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URGENT: CFFORM validation failing because of another javascript.

I have an HTML page (below) that is not validating when using CFFORM and EditLive (an onliine editor).  I have narrowed the problem down to a conflict with the external Javascript file that EditLive uses and the external javascript files that CFForm Uses.  If I remove the link to the EditLive javascript file, the form validation works fine i I.E, Firefox and Safari.  When I put it back in there, I get the following error for IR and FireFox (safari is fine): "obj has no properties" which refers to the cfform.js file that CFFORM inserts when the page is rendered.  Firefox indicates that the error is occuring in the following function wiithin the cfform.js file.  500 points and a years worth of thanks if you can help me fix the problem.  I'm really stuck.

Example 1: Function Error
Example 2: HTML Page error is occuring on
Example 3: Editlive.JS file that is causing the conflict.

===========1. Function Error=============
function _CF_hasValue(obj, obj_type, obj_trim)
      if (obj_type == "TEXT" || obj_type == "FILE" ||obj_type == "PASSWORD" || obj_type == "CFTEXTAREA" || obj_type == "TEXTAREA" || obj_type == "CFTEXTINPUT")
            if (obj.value.length == 0)
                    return false;
                  if( obj_trim )
                      //trim whitespace - for backward compatability this is optional
                        str = obj.value.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');
                        if (str.length == 0)
                        { return false; }
                    return true;
      else if (obj_type == "SELECT")
            for (i=0; i < obj.length; i++)
                  if (obj.options[i].selected)
                        return true;
               return false;      
      else if (obj_type == "SINGLE_VALUE_RADIO" || obj_type == "SINGLE_VALUE_CHECKBOX")
            if (obj.checked)
                  return true;
                     return false;      
      else if (obj_type == "RADIO" || obj_type == "CHECKBOX")
            if( obj.length == undefined && obj.checked )
                  return true;
                  for (i=0; i < obj.length; i++)
                        if (obj[i].checked)
                              return true;
               return false;      
      }else if( obj_type == "CFTREE"){
          if( obj['value'].length > 0 )
              return true;
            return false;
          return true;

============== 2. Here is the page==================
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script src='/common/editlivejava/editlivejava.js'></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/scripts/cfform.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/scripts/masks.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function  _CF_checkform1(_CF_this)
        //reset on submit
        _CF_error_exists = false;
        _CF_error_messages = new Array();
        _CF_error_fields = new Object();
        _CF_FirstErrorField = null;

        //display error messages and return success
        if( _CF_error_exists )
            if( _CF_error_messages.length > 0 )
                // show alert() message
                // set focus to first form error, if the field supports js focus().
                if( _CF_this[_CF_FirstErrorField].type == "text" )
                { _CF_this[_CF_FirstErrorField].focus(); }

            return false;
        }else {
            return true;


<form name="form1" id="form1" action="editor.cfm" method="post" preloader="no" onsubmit="return _CF_checkform1(this)">  

<script language="JavaScript">
var ELJApplet1_js;
ELJApplet1_js = new EditLiveJava("tbody", "100%", "300");
ELJApplet1_js.setConfigurationText("abbriviated for demo");

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"/>

========3. Here is the EditLive Javascript In Question ==========

 * Ephox EditLive! JavaScript Library
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved.
 * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind.

var eljUseWebDAV = false;
var eljUseMathML = false;
var eljUseLiveConnect = false;

/** The designer class provides a simple API for setting parameters on the designer and
 * instantiating it.
function EditLiveJava(name, width, height) {

      this.paramNames = new Array();
      this.paramValues = new Array();
      this.width = width;
      this.height = height; = name;
      this.borderStyle = "";
      this.bAutoSubmit = true;
      this.setDownloadDirectory = EditLiveCommon_setDownloadDirectory;
      this.setConfigurationFile = EditLiveCommon_setXMLURL;
      this.setXMLURL = EditLiveCommon_setXMLURL;
      this.setDebugLevel = EditLiveCommon_setDebugLevel;
      this.setLogger = EditLiveCommon_setLogger;
      this.setConfigurationText = EditLiveCommon_setXML;
      this.setXML      = EditLiveCommon_setXML;
      this.setMinimumJREVersion =  EditLiveCommon_setMinimumJREVersion;
      this.setJREDownloadURL = EditLiveCommon_setJREDownloadURL;
      this.setShowSystemRequirementsError = EditLiveCommon_setShowSystemRequirementsError;
      this.setCookie = EditLiveCommon_setCookie;
      this.setLocalDeployment = EditLiveCommon_setLocalDeployment;
      this.InsertHTMLAtCursor = EditLiveCommon_InsertHTMLAtCursor;
      this.InsertHyperlinkAtCursor = EditLiveCommon_InsertHyperlinkAtCursor;
      this.ScrollTo = EditLiveCommon_ScrollTo;
      this.setAutoSubmit = EditLiveCommon_setAutoSubmit;
      this.UploadFiles = EditLiveCommon_UploadFiles;
      this.UploadImages = EditLiveCommon_UploadFiles;
      this.setDownloadingMessage = EditLiveCommon_setDownloadingMessage;
      this.setLocale = EditLiveCommon_setLocale;
      this.setBorderStyle = EditLiveCommon_setBorderStyle; = EditLiveCommon_show;
      this.setShowButtonText = EditLiveCommon_setShowButtonText;
      this.setShowButtonIconURL = EditLiveCommon_setShowButtonIconURL;
      this.setHideButtonText = EditLiveCommon_setHideButtonText;
      this.setHideButtonIconURL = EditLiveCommon_setHideButtonIconURL;
      this.showAsButton = EditLiveCommon_showAsButton;
      this.setDocument = EditLiveJava_setDocument;
      this.setBody = EditLiveJava_setBody;
      this.setStyles = EditLiveJava_setStyles;
      this.setXSD = EditLiveJava_setXSD;
      this.addXSDAsString = EditLiveJava_addXSDAsString;
      this.setReturnBodyOnly = EditLiveJava_setReturnBodyOnly;
      this.GetDocument = EditLiveJava_GetDocument;
      this.GetBody = EditLiveJava_GetBody;
      this.GetSelectedText = EditLiveJava_GetSelectedText;
      this.GetWordAtCursor = EditLiveJava_GetWordAtCursor;
      this.GetHyperlinkAtCursor = EditLiveJava_GetHyperlinkAtCursor;
      this.SetDocument = EditLiveJava_setDocument;
      this.SetBody = EditLiveJava_setBody;
      this.GetStyles = EditLiveJava_GetStyles;
      this.GetWordCount = EditLiveJava_GetWordCount;
      this.GetCharCount = EditLiveJava_GetCharCount;
      this.IsDirty = EditLiveJava_IsDirty;
      this.SetProperties = EditLiveJava_SetProperties;
      this.PostDocument = EditLiveJava_PostDocument;
      this.addView = EditLiveJava_addView;
      this.addViewWithString = EditLiveJava_addViewWithString
      this.setUseTextarea = EditLiveJava_setUseTextarea;
      this.setTextareaRows = EditLiveJava_setTextareaRows;
      this.setTextareaCols = EditLiveJava_setTextareaCols;
      this.setPreload = EditLiveJava_setPreload;
      this.setOnInitComplete = EditLiveJava_setPreload;
      this.setHead = EditLiveJava_setHead;
      this.setBaseURL = EditLiveJava_setBaseURL;
      this.GetCurrentDocumentURL = EditLiveJava_GetCurrentDocumentURL;
      this.setOutputCharset = EditLiveJava_setOutputCharset;
      this.setCommentTemplate = EditLiveJava_setCommentTemplate;
      this.addJar = EditLiveJava_addJar;
      this.setPreserveInputStructure = EditLiveJava_setPreserveInputStructure;
      this.setHttpLayerManager = EditLiveJava_setHttpLayerManager;
      this.addParam = EditLiveJava_addParam;
      // WebDAV Properties
      this.setUseWebDAV = EditLiveJava_setUseWebDAV;

