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Server Problems

I Had a server in Texas and One in New Jersey. The Server in Texas had a bad hard drive so we ordered a new server. The orginal Texas server was windows 2000. The new server is Windows 2003. Both Servers are still functional but I need to add the Windows 2003 server to the domain. I also want to move the active directory fromt he windows 2000 server to the windows 2003 server. What is the best way to do this?
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Sorry this makes no sense. Let me try again.

I Had a Domain Controller in Texas that ran the child domain. My Main Domain Controller for the Parent Domain is in New Jersey. The Server in Texas had a bad hard drive however it had mirroring so it is still functional. We elected to ordered a new server altogether. The orginal Texas server was windows 2000. The new server is Windows 2003. Both Servers are functional but I need to add the Windows 2003 server to the domain.

This is the Domain Structure
New Jersey- (Parent Domain)
Texas- (Child Domain)

So I want to

1) Add the windows 2003 server to the texas city child domain
2) Copy the active directory of local texas users from the windows 2000 server to the new windows 2003 server
3) Demote the Windows 2000 Server
4) Change the Windows 2003 servers computer name to the name of the old server.

I think what i should do is
1) Upgrade the windows 2000 server
2) then mirror that server to the hard drive of the new server

Does this sound like a good choice
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