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Dushan SilvaFlag for Australia

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Database Buffer Manager

Hi Experts,
I want to write database buffer manager with following requirements using Visual C++ 6.0 platform.

The buffer manager should:

*Flushes a page to the disk, if required
*Pins a page to the buffer, bringing a page from the disk, if necessary.
*Unpins a page in the buffer by reducing the pin counter for that page.
*Frees up space that is allocated to a given page on the disk.
*Allocates one or more frames and brings the requested pages from the disk.
*Keeps track of  statistics of operations on buffer pool.

BR Dushan

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And what's the question ?
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I want VC++ source code for DB buffer manager.

BR Dushan
You're not gonna find anyone here that is gonna code that for you.

If you don't know how to start, we can get you started.
If you have specific issues, we can help you find a solution.
What you are looking for is a caching algorithm. Frankly, those take quite a bit of time to code and debug. If you don't know how to do it, I would advise hiring someone to do it for you. This algorithm is not the place to cut costs. Even the slightest bug here could have disasterous consequences for any application that uses it.


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Every OS in use has a disk vbuffer cache manager, over which the world's best programmers have already pored over for hundreds of hours.

Then the OS's file system driver has it's own cache of important blocks, like  directories and indirect file table blocks.

Then in addition most databases have their OWN internal caches, intelligently fetching frequently used and important blocks.

Similarly many disk controller cards, especially RAID or SCSI ones do this too.  

 And the newer disk drives themselves have up to 128 MB of internal cache.

It's really unlikely you can do better, especially since your code would be running in series or in competition with all those other caching levels.

You might try writing a test program that does typical database actions while it tunes the various system cache parameters.  Now THAT would be useful.


You can have a look at the open source databases source code, like FastDB or GigaBASE...
Hi All,
I camed with my own following solution.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bufmgr.h"

// Enumuration for BufMgr Error Handling
// Input   : None
// Output  : None

// Constructor for BufMgr
// Input   : bufSize  - number of pages in the this buffer manager
// Output  : None
// PostCond: All frames are empty.

BufMgr::BufMgr( int bufSize )
      if (bufSize < 0)
      bufferPool=new frame[numBuffers];      //alloacte a array of frames
      pagePool=new Page[numBuffers];            //alloacte a array of pages
      for(int i=0; i<numBuffers; i++){


// Destructor for BufMgr
// Input   : None
// Output  : None

delete []       bufferPool;
delete []       pagePool;

// BufMgr::FlushAllPages
// Input    : None
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Flush all pages in the buffer pool to disk.
// Condition: None of the pages in the buffer pool should be pinned.
// PostCond : All dirty pages in the buffer pool are written to
//            disk (even if some pages are pinned). All frames are empty.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.
// Note            : If some pages in the buffer are pinned, this procedure should
//                    flush them to the disk and return FAIL      

Status BufMgr::FlushAllPages()
      int             frameNumber =-1;
    frame      *chkFrame = 0;

       for(int i=0; i< numBuffers; i++)

                       if(frameNumber==bufferPool[i].getPinCount() == 1)
                               MINIBASE_DB->WritePage(frameNumber, chkFrame->getPage());      // Write the pages to MINIBASE
                                          return FAIL;

      return OK;

// BufMgr::FlushPage
// Input    : pid  - page id of a particular page
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Flush the page with the given pid to disk.
// Condition: The page with page id = pid must be in the buffer,
//            and should not be pinned. pid cannot be INVALID_PAGE.
// PostCond : The page with page id = pid is written to disk if it is dirty.
//            The frame where the page resides is empty.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.

Status BufMgr::FlushPage(PageID pid)
      int             frameNo =-1;
    frame      *checkFrame = 0;
      if(frameNo==bufferPool[pid].getPinCount() == 1)
            MINIBASE_DB->WritePage(frameNo, checkFrame->getPage());      // Write the pages to MINIBASE
          return OK;

                  return FAIL;


// BufMgr::PinPage
// Input    : pid     - page id of a particular page
//            isEmpty - (optional, default to FALSE) if true indicate
//                      that the page to be pinned is an empty page.
// Output   : page - a pointer to a page in the buffer pool. (NULL
//            if fail)
// Purpose  : Pin the page with page id = pid to the buffer.  
//            Read the page from disk unless isEmpty is TRUE or
//            the page is already in the buffer.
// Condition: Either the page is already in the buffer, or there is at
//            least one frame available in the buffer pool for the
//            page.
// PostCond : The page with page id = pid resides in the buffer and
//            is pinned. The number of pins on the page increase by
//            one.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.