      // MathML Properties
      this.setUseMathML = EditLiveJava_setUseMathML;
      // LiveConnect
      this.setUseLiveConnect = EditLiveCommonStatic_setUseLiveConnect;

      this.started = false;
      this.getAppletHTML = EditLiveJava_getAppletHTML;
      this.getHiddenFields = EditLiveJava_getHiddenFields;
      this.started = false;
      this.editXML = false;
      this.views = new Array();
      this.xsds = new Array();
      this.extraJars = new Array();
      this.classNames = "";
      this.preload = false;

function EditLiveCommonStatic_setUseLiveConnect(val) {
      eljUseLiveConnect = val;

function EditLiveJava_setCommentTemplate(val) {
      if (this.started) {
            return false;
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "commentTemplate";
      this.paramValues[index] = val;
      return true;

function EditLiveJava_addJar(jarUrl, className) {
      this.extraJars[this.extraJars.length] = jarUrl;
      this.classNames += className + " ";

function EditLiveJava_addParam(name, value) {
      if (this.started) {
            return false;
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = name;
      this.paramValues[index] = value;
      return true;

function EditLiveJava_getAppletHTML() {
      if (!this.cookie) {
      // Determine the applet class to use.
      var appletClass;
      if (IsMac) {
            appletClass = "com.ephox.editlive.osx.EditLiveJava";
      } else if (IsLinux) {
            appletClass = "com.ephox.editlive.linux.EditLiveJava";
      } else if (IsSolaris) {
            appletClass = "com.ephox.editlive.solaris.EditLiveJava";
      } else {
            appletClass = "";
      // Determine the classpath.
      var needXML = false;
      jarList = this.downloadDirectory + "editlivejava.jar";
      if (eljUseWebDAV) {
            needXML = true;
      if (eljUseMathML) {
            jarList += "," + this.downloadDirectory + "WebEQEphox.jar";
      if ((IsMac && IsMSIE) || sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1") {
            jarList += "," + this.downloadDirectory + "xml-apis.jar";
      if (this.editXML) {
            needXML = false;
            if ((IsMac && IsMSIE) || sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1") {
                  jarList += "," + this.downloadDirectory + "crimson.jar";
      } else if (needXML) {
            if ((IsMac && IsMSIE) || sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1") {
                  jarList += "," + this.downloadDirectory + "crimson.jar";
      var urlCounter;
      for (urlCounter = 0; urlCounter < this.extraJars.length; urlCounter++) {
            jarList += "," + this.extraJars[urlCounter];
      var paramLength = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[paramLength] = "BeanListenerClasses";
      this.paramValues[paramLength] = this.classNames;
      classpath = jarList;
      var appletName = + "_elj";
      hiddenName =;

      if (this.editXML) {
            var i = 0;
            var nameParam = "";
            var valueParam = "";
            var isUrlParam = "";
            for (i = 0; i < this.views.length; i++) {
                  var view = this.views[i];
                  nameParam += escape(view[0]) + ":";
                  valueParam += escape(view[1]) + ":";
                  isUrlParam += view[2] + ":";
            var propLength = this.paramNames.length;
            this.paramNames[propLength] = "viewNames";
            this.paramValues[propLength] = nameParam;
            this.paramNames[propLength] = "viewValues";
            this.paramValues[propLength] = valueParam;
            this.paramNames[propLength] = "viewIsURLs";
            this.paramValues[propLength] = isUrlParam;
            var xsdParam = "";
            for (i = 0; i < this.xsds.length; i++) {
                  xsdParam += this.xsds[i];
            this.paramNames[propLength] = "XSDString";
            this.paramValues[propLength] = xsdParam;
      var appletTag = EditLiveCommonStatic_generateAppletTag(this.width, this.height, appletName, classpath,
            appletClass, this.paramNames, this.paramValues, this.preload);
      if (appletTag == '' && this.preload) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.paramNames.length; i++) {
                  if (this.paramNames[i] == 'setPreload') {
                      setTimeout(this.paramValues[i] + "()", 20);
      var result = EditLiveCommonStatic_getEditorLayout(appletTag, this.borderStyle, this.width, this.height);
      return result;

function EditLiveJava_getHiddenFields() {
      var fields = new Array();
      fields[0] =;
      fields[1] = + "_styles";
      return fields;

