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How to input radio button and checkbox response into MySQL database?


I am trying to create a simple online survey (using PHP and MySQL) which includes radio buttons, checkboxes and textareas.

Before posting this question, I spent quite a while reading the previously posted questions and responses about topics similar to mine.  But for some reason, I could not figure out. I am a real novice in PHP and MySQL.
I will truly appreciate if you experts may kindly help me out.

Thanks a lot!


Tuesday (May 23, 2006) at 11:13 a.m.

__________ form.php  ______________________________________________

<head><title>PHP Survey-</title></head>

<form action="process.php" method="POST">
<b>Please fill the form accurately.</b></FONT></ul>


<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="gender" value="male" size="35">                     Male<br>
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="gender" value="female" size="35">      Female<br>
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="gender" value="neutral" size="35">      Neutral<br>


<P><li><strong>Favorite Fruits:</strong><br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox"      NAME="fruit"            value="Apple"      size="35">      Apple<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox"      NAME="fruit"            value="Orange"       size="35">      Orange<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox"      NAME="fruit"            value="Banana"      size="35">Banana<br>


<p><li><strong>What is your evaluation of this movie?</strong><p>

<select name="movie">
<option> Awesome!
<option> Good
<option> Poor


<p><li><strong>Write about Your Work Attitude: </strong><br>
<textarea NAME="block" cols="80" rows="10"><?php echo $_POST['block'] ?></textarea>



______________ process.php _____________________________________________
<title>PHP Survey</title>

$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$movie = stripslashes($_POST['movie']);
$attitude =$_POST['block'];

if (!isset($gender))
echo("You didn't enter your gender<br>");

if (!isset($fruit))
echo("You didn't enter your race.<br>");

if (!isset($movie))
echo("You didn't enter your evaluation<br>");

if ( !isset($gender) || !isset($fruit) || !isset($movie) || !isset($attitude))
echo("<h3>" .$fname.",You responded the questions accurately; Thanks!</h3>");
echo "<h4> Here are your records </h4>";

echo ("<p>Gender: " . $gender);
echo ("<p>Fruits: " . $fruit);
echo ("<p>Movie: " . $movie);
echo ("<p>Attitude: " . $_POST['block']);

echo("<h2>Please, answer all questions</h2>");

$to  = ''';

// subject
$subject = 'Testing survey4 ';

// message
$message1 = "
  <title>Your Response </title>
  <p>Here are Your Response</p>
  <table width='76%' border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>

     <th> Gender </th><th>Fruits</th><th>Movie</th><th></th><th>Attitude</th></tr>
     <td align='center'>$gender</td><td align='center'>$fruits</td><td align='center'>$movie</td>
     <td align='center'>$attitude</td></tr>
// $headers="<h2>Online Survey</h2>";
mail($to, $subject, $message1, $headers);

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","my_user_name", "my_password");

if (!$conn)
{ die ('Could not connect:' . mysql_error());}
{echo "You are connected!<br>";}

 $sql="Create database my_db";
 mysql_query ($sql, $conn);

mysql_select_db ("my_db", $conn);

// Create table
$sql="create table my_table (gender enum('female', 'male', 'neutral'),fruit enum('apple' 'orange', 'banana'), movie enum('awesome', 'good', 'poor'), attitude text)";
mysql_query($sql, $conn);

// Insert date into MySql table
mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO my_table(gender,fruit,movie,attitude)
VALUES ('$gender', '$fruit','$movie','$attitude') " );
 echo "<br> Data inserted!";

// Output client's input

echo "<table width='76%' border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'><tr><th>

$result =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_table");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo '<tr><td>';
  echo $row['gender'];
  echo '</td>';
  echo '<td>';
  echo $row['fruit'];
  echo '</td>';
  echo '<td>';
  echo $row['movie'];
  echo '</td>';
   echo '<td>';
  echo $row['attitude'];
  echo '</td>';
  echo "</tr><br>";

echo "</table>";




Avatar of kkhipple

Something along the lines of if isset( $_POST['gender'] )  {  echo $_POST['gender'];  }    should be able to display the gender value if it is set.
Avatar of duta


TO: kkhipple:

Thank you for your kind, prompt response.

