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How to dynamically convert .bmp to .jpg in PHP on Windows web server with IIS


I am trying to dynamically convert BMP's to JPEG's.  I have installed GD, ImageMagick, and MagickWand and they are all working, but I cannot get the imagecreatefromwbmp() function to work.  I get an error that it is not a valid WBMP file.  There is no function to convert plain BMP files.  Is there another way I can go about this?  I have searched all over google and haven't come up with anything.

Here is my code:

header("Content-type: image/png");
$imgfile = "chartupdate/charts/Chart1.bmp";
$wand = NewMagickWand();
$bmpimg = MagickReadImage($wand, $imgfile);
$im = imagecreatefromwbmp("chartupdate/charts/Chart1.bmp");

Thanks for your assistance,

Avatar of dr_dedo
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try this

$bmp = "/home/usr/imge1.bmp";
$image =  imagecreatefromwbmp($bmp);
if (!imagejpeg ($image)) echo" Error";
else echo "Done";
This is a script I have yet to use. It is one I found online a while ago. I'm having to convert JPEG/PNG/GIF/TIFF/BMP to PDFs.

There were only about 2000 BMPs to deal with so I did them all in Paint Shop Pro. And this format is no longer used on our network.

The TIFF files are though, so that's where I spent my time.

Which is why this code is untested.

Save this as and save it somewhere in the INCLUDE_DIR path.

Then ...

require_once '';
*                   BMP Image functions
*                      By JPEXS

*                    ImageBMP
*            - Creates new BMP file
*         Parameters:  $img - Target image
*                      $file - Target file to store
*                            - if not specified, bmp is returned
*           Returns: if $file specified - true if OK
                     if $file not specified - image data
function imagebmp($img, $file = '', $RLE = 0)
      $ColorCount = imagecolorstotal($img);

      $Transparent = imagecolortransparent($img);
      $IsTransparent = ($Transparent != -1);

      if ($IsTransparent)

      if ($ColorCount == 0)
            $ColorCount = 0;
            $BitCount = 24;
      if (($ColorCount > 0) && ($ColorCount <= 2))
            $ColorCount = 2;
            $BitCount = 1;
      if (($ColorCount > 2) && ($ColorCount <= 16))
            $ColorCount = 16;
            $BitCount = 4;
      if (($ColorCount > 16) && ($ColorCount <= 256))
            $ColorCount = 0;
            $BitCount = 8;

      $Width = imagesx($img);
      $Height = imagesy($img);

      $Zbytek = (4 - ($Width / (8 / $BitCount)) % 4) % 4;

      if ($BitCount < 24)
            $palsize = pow(2, $BitCount) * 4;

      $size = (floor($Width / (8 / $BitCount)) + $Zbytek) * $Height + 54;
      $size += $palsize;
      $offset = 54 + $palsize;

      // Bitmap File Header
      $ret = 'BM';                  // header (2b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword($size);      // size of file (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // reserved (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword($offset);      // byte location in the file which is first byte of IMAGE (4b)

      // Bitmap Info Header
      $ret .= int_to_dword(40);      // Size of BITMAPINFOHEADER (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword($Width);      // width of bitmap (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword($Height);      // height of bitmap (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_word(1);            // biPlanes = 1 (2b)
      $ret .= int_to_word($BitCount);      // biBitCount = {1 (mono) or 4 (16 clr ) or 8 (256 clr) or 24 (16 Mil)} (2b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword($RLE);      // RLE COMPRESSION (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // width x height (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // biXPelsPerMeter (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // biYPelsPerMeter (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // Number of palettes used (4b)
      $ret .= int_to_dword(0);      // Number of important colour (4b)

      // image data
      $CC = $ColorCount;
      $sl1 = strlen($ret);

      if ($CC == 0)
            $CC = 256;

      if ($BitCount < 24)
            $ColorTotal = imagecolorstotal($img);
            if ($IsTransparent)
            for ($p = 0; $p < $ColorTotal; $p++)
                  $color = imagecolorsforindex($img, $p);
                  $ret .= inttobyte($color['blue']);
                  $ret .= inttobyte($color['green']);
                  $ret .= inttobyte($color['red']);
                  $ret .= inttobyte(0); //RESERVED
            $CT = $ColorTotal;
            for ($p = $ColorTotal; $p < $CC; $p++)
                  $ret .= inttobyte(0);
                  $ret .= inttobyte(0);
                  $ret .= inttobyte(0);
                  $ret .= inttobyte(0); //RESERVED

      if ($BitCount <= 8)
            for ($y = $Height - 1; $y >= 0; $y--)
                  $bWrite = '';
                  for ($x = 0; $x < $Width; $x++)
                        $color = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
                        $bWrite .= decbinx($color, $BitCount);
                        if (strlen($bWrite) == 8)
                              $retd .= inttobyte(bindec($bWrite));
                              $bWrite = '';