function EditLiveJava_setUseWebDAV(bValue){
      if (this.started == true){
            return false;
      dalert("Use WebDAV: " + bValue);
      eljUseWebDAV = bValue;

function EditLiveJava_setUseMathML(bValue) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      dalert("Use MathML: " + bValue);
      eljUseMathML = bValue;

function EditLiveJava_setOutputCharset(charset) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      dalert("Output Charset: " + charset);
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "outputCharset";
      this.paramValues[index] = charset;

function EditLiveJava_setDocument(src){
      if(this.started == true){
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("setdocument", src, + "_elj");
      } else {
            dalert("Document    " + src);
            var index = this.paramNames.length
            this.paramNames[index] = "Document";
            this.paramValues[index] = src;
} //setDocument

function EditLiveJava_setBody(src){
      if(this.started == true){
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("setbody", src, + "_elj");
      } else {
            dalert("Body    " + src);
            var index = this.paramNames.length
            this.paramNames[index] = "Body";
            this.paramValues[index] = src;
} //setBody

function EditLiveJava_setStyles(src){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      }//end if
      dalert("Styles   "+src);
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "Styles";
      this.paramValues[index] = src;

function EditLiveJava_setReturnBodyOnly(bValue){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      } //end if
      dalert("ReturnBodyOnly    " + bValue);
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "setReturnBodyOnly";
      this.paramValues[index] = bValue;
} //setReturnBodyOnly

function EditLiveJava_setPreserveInputStructure(bValue) {
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      dalert("PreserveInputStructure    " + bValue);
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "setPreserveInputStructure";
      this.paramValues[index] = bValue;

function EditLiveJava_setXSD(val) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "XSD";
      this.paramValues[index] = val;

function EditLiveJava_addXSDAsString(val) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      this.xsds[this.xsds.length] = val;

function EditLiveJava_GetDocument(){
      if(arguments.length == 1) {
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getdocument", arguments[0], + "_elj");
      } else if(arguments.length == 2) {
            var sArgs = arguments[0];
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getdocument", arguments[0] + "##ephox##" + arguments[1], + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetDocument

function EditLiveJava_GetBody(){
      if(arguments.length == 1) {
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getbody", arguments[0], + "_elj");
      } else if(arguments.length == 2) {
            var sArgs = arguments[0];
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getbody", arguments[0] + "##ephox##" + arguments[1], + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetBody

function EditLiveJava_GetSelectedText(){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getselectedtext", arguments[0], + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetSelectedText

function EditLiveJava_GetWordAtCursor(){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getwordatcursor", arguments[0], + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetWordAtCursor

function EditLiveJava_GetHyperlinkAtCursor(){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("gethyperlinkatcursor", arguments[0], + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetHyperlinkAtCursor

function EditLiveJava_GetCurrentDocumentURL(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getcurrentfile", sActionValue, + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetCurrentDocumentURL

function EditLiveJava_GetStyles(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getstyles", sActionValue, + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetStyles

function EditLiveJava_GetWordCount(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getwordcount", sActionValue, + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetStyles

function EditLiveJava_GetCharCount(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("getcharcount", sActionValue, + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_GetStyles

function EditLiveJava_SetProperties(sActionValue) {
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("setproperties", sActionValue, + "_elj");

function EditLiveJava_setHttpLayerManager(value) {

      if(this.started == true){
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("sethttplayer", sActionValue, + "_elj");
      } else {
            dalert("HttpLayer    " + value);
            var index = this.paramNames.length
            this.paramNames[index] = "HttpLayer";
            this.paramValues[index] = value;

function EditLiveJava_IsDirty(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("isdirty", sActionValue, + "_elj");
} //EditLiveJava_IsDirty

function EditLiveJava_PostDocument() {
      var val = "";
      var argPosition;
      for (argPosition = 0; argPosition < arguments.length; argPosition++) {
            val += arguments[argPosition];
            if (argPosition + 1 < arguments.length) {
                  val += "##ephox##";
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("postdocument", val, + "_elj");

function EditLiveJava_addViewWithString(name, value) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      dalert("Add view: " + name + " - " + value);
      var view = new Array();
      view[0] = name;
      view[1] = value;
      view[2] = "false";
      this.views[this.views.length] = view;

function EditLiveJava_addView(name, value) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      dalert("Add view: " + name + " - " + value);
      var view = new Array();
      view[0] = name;
      view[1] = value;
      view[2] = "true";
      this.views[this.views.length] = view;

function EditLiveJava_Print(html) {
      var newWin;
      newWin ="", "", "toolbar=no"); //, "toolbar=no,location=no,menu=no");
      newWin.document.write('<html><head><title>Print Preview</title></head><frameset rows="60, *"><frame name="Print"><frame name="content"></frameset></html>');
      newWin['Print'].document.write('<html><body><form><input type="button" value="Print" onclick="parent[\'content\'].focus();parent[\'content\'].print();"><input type="button" value="Close" onclick="parent.close();"></form></body></html>');

// Script below here must be identical in each of the javascript files.

var DEBUG = false;

var bOnsubmit = false;
var bGetContent = false;
var hiddenName;
var sDebugLevel = "off";
var sLogger = "console";
var bLocalDeploy = false;
var sJREDownloadURL = "";
var sMinimumJREVersion = "";
var bShowErrorMessage = "true";
var eljLoadingMessage = "Updating components and initializing...";
var createdDiv = false;
var bUseTextArea = false;
var bForceUseTextArea = false;
var iTARows = 17;
var iTACols = 55;
var cookie = false;

// The classpath for applets.
var classpath;

// The Path to the EditLive download directory.
var downloadPath;

// The original onsubmit function.
var fOnSubmit;

// The new window opened for submitting on Netscape 4.
var wNewWindow;

// True if we are in Netscape.
var IsNetscape = false;

// True if we are on windows.
var IsWindows = false;

// True if we are on mac.
var IsMac = false;

// True if this is Mac OS X.
var IsOSX = false;

// True if we are on Solaris.
var IsSolaris = false;

// True if we are on linux.
var IsLinux = false;

// True if we are in IE.
var IsMSIE = false;

// True if we are in safari.
var IsSafari = false;

// True is we are in Opera
var IsOpera = false;