I think that a client's response to "gender" question should first be put in MySQL database before it is displayed.
The biggest issue here is how to input a client's response to the questions into MySQL database.


Tuesday at 11:27 a.m.
This is a database question then?

I would have a database field named gender where you would store the gender of the response
Hi Duta,

On the gender selection, I mistakenly read the options are, male, female, neutered, and thought, 'what the heck kind of survey is this?'

But anyways,

The form.php looks fine, except for one thing, on the "Write about Your Work Attitude:" question, you echo the block variable, I assume so that a user doesn't have to retype their text. But you should check to see if the form was submited first otherwise the script won't find the variable, do this like this:
$block = ""
$block = $_POST["block"];
<textarea NAME="block" cols="80" rows="10"><?php echo $_POST['block'] ?></textarea>

as for the process.php script

You should turn this
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$movie = stripslashes($_POST['movie']);
$attitude =$_POST['block'];

if (!isset($gender))
echo("You didn't enter your gender<br>");

into something like this:
$pass_validation = true; //true is a boolean value

$pass_validation = false
echo "You didn't select a gender";

you can use if(!isset($_POST["gender"])) if you're more comfortable, i'm just used to empty()

then only run the mail if

if($pass_validation == true){
send e-mail
do database queries

I'm wondering why you're creating the table everytime though. This would fail if you already have a table with the same name as the one you're trying to recreate.

This isn't a complete answer but it should help you out a bit.

Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click and kkhipple:

Thank you so much for your kind, prompt response.

Yes, some of the questions may look a little weird, but my real survey question is not like that. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that you may better and quicker help me out.

Would you kindly check my table's variable format?  I am not quite sure whether I may use enum for radio buttons and checkboxes.
_____________  script to create table _________________________________________________________________
$sql="create table my_table (gender enum('female', 'male', 'neutral'),fruit enum('apple' 'orange', 'banana'), movie enum('awesome', 'good', 'poor'), attitude text)";

______________ the end of the script _________________________________________________________________

Thanks a lot!

Tuesday at 11:45 a.m.

Avatar of duta


TO: All:

There are several problems with my script. One of the biggest problems is that MySQL does not respond to the following  script to input client's response into MySQL table:
_______________________________ The beginning of script ____________________________________

// Insert date into MySql table
mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO my_table(gender,fruit,movie,attitude)
VALUES ('$gender', '$fruit','$movie','$attitude') " );
 echo "<br> Data inserted!";
_______________________________ End of script  ______________________________________________


Tuesday at 11:49 a.m.
I would not restrict the mysql table to certain responses.
Keep the table field to allow any input and use ur form to restrict what goes into your table
store your query in a variable then echo it before running the query and show us what the echo produces.
like this
$insert_qry = "INSERT INTO directory_categories VALUES (NULL, '$_POST[txt_dircat]','$_POST[sel_cat]')";
            echo $insert_qry;
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

Thank you so much for trying so hard to help a real notice out.

I modified the script as you kindly suggested, and responded to the questions and clicked "Submit" button. I got the out as below.  The script failed to create a table I intended to create.

_________ Output when "Submit" button was clicked __________________________

Please, answer all questions
You are connected!
INSERT INTO my_table(gender,fruit,movie,attitude) VALUES ( 'female','Apple', 'Awesome!','') Gender Fruit Email Movie Attitude

Hope that this feedback may of any help to you in trying to help me!

Thanks a lot!


Tuesday at 12:21 p.m.
Use this to create your table.

You should create it with a separate script. If you try to create it everytime the process.php script is run you'll get errors, from there you won't be able to insert and your errors will escalade, so its best to make sure the beggining works first.

