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Batch File to delete Reg Keys

Hi I'm trying to automate cleaning out the of all the keys containing a certain word from the registry of XP PRO clients. It's a pretty obscure word so I'm not concerned about false positives.

 I was going to attempt to do it with a batch file but then someone asked me why I wasn't using a merge file (never heard of it before). I'm at loss for either method, can I wildcard with batch files? Anyone have any ideas?

One of our customers has stuffed up a software install and isn't confident enough for me to talk her through manually deleting the keys over the phone and her corporate firewall won't allow a remote session.

Avatar of Richard Quadling
Richard Quadling
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If you know the keys the create a file with - in front of the key ...

Avatar of jkr
You can use

reg delete <keyname>

for that once you know the name(s) of these keys.
Avatar of bluebearr001

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regdel.vbs contains:

'This VBS deletes the following subkey "Subkey" with all the
'contents under it leaving the Testing key intact.

Set Shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

Shell.RegDelete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\valueStringName"
Avatar of Wafu


thanks bluebearr001, spot on. Very dangerous script but did the job very well. A*