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check the total adds up to 100(not more or less than that)

Hi all,
        I have 4 textboxes in a webform where the user enters numerical values that adds up to a total textbox. I have used a javascript that gives me a running total to a total textbox. Here is the problem, the total should be 100 not more or less than that. How would I check to make sure its 100 and if it is more or less, then throw them an error message.

Here is my javascript:
<script language=javascript>
        function compute(clid, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6)
            var entry1 = Number(document.getElementById(val1).value);
            var entry2 = Number(document.getElementById(val2).value);
            var entry3 = Number(document.getElementById(val3).value);
            var entry4 = Number(document.getElementById(val4).value);
            var grandtotal = entry1 + entry2 + entry3 + entry4;
            var _grandtotal = grandtotal.toFixed(2);
            document.getElementById(clid).value = _grandtotal;
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So, should I have to have a second javascript to check if the total is 100 or could I add it to the above compute function?
No, why? You can add if and alert.
<script language =javascript>
    function compute(clid, val1, val2, val3)
        var grandtotal = 100;
        var entry1 = Number(document.getElementById(val1).value);
        var entry2 = Number(document.getElementById(val2).value);
        var entry3 = Number(document.getElementById(val3).value);
        var entry3 = Number(document.getElementById(val3).value);
        var grandtotal = entry1 + entry2 + entry3 + entry4;
        if (grandtotal != 100)
            alert("The total should be equal to 100")
                document.getElementById(clid).value = grandtotal;

This is what I did..As soon as I put sth in textbox1, the alert box pops up...any clues..
I tought you call this function after button "calculate" pressed.
You can check the value only when all fields are not 0.
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function compute(e,clid, val1, val2, val3, val4)
          //get all elements (txtboxes )
            var entry1= eval("document.getElementById('"+ val1 +"')");
            var entry2= eval("document.getElementById('"+ val2 +"')");
            var entry3= eval("document.getElementById('"+ val3 +"')");
            var entry4= eval("document.getElementById('"+ val4 +"')");
              var total= eval("document.getElementById('"+ clid +"')");
          //intialize grandtotal as 0
            var grandtotal =0.0 ;
           //key press event's key
            var key;
             key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;
            //regex to validate for the numeric value in all text boxes
            var pattern=/(^-*\d+$)|(^-*\d+\.\d+$)/
            var reEval = new RegExp(pattern);

            if(key>=48 && key<=57 ||key==13)
                //if match failed assign zero else the numeric nalue
               var entryval1 = (reEval.test(entry1.value)== false) ? 0 : entry1.value;
               var entryval2 = (reEval.test(entry2.value)== false) ? 0 : entry2.value;
               var entryval3 = (reEval.test(entry3.value)== false) ? 0 : entry3.value;
               var entryval4 = (reEval.test(entry4.value)== false) ? 0 : entry4.value;
                  grandtotal = entryval1 + entryval2 + entryval3 + entryval4;
                  total.value = grandtotal.toFixed(2);
                  if (grandtotal < 100 || grandtotal > 100)
                    // alert("The total should be equal to 100")
                    //makes the total text border color to red
                     return false;
                  return true;
              event.keyCode = 0
                 alert("Please enter number only");
                 return false;

//cal the above method in keypress event of textbox in codebehind class
string computeControls = textboxTotal.ClientID +","+ textbox1.ClientID +","+ textbox2.ClientID +","+ textbox3.ClientID +","+ textbox4.ClientID ;

  this.textbox1.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return compute(event,'"+ computeControls   +"');");
this.textbox2.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return compute(event,'"+ computeControls   +"');");
this.textbox3.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return compute(event,'"+ computeControls   +"');");
this.textbox4.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return compute(event,'"+ computeControls   +"');");
Hi db_110, when you said call the above javascript in keypress event, is there a keypress event in I am calling the javascript in the page_load event but when I debug it, it doesn't let me enter any number. The defualt value for the total textbox is 0.00 with a red border around it.
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Anandhi K
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thanks db_110 for your help. It was great..