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cwest1Flag for United States of America

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SQLEXPRESS trusted connection issue

Well, here I am again with an SQL connection problem :) This time I can't connect SSMS to SQLEXPRESS using SQL Auth (instead of Windows auth, which works). I've set SQLEXPRESS to allow remote connections through TCP and N/Pipes, tried SA and even added a new sysadmin account mapped to a specific db. I always get "the user is not associated a trusted SQL Server" connection error. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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Is the "SQL Server Browser" service at the server running?

Have you restarted the SQL Express service since you changed to mixed authentication?

Has the account you are using the enough privileges on server and database?
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yes, yes, and I would have thought the SA user had adequate perms. I'm unsure how to check though.
oh, using SA, this user has full access as default, sometimes it's disabled, have you checked it?
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login is enabled for SA
check SA user mapping... at SA properties
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SA is mapped to master (and other dbs that are standard) as dbo
is it mapped to the default database you are connecting to?
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No. Create fails. Cannont use special principal SA. SQLEXPRESS isn't letting me map SA to new dbs.
Ok, create another user, give full access to it to test (at server and new db) then try to make a connection with the new user.
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I tried that before posting. Added user SA2, mapped to mydb as dbo, same error. One thing I just noticed when loking at SA properties, SQL Authentication is grayed out in the status window. That is, it can't be selected. I suspect that might be a registry setting, but I don't know where.
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Oh shxx. Mixed mode wasn't selected. Duh. I was assuming that allowing remote connections implied SQL Auth. It never occurred to me that you'd connect remotely with a windows account. Thanks for the guidance. Much appreciated.
You're welcome