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Error on Compile

Hi guys,

I need some help please...

I have this function:

void CCustomModalDialog::Attach_Template(int argc, char **argv)
      char TargetPath[500];

      CFileOperation fo;

      for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++)
            int k = 0;
            while (argv[i][k] != '\0')
                  if (argv[i][k] == '~')
                        argv[i][k] = ' ';

      sprintf(TargetPath, "%s%s\\T\\%s\\%s.%s", ROOT, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[6]);
      CopyFile(argv[4], TargetPath, true);

      return 0;

and when I compile, I get these errors:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(163) : error C2039: 'Attach_Template' : is not a member of 'CCustomModalDialog'
        c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\browser\custombrowser\custombrowser\custommodaldialog.h(16) : see declaration of 'CCustomModalDialog'
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2065: 'CFileOperation' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'fo'
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2065: 'fo' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(180) : error C2065: 'ROOT' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(181) : error C2228: left of '.Delete' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(186) : error C2562: 'Attach_Template' : 'void' function returning a value
        C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(163) : see declaration of 'Attach_Template'

Anybody able to help me out please?

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Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image


I removed one error by adding this to my header file:

void Attach_Template(int argc, char **argv);

But I'm still getting these:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2065: 'CFileOperation' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'fo'
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(167) : error C2065: 'fo' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(180) : error C2065: 'ROOT' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(181) : error C2228: left of '.Delete' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(186) : error C2562: 'Attach_Template' : 'void' function returning a value
        c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\browser\custombrowser\custombrowser\custommodaldialog.h(24) : see declaration of 'Attach_Template'
Avatar of AlexFM

Please show code in CustomModalDialog.h file.
What is CFileOperation? You need to include h-file where this file is defined.
Avatar of AlexFM

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Changing 'return 0' to 'return' removed one erorr (down to 5 now)

I'm moving code form a bunch of small programs into one big program, so can I assume I need to find CFileOperation function inside the code of the the program I am taking source from?

Here is the header as requested:

#include "webbrowser2.h"

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// CustomModalDialog.h : header file

// CCustomModalDialog dialog

class CCustomModalDialog : public CDialog
// Construction
      CString cszURL;
      HICON m_hIcon;
      CCustomModalDialog(CWnd* pParent = NULL);   // standard constructor
      void ExecuteScriptFunction();
      void Attach_Template(int argc, char **argv);
      //void Create_CaseFolder(int argc, char **argv);
      //void Confirm_EditDocument(int argc, char **argv);

// Dialog Data
      enum { IDD = IDD_MODAL_DIALOG };
      CWebBrowser2      m_browser;

// Overrides
      // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
      virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support

// Implementation

      // Generated message map functions
      virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
      afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);

// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_CUSTOMMODALDIALOG_H__C93107E0_EDD1_4E10_B6BC_E3C6B4B99D2F__INCLUDED_)
I just found in one of the files of the code I am moving all the following, how do you think is the safest way of moving it over?

/** \file      FileOperations.cpp
                  Project: FopDemo\n
                  Project type: MFC App\n
                  Author: Vinnichenko Alexey\n
                  Description: Implementation of CFileOperation class and CFileExeption class.

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "resource.h"
//#include "FileOperations.h"

CFExeption::CFExeption(DWORD dwErrCode)
      LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
                        NULL, dwErrCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
      m_sError = (LPTSTR)lpMsgBuf;
      m_dwError = dwErrCode;

CFExeption::CFExeption(CString sErrText)
      m_sError = sErrText;
      m_dwError = 0;



void CFileOperation::Initialize()
      m_sError = _T("No error");
      m_dwError = 0;
      m_bAskIfReadOnly = true;
      m_bOverwriteMode = false;
      m_bAborted = false;
      m_iRecursionLimit = -1;

void CFileOperation::DoDelete(CString sPathName)
      CFileFind ff;
      CString sPath = sPathName;

      if (CheckPath(sPath) == PATH_IS_FILE)
            if (!CanDelete(sPath))
                  m_bAborted = true;
            if (!DeleteFile(sPath)) throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());

      sPath += "*.*";

