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Avatar of John Darby
John DarbyFlag for United States of America

asked on

NO_CLIENT_SITE entries in netlogon.log

I am looking to find any straggling IP address ranges to configure as subnets in AD. To do this, I was thinking I could query each DC (30 of them) for NO_CLIENT_SITE entries in their netlogon.log files.

On a Unix system I could grep these values. How do I do this with an MS Windows app?

Thank you,
Avatar of Chris Dent
Chris Dent
Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image

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This is the version written to run for a single domain. Does pretty much the same thing as before.

' ScanNetlogon-DomainOnly.vbs
' Script to Read the Netlogon log files from %SystemRoot%\Debug\netlogon.log for all Domain
' Controllers in the Forest and work out which subnets are missing from AD Configuration.
' Author: Chris Dent
' Last Modified: 14/06/2006

Option Explicit


Dim objFileSystem, objShell, objUnconfiguredIPs, objUnconfiguredSubnets, objRootDSE
Dim objConfiguredSubnets
Dim strDN
Dim arrDCs()
Dim i

' Functions

Function GetNetworkAddress(strIP, intMaskLength)

      Dim strOctet, strBinOctet, strBinIP, strBinMask, strIPBit, strMaskBit
      Dim strBinNetwork, strNetworkAddress
      Dim i, intTemp, intOctet, intBit
      Dim arrOctets

      arrOctets = Split(strIP, ".")
      For Each strOctet in arrOctets
            intTemp  = 0
            strBinOctet = ""
            For i = 0 To 7
                  If intTemp + 2^(7 - i) <= CInt(strOctet) Then
                        strBinOctet = strBinOctet & "1"
                        intTemp = intTemp + 2^(7 - i)
                        strBinOctet = strBinOctet & "0"
                  End If
            strBinIP = strBinIP & "." & strBinOctet
      strBinIP = Right(strBinIP, Len(strBinIP) - 1)

      For i = 1 to 32
            If i <= intMaskLength Then
                  strBinMask = strBinMask & "1"
                  strBinMask = strBinMask & "0"
            End If
            If i = 8 Or i = 16 Or i = 24 Then
                  strBinMask = strBinMask & "."
            End If

      For i = 1 to Len(strBinIP)
            strIPBit = Mid(strBinIP, i, 1)
            strMaskBit = Mid(strBinMask, i, 1)
            If strIPBit = "1" And strMaskBit = "1" Then
                  strBinNetwork = strBinNetwork & "1"
            ElseIf strIPBit = "." Then
                  strBinNetwork = strBinNetwork & strIPBit
                  strBinNetwork = strBinNetwork & "0"
            End If

      arrOctets = Split(strBinNetwork, ".")
      For Each strOctet in arrOctets
            intOctet = 0
            For i = 0 to 7
                  intBit = CInt(Mid(strOctet, i + 1, 1))
                  If intBit = 1 Then
                        intOctet = intOctet + 2^(7 - i)
                  End If
            strNetworkAddress = strNetworkAddress & "." & CStr(intOctet)
      GetNetworkAddress = Right(strNetworkAddress, Len(strNetworkAddress) - 1)
End Function

' AD Subroutines

Sub GetDCs(strDN)

      ' Gets the DNS Host Name for each Domain Controller

      Dim objOU, objDC

      On Error Resume Next
      Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDN)
      For Each objDC in objOU
            If objDC.Class = "organizationalUnit" Then
                  GetDCs objDC.Get("distinguishedName")
            ElseIf objDC.Class = "computer" Then
                  ReDim Preserve arrDCs(i)
                  arrDCs(i) = objDC.Get("dNSHostName")
                  i = i + 1
            End If
      On Error Goto 0
End Sub

Sub GetConfiguredSubnets

      Dim objRootDSE, objSubnets, objSubnet
      Dim strSubnets, strNetworkAddress
      Dim arrTemp
      Dim intMaskLength

      Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
      strSubnets = "CN=Subnets,CN=Sites," & objRootDSE.GEt("configurationNamingContext")
      Set objRootDSE = Nothing

      Set objSubnets = GetObject("LDAP://" & strSubnets)
      For Each objSubnet in objSubnets
            arrTemp = Split(objSubnet.Get("name"), "/")
            strNetworkAddress = arrTemp(0)
            intMaskLength = CInt(arrTemp(1))
            strNetworkAddress = strNetworkAddress & "\" & CStr(intMaskLength)

            If Not objConfiguredSubnets.Exists(strNetworkAddress) Then
                  objConfiguredSubnets.Add strNetworkAddress, ""
            End If
      Set objSubnets = Nothing
End Sub

' Data Gathering & Handling Subroutines

Sub GatherLogs

      ' Gather Files. Copy the files to a local repository for parsing, just easier that way.

