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Own Dialog Box
Hi All,
I would like to make my own "dialog box".
What I would like to have is something that is similar to the Common Dialog, but not working with files etc, it will be working with say for instance a list of people.
I would like to be able to call this form/dialog from anywhere in my app and return a name of a person from the list on that form.
something along the lines of:
f_GetName = frmNamePopup.txtName.text
I know that the above idea wont work!!! Its just a thought.
I would like to make my own "dialog box".
What I would like to have is something that is similar to the Common Dialog, but not working with files etc, it will be working with say for instance a list of people.
I would like to be able to call this form/dialog from anywhere in my app and return a name of a person from the list on that form.
something along the lines of:
f_GetName = frmNamePopup.txtName.text
I know that the above idea wont work!!! Its just a thought.
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