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Any drawing or painting into the PC
I can draw and paint anything on paper and I have been thinking into translating my art into web design. I would like to be able to draw and paint in any graphics software(Photoshop, Illustrator, coreldraw, etc). with tools other than the mouse and the scanner. Is there any third party hardware to plug into the PC(not Mac) that will help me express myself as if I was drawing and painting in my canvas? if there is any, which software would go with it?
I appreciate your guidance regarding this
I appreciate your guidance regarding this
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Signing up is free and takes 30 seconds. No credit card required.
512 levels. The photos of the 6 X 8 Adesso tablet look identical, they are probably made by the same manufacturer and branded differently.
yea, I just checked them out. they do look the same.
Thanks guys for your help. i am going to split between you al'
Thanks !
I havent heard much about those. How many degrees of pressure do they have?