// True if we are in the IE DHTML control.
var IsMSIEDHTML = false;

// The PageID
var iPageID = 0;

var AllowMacNetscape = true;

function setAllowNetscapeOnMac(value) {
      AllowMacNetscape = value;


function EditLiveCommon_safariSubmit(url) {
      var win ="", "eljSubmit", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=1,height=1");
      win.location = url;

function EditLiveCommon_setDownloadingMessage(message) {
      eljLoadingMessage = message;

function EditLiveCommon_setDownloadDirectory(sDir)
      if(sDir.charAt(sDir.length - 1) != "/"){
            sDir += "/";
      } //end if
      downloadPath = sDir;
      this.downloadDirectory = sDir;

function EditLiveCommon_setLocalDeployment(bDeploy)
      bLocalDeploy = bDeploy;

function EditLiveCommon_setAutoSubmit(val)
      this.bAutoSubmit = val;

function EditLiveCommon_setMinimumJREVersion(val)
      if(val == "1.3.1" || val == "1.4.1" || val == "1.4.2"){
            sMinimumJREVersion = val;

function EditLiveCommon_setJREDownloadURL(val) {
      sJREDownloadURL = val;

function EditLiveCommon_setShowSystemRequirementsError(val) {
      bShowErrorMessage = val;

function EditLiveCommon_setDebugLevel(val) {
      sDebugLevel = val;

function EditLiveCommon_setLogger(val) {
      sLogger = val;


function EditLiveCommon_setXMLURL(strXMLURL){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      } //end if
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "setXMLURL";
      this.paramValues[index] = strXMLURL;
} //setXMLURL

function EditLiveCommon_setXML(strXML) {
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      } //end if
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "setXML";
      this.paramValues[index] = strXML;
} //setXML

function EditLiveCommon_setCookie(cookie_) {
      dalert("in setCookie");
      if(this.started == true)
            return false;
      if(cookie_ != "") {
            dalert("Cookie:    " + cookie_);
            this.cookie = true;
            var index = this.paramNames.length
            this.paramNames[index] = "Cookie";
            this.paramValues[index] = cookie_;

function EditLiveCommon_setLocale(strLocale) {
      if (this.started == true) {
            return false;
      } //end if
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "setLocale";
      this.paramValues[index] = strLocale;

function EditLiveJava_setUseTextarea(bUseText) {
      bForceUseTextArea = bUseText;

function EditLiveJava_setTextareaRows(iRows) {
      iTARows = iRows;

function EditLiveJava_setTextareaCols(iCols) {
      iTACols = iCols;

function EditLiveJava_setPreload(sPreload){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      this.preload = true;
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      dalert("Preload:   " + sPreload);
      this.paramNames[index] = "setPreload";
      this.paramValues[index] = sPreload;

function EditLiveJava_setHead(src){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      dalert("Head    " + src);
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "Head";
      this.paramValues[index] = src;
} //setHead

function EditLiveJava_setBaseURL(url){
      if(this.started == true){
            return false;
      dalert("Base    " + url);
      var index = this.paramNames.length
      this.paramNames[index] = "EphoxBaseURL";
      this.paramValues[index] = url;
} //setHead

//****************************** JavaScript API Routines ******************************

function EditLiveCommon_InsertHTMLAtCursor(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("inserthtmlatcursor", sActionValue, + "_elj");

function EditLiveCommon_InsertHyperlinkAtCursor(){
      if(arguments.length == 1) {
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("inserthyperlinkatcursor", arguments[0], + "_elj");
      } else {
            var i = 1;
            var sHyperlinkString = arguments[0];
            for(i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                  sHyperlinkString += "##ephox##";
                  sHyperlinkString += arguments[i];
            EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("inserthyperlinkatcursor", sHyperlinkString, + "_elj");

function EditLiveCommon_ScrollTo() {
      var val;
      if (arguments.length == 1) {
            val = arguments[0];
      } else {
            val = arguments[0] + ":" + arguments[1];
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("scrollto", val, + "_elj");

function EditLiveCommon_UploadFiles(sActionValue){
      EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction("uploadImages", sActionValue, + "_elj");

function EditLiveCommonStatic_DoCustomAction() {
      if (eljUseLiveConnect) {
            var applet = EditLiveCommonStatic_GetAppletWithName(ephoxGName);
            if (applet && ((IsWindows && IsMSIE) || applet.performCustomAction)) {
                  applet.performCustomActionLiveConnect("customaction:" + ephoxGAction + ":" + ephoxGValue);
      var paramNames = new Array();
      var paramValues = new Array();
      paramNames[0] = "CustomAction";
      paramValues[0] = "customaction:" + ephoxGAction + ":" + ephoxGValue;
      paramNames[1] = "CustomActionTarget";
      paramValues[1] = ephoxGName;
      EditLiveCommonStatic_runPostApplet(paramNames, paramValues);

var ephoxGAction;
var ephoxGValue;
var ephoxGName;

function EditLiveCommonStatic_CustomAction(action, value, name) {
      ephoxGAction = action;
      ephoxGValue = value;
      ephoxGName = name;
      setTimeout("EditLiveCommonStatic_DoCustomAction()", 10);

function EditLiveCommonStatic_GetAppletWithName(name) {
      if (document.getElementById) {
            return document.getElementById(name);


function EditLiveCommonStatic_detectBrowser() {
      var version = navigator.appVersion;
      if (version != "") {
            var iParen = version.indexOf("(", 0);
            var sUsrAgent = new String(navigator.userAgent);
            sUsrAgent = sUsrAgent.toLowerCase();

            navigator.clientVersion = version.substring(0, iParen - 1);
            if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("msie", 0) > 0) {
                  IsMSIE = true;
                  if (navigator.clientVersion.substring(0, 1) >= 4) {
                        IsMSIEDHTML = true;
            } else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("safari", 0) >= 0) {
                  IsSafari = true;
            }else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("mozilla", 0) >= 0) {
                  IsNetscape = true;
            } else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("opera", 0) >= 0) {
                  IsMSIE = true;
                  IsOpera = true;

            if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("win", 0) > 0) {
              IsWindows = true;
            } else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("mac", 0) > 0){
                IsMac = true;
                if (IsSafari || IsNetscape) {
                      IsOSX = true;
                } else {
                        for(i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++){
                              if(navigator.plugins[i].name == "Default Plugin Carbon.cfm") {
                                    IsOSX = true;
                              if (navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("OS X") > -1) {
                                    IsOSX = true;
            } else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("sunos", 0) > 0){
                IsSolaris = true;
            } else if (sUsrAgent.indexOf("linux", 0) > 0){
                IsLinux = true;

