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vbs replace text
Hello Experts,
Once again I ask for help. Not even sure this is possible. The following script works OK and all instances of "LDEBIT" are replaced. However, I would like to replace all instances of "^" or CHR(94). I have tried both those and it doesn't work.
Dim pattern
Dim replacement
' We must define ForWriting because the
' imode constants are unknown to VBScript
Const ForWriting = 2
Const inF = "NewSavings.qif"
Const outF = "Testfile1.txt"
' Here are the strings for replacement.
pattern = "LDEBIT"
replacement = vbCRLF
Dim Text
Dim fso ' Object variable
Dim oFileIn, oFileOut ' Text stream
Dim path, fileIn, fileOut
path = GetPath() ' Retrieve current path to script.
fileIn = path & inF ' Create filenames.
fileOut = path & outF
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi leSystemOb ject")
If Not fso.FileExists(fileIn) Then ' Input file exists?
WScript.Echo "File '" & fileIn & "' not found"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
' Input file present; open file and create output file.
Set oFileIn = fso.OpenTextFile(fileIn) ' Open input file.
Set oFileOut = fso.OpenTextFile(fileOut, _
ForWriting, True) ' Open output file.
Do While Not (oFileIn.atEndOfStream)
Text = oFileIn.ReadLine ' Read a line.
Text = Filter(Text, pattern, replacement)
oFileOut.WriteLine Text ' Write text.
WScript.Echo "Text file: " & fileIn & vbCrLf & _
"Written into: " & fileOut
Function GetPath
' Retrieve the script path.
Dim path
path = WScript.ScriptFullName ' Script name
GetPath = Left(path, InStrRev(path, "\"))
End Function
Function Filter(txt, expr1, expr2)
' Replace expr1 with expr2 in text.
Dim oReg
Set oReg = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
oReg.Global = True ' All matches
oReg.IgnoreCase = True ' Make case-insensitive.
' Replace all expr1 with expr2.
oReg.Pattern = expr1 ' Set pattern.
Filter = oReg.Replace(txt, expr2)
End Function
'*** End
Once again I ask for help. Not even sure this is possible. The following script works OK and all instances of "LDEBIT" are replaced. However, I would like to replace all instances of "^" or CHR(94). I have tried both those and it doesn't work.
Dim pattern
Dim replacement
' We must define ForWriting because the
' imode constants are unknown to VBScript
Const ForWriting = 2
Const inF = "NewSavings.qif"
Const outF = "Testfile1.txt"
' Here are the strings for replacement.
pattern = "LDEBIT"
replacement = vbCRLF
Dim Text
Dim fso ' Object variable
Dim oFileIn, oFileOut ' Text stream
Dim path, fileIn, fileOut
path = GetPath() ' Retrieve current path to script.
fileIn = path & inF ' Create filenames.
fileOut = path & outF
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi
If Not fso.FileExists(fileIn) Then ' Input file exists?
WScript.Echo "File '" & fileIn & "' not found"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
' Input file present; open file and create output file.
Set oFileIn = fso.OpenTextFile(fileIn) ' Open input file.
Set oFileOut = fso.OpenTextFile(fileOut, _
ForWriting, True) ' Open output file.
Do While Not (oFileIn.atEndOfStream)
Text = oFileIn.ReadLine ' Read a line.
Text = Filter(Text, pattern, replacement)
oFileOut.WriteLine Text ' Write text.
WScript.Echo "Text file: " & fileIn & vbCrLf & _
"Written into: " & fileOut
Function GetPath
' Retrieve the script path.
Dim path
path = WScript.ScriptFullName ' Script name
GetPath = Left(path, InStrRev(path, "\"))
End Function
Function Filter(txt, expr1, expr2)
' Replace expr1 with expr2 in text.
Dim oReg
Set oReg = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
oReg.Global = True ' All matches
oReg.IgnoreCase = True ' Make case-insensitive.
' Replace all expr1 with expr2.
oReg.Pattern = expr1 ' Set pattern.
Filter = oReg.Replace(txt, expr2)
End Function
'*** End
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