asked on
Updating a Jar File
I am having a problem creating a jar file
1)I successfully archived my classes in by :-
jar uf myFile.jar *.class
2)I successfully updated my manifest to specify entry point by:-
jar cmf myManifestFile myFile.jar *.class
3) I want to archive an images directory into the jar that my application uses- here is my problem!
I try "jar uf myfile.jar images"
but I keep getting back
java.io.IOException: Error in writing existing jar file
at sun.tools.jar.Main.run(Mai n.java:177 )
at sun.tools.jar.Main.main(Ma in.java:90 3)
What am I doing wrong?
1)I successfully archived my classes in by :-
jar uf myFile.jar *.class
2)I successfully updated my manifest to specify entry point by:-
jar cmf myManifestFile myFile.jar *.class
3) I want to archive an images directory into the jar that my application uses- here is my problem!
I try "jar uf myfile.jar images"
but I keep getting back
java.io.IOException: Error in writing existing jar file
at sun.tools.jar.Main.run(Mai
at sun.tools.jar.Main.main(Ma
What am I doing wrong?
replace "MyImage.gif" by one of yours of course
I have already tried that, I get the same error.
Also you can archive directories :-
Also you can archive directories :-
Then it seems as your original jar file can't be found or overwritten
Just add only the folder and see that all the images inside the folder are added.
jar cv0f Images.jar Images ------> 0f means no compression for the Images
jar uvf classes.jar *.class -C mydir/mysubdir/yimages
After Adding your Images to your Jar file then in your Java program you must use
ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass(). getResourc e("Images\ YourImage. gif");
to see the Icon.
ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().
to see the Icon.
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The link I gave in my first comment was a specific link of a whole Lesson: "Using JAR Files: The Basics."
ashok's comment is just a copy/paste out of another part of that lesson.
I would have expected a split.
The link I gave in my first comment was a specific link of a whole Lesson: "Using JAR Files: The Basics."
ashok's comment is just a copy/paste out of another part of that lesson.
I would have expected a split.
Thanks for accpeting
zzynx is right
zzynx is right
Thanks ashok.
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Subject: Moderator Please Reopen
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Yes splitting points is fair, apologies zzynx and thank you both for your input.
>> Yes splitting points is fair
I think you can't pass a directory.
jar uf myfile.jar images/MyImage.gif