// Determines whether or not the current browser is supported.
function EditLiveCommonStatic_isSupportedBrowser() {
      if (IsWindows) {
            return IsMSIE || IsNetscape;
      } else if (IsOSX) {
            return IsSafari || (IsNetscape && AllowMacNetscape);
      } else if (IsSolaris) {
            return IsNetscape;
      } else if (IsLinux) {
            return IsNetscape;
      } else {
            return false;

function getEphoxPageID() {
      if(iPageID == 0) {

            var dTemp = new Date();
            iPageID = dTemp.getTime();
      return iPageID;
function EditLiveCommonStatic_generateAppletTag(width, height, name, classpath, applet, paramNames, paramValues, preload) {
      // Set the JRE download URL if it hasn't already been set.
      if (sJREDownloadURL == "") {
            sJREDownloadURL = downloadPath + "j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe";
      var str = "";
      var index = paramNames.length
      var bUpgradeOSXError = false;
      var bLinuxError = false;
      if (IsWindows == true) {
            if(IsMSIE == true) {
                  //OBJECT start tag
                  str += '<object';
                  str += ' classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"';
                  str += ' width="' + width +'"';
                  str += ' height="' + height +'"';
                  str += ' name="' + name + '"';
                  if(bLocalDeploy) {
                        if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.2"){
                                 str += ' codebase="' + sJREDownloadURL + '#Version=1,4,2"'
                           } else       if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.1"){
                                 str += ' codebase="' + sJREDownloadURL + '#Version=1,4,1"'
                           } else {
                                 str += ' codebase="' + sJREDownloadURL + '#Version=1,4,0"'
                  } else {
                        if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1"){
                              str += ' codebase=",3,1,01"'
                        } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.2"){
                                 str += ' codebase=",4,2,50"'
                           } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.1"){
                              str += ' codebase=",4,1"'
                        } else {
                              str += ' codebase=",4,0"'

                  str += '>';

                  //Standard PARAM elements
                  str += '<param name="code" value="' + applet + '" >';
                  str += '<param name="codebase" value="' + getURLbase() + '" >';
                  if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1"){
                        str += '<param name="type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3">';
                  } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.2"){
                           str += '<param name="type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2">';
                  } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.1"){
                        str += '<param name="type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1">';
                  } else {
                        str += '<param name="type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4">';
                  str += '<param name="archive" value="' + classpath + '" >';
                  str += '<param name="cache_option" value="Plugin" >';
                  str += '<param name="cache_archive" value="' + classpath + '" >';
                  str += '<param name="name" value="' + name + '" >';
                  if(IsOpera) {
                        str += '<param name="scriptable" value="true">';
                  } else {
                        str += '<param name="scriptable" value="false">';
                  str += '<param name="MAYSCRIPT" value="true">';
                  str += '<param name="progressbar" value="true">';
                  str += '<param name="boxmessage" value="' + eljLoadingMessage + '">';
                  str += '<param name="UserAgent" value="' + escape(navigator.userAgent) +'">';
                  str += '<param name="DebugLevel" value="' + sDebugLevel + '">';
                  str += '<param name="Logger" value="' + sLogger + '">';
                  str += '<param name="PageID" value="' + iPageID + '">';
                  //Custom PARAM elements
                  var index = 0;
                  while(index < paramNames.length) {
                        str += '<param';
                        str += ' name="' + paramNames[index] + '"';
                        str += ' value="' + paramValues[index] + '"'
                        str += '>';
                  } //end while

                  //OBJECT end tag
                  str += '</object>';

            } else if (IsNetscape == true) {
                  //Start of EMBED start tag
                  str += '<EMBED';

                  //Standard attributes
                  if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.3.1"){
                        str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3"';
                  } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.2"){
                        str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2"';
                  } else if(sMinimumJREVersion == "1.4.1"){
                        str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1"';
                  } else {
                        str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4"';
                  str += ' code="' + applet + '" ';
                  str += ' codebase="' + getURLbase() + '"';
                  str += ' cache_archive="' + classpath + '"';
                  str += ' archive="' + classpath + '"';
                  str += ' cache_option="Plugin"';
                  str += ' name="' + name + '"';
                  str += ' width="' + width + '"';
                  str += ' height="' + height + '"';
                  str += ' scriptable="true" ';
                  str += ' MAYSCRIPT=true ';
                  str += ' UserAgent="' + escape(navigator.userAgent) +'"';
                  str += ' DebugLevel="' + sDebugLevel + '"';
                  str += ' Logger="' + sLogger + '"';
                  str += ' PageID="' + iPageID + '" ';
                  //Custom attributes
                  var index = 0;
                  while(index < paramNames.length){
                        //Attribute name
                        str += paramNames[index];
                        //Attribute value
                        str += '="' + paramValues[index] + '" ';
                  } //end while

                  //Java plug-in install instructions for Netscape
                  str += ' pluginspage="' + getURLbase() + downloadPath + 'plugin-install.html"';

                  //End of EMBED start tag
                  str += '>';

                  //NOEMBED element
                  str += '<NOEMBED>';
                  str += '</NOEMBED>';

                  //EMBED end tag
                  str += '</EMBED>';

            } else {
                  // Unknown windows browser.
                  str = '';

      } else if (IsMac == true) {
            if(IsOSX) {
                  if (IsSafari == true || (AllowMacNetscape && IsNetscape)) {
                        //Start APPLET start tag
                        str += '<applet';

                        //Standard attributes
                        str += ' code="' + applet + '"';
                        str += ' cache_archive="' + classpath + '"';
                        str += ' cache_option="Plugin"';
                        str += ' archive="' + classpath + '"';
                        str += ' codebase="' + getURLbase() + '"';
                        str += ' name="' + name + '"';
                        str += ' width="' + width + '"';
                        str += ' height="' + height + '"';

