asked on
Logon script to check if these services are running.
How with a logon script i can find if the services are running.
Remote registry
Windows firewall.
How with a logon script i can find if the services are running.
Remote registry
Windows firewall.
For Computer.
Just need to show if the service is enabled or disabled.
If possible if disabled then we can enable it.
Just need to show if the service is enabled or disabled.
If possible if disabled then we can enable it.
Can you try the below code?
ArrComputer = Array(".")
ArrServices = Array("SharedAccess", "Remote Registry")
i = 0
For Each strComputer In ArrComputer
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each Service In ArrServices
If i > 0 Then
str = str & " or DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
str = "DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
i = i + 1
End If
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("S elect DisplayName, State from Win32_Service where " & str)
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.echo "DisplayName: " & objItem.DisplayName
Wscript.echo "State: " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
Can you try the below code?
ArrComputer = Array(".")
ArrServices = Array("SharedAccess", "Remote Registry")
i = 0
For Each strComputer In ArrComputer
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each Service In ArrServices
If i > 0 Then
str = str & " or DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
str = "DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
i = i + 1
End If
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("S
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.echo "DisplayName: " & objItem.DisplayName
Wscript.echo "State: " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
Did you try this script?
Did you try this script?
Should i edit these 2 lines as
Wscript.echo "DisplayName: " & objItem.DisplayName
Wscript.echo "State: " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
What should i put in State
Should i edit these 2 lines as
Wscript.echo "DisplayName: " & objItem.DisplayName
Wscript.echo "State: " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
What should i put in State
Do you want the output to a text file in the local machine?
When you run this on your machine can you let me know what is result you see
Do you want the output to a text file in the local machine?
When you run this on your machine can you let me know what is result you see
Ok Chandru,
When i run on my machine i get a popup saying Remote registry running.
Can you add say 4 more services that i need to check on a list of machines and get the results to a file.
When i run on my machine i get a popup saying Remote registry running.
Can you add say 4 more services that i need to check on a list of machines and get the results to a file.
Can you let me know the other services?
Do you want the output to be on the local machine? As this is a login script the results will be created on the local machine?
Do you want the output to be on the local machine? As this is a login script the results will be created on the local machine?
Windows Management Instrumentation
Remote Registry
Computer Browser
DHCP Client
Sophos Agent
Can you add these 5 services if They are on of off (Started or Stopped) No action should be performed but a results file that can results in the machine i run it from.
Can you change it from logon script to run on the machine i have in a Computers.txt file.
Remote Registry
Computer Browser
DHCP Client
Sophos Agent
Can you add these 5 services if They are on of off (Started or Stopped) No action should be performed but a results file that can results in the machine i run it from.
Can you change it from logon script to run on the machine i have in a Computers.txt file.
Can you try the script below?
On Error Resume Next
Const ForReading = 1
strwritefile = "c:\results.txt"
'old file will be deleted
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi leSystemOb ject")
If objfso.FileExists(strwrite file) Then
objfso.DeleteFile strwritefile, True
End if
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi leSystemOb ject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("c:\Scripts\Computers.txt ", ForReading)
strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
arrComputer = Split(strText, VbCrLf)
Results = ""
ArrServices = Array("Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)", "Remote Registry","Windows Management Instrumentation
","Computer Browser","DHCP Client","Sophos Agent")
i = 0
For Each strComputer In ArrComputer
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each Service In ArrServices
If i > 0 Then
str = str & " or DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
str = "DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
i = i + 1
End If
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("S elect DisplayName, State from Win32_Service where " & str)
For Each objItem in colItems
Results = Results & strcomputer & " " & objItem.DisplayName & " " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
'Wscript.echo Results
Set objoutputFile = objfso.openTextFile(strwri tefile,8, True)
objoutputFile.writeline Results & VbCrLf
Set objItem = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing: Set objWMIService = Nothing
Wscript.echo "Completed"
Hope this helps....
On Error Resume Next
Const ForReading = 1
strwritefile = "c:\results.txt"
'old file will be deleted
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi
If objfso.FileExists(strwrite
objfso.DeleteFile strwritefile, True
End if
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Fi
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("c:\Scripts\Computers.txt
strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
arrComputer = Split(strText, VbCrLf)
Results = ""
ArrServices = Array("Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)", "Remote Registry","Windows Management Instrumentation
","Computer Browser","DHCP Client","Sophos Agent")
i = 0
For Each strComputer In ArrComputer
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each Service In ArrServices
If i > 0 Then
str = str & " or DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
str = "DisplayName = '" & Service & "'"
i = i + 1
End If
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("S
For Each objItem in colItems
Results = Results & strcomputer & " " & objItem.DisplayName & " " & objItem.State & VbCrLf
'Wscript.echo Results
Set objoutputFile = objfso.openTextFile(strwri
objoutputFile.writeline Results & VbCrLf
Set objItem = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing: Set objWMIService = Nothing
Wscript.echo "Completed"
Hope this helps....
I get this.
-------------------------- -
Windows Script Host
-------------------------- -
Script: C:\Services.vbs
Line: 22
Char: 128
Error: Unterminated string constant
Code: 800A0409
Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error
-------------------------- -
-------------------------- -
Windows Script Host
Script: C:\Services.vbs
Line: 22
Char: 128
Error: Unterminated string constant
Code: 800A0409
Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error
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Excellent but the results come 4 times it repeats
Excellent but the results come 4 times it repeats
Can you post the resuilts?
Its 3 times...
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Computer Browser Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Remote Registry Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Stopped
dev-chen-mrd100 Sophos Agent Running
dev-chen-mrd100 Windows Management Instrumentation Running
Can you make sure the text file for computers doesn't have space after one computer name?
Do you want to use it as a long script for users or Computers?
What is that you want to do if the service is running or if not running?