      BOOL bRes = ff.FindFile(sPath);
            bRes = ff.FindNextFile();
            if (ff.IsDots()) continue;
            if (ff.IsDirectory())
                  sPath = ff.GetFilePath();
            else DoDelete(ff.GetFilePath());
      if (!RemoveDirectory(sPathName) && !m_bAborted) throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());

void CFileOperation::DoFolderCopy(CString sSourceFolder, CString sDestFolder, bool bDelteAfterCopy)
      CFileFind ff;
      CString sPathSource = sSourceFolder;
      BOOL bRes = ff.FindFile(sPathSource);
      while (bRes)
            bRes = ff.FindNextFile();
            if (ff.IsDots()) continue;
            if (ff.IsDirectory()) // source is a folder
                  if (m_iRecursionLimit == 0) continue;
                  sPathSource = ff.GetFilePath() + CString("\\") + CString("*.*");
                  CString sPathDest = sDestFolder + ff.GetFileName() + CString("\\");
                  if (CheckPath(sPathDest) == PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                        if (!CreateDirectory(sPathDest, NULL))
                              throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());
                  if (m_iRecursionLimit > 0) m_iRecursionLimit --;
                  DoFolderCopy(sPathSource, sPathDest, bDelteAfterCopy);
            else // source is a file
                  CString sNewFileName = sDestFolder + ff.GetFileName();
                  DoFileCopy(ff.GetFilePath(), sNewFileName, bDelteAfterCopy);

bool CFileOperation::Delete(CString sPathName)
      catch(CFExeption* e)
            m_sError = e->GetErrorText();
            m_dwError = e->GetErrorCode();
            delete e;
            if (m_dwError == 0) return true;
            return false;
      return true;

bool CFileOperation::Rename(CString sSource, CString sDest)
            DoRename(sSource, sDest);
      catch(CFExeption* e)
            m_sError = e->GetErrorText();
            m_dwError = e->GetErrorCode();
            delete e;
            return false;
      return true;

void CFileOperation::DoRename(CString sSource, CString sDest)
      if (!MoveFile(sSource, sDest)) throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());

void CFileOperation::DoCopy(CString sSource, CString sDest, bool bDelteAfterCopy)
      CheckSelfRecursion(sSource, sDest);
      // source not found
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_NOT_FOUND)
            CString sError = sSource + CString(" not found");
            throw new CFExeption(sError);
      // dest not found
      if (CheckPath(sDest) == PATH_NOT_FOUND)
            CString sError = sDest + CString(" not found");
            throw new CFExeption(sError);
      // folder to file
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_IS_FOLDER && CheckPath(sDest) == PATH_IS_FILE)
            throw new CFExeption("Wrong operation");
      // folder to folder
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_IS_FOLDER && CheckPath(sDest) == PATH_IS_FOLDER)
            CFileFind ff;
            CString sError = sSource + CString(" not found");
            sSource += "*.*";
            if (!ff.FindFile(sSource))
                  throw new CFExeption(sError);
            if (!ff.FindNextFile())
                  throw new CFExeption(sError);
            CString sFolderName = ParseFolderName(sSource);
            if (!sFolderName.IsEmpty()) // the source is not drive
                  sDest += sFolderName;
                  if (!CreateDirectory(sDest, NULL))
                        DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
                        if (dwErr != 183)
                              throw new CFExeption(dwErr);
            DoFolderCopy(sSource, sDest, bDelteAfterCopy);
      // file to file
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_IS_FILE && CheckPath(sDest) == PATH_IS_FILE)
            DoFileCopy(sSource, sDest);
      // file to folder
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_IS_FILE && CheckPath(sDest) == PATH_IS_FOLDER)
            char drive[MAX_PATH], dir[MAX_PATH], name[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH];
            _splitpath(sSource, drive, dir, name, ext);
            sDest = sDest + CString(name) + CString(ext);
            DoFileCopy(sSource, sDest);

void CFileOperation::DoFileCopy(CString sSourceFile, CString sDestFile, bool bDelteAfterCopy)
      BOOL bOvrwriteFails = FALSE;
      if (!m_bOverwriteMode)
            while (IsFileExist(sDestFile))
                  sDestFile = ChangeFileName(sDestFile);
            bOvrwriteFails = TRUE;
      if (!CopyFile(sSourceFile, sDestFile, bOvrwriteFails)) throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());
      if (bDelteAfterCopy)

bool CFileOperation::Copy(CString sSource, CString sDest)
      if (CheckSelfCopy(sSource, sDest)) return true;
      bool bRes;
            DoCopy(sSource, sDest);
            bRes = true;
      catch(CFExeption* e)
            m_sError = e->GetErrorText();
            m_dwError = e->GetErrorCode();
            delete e;
            if (m_dwError == 0) bRes = true;
            bRes = false;
      m_iRecursionLimit = -1;
      return bRes;

bool CFileOperation::Replace(CString sSource, CString sDest)
      if (CheckSelfCopy(sSource, sDest)) return true;
      bool bRes;
            bool b = m_bAskIfReadOnly;
            m_bAskIfReadOnly = false;
            DoCopy(sSource, sDest, true);
            m_bAskIfReadOnly = b;
            bRes = true;
      catch(CFExeption* e)
            m_sError = e->GetErrorText();
            m_dwError = e->GetErrorCode();
            delete e;
            if (m_dwError == 0) bRes = true;
            bRes = false;
      m_iRecursionLimit = -1;
      return bRes;