                        //End APPLET start tag
                        str += ' MAYSCRIPT>';

                        //Custom PARAM elements
                        var index = 0;
                        while(index < paramNames.length) {
                              str += '<param';
                              str += ' name="' + paramNames[index] + '" ';
                              str += ' value="' + paramValues[index] + '"';
                              str += '>';
                        } //end while
                        str += '<param name="UserAgent" value="' + escape(navigator.userAgent) +'">';
                        str += '<param name="DebugLevel" value="' + sDebugLevel + '">';
                        str += '<param name="Logger" value="' + sLogger + '">';
                        str += '<param name="progressbar" value="true">';
                        str += '<param name="boxmessage" value="' + eljLoadingMessage + '">';
                        str += '<param name="PageID" value="' + iPageID + '">';
                        //write out window loc
                        var sFrameLoc = "";
                        var sTemp = ".";
                        var wCurrent = self;
                        var wParent = self.parent;
                        while (wParent != wCurrent) {
                              for (i = 0; i < wParent.length; i++) {
                                    if (wParent.frames[i] == wCurrent) {
                                          sTemp = (".frames[" + i + "]") + sTemp;
                              wCurrent = wParent;
                              wParent = wParent.parent;
                        sTemp = "window" + sTemp;
                        if (window.parent != self) {
                              sFrameLoc = sTemp;
                        str += '<param name="JSWindowLoc" ';
                        str += ' value="' + sFrameLoc + '"';
                        str += '>';

                        //APPLET end tag
                        str +='</applet>';
                  } else {
                        str = '';
            } else {
                  str = '';
      } else if(IsSolaris == true) {
            if(IsNetscape == true) {
                  //Start of EMBED start tag
                  str += '<EMBED';

                  //Standard attributes
                  str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4"';
                  str += ' code="' + applet + '" ';
                  str += ' codebase="' + getURLbase() + '"';
                  str += ' cache_archive="' + classpath + '"';
                  str += ' archive="' + classpath + '"';
                  str += ' cache_option="Plugin"';
                  str += ' name="' + name + '"';
                  str += ' width="' + width + '"';
                  str += ' height="' + height + '"';
                  str += ' scriptable="true" ';
                  str += ' MAYSCRIPT=true ';
                  str += ' UserAgent="' + escape(navigator.userAgent) +'"';
                  str += ' DebugLevel="' + sDebugLevel + '"';
                  str += ' Logger="' + sLogger + '"';
                  str += ' PageID="' + iPageID + '"';

                  //Custom attributes
                  var index = 0;
                  while(index < paramNames.length) {
                        //Attribute name
                        str += paramNames[index];
                        //Attribute value
                        str += '="' + paramValues[index] + '" ';
                  } //end while

                  //Java plug-in install instructions for Netscape
                  str += ' pluginspage=""';

                  //End of EMBED start tag
                  str += '>';

                  //NOEMBED element
                  str += '<NOEMBED>';
                  str += '</NOEMBED>';

                  //EMBED end tag
                  str += '</EMBED>';
            } else {
                  // Unsupported browser.
                  str = '';
      } else if (IsLinux == true) {
                  if (IsNetscape == true) {
                        //Start of EMBED start tag
                        str += '<EMBED';
                        //Standard attributes
                        str += ' type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4"';
                        str += ' code="' + applet + '" ';
                        str += ' codebase="' + getURLbase() + '"';
                        str += ' cache_archive="' + classpath + '"';
                        str += ' archive="' + classpath + '"';
                        str += ' cache_option="Plugin"';
                        str += ' name="' + name + '"';
                        str += ' width="' + width + '"';
                        str += ' height="' + height + '"';
                        str += ' scriptable="true" ';
                        str += ' MAYSCRIPT=true ';
                        str += ' UserAgent="' + escape(navigator.userAgent) +'"';
                        str += ' DebugLevel="' + sDebugLevel + '"';
                        str += ' Logger="' + sLogger + '"';
                        str += ' PageID="' + iPageID + '"';
                        //Custom attributes
                        var index = 0;
                        while (index < paramNames.length) {
                              //Attribute name
                              str += paramNames[index];
                              //Attribute value
                              str += '="' + paramValues[index] + '" ';
                        } //end while
                        //Java plug-in install instructions for Netscape
                        str += ' pluginspage=""';
                        //End of EMBED start tag
                        str += '>';
                        //NOEMBED element
                        str += '<NOEMBED>';
                        str += '</NOEMBED>';
                        //EMBED end tag
                        str += '</EMBED>';
                  } else {
                        // Unsupported browser.
                        str = '';
      } //end if
      if(bForceUseTextArea) {
            bUseTextArea = true;
            bForceUseTextArea = false;
            bUpgradeOSXError = false;
            bLinuxError = false;
            bShowErrorMessage = false;
            str = '';
      if (str == '' && !preload) {
            if (bShowErrorMessage) {
                  if(IsMac && !IsOSX){
                        str += "<p>The minimum operating system required to run EditLive! for Java on Apple Macintosh is MacOS X Update 10.1.1.<br>EditLive! for Java only supports Safari. Please ensure you are using Safari to browse.</p>"
                  } else if(IsLinux){
                        str += "<p>EditLive! for Java only supports Netscape Navigator 7.1 or Mozilla 1.4 running JRE 1.4.2 on Linux. Please ensure you are using the correct browser and JRE.</p>"
                  } else {
                        str += "<p>This system does not meet the minimum requirements to run EditLive! for Java. Now using a textarea instead.</p>";
            str += EditLiveCommonStatic_getTextArea(paramNames, paramValues);
      return str;

function EditLiveCommonStatic_getTextArea(paramNames, paramValues) {
      var str = "";
      str += '<textarea name="'+hiddenName+'" rows='+ iTARows +' cols='+ iTACols +'>';
      var index = 0;
      while(index < paramNames.length) {
            if(paramNames[index] == "Body" || paramNames[index] == "Document"){
                  var docSource = paramValues[index];
                  str += unescape(docSource.replace(/\+/gi, "%20"));
      } //end while
      str += '</textarea>';
      bUseTextArea = true;
      return str;

