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Load pictures
Hi Experts,
I hope that You will respond me ASAP.
I have a script:
-------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
while (i>0) { vieClip("D CP_" + i, i, {_x:10, _y:i*100+325});
loadMovie("DCP_"+(i+1)+".j pg", "_root.mcy.DCP_"+(i+1)+".p ic");
-------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
this script loads 20 diferent pictures into newly created movie clips.
I have 20 pictures maximum at the time but sometimes, I have just 5 or less.
I need a control which will stop the duplicating movie clip if there is no more pictures in the folder.
Thanks in advance
I hope that You will respond me ASAP.
I have a script:
while (i>0) {
this script loads 20 diferent pictures into newly created movie clips.
I have 20 pictures maximum at the time but sometimes, I have just 5 or less.
I need a control which will stop the duplicating movie clip if there is no more pictures in the folder.
Thanks in advance
Oh! In the first line of the php:
if ($handle = opendir('audio')) {
Change audio to the directory that your images are in.
Make sure permissions on the folder are set to 777
if ($handle = opendir('audio')) {
Change audio to the directory that your images are in.
Make sure permissions on the folder are set to 777
I do not have PHP support...
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If you have php available...
Change your html do name from whatever.html to whatever.php then put this at the very top of the page:
if ($handle = opendir('audio')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") $thefiles[] = $file;
$totalFiles = sizeof($theFiles);
Then in the object coding that embeds your swf add this param:
<param name="FlashVars" value="total=<?php echo($totalFiles); ?>" />
and in the <embed section add:
FlashVars="total=<?php echo($totalFiles); ?>"
Then in your actionscript:
Change i = 20; to i = total;