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Identifying database locks in SQL Server 2000

I've not sure what to look for when I run sp_lock.  Are there any shortcuts in identifying what processes are locking a database?
Avatar of btutt

Try this procedure, it contains much better information that is much fit for human consumption:

Initially create the following tables in the master database and fill them with the following values:
-- Table containing the lock request mode values and text.
if object_id('syslockreqmode') is not null and
      objectproperty( object_id('syslockreqmode') , 'IsUserTable' ) = 1
      drop table syslockreqmode
create table syslockreqmode(req_mode int not null, req_mode_text varchar(30) not null)
insert into syslockreqmode values (0, 'NULL (No access is granted)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (1, 'Sch-S (Schema stability)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (2, 'Sch-M (Schema modification)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (3, 'IS (Intent Shared)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (4, 'SIU (Shared Intent Update)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (5, 'IS-S (Intent Shared-Shared)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (6, 'IX (Intent Exclusive)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (7, 'SIX (Shared Intent Exclusive)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (8, 'S (Shared)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (9, 'U (Update)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (10, 'IIn-Nul (Intent Insert-NULL)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (11, 'IS-X (Intent Shared-Exclusive)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (12, 'IU (Intent Update)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (13, 'IS-U (Intent Shared-Update)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (14, 'X (Exclusive)')
insert into syslockreqmode values (15, 'BU (Bulk Operation)')
-- Table containing the lock request type values and text.
if object_id('syslockreqtype') is not null and
      objectproperty( object_id('syslockreqtype') , 'IsUserTable' ) = 1
      drop table syslockreqtype

create table syslockreqtype (req_type int not null, req_type_text varchar(15) not null)
insert into syslockreqtype values(1, 'NULL Resource')
insert into syslockreqtype values(2, 'Database')
insert into syslockreqtype values(3, 'File')
insert into syslockreqtype values(4, 'Index')
insert into syslockreqtype values(5, 'Table')
insert into syslockreqtype values(6, 'Page')
insert into syslockreqtype values(7, 'Key')
insert into syslockreqtype values(8, 'Extent')
insert into syslockreqtype values(9, 'RID (Row ID)')

and now the procedure:

Use master
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex') IS NOT NULL And
      OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex'), 'IsProcedure') = 1
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_lock_ex
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex') IS NOT NULL And
            OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex'), 'IsProcedure') = 1
        PRINT '<<< FAILED DROPPING PROCEDURE dbo.sp_lock_ex >>>'
        PRINT '<<< DROPPED PROCEDURE dbo.sp_lock_ex >>>'
@spid int = 0,
@dbname sysname = NULL,
@loginame nvarchar(256) = N'%',
@hostname nvarchar(256) = N'%',
@programname nvarchar(256) = N'%',
@ntusername nvarchar(256) = N'%',
@objectname nvarchar(256) = N'%',
@locktype nvarchar(30) = N'%',
@lockmode nvarchar(30) = N'%',
@noinddetails bit = 0
/* Created By      : Umachandar Jayachandran (UC)                              */
/* Created On      : 20 January 1999                                    */
/* Description      : Written to avoid using sp_lock or sp_lockinfo sps. Those sps  */
/*              are not very flexible & sp_lockinfo hangs if tempdb itself is */
/*              locked. This SP also provides more filters to use. Blocking   */
/*              info. or blocked by info. is not available here. Only locks   */
/*              apart from the executing SPID will be shown. This SP gets     */
/*              blocked too if there is a long running transaction. (NOLOCK   */
/*              hint can avoid this.)      Object names have been defaulted to 50  */
/*              characters. If you have predominantly names >50, increase the */
/*              display format accordingly. I designed the SP in such a way   */
/*              that it will eliminate the @@SPID for the current under which */
/*              you are calling. This can be modified if need be. This SP also*/
/*              avoids using  CURSORS or TEMPORARY TABLES to minimize the       */
/*              impact on other processes.                              */
/*      Resources  :               */
set nocount on
set transaction isolation level read committed
declare @dbid varchar(10), @spid_str varchar(10), @curspid_str varchar(10),
      @curdbname nvarchar(128), @processed_dbnames nvarchar(4000), @mindbid int,
      @indnamecol varchar(255), @indtbljoin varchar(255), @mesg varchar(255)
if (@dbname <> '%') and (db_id(@dbname) is null)
      raiserror ('Invalid database name was specified.', 1, 2)
select @spid_str = str(@spid), @curspid_str = str(@@spid), @processed_dbnames = '',
      @ntusername = case when right(@ntusername, 1) = '%'
                        then (@ntusername)
                        else (@ntusername + '%')
      @hostname = case when right(@hostname, 1) = '%'
                        then (@hostname)
                        else (@hostname + '%')
      @loginame = case when right(@loginame, 1) = '%'
                        then (@loginame)
                        else (@loginame + '%')
      @programname = case when right(@programname, 1) = '%'
                        then (@programname)
                        else (@programname + '%')
      @objectname = case when right(@objectname, 1) = '%'
                        then (@objectname)
                        else (@objectname + '%')
      @indnamecol = case @noinddetails when 1
                  then 'convert(varchar(50), ltrim(str(l.rsc_indid))) as "Index ID"'
                  else 'convert(varchar(50), as "Index Name"'
      @indtbljoin = case @noinddetails when 1
                  then ''
                  else ' left outer join sysindexes i (READPAST) ' +
                        'on l.rsc_objid = and i.indid = l.rsc_indid '
      @dbname = ISNULL(@dbname, DB_NAME())
if (@lockmode <> '%') and
      (@lockmode not in ('Schema', 'Intent', 'Insert', 'Update',
                        'Shared', 'Bulk', 'Exclusive'))
      set @mesg = 'Invalid lock mode was specified. Valid values are ''Schema'', '+
                  '''Intent'', ''Insert'', ''Update'', ''Shared'', ' +
                  '''Bulk'', ''Exclusive'''
      raiserror (@mesg, 1, 2)
if (@locktype <> '%') and
      (@locktype not in ('Database', 'File', 'Table', 'Extent',
                        'Index', 'Page', 'Key', 'RID'))
      set @mesg = 'Invalid lock type was specified. Valid values are ''Database'', '+
                  '''File'', ''Table'', ''Extent'', ''Index'', ' +
                  '''Page'', ''Key'', ''RID'''
       raiserror (@mesg, 1, 2)
select @mindbid = min(dbid)
from master..sysdatabases (READPAST)
where name like @dbname and charindex(name, @processed_dbnames) = 0