CREATE TABLE `hriders`.`my_table` (
  `gender` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `fruit` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `attitude` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY(`surveryID`)

surveryID is a primary key, unisined, can't be null and it auto increments
gender is a varchar field, as is fruit
attitude is a text field so it can store larger amounts of text

I'll be back with your insert query in a bit
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

Thanks a lot for kindly trying to help me.

By the way, the radio buttons and check buttons do not work by all means.

I read previous some of previous posts about a similar issue, and I noticed that they used array (something like "check[]") for values of checkboxes. But I could not completely comprehend how it worked. I guess that I might have to use an array to make checkboxe and radio buttons to work properly.

Thanks again!

Tuesday at 1:23 p.m.
Avatar of duta



The url of the previous post for an issue similar to mine is :¤tTAID=103

The reason why I am asking for your help is that I could not understand it quite clearly.



Tuesday at 1:27 p.m.

You don't need to create an array for the radio buttons because you are only expecting one of the choices. But you do need an array for the check boxes because they all have the same name and you want to get all the choises the user gave you.

This brings up a question. How are you planing to store the fruit choices? one choice per field? or all choices together as a string, maybe a comma delimeted string?


This script also looks kinda odd for a survey? is it for a school project?
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

Thanks again for your very kind response and tips.

This is neither a school project nor a work project. I am doing this to create a simple workable online survey as a  part of my effort to learn PHP and MySQL. Yes, my work may look very odd. I am going to post my work in my new web site where I will upload my work as a zip file.

I will be back to you as soon as I am done with uploading it.

Thanks again!


Tuesday at 1:55 p.m.
Avatar of duta


TO: All:

I put my scripts in my web site ( You may download my scripts by clicking "Click here .. " link at left-top of the page.

Hope you experts may kindly help me out.

Thanks again!

Tuesday at 3:09 p.m.
I have the script you need almost writen up with comments to help you understand why and how things work. I'm currently at work and need to get some stuff done. I'll be home in about 5 hrs and i'll help you from there. Do you have an e-mail address I can send the scripts to?
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

Thank you so much for your kind response and for extraordinary effort to help me.

Yes, my e-mail address is "youngtiger"" (Hope that posting my email address here may not violate any site rules).

The biggest bottleneck is that there is no communication between PHP script and MYSQL datebase when radio buttons and/or checkboxes are clicked.

Thanks again!

Tuesday at 4:54 p.m.
Thanks duta,

You're almost there the way you have your script, but you have too much going on and you'll need to break things apart a bit. Especially if you are just learning php and/or mysql. I will show you all of this on the scrips i'll e-mail you.

I also included the code to handle check boxes. Radio buttons aren't a problem and don't need any special attention like checkboxes do.
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TO: jmar_click:

You are just awesome. Your help is extraordinary.

I just checked your comment. It will take a while to finish trying your script which I believe will work flawlessly.

Once I am done with it, I will come back to you with my feedback.

Thanks a lot!

Tuesday (May 23, 2006) at 10:19 p.m.
:) makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

Thank you so much for your very, very kind, extraordinary help.

Your scripts worked just great. You are a genius. Wish I may be able to reward you with 1 million points, not the 500 points offered.

I will try to learn more and harder so that I may someday be able to help others as you did to me.

You are just fabulous!

Thanks again!

May 23, 2006, at 10:55 p.m.
I'm glad you got it to work duta, do you understand how and why things work?

It wasn't a difficult question really. There are experts here who are much more knowledgeable than I am...they're the real experts. I still have a lot of learning to do to get to their level. But I never mind sharing what I know with others, thats what EE is all about it.
Avatar of duta


TO: jmar_click:

You are as humble as you are knowledgeable.
It was so thoughtful of you to put a comment on almost each line of your script. I guess you spent quite much time for me. I really love this service and people like you who are always eager to help people who need help.
PHP and MySQL scripts still look not familr to me even though I spent quite much time trying to learn them. I know it takes pain to obtain anything worthy.

My one more salute to you and to others who are always willing to share their knowledge with less knowledgeable people.


Wednesday (May 24, 2006) at 10:27 p.m.