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Active Directory Priority

Does Active Directory have some kind of priority users, groups etc i am trying to move some of my users up the list if you like as i have a NAS box that will only pick up the first 1000 users and the users i need to add are not appearing at present
Avatar of Brian Pierce
Brian Pierce
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Hi i have been instructed by the manufacturer that the nas supports between 600-1000 i was hoping it would be more rather than less this ldap change you are suggesting where would find this setting?

Run NTDSUTIL from the command line on one of your DCs. This changes the number of records that are returned in a single LDAP query.

It may help others if you specify your NAS box.
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Sorry i should have mentioned we have 2 NAS boxes both Terastation Pros 1 is terabyte other is 1.6 terabytes first NAS box has been joined to our academic domain other i have left on a workgroup

Forced accept.

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