function EditLiveCommonStatic_getAuxDiv() {
      if (!createdDiv) {
            createdDiv = true;
            return EditLiveCommonStatic_createDiv("eLAuxDiv");

function EditLiveCommonStatic_createDiv(name) {
      var str = "";
      if(IsMSIE || IsSafari)
            str += '<div id="' + name + '" name="' + name + '" width="1" height="1"></div>';
            var version = navigator.appVersion;
            if(version.charAt(0) != "4") {
                  str += '<div id="' + name + '" name="' + name + '"></div>';
            } else {
                  //str += '<layer id="' + name + '" name="' + name + '"></layer>';
            } //end if
      } //end if
      return str;

function EditLiveCommonStatic_getEditorLayout(appletTag, borderStyle, width, height) {
      var str = "";
      if (IsMac) {
            str = '<table border="0" width="';
            str += width;
            str += '" height="';
            str += height;
            str += '" ><tr><td>';
            str += '<div style="';
            str += borderStyle;
            str += '">';
            str += appletTag;
            str += '</div>';
            var auxDiv = EditLiveCommonStatic_getAuxDiv();
            if (auxDiv) {
                  str += '</td><td>';
                  str += auxDiv;
            str += '</td></tr></table>';
      } else {
            str = '<div style="';
            str += borderStyle;
            str += '">';
            str += appletTag;
            str += '</div>';
            var auxDiv = EditLiveCommonStatic_getAuxDiv();
            if (auxDiv) {
                  str += auxDiv;
      return str;

function EditLiveCommon_setShowButtonText(text) {
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "showButtonText";
      this.paramValues[index] = text;

function EditLiveCommon_setShowButtonIconURL(url) {
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "showButtonIconURL";
      this.paramValues[index] = url;

function EditLiveCommon_setHideButtonText(text) {
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "hideButtonText";
      this.paramValues[index] = text;

function EditLiveCommon_setHideButtonIconURL(url) {
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "hideButtonIconURL";
      this.paramValues[index] = url;

function EditLiveCommon_showAsButton(popout) {
      var index = this.paramNames.length;
      this.paramNames[index] = "showAsButton";
      this.paramValues[index] = "true";
      this.paramNames[index] = "popout";
      this.paramValues[index] = popout;;

function EditLiveCommon_show() {
      if (!bUseTextArea) {
            var fields = this.getHiddenFields();
            var i = 0;
            while (i < fields.length) {
                  document.write('<input name="' + fields[i] + '" type="hidden">');
      if (this.bAutoSubmit) {
      this.started = true;
      dalert("End Show");

 Write to onSubmit
function EditLiveCommonStatic_getOnSubmit(){
      var name = hiddenName;
      dalert("getOnSubmit: " + name);
      if(!bOnsubmit && EditLiveCommonStatic_isSupportedBrowser()){
            var bFound = false;
            bOnsubmit = true;
            //find form where ELJ exists
            var sAppletName = name;
            for(var formsIndex = 0; formsIndex < document.forms.length; formsIndex++){
                  for(var elementsIndex = 0; elementsIndex < document.forms[formsIndex].elements.length; elementsIndex++){
                        if(document.forms[formsIndex].elements[elementsIndex].name == sAppletName){
                              //found the form
                              fOnSubmit = document.forms[formsIndex].onsubmit;
                              document.forms[formsIndex].onsubmit = EditLiveCommonStatic_GetContent;
                              bFound = true;
                              dalert("Attached to onsubmit.");
                  } //end for
            } //end for
      } //end if
} //getOnSubmit

function EditLiveCommonStatic_getThisForm() {
      var name = hiddenName;
      var bFound = false;
      bOnsubmit = true;
      //find form where ELJ exists
      var sAppletName = name;
      for(var formsIndex = 0; formsIndex < document.forms.length; formsIndex++){
            for(var elementsIndex = 0; elementsIndex < document.forms[formsIndex].elements.length; elementsIndex++){
                  if(document.forms[formsIndex].elements[elementsIndex].name == sAppletName){
                        //found the form
                        bFound = true;
                        return document.forms[formsIndex];
            } //end for
      } //end for

function EditLiveCommonStatic_submitFunction() {
      setTimeout("EditLiveCommonStatic_doSubmit()", 100);

function EditLiveCommonStatic_doSubmit() {
      if(!IsMSIE && !IsSafari) {
            var version = navigator.appVersion;
            if(version.charAt(0) == "4") {
            } //end if
      } //end if
      var sAppletName = hiddenName;
      for(var formsIndex = 0; formsIndex < document.forms.length; formsIndex++){
            for(var elementsIndex = 0; elementsIndex < document.forms[formsIndex].elements.length; elementsIndex++){
                  if(document.forms[formsIndex].elements[elementsIndex].name == sAppletName){
                  //found the form
                        if(fOnSubmit == null) {
                              var submitIsObject;
                              if (IsNetscape) {
                                    submitIsObject = ((typeof document.forms[formsIndex].submit) == "object");
                              } else {
                                    if ((document.forms[formsIndex] == 'submit') || (document.forms[formsIndex] == 'submit')) {
                                          submitIsObject = true;
                                    } else {
                                          submitIsObject = false;
                              } else {
                              bGetContent = false;                              
                        } else {
                              var rVal = fOnSubmit();
                              if(rVal != false) {
                                    var submitIsObject = false;
                                    if (IsNetscape) {
                                          submitIsObject = ((typeof document.forms[formsIndex].submit) == "object");
                                    } else {
                                          submitIsObject = ((document.forms[formsIndex] == 'submit') || (document.forms[formsIndex] == 'submit'));
                                    } else {
                              } //end if
                              bGetContent = false;
                        }//end if
                  } //end if
            } //end for
      } //end for