                  if ((strlen($bWrite) < 8) && (strlen($bWrite) != 0))
                        $sl = strlen($bWrite);
                        for ($t = 0; $t < 8 - $sl; $t++)
                              $sl .= '0';
                        $retd .= inttobyte(bindec($bWrite));
                  for ($z = 0; $z < $Zbytek; $z++)
                        $retd .= inttobyte(0);

      if (($RLE == 1) && ($BitCount == 8))
            for ($t = 0; $t < strlen($retd); $t += 4)
                  if ($t != 0)
                        if (($t) % $Width == 0)
                              $ret .= chr(0).chr(0);
                  if (($t + 5) % $Width == 0)
                        $ret .= chr(0) . chr(5) . substr($retd, $t, 5) . chr(0);
                  if (($t + 6) % $Width == 0)
                        $ret .= chr(0) . chr(6) . substr($retd, $t, 6);
                        $t += 2;
                        $ret .= chr(0) . chr(4) . substr($retd, $t, 4);
            $ret .= chr(0) . chr(1);
            $ret .= $retd;

      if ($BitCount == 24)
            for ($z = 0; $z < $Zbytek; $z++)
                  $Dopl .= chr(0);
            for ($y = $Height - 1; $y >= 0; $y--)
                  for ($x = 0; $x < $Width; $x++)
                        $color = imagecolorsforindex($img, ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y));
                        $ret .= chr($color['blue']) . chr($color['green']) . chr($color['red']);
                  $ret .= $Dopl;

      if ($file != '')
            $r = ($f = fopen($file, 'w'));
            $r = $r && fwrite($f, $ret);
            $r = $r && fclose($f);
            return $r;
            echo $ret;

*                    ImageCreateFromBmp
*            - Reads image from a BMP file
*         Parameters:  $file - Target file to load
*            Returns: Image ID

function imagecreatefrombmp($file)
      global  $CurrentBit, $echoMode;

      $f = fopen($file, 'r');
      $Header = fread($f, 2);

      if ($Header == 'BM')
            $Size = freaddword($f);
            $Reserved1 = freadword($f);
            $Reserved2 = freadword($f);
            $FirstByteOfImage = freaddword($f);
            $SizeBITMAPINFOHEADER = freaddword($f);
            $Width = freaddword($f);
            $Height = freaddword($f);
            $biPlanes = freadword($f);
            $biBitCount = freadword($f);
            $RLECompression = freaddword($f);
            $WidthxHeight = freaddword($f);
            $biXPelsPerMeter = freaddword($f);
            $biYPelsPerMeter = freaddword($f);
            $NumberOfPalettesUsed = freaddword($f);
            $NumberOfImportantColors = freaddword($f);

            if ($biBitCount < 24)
                  $img = imagecreate($Width, $Height);
                  $Colors = pow(2, $biBitCount);
                  for ($p = 0; $p < $Colors; $p++)
                        $B = freadbyte($f);
                        $G = freadbyte($f);
                        $R = freadbyte($f);
                        $Reserved = freadbyte($f);
                        $Palette[] = imagecolorallocate($img, $R, $G, $B);

                  if ($RLECompression == 0)
                        $Zbytek = (4 - ceil(($Width / (8 / $biBitCount))) % 4) % 4;
                        for ($y = $Height - 1; $y >= 0; $y--)
                              $CurrentBit = 0;
                              for ($x = 0; $x < $Width; $x++)
                                    $C = freadbits($f, $biBitCount);
                                    imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $Palette[$C]);
                              if ($CurrentBit != 0)
                              for ($g = 0; $g < $Zbytek; $g++)

            if ($RLECompression == 1) //$BI_RLE8
                  $y = $Height;
                  $pocetb = 0;
                  while (true)
                        $prefix = freadbyte($f);
                        $suffix = freadbyte($f);
                        $pocetb += 2;
                        if ((($prefix == 0) && ($suffix == 1)) || (feof($f)))
                        while (!(($prefix == 0) && ($suffix == 0)))
                              if ($prefix == 0)
                                    $pocet = $suffix;
                                    $Data .= fread($f, $pocet);
                                    $pocetb += $pocet;
                                    if ($pocetb % 2 == 1)
                              if ($prefix > 0)
                                    $pocet = $prefix;
                                    for ($r = 0; $r < $pocet; $r++)
                                          $Data .= chr($suffix);
                              $prefix = freadbyte($f);
                              $suffix = freadbyte($f);
                              $pocetb += 2;
                        for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($Data); $x++)
                              imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $Palette[ord($Data[$x])]);
                        $Data = '';

            if ($RLECompression == 2) //$BI_RLE4
                  $y = $Height;
                  $pocetb = 0;

