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Email Layout a column is not lining up properly .
Hi Expert , As I tried to open an email that was generated from Hotsheet Report and a column shows from a body of email message is not lining up properly . I am running a windows Xp, Office xp SP3. I tried to download Snapshot viewer still not working ... Someone suggest to change some setting from outlook but I don't know how... Any suggestion would be appreciated . Thanks very much...
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Have you received this type of report before ? if so when was the last time that it viewed correctly?
We need more information... is there a place where I can go to download a sample of this?
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> The report is in a body of the message
You should probably flex your influence and have the preparer of the report, or whoever imported it, to get the columns standatardized.
I get that a lot, from peopl who should know better, but even in MS word keep switching from using tabs to use of different paragraph and column alignments, bullets, for a wide variety of fonts and styles that are not always very different at all - then they'll add padds of spaces to make it look better in some application. Anyone resizing a window, may still get a different experience.
The earlier the formatting is made consistent, the better.
You should probably flex your influence and have the preparer of the report, or whoever imported it, to get the columns standatardized.
I get that a lot, from peopl who should know better, but even in MS word keep switching from using tabs to use of different paragraph and column alignments, bullets, for a wide variety of fonts and styles that are not always very different at all - then they'll add padds of spaces to make it look better in some application. Anyone resizing a window, may still get a different experience.
The earlier the formatting is made consistent, the better.
> windows Xp
Operating system is irrelevant
Operating system is irrelevant
thanks -good luck