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Read an entire ado recordset row?
Is there a way to read the entire recordset row in order to write to a file in one shot and add delimeters to the fields without looping through each field?
You could try incorporating DTS (Data Transformation Services) and Scripting.FileSystemObject , it's a bit long winded but it should work. Infact you could suck the whole recordset in as a DTSFlatFile and spit the lot out to you delimited text file.
Depending on how your retrieving your recordset? If its coming out of SQL using a stored Procedure it should be pretty easy.
check this out:
Depending on how your retrieving your recordset? If its coming out of SQL using a stored Procedure it should be pretty easy.
check this out:
good point getrows would be A hell of a lot easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good point getrows would be A hell of a lot easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The recordset is coming out of sql. I'd like something that sucks the entire recordset into a file with the option to delimit fields and crlf at each record.
I'll check out DTSFlatFile.
I'll check out DTSFlatFile.
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check out there help and use it, it is far better than using/looping the rs objects