Status BufMgr::PinPage(PageID pid, Page*& page, bool isEmpty)
    int frameNo=-1,a=0;
      frame *checkFrame = 0;
      PageID pageId;
      bool dirty = false;
      Page tempPage;
      //check the page is in the buffer pool
      for(int i=0; i< numBuffers; i++){


      if(frameNo != 1)
                  // Get the frame
            checkFrame = &bufferPool[frameNo];

                  // Pin the page to this frame
                  // Retrieve page data
            page = checkFrame->getPage();


      else {
                  // Check if buffer pool can handle more pages
                   for(int i=0; i<numBuffers; i++)

                if(bufferPool[i].getPinCount() == 0)
                  if (a == 0 )
                  page = NULL;
                  return FAIL;


                  // Get frame from buffer pool
      checkFrame = &bufferPool[frameNo];

            // Get the page id
            pageId = checkFrame->getPageID();

            // Check to see if the frame is dirty. In which case it'll be written back out.
            dirty = checkFrame->getDirtyBit();

                  if (dirty)

                                    // Write the page
                  MINIBASE_DB->WritePage(pageId, checkFrame->getPage());

                              // Increase dirty page written count

                  if (!isEmpty)
                        MINIBASE_DB->ReadPage(pid, &tempPage);                  

                        // Retrieve page data
            page = checkFrame->getPage();

       return OK;

// BufMgr::UnpinPage
// Input    : pid     - page id of a particular page
//            dirty   - indicate whether the page with page id = pid
//                      is dirty or not. (Optional, default to FALSE)
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Unpin the page with page id = pid in the buffer. Mark
//            the page dirty if dirty is TRUE.  
// Condition: The page is already in the buffer and is pinned.
// PostCond : The page is unpinned and the number of pin on the
//            page decrease by one.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.

Status BufMgr::UnpinPage(PageID pid, Bool dirty)
      int frameNo = -1;
                  frame *checkFrame = 0;


                  if (frameNo == -1)
                        return FAIL;      

      // Get frame from buffer pool
      checkFrame = &bufferPool[frameNo];

      // Set dirty flag if dirty == TRUE
      if (dirty)

    return OK;

// BufMgr::FreePage
// Input    : pid     - page id of a particular page
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Free the memory allocated for the page with
//            page id = pid  
// Condition: Either the page is already in the buffer and is pinned
//            no more than once, or the page is not in the buffer.
// PostCond : The page is unpinned, and the frame where it resides in
//            the buffer pool is freed.  Also the page is deallocated
//            from the database.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.
// Note     : You can call MINIBASE_DB->DeallocatePage(pid) to
//            deallocate a page.

Status BufMgr::FreePage(PageID pid)
       return OK;

// BufMgr::NewPage
// Input    : howMany - (optional, default to 1) how many pages to
//                      allocate.
// Output   : pid  - the page id of the first page (as output by
//                   DB::AllocatePage) allocated.
//            page - a pointer to the page in memory.
// Purpose  : Allocate howMany number of pages, and pin the first page
//            into the buffer.
// Condition: howMany > 0 and there is at least one free buffer space
//            to hold a page.
// PostCond : The page with page id = pid is pinned into the buffer.
// Return   : OK if operation is successful.  FAIL otherwise.
// Note     : You can call MINIBASE_DB->AllocatePage() to allocate a page.  
//            You should call MINIBASE_DB->DeallocatePage() to deallocate the
//            pages you allocate if you failed to pin the page in the
//            buffer.

Status BufMgr::NewPage (int& pid, Page*& page, int howMany)
Status stat;

      stat = MINIBASE_DB->AllocatePage(pid, howMany);
      if (stat != OK)
            return FAIL;
      // Try to pin the first page allocated
      stat = PinPage(pid, page);
      if (stat != OK)
                  // Deallocate page
            if (MINIBASE_DB->DeallocatePage(pid, howMany) != OK)
                  return FAIL;


      return OK;

// BufMgr::GetNumOfUnpinnedBuffers
// Input    : None
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Find out how many unpinned locations are in the buffer
//            pool.
// Condition: None
// PostCond : None
// Return   : The number of unpinned buffers in the buffer pool.

unsigned int BufMgr::GetNumOfUnpinnedBuffers()
      return 0;      

// BufMgr::GetNumOfBuffers
// Input    : None
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Find out how many buffers are there in the buffer pool.
// PreCond  : None
// PostCond : None
// Return   : The number of buffers in the buffer pool.

unsigned int BufMgr::GetNumOfBuffers()
    return 0;

// BufMgr::ResetStat
// Input    : None
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Reset the statistic variables

Status BufMgr::ResetStat( )
      return OK;

// BufMgr::PrintStat
// Input    : None
// Output   : None
// Purpose  : Print the statistic variables

Status BufMgr::PrintStat( )
      return OK;      

I have asked for this kind of sample program, which I can modify.
Anyway Thanks for every one.
Since no one answered my code, I want to delete this question.
BR Dushan
Sorry not to delete, to refund :).
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Hi Dushan911,
Do u have the header files as well? And do u have the working database buffer manager now?