                        $prefix = freadbyte($f);
                        $suffix = freadbyte($f);
                        $pocetb += 2;
                        if ((($prefix == 0) && ($suffix == 1)) || (feof($f)))
                        while(!(($prefix == 0) && ($suffix == 0)))
                              if ($prefix == 0)
                                    $pocet = $suffix;
                                    $CurrentBit = 0;
                                    for ($h = 0; $h < $pocet; $h++)
                                          $Data .= chr(freadbits($f, 4));
                                    if ($CurrentBit != 0)
                                          freadbits($f, 4);
                                    $pocetb += ceil(($pocet / 2));
                                    if ($pocetb % 2 == 1)
                              if ($prefix > 0)
                                    $pocet = $prefix;
                                    $i = 0;
                                    for ($r = 0; $r < $pocet; $r++)
                                          if ($i % 2 == 0)
                                                $Data .= chr($suffix % 16);
                                                $Data .= chr(floor($suffix / 16));
                              $prefix = freadbyte($f);
                              $suffix = freadbyte($f);
                              $pocetb += 2;
                        for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($Data); $x++)
                              imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $Palette[ord($Data[$x])]);
                        $Data = '';

            if ($biBitCount == 24)
                  $img = imagecreatetruecolor($Width, $Height);
                  $Zbytek = $Width % 4;
                  for ($y = $Height - 1; $y >= 0; $y--)
                        for ($x = 0; $x < $Width; $x++)
                              $B = freadbyte($f);
                              $G = freadbyte($f);
                              $R = freadbyte($f);
                              $color = imagecolorexact($img, $R, $G, $B);
                              if ($color == -1)
                                    $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
                              imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $color);
                        for ($z = 0; $z < $Zbytek; $z++)
            return $img;

* Helping functions:
* freadbyte($file) - reads 1 byte from $file
* freadword($file) - reads 2 bytes (1 word) from $file
* freaddword($file) - reads 4 bytes (1 dword) from $file
* freadlngint($file) - same as freaddword($file)
* decbin8($d) - returns binary string of d zero filled to 8
* RetBits($byte,$start,$len) - returns bits $start->$start+$len from $byte
* freadbits($file,$count) - reads next $count bits from $file
* RGBToHex($R,$G,$B) - convert $R, $G, $B to hex
* int_to_dword($n) - returns 4 byte representation of $n
* int_to_word($n) - returns 2 byte representation of $n

function freadbyte($f)
      return ord(fread($f,1));

function freadword($f)
      $b1 = freadbyte($f);
      $b2 = freadbyte($f);
      return $b2 * 256 + $b1;

function freadlngint($f)
      return freaddword($f);

function freaddword($f)
      $b1 = freadword($f);
      $b2 = freadword($f);
      return $b2 * 65536 + $b1;

function RetBits($byte, $start, $len)
      $bin = decbin8($byte);
      $r = bindec(substr($bin, $start, $len));
      return $r;

$CurrentBit = 0;
function freadbits($f, $count)
      global $CurrentBit, $SMode;

      $Byte = freadbyte($f);
      $LastCBit = $CurrentBit;
      $CurrentBit += $count;
      if ($CurrentBit == 8)
            $CurrentBit = 0;
            fseek($f, ftell($f) - 1);
      return RetBits($Byte, $LastCBit, $count);

function RGBToHex($Red, $Green, $Blue)
      $hRed = dechex($Red);
      if (strlen($hRed) == 1)
            $hRed = "0$hRed";
      $hGreen = dechex($Green);
      if (strlen($hGreen) == 1)
            $hGreen = "0$hGreen";
      $hBlue = dechex($Blue);
      if (strlen($hBlue) == 1)
            $hBlue = "0$hBlue";
      return($hRed . $hGreen . $hBlue);

function int_to_dword($n)
      return chr($n & 255) . chr(($n >> 8) & 255) . chr(($n >> 16) & 255) . chr(($n >> 24) & 255);

function int_to_word($n)
      return chr($n & 255) . chr(($n >> 8) & 255);

function decbin8($d)
      return decbinx($d,8);

function decbinx($d, $n)
      $bin = decbin($d);
      $sbin = strlen($bin);
      for ($j = 0; $j < $n - $sbin; $j++)
      $bin = "0$bin";
      return $bin;

function inttobyte($n)
      return chr($n);
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Richard Quadling
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Grade C? We could have helped more if you had come back. is a good place to start. I didn't know that WBMP are uncompressed monochrome images.

Hardly seems worth the effort!
Avatar of anneaquilino


Sorry...none of the solutions solved the problem but yours was correct, and I didn't want to just leave it I awarded you the points, but was a one line answer...that is average.  What I need is a way to convert bmp images to jpgs (or even gifs) dynamically from php.
Hold on. I gave you a complete class to read BMP into PHP's image format. From there you can do what you want with them.

I think the confusion is that you mention BMP and WBMP. They are different sorts of files.

Anyway if you need any more help on implementing a WBMP reader come back to EE.