while(@mindbid is not null)
      select @dbid = str(@mindbid),
            @processed_dbnames = @processed_dbnames + ', ' + name,
            @curdbname = '[' + name + ']'
      from master..sysdatabases (READPAST)
      where dbid = @mindbid

exec('use ' + @curdbname +
'select Str(req_spid) as "Process ID",
rsc_text as "Resource Text",
convert(varchar(50), case rsc_objid when 0 then ''no object name''
                  else isnull(object_name(rsc_objid), ''no object name'')
                 end) as "Object Name",
' + @indnamecol + ',
lt.req_type_text as "Resource Type",
lm.req_mode_text as "Lock Request Mode",
convert(varchar(10), case req_status when 1 then ''Granted'' when 2 then ''Converting''
      when 3 then ''Waiting'' end) as "Lock Status",
convert(varchar(12), case req_ownertype when 1 then ''Transaction'' when 2 then ''Session''
      when 3 then ''Cursor'' end) as "Lock Owner",
str(req_refcnt) as "Lock Count",
convert(varchar(30), p.hostname) as "Host Name",
convert(varchar(30), p.program_name) as "Program Name",
convert(varchar(50), p.nt_username) as "NT User Name",
convert(varchar(50), p.loginame) as "SQL Login Name"
from master..syslockreqmode lm inner join master..syslockreqtype lt
inner join master..sysprocesses p inner merge join master..syslockinfo l with( nolock ) ' + @indtbljoin + '
on l.req_spid = p.spid And p.spid <> ' + @curspid_str + ' And
l.req_spid <> ' + @curspid_str + ' And
p.spid = case ' +  @spid_str + ' when 0 then p.spid else ' + @spid_str + ' end
on l.rsc_type = lt.req_type
on l.req_mode = lm.req_mode
Where p.nt_username like ''' + @ntusername + ''' and
p.program_name like ''' + @programname + ''' and
p.hostname like ''' + @hostname + ''' and
p.loginame like ''' + @loginame + ''' and
(object_name(rsc_objid) is null or object_name(rsc_objid) like ''' + @objectname + ''') and
lt.req_type_text like ''' + @locktype + ''' and
lm.req_mode_text like ''' + @lockmode + ''' and
p.dbid = ' + @dbid +'
union all
select space(10) as "Process ID", replicate(''*'', 32) as "Resource Text",
convert(varchar(50), ''LOCKS HELD IN ' + @curdbname + ' DATABASE'') as "Object Name",
convert(varchar(50), ''(THIS IS A HEADER ROW ONLY)'') as "Index Name",
replicate(''*'', 15) as "Resource Type",
replicate(''*'', 30) as "Lock Request Mode",
replicate(''*'', 10) as "Lock Status",
replicate(''*'', 12) as "Lock Owner",
replicate(''*'', 10) as "Lock Count",
replicate(''*'', 30) as "Host Name",
replicate(''*'', 30) as "Program Name",
replicate(''*'', 50) as "NT User Name",
replicate(''*'', 50) as "SQL Login Name"
order by Str(req_spid)')

      select @mindbid = MIN(dbid)
      from master..sysdatabases (READPAST)
      where name like @dbname and charindex(name, @processed_dbnames) = 0
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex') IS NOT NULL And
      OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_lock_ex'), 'IsProcedure') = 1
    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_lock_ex To Public
    PRINT '<<< CREATED PROCEDURE dbo.sp_lock_ex >>>'
    PRINT '<<< FAILED CREATING PROCEDURE dbo.sp_lock_ex >>>'

Avatar of Kaporch


I've gotten a message that SQL Server could not create sp_lock_ex, and when I try to view the stored procedure, I get the message:  Encrypted object is not transferable, and script can not be generated.
Avatar of btutt

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Cool.  Looks like it worked fine!