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Using vb6 to retreive value from sql and place in textbox

Hello All

I have been using vb6 on and off for a few years but am new to using databases in vb6.  I am using the code below that I got from the net to connect which works fine however in the last statement I want to retrieve a value from the name column and place it in a textbox but I cant get it to work.  Any comments would be appreciated.

'Declaring your database
Public MyDatabase As ADODB.Connection

'Tables into your database
Public MyTable1 As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Set your variables to nothing (just for stability)
Set MyDatabase = Nothing
Set MyTable1 = Nothing

'Connecting to your DB
Set MyDatabase = New ADODB.Connection
Set MyTable1 = New ADODB.Recordset

'Here's where you're to set all your database options
ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" _
              & ";User ID=sa" _
              & ";Password=theknapp1" _
              & ";Initial Catalog=aTable" _
              & ";Data Source=mypc\SQLEXPRESS"

'If your database is in another computer in the local network you can replace with it's ip adress
MyDatabase.Open ConnectionString
MyTable1.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Text1.text = MyDatabase.Execute ("SELECT name FROM Table_1")

The above statement is the problem

End sub

Avatar of Mikkk

MyDatabase.Execute returns a recordset object, so it can't be converted to string directly.
In order to be able to move through the results of the SQL do:

Dim r As ADODB.Recordset
r=MyDatabase.Execute ("SELECT name FROM Table_1")

Text1.text = r.Fields("name").Value
Avatar of SirNick


Thanks but I'm getting an error,  'Invalid use of property'..
Avatar of Mikkk

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I'm sure I tried that, but I just tried again and its I couldn't have

Thanks for that, you will obviuously get the points.........