      Dim objFolder, objFile, objWMIService, objItem
      Dim colOS
      Dim strDC, strFolder, strFile

      If Not objFileSystem.FolderExists("NetLogon") Then
      End If
      Set objFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder("NetLogon")
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
      Set objFolder = Nothing

      For Each strDC in arrDCs
            On Error Resume Next
            strFolder = ""
            Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strDC & "\root\CIMV2")
            Set colOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", _
            For Each objItem in colOS
                  strFolder = objItem.WindowsDirectory
            On Error Goto 0

            If strFolder = "" Then
                  strFolder = "\\" & strDC & "\c$\Windows"
                  strFolder = Replace(LCase(strFolder), "c:", "\\" & strDC & "\c$")
            End If
            strFile = strFolder & "\debug\netlogon.log"

            If objFileSystem.FileExists(strFile) Then
                  Set objFile = objFileSystem.GetFile(strFile)
                  objFile.Copy "NetLogon\" & strDC & "." & objFile.Name
                  Set objFile = Nothing
            End If
            Set colOS = Nothing
            Set      objWMIService = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ParseLogs

      ' Checks through the Log Files

      Dim objFolder, objFile, objStream
      Dim strLine, strIP, strNetworkAddress, strServer, strHostName, strDate
      Dim intMaskLength
      Dim arrLine

      Set objFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder("NetLogon")
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
            strServer = Replace(objFile.Name, ".Netlogon.log", "")
            Set objStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1, 0)
            Do While Not objStream.AtEndOfStream
                  strLine = objStream.ReadLine
                  If InStr(strLine, "NO_CLIENT_SITE") Then
                        arrLine = Split(strLine, " ")
                        strDate = arrLine(0)
                        strHostName = arrLine(UBound(arrLine) - 1)
                        strIP = arrLine(UBound(arrLine))
                        If Not objUnconfiguredIPs.Exists(strIP) Then
                              objUnconfiguredIPs.Add strIP, Array(strServer, strDate, strHostName)
                        End If
                        If Left(strIP, 3) = "10." Then
                              intMaskLength = 18
                              strNetworkAddress = GetNetworkAddress(strIP, intMaskLength)
                              strNetworkAddress = strNetworkAddress & "\" & CStr(intMaskLength)
                        ElseIf Left(strIP, 8) = "192.168." Then
                              intMaskLength = 24
                              strNetworkAddress = GetNetworkAddress(strIP, intMaskLength)
                              strNetworkAddress = strNetworkAddress & "\" & CStr(intMaskLength)
                        End If
                        If Not objUnconfiguredSubnets.Exists(strNetworkAddress) And _
                              Not objConfiguredSubnets.Exists(strNetworkAddress) Then
                                    objUnconfiguredSubnets.Add strNetworkAddress, strServer
                        End If
                  End If
End Sub

' Reporting Subroutines

Sub WriteReports

      Dim objFile
      Dim strIP, strSubnet

      If Not objFileSystem.FolderExists("Reports") Then
      End If

      Set objFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile("Reports\IPReport.csv", 2, True, 0)
      For Each strIP in objUnconfiguredIPs
            objFile.WriteLine strIP & "," & objUnconfiguredIPs(strIP)(0) &_
                  "," & objUnconfiguredIPs(strIP)(1) & "," & objUnconfiguredIPs(strIP)(2)
      Set objFile = Nothing
      Set objFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile("Reports\SubnetReport.csv", 2, True, 0)
      For Each strSubnet in objUnconfiguredSubnets
            objFile.WriteLine strSubnet & "," & objUnconfiguredSubnets(strSubnet)
      Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub

' Main Code

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objConfiguredSubnets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objUnconfiguredSubnets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objUnconfiguredIPs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")

strDN = "OU=Domain Controllers," & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")

i = 0
GetDCs strDN


Set objRootDSE = Nothing
Set objUnconfiguredIPs = Nothing
Set objUnconfiguredSubnets = Nothing
Set objConfiguredSubnets = Nothing
Set objFileSystem = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Avatar of John Darby


Chris, thanks for the most excellent script. Out-of-the-box I decided to do a test run on my home domain and it spit back a message about compiling error...

D:\notes\netlogon.log-scan\ScanNetlogon.vbs(441, 14) Microsoft VBScript compilat
ion error: Expected end of statement

Do I need to turn on my debugger and start looking for problems or is this a simple issue?

Thank you for your kind help!

Warm regards,

Line 441 is out of range on mine, only 439 lines there... it's probably something really simple though - could you possibly post line 441 and a few lines on either side?

Sorry it's got errors in it... thought I had rid of all of them.


Hmm just out of curiousity, you didn't end up with both scripts in there did you? There are two seperate scripts above; one works for every DC in a forest... the other for every DC in a single domain. If you don't have a Forest then the second would be more appropriate.

Chris...I grabbed the whole lot (two scripts) and wholesale plopped it into one file. My fault: I didn't read.

Okay, RTFM is still alive and well. I will try each script separately.

Thanks so much!

Phew, that makes a lot of sense :)
