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asgarcymedFlag for Portugal

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AutoIt - Automating file moving, first according to its size, and thereafter according to its extension...

I need a Script to automate file moving, first according to its size, and thereafter according to its extension...

I am an absolute beginner about Programming in General and I am starting to learn programming by learning AutoIt (which seems to be superb!! - easy to learn, yet very powerful!!)...

First,  I need a script to automate file moving according to its size. Inside a directory I have many files with different sizes. I need to automate the following actions:

1) Create "Big", "Medium", "Small" directories (such as DOS' «md Big», «md Medium», «md Small»)

2) Get file sizes

3) IF size<= 80 MB THEN move files to "Small" directory
    IF 81<size< 170 MB THEN move files to "Medium" directory
    IF size>=171  MB THEN move files to "Big" directory

I could make the following script "Move by Size.au3":

$input_path = InputBox ("Path...", "What is the target path?" & Chr(13) & "Example:" & Chr(13) & "C:\Directory", "", "", 250, 150)

$search = FileFindFirstFile ($input_path & "\" & "*.*")
While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile ($search)
      $size_bytes = FileGetSize ($input_path & "\" & $file)
      $size_megas = $size_bytes / 1048576
      Case $file = ""
            MsgBox (0, "Finished!", "The files were moved; now exiting!")
      Case $size_megas > 0 And $size_megas <= 80
            FileMove ($input_path & "\" & $file, $input_path & "\Small\", 8)
      Case $size_megas > 80  And $size_megas <= 170
            FileMove ($input_path & "\" & $file, $input_path & "\Medium\", 8)
      Case $size_megas > 170
            FileMove ($input_path & "\" & $file, $input_path & "\Big\", 8)

This script worked fine, but maybe it is not the most correct.... Is it?...

Next step - make another script to automate file moving according to its extension. Inside a directory I have many files with different extensions. I need to automate the following actions:

1) Get all different files' extensions inside a directory (example: .pdf / .doc / .abw / .rtf)

2) Create a directory for each extension with extension's name
 (example, like DOS Batch (.BAT) files:
 md pdf
 md doc
 md abw
 md rtf)

3) Move each file to inside the folder with its extension
 (example, like DOS Batch (.BAT) files:
 (move *.pdf pdf\
move *.doc doc\
move *.abw abw\
move *.rtf rtf\)

Note - I assume that all files have am extension which corresponds to the 3 last right characters of their name -- StringRight ("name.ext", 3)

I could make the following script "Move by Extension.au3":

$input_path = InputBox ("Path...", "What is the target path?" & Chr(13) & "Example:" & Chr(13) & "C:\Directory", "", "", 250, 150)

$search = FileFindFirstFile ($input_path & "\" & "*.*")

While $search = 1
 $file = FileFindNextFile ($search)
 $extension = StringRight ($input_path & "\" & $file, 3)
If $file = "" Then
MsgBox (0, "Finished!", "The files were moved; now exiting!")
FileMove ($input_path & "\" & $file, $input_path & "\" & $extension & "\", 8)

This script worked fine, but maybe it is not the most correct.... Is it?...

Now the big problem - I tried to make an one-only Script  <=> {1= "Move by Size.au3" + 2= "Move by Extension.au3" = "Move by Size and Thereafter by Extension. Such would make first the file moving according to its size, and thereafter according to extension)...










I made many attempts/trials but it did not work; I tried many things; I feel confused and lost... Please help me!...

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
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gimosuby - your solution is perfect! I was missing the concept of arrays!

nayernaguib - Without using arrays (what is worse!), it could work if  I put,  at the beginning of each of the 4 blocks,  (one for each copy):
$path1 = $input_path
$path2 = $input_path & "\Small"
$path3 = $input_path & "\Medium"
$path4 = $input_path & "\Big"
However, the source-code becomes bigger and confusing; the script takes more time to be run; and it overloads CPU while running....

Thank you very much!!
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Thanks for the points!
I just gave you the quick-and-dirty solution. I've never written an AutoIt script before. In fact, I've never seen the application! :)

And by the way, good catch! I forgot to store the initial path in a separate variable (or to create separate variable for each block). My code would generate something like C:\Directory\Small\Medium\Big!


  Nayer Naguib