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Disable frame

Disable window
i have a jframe , how do i disable that frame when another window comes up.

For example, i click button add, another frame appears.
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>>For example, i click button add, another frame appears.

when you click a button, display a JDialog with modal mode and set the frame as the parent for the dialog.
Avatar of sciuriware

You can do a:


on the first frame, but I doubt if you are planning the application right.
Why should your main frame disappear for another?

If you mean to say: I want the new window to catch input and events .....

That happens automatically.


this will make the frame hide not disable! Using dialog, you can achieve that!
It all depends on what the questioner really wanted.

yes, the questionaire asked for disabling the frame in his original question!
if by disabling you mean unable to edit or select  the parent frame,
I think you might want to consider using JDialog and setModal(true).
by doing this way, once the JDialog pop up, you won't be able to select the JFrame until you close the JDialog.
Hope it helps.

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hi, i am using jframe for another window as well as it queries a lot of info.

when the second window appears.., the parent window becomes non editable.thanks
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okay..i changed to jdialog and put this using JDialog and setModal(true).

and i still able to edit parent window :-(
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