copied over if another file is still being read? Or do I create another thread to do this ...?

Any help would be appreciated!

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Bob Learned
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