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WilbatFlag for United States of America

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ADO returns empty recordset from SQL SP

I have this stored procedure in SQL Server:

ALTER  PROCEDURE sp_PagedConflictCheckRecords

@RecCnt int OUTPUT,
@Page int,
@Size int,
@Sort int


DECLARE @Start int, @End int

SET @Start = (((@Page - 1) * @Size) + 1)
SET @End = (@Start + @Size - 1)


CREATE TABLE #TemporaryTable (
      [RowID] [int] identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
      [chkID] [int],
      [chkLockedFor] [int],
      [chkLockedDate] [datetime],
      [chkLockedBy] [nvarchar] (20),
      [empFirstName] [nvarchar] (255),
      [empLastName] [nvarchar] (255)

INSERT INTO #TemporaryTable (chkID, chkLockedBy, chkLockedDate, chkLockedFor, empLastName, empFirstName)
      SELECT chkID, chkLockedBy, chkLockedDate, chkLockedFor, empLastName, empFirstName
      FROM ConflictCheckData LEFT JOIN Employee ON chkLockedBy = empNetID
      WHERE chkLockedFor = 1 OR chkLockedFor = 2

SELECT * FROM #TemporaryTable WHERE (RowID >= @Start) AND (RowID <= @End)
      CASE WHEN @Sort = 1 THEN empLastName ELSE NULL END DESC,
      CASE WHEN @Sort = 2 THEN chkLockedDate ELSE NULL END DESC,
      CASE WHEN @Sort = 3 THEN chkLockedFor ELSE NULL END DESC

SELECT @RecCnt = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TemporaryTable)

DROP TABLE #TemporaryTable


and when I run it, it returns a correct recordset in Query Analyzer.

However, when I call it via ADO in an ASP page I keep getting an empty recordset.  Here's the code:

      iPage = IIf(Request.Form("page")<>"", page, 1)
      iSize = IIf(Request.Form("size")<>"", size, 15)
      iSort = IIf(Request.Form("sort")<>"", sort, 2)
      Set cccCMD = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
      Set TotalRecs = cccCMD.CreateParameter("reccnt", adInteger, adParamOutput)
      cccCMD.Parameters.Append TotalRecs
      With cccCMD
            .ActiveConnection = cnn
            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
            .Parameters.Append       .CreateParameter("page", adInteger, adParamInput, 16, iPage)
            .Parameters.Append       .CreateParameter("size", adInteger, adParamInput, 16, iSize)
            .Parameters.Append       .CreateParameter("sort", adInteger, adParamInput, 16, iSort)
            .CommandText = "sp_PagedConflictCheckRecords"
      End With      
      Set cccRS = cccCMD.Execute      

At this point if I do:
      Response.Write(cccRS.RecordCount & "<br>")
      Response.Write(cccCMD(0) & "<br>")
I get:
      0 for the recordCount (should be 15 with the parameters I sent) &
      16 for cccCMD(0) (correctly returns 16 which is the total number of records in my Db)

Anyone know what Im doing wrong?
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ALTER  PROCEDURE sp_PagedConflictCheckRecords

@RecCnt int OUTPUT,
@Page int,
@Size int,
@Sort int

SET NOCOUNT ON -------------- add this
DECLARE @Start int, @End int

Sorry  wrong post
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MoveLast and MoveFirst returned an error.  But I tried this instead and it worked fine.

      x = 0
      Do While Not cccRS.EOF
            x = x + 1
            If cccRS("chkLockedFor") = 1 Then
                  Response.Write("<tr><td width='460'><font size='2'><a class='default' href='ccdetails.asp?chkID=" & cccRS("chkID") & "' style='color: lime;'>" & BuildString(cccRS("chkID")) & "</a></td>" & vbCRLF)
                  Response.Write("<tr><td width='460'><font size='2'><a class='default' href='ccdetails.asp?chkID=" & cccRS("chkID") & "' style='color: red;'>" & BuildString(cccRS("chkID")) & "</a></td>" & vbCRLF)
            End If
            Response.Write("<td width='100'><font size='2'>" & GetEmpName(cccRS("chkLockedBy")) & "</td>" & vbCRLF)
            Response.Write("<td width='160'><font size='2'>" & cccRS("chkLockedDate") & "</font></td></tr>" & vbCRLF)
      Response.Write("<tr><td align='left' style='border-bottom-style: none;border-bottom-width: 0px;'><a class='default' href=""return goBack();"">&lt;&lt; Previous Page</a></td>")
      Response.Write("<td colspan='2' align='right' style='border-bottom-style: none;border-bottom-width: 0px;'><a class='default' href=""return goForward();"">Next Page &gt;&gt;</a></td></tr>")
      If x < 1 Then
            Response.Write("<tr><td colspan='3'><font size='2'>There are no closed Conflict Checks at this time.</td></tr>" & vbCRLF)
      End If

FYI, you can you the RecordCount property without traversing the recordset first if you use the right cursor type.  I regularly use the adOpenKeyset cursor type with an RS.Open command and then refrence the RecourdCount property.

Thanks for putting me on the right path!