 Form submitting functions

function EditLiveCommonStatic_runPostApplet(paramNames, paramValues) {

            document.all.item("eLAuxDiv").innerHTML = "";
      } //end if

      var appletName = 'POSTApplet';
      var appletClass = 'com.ephox.editlive.java2.POSTApplet.class';
      var appletWidth = 1;
      var appletHeight = 1;
      if (IsMac) {
            appletHeight = 90;
      var appletTag = EditLiveCommonStatic_generateAppletTag(appletWidth, appletHeight, appletName, classpath, appletClass,
                  paramNames, paramValues, downloadPath, false);
      if (IsWindows && IsMSIE) {
            var myDiv = document.getElementById("eLAuxDiv");
            myDiv.innerHTML = appletTag;
      } else if (IsMSIE) {
            document.all.item("eLAuxDiv").innerHTML = appletTag;
      } else {
            var version = navigator.appVersion;
            if(version.charAt(0) == "4" && !IsSafari) {
                  wNewWindow ='','EditLive','width=' + 1 + ',height=' + 1 +',status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,toolbar=no');
            } else {
                  var myDiv = document.getElementById("eLAuxDiv");
                  myDiv.innerHTML = appletTag;
            } //end if
      } //end if

function EditLiveCommonStatic_GetContent() {
dalert("Get Content");
            dalert("Already getting content.");
            return false;
      } //end if
      bGetContent = true;

      if (eljUseLiveConnect) {
            var applet = EditLiveCommonStatic_GetAppletWithName(hiddenName + "_elj");
            if (applet && ((IsWindows && IsMSIE) || applet.processSubmit)) {
                  return false;
      var paramNames = new Array();
      var paramValues = new Array();

      paramNames[0] = "GetContent";
      paramValues[0] = "true";

      EditLiveCommonStatic_runPostApplet(paramNames, paramValues);
      return false;

function EditLiveCommon_setBorderStyle(style) {
      this.borderStyle = style;

//**************************** Support Functions ***********************
//This function is a regular combineURL but to make life easier it uses window.location.href
// as the absolute URL so we can use things like window.location.hostname instead of writing
// those functions somewhere else.
function combineDownloadURL ( sDirectory ) {

      var relURL = sDirectory;

      //every other reference in this file assumes downloadDirectory has no
      // trailing "/".  Rather than try to fix everywhere else, we'll just
      // rip out the trailing "/" if it is there.
      if (relURL.charAt(relURL.length - 1) == "/") {
            relURL = relURL.substr(0, relURL.length - 1);

      //if relURL is absolute, forget about combining
      if (relURL.indexOf("://") != -1) return relURL;
      //we only want the path of the URL
      var absURL = removeFilename(window.location.href);
      //do the combining work
      switch(relURL.charAt(0)) {
            //relative to hostname
            case '/':
                  return window.location.protocol + "//" +
                        window.location.hostname + relURL;

            //relative to absolute path
            case '.':
                  var sOldURL;
                  //cycle through relURL ripping directories off the absURL as we
                  // go up
                  while(relURL.substr(0,3) == "../") {
                        sOldURL = absURL;
                        absURL = absURL.substring(0, absURL.lastIndexOf('/'));
                        relURL = relURL.substr(relURL.indexOf('/') + 1);
                        //if the final two chars are "//" then the relative
                        // URL goes back too many folders, undo the previous rip
                        if (absURL.charAt(absURL.lastIndexOf('/') - 1) == ':') {
                              absURL = sOldURL
                  return absURL + "/" + relURL;
            //is a subdir of the current dir
                  return absURL + "/" + relURL;


//get the main path of the URL, minus the xx.htm etc
function removeFilename ( sURL ) {
      if (sURL.lastIndexOf('.') > sURL.lastIndexOf('/')) {
            return sURL.substring(0, sURL.lastIndexOf('/'));
      } else {
            return sURL;

//Set value for hidden form field

function setFormValue(sName, sValue) {
      dalert("Set form item: " + sName + " to " + sValue);
      for(var formsIndex = 0; formsIndex < document.forms.length; formsIndex++){
            for(var elementsIndex = 0; elementsIndex < document.forms[formsIndex].elements.length; elementsIndex++){
                  if(document.forms[formsIndex].elements[elementsIndex].name == sName){
            } //end for
      } //end for
      return false;
} //setFormValue

function eljTransferFocus() {
      var myDiv;
            myDiv = document.all.item("eLAuxDiv");
            var version = navigator.appVersion;
            if(version.charAt(0) == "4") {
                  myDiv = document.ids.eLAuxDiv;
            } else {
                  myDiv = document.getElementById("eLAuxDiv");
            } //end if
      // Find the next element we can focus on.
      if (IsMSIE) {
            var parent = myDiv.parentElement;
            var num = myDiv.sourceIndex + 1;
            var nextElem = document.all[num];
            while (!isFocusable(nextElem)) {
                  nextElem = document.all[num];
      } else {
            var parent = myDiv.parentNode;
            var foundFocusable = false;
            while (!foundFocusable) {
                  var i = 0;
                  var foundMyDiv = false;
                  var firstDivMatch = true;
                  while (i < parent.childNodes.length && !foundFocusable) {
                        var child = parent.childNodes[i];
                        if (child == myDiv) {
                              foundMyDiv = true;
                        if (foundMyDiv) {
                              if (firstDivMatch) {
                                    firstDivMatch = false;
                              } else {
                                    var focusable = eljSearchTree(child);
                                    if (focusable) {
                                          myDiv = focusable;
                                          foundFocusable = true;
                  if (!foundFocusable) {
                        myDiv = parent;
                        parent = parent.parentNode;
            //var win2 ='','EditLive','width=' + 1 + ',height=' + 1 +',status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,toolbar=no');

function getURLbase() {
      var src = window.location.href;
      var indLoc = src.lastIndexOf("/");
      var URLBase = src.substr(0, indLoc + 1);

      strPath = new String(document.location);
      strPath = strPath.substr(0, strPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

      return URLBase;

function dalert(message) {
      if (DEBUG) {
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Avatar of dgrafx
mrichmon is absolutely correct!
The only thing cfform has going for it is built-in validation,
but you can do better and more flexible validation on your own with a standard html form.
Create your own javascript for validation right on the page (you're basicly only limited by your javascript skill level) and use coldfusion logic on your form action page for validation to account for users who have disabled javascript.

good luck ...
Avatar of SiriusPhil


Thanks mrichmon -

I already began rebuilding my without ANY cfform tags.  Will probably never use them again.  It's just too much trouble.!

Thanks again.