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Using vb6 to retreive value from sql and place in textbox
Hello All
I have been using vb6 on and off for a few years but am new to using databases in vb6. I am using the code below that I got from the net to connect which works fine however in the last statement I want to retrieve a value from the name column and place it in a textbox but I cant get it to work. Any comments would be appreciated.
'Declaring your database
Public MyDatabase As ADODB.Connection
'Tables into your database
Public MyTable1 As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Set your variables to nothing (just for stability)
Set MyDatabase = Nothing
Set MyTable1 = Nothing
'Connecting to your DB
Set MyDatabase = New ADODB.Connection
Set MyTable1 = New ADODB.Recordset
'Here's where you're to set all your database options
ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" _
& ";User ID=sa" _
& ";Password=theknapp1" _
& ";Initial Catalog=aTable" _
& ";Data Source=mypc\SQLEXPRESS"
'If your database is in another computer in the local network you can replace with it's ip adress
MyDatabase.Open ConnectionString
MyTable1.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Text1.text = MyDatabase.Execute ("SELECT name FROM Table_1")
The above statement is the problem
End sub
I have been using vb6 on and off for a few years but am new to using databases in vb6. I am using the code below that I got from the net to connect which works fine however in the last statement I want to retrieve a value from the name column and place it in a textbox but I cant get it to work. Any comments would be appreciated.
'Declaring your database
Public MyDatabase As ADODB.Connection
'Tables into your database
Public MyTable1 As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Set your variables to nothing (just for stability)
Set MyDatabase = Nothing
Set MyTable1 = Nothing
'Connecting to your DB
Set MyDatabase = New ADODB.Connection
Set MyTable1 = New ADODB.Recordset
'Here's where you're to set all your database options
ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" _
& ";User ID=sa" _
& ";Password=theknapp1" _
& ";Initial Catalog=aTable" _
& ";Data Source=mypc\SQLEXPRESS"
'If your database is in another computer in the local network you can replace with it's ip adress
MyDatabase.Open ConnectionString
MyTable1.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Text1.text = MyDatabase.Execute ("SELECT name FROM Table_1")
The above statement is the problem
End sub
Thanks but I'm getting an error, 'Invalid use of property'..
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I'm sure I tried that, but I just tried again and its I couldn't have
Thanks for that, you will obviuously get the points.........
Thanks for that, you will obviuously get the points.........
In order to be able to move through the results of the SQL do:
Dim r As ADODB.Recordset
r=MyDatabase.Execute ("SELECT name FROM Table_1")
Text1.text = r.Fields("name").Value