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How to Padd zero's on the left side of the column
I have the following table
autokey branch_number
1 24
2 056
3 23
4 2
5 566
6 666
7 1
8 22
As you can see the branch_number column contains 2 digits,1 digit and 3 digitis numbers. I need to pad the two and one digit values with zero padded to the left so that all the values in branch_number column are 3 digits.
Can somebody please help me on this?
I have the following table
autokey branch_number
1 24
2 056
3 23
4 2
5 566
6 666
7 1
8 22
As you can see the branch_number column contains 2 digits,1 digit and 3 digitis numbers. I need to pad the two and one digit values with zero padded to the left so that all the values in branch_number column are 3 digits.
Can somebody please help me on this?
Did not work mate
So what did you get?
same values as they are in the table(column branch_number)
I need the branch_number column to look as below:
autokey branch_number
1 024
2 056
3 023
4 002
5 566
6 666
7 001
8 022
hope this helps.
I need the branch_number column to look as below:
autokey branch_number
1 024
2 056
3 023
4 002
5 566
6 666
7 001
8 022
hope this helps.
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the datatype is nvarchar. it does not have preceeding spaces it just have 2 digit and 1 digits number and also 3 digits. I want to make it 3 digits so that its uniform.
Should do it.