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Move from Lotus Notes to Exchange 2003

Dear experts,

our company has bought part of another company which used Lotus Notes.

The employees coming over have a lot of emails and databases in Notes which we would need to "transfer" somehow.

We use Exchange 2003 Server Enterprise wide.

Here are the questions:

1) Is there any way to allow these people to keep using their Lotus Notes databases ? Is there an application which will allow the same functionality ? Otherwise, is there an application which allows these databases to be read only ? Can Outlook / Office replace this function to create new databases ?

2) Is there a way to import there old emails into an Outlook pst file which the user can locally read using Outlook 2003 ?

3) Is there a way to import their contacts into our exchange servers ?

Many thanks
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1) Not possible
2 & 3 possible.
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Care to explain how ?
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Unasked question:

4) Or should we move from Exchange to Lotus Notes?
I mean: does it have to be an internal revolution, or could it just be an evolution? Sending mail from Domino to Exchange is easy. On the other hand, many other things in Notes cannot be supplied by other software. It will take you a lot of time to find or develop adequate replacements. Until then, just leave them Domino servers be, to allow your new colleagues to continue their business.
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Additional information, our company only bought a part of the other company.
They will continue to use the Lotus Notes servers, we cannot link those servers to our servers/domain.
We can only use whatever information is on the client PC's or what the IT people of the other company will burn on CD.

How do we proceed ?
> They will continue to use the Lotus Notes serve
With THEY you mean the other company that you didn't buy? But there is information stored in the databases your new colleagues use? You bought the knowledge as well? IMHO that would include the possibility to continue with Lotus Domino, although maybe on a smaller scale.

My suggestion (but to be sure, you need an expert to investigate this) is to have some THEY-people assist you in setting up a new Domino domain. Then, the most important databases should be installed on that server, after having been properly configured for the new environment (access rules, priorities, names, schedules, server names, etc etc).
I am a Lotus Notes administrator for a large university in Mass. The faculty and staff use Lotus Notes (for the security, and ability to access databases, etc). But, we do not enforce standards very much. We allow people to use MS Outlook, or any other mail client they choose (students are on a Unix based, very basic email system that does not require very much admin or intervention). Lotus Notes supports Imap. There are a few tools out there to assist in converting Notes to Exchange. Binary Tree is one such company that provides solutions for the conversion of Notes to Exchange. It can be a bit of a chore, but a colleague of mine did manage to get it done using the product from Binary Tree. The point is that there are a few options to weigh. I agree that setting up your own Domino domain might be a good idea as far as the company that you didn't buy but need to exchange data with. Which will also help with gaining an understanding of Domino/Notes. Good Luck.
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The following software was the solution for my problems regarding old emails and contact in Notes, the database problem I think cannot be solved, there is no alternative for this I guess.
Generally this is true. You can switch to Exchange for mail but it is more difficult to switch your Domino databases over to SQL or some other relational db structure. It is generally cheaper to just keep the Domino databases servers and keep serving up the data in Domino format (or via HTTP). Glad you found a product that works for you. Good Luck.
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