CString CFileOperation::ChangeFileName(CString sFileName)
      CString sName, sNewName, sResult;
      char drive[MAX_PATH];
      char dir  [MAX_PATH];
      char name [MAX_PATH];
      char ext  [MAX_PATH];
      _splitpath((LPCTSTR)sFileName, drive, dir, name, ext);
      sName = name;

      int pos = sName.Find("Copy ");
      if (pos == -1)
            sNewName = CString("Copy of ") + sName + CString(ext);
            int pos1 = sName.Find('(');
            if (pos1 == -1)
                  sNewName = sName;
                  sNewName.Delete(0, 8);
                  sNewName = CString("Copy (1) of ") + sNewName + CString(ext);
                  CString sCount;
                  int pos2 = sName.Find(')');
                  if (pos2 == -1)
                        sNewName = CString("Copy of ") + sNewName + CString(ext);
                        sCount = sName.Mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1);
                        sName.Delete(0, pos2 + 5);
                        int iCount = atoi((LPCTSTR)sCount);
                        iCount ++;
                        sNewName.Format("%s%d%s%s%s", "Copy (", iCount, ") of ", (LPCTSTR)sName, ext);

      sResult = CString(drive) + CString(dir) + sNewName;

      return sResult;

bool CFileOperation::IsFileExist(CString sPathName)
      HANDLE hFile;
      if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
      return true;

int CFileOperation::CheckPath(CString sPath)
      DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPath);
      if (dwAttr == 0xffffffff)
            if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
                  return PATH_NOT_FOUND;
            return PATH_ERROR;
      return PATH_IS_FILE;

void CFileOperation::PreparePath(CString &sPath)
      if(sPath.Right(1) != "\\") sPath += "\\";

bool CFileOperation::CanDelete(CString sPathName)
      DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPathName);
      if (dwAttr == -1) return false;
            if (m_bAskIfReadOnly)
                  CString sTmp = sPathName;
                  int pos = sTmp.ReverseFind('\\');
                  if (pos != -1) sTmp.Delete(0, pos + 1);
                  CString sText = sTmp + CString(" is read olny. Do you want delete it?");
                  int iRes = MessageBox(NULL, sText, _T("Warning"), MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION);
                  switch (iRes)
                        case IDYES:
                              if (!SetFileAttributes(sPathName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) return false;
                              return true;
                        case IDNO:
                              return false;
                        case IDCANCEL:
                              m_bAborted = true;
                              throw new CFExeption(0);
                              return false;
                  if (!SetFileAttributes(sPathName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) return false;
                  return true;
      return true;

CString CFileOperation::ParseFolderName(CString sPathName)
      CString sFolderName = sPathName;
      int pos = sFolderName.ReverseFind('\\');
      if (pos != -1) sFolderName.Delete(pos, sFolderName.GetLength() - pos);
      pos = sFolderName.ReverseFind('\\');
      if (pos != -1) sFolderName = sFolderName.Right(sFolderName.GetLength() - pos - 1);
      else sFolderName.Empty();
      return sFolderName;

void CFileOperation::CheckSelfRecursion(CString sSource, CString sDest)
      if (sDest.Find(sSource) != -1)
            int i = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < sSource.GetLength(); i ++)      if (sSource[i] == '\\') count1 ++;
            for(i = 0; i < sDest.GetLength(); i ++)      if (sDest[i] == '\\') count2 ++;
            if (count2 >= count1) m_iRecursionLimit = count2 - count1;

bool CFileOperation::CheckSelfCopy(CString sSource, CString sDest)
      bool bRes = false;
      if (CheckPath(sSource) == PATH_IS_FOLDER)
            CString sTmp = sSource;
            int pos = sTmp.ReverseFind('\\');
            if (pos != -1)
                  sTmp.Delete(pos, sTmp.GetLength() - pos);
                  if (sTmp.CompareNoCase(sDest) == 0) bRes = true;
      return bRes;
Would it be easier if I maybe uploaded a copy of the project to - and you can then tell me what changes I need to make?
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OK, I have managed to break it down to one error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Browser\CustomBrowser\CustomBrowser\CustomModalDialog.cpp(181) : error C2065: 'ROOT' : undeclared identifier
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You were correct AlexFM, it was a #define.

It now compiles!

Thank you for the help. :)