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MTSDLFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Deployment using Group Policy

I have created an installer file for an application to be deployed using Group Policy. I could get the application installed alright but although it is shown in Add/Remove programs and a directory for it is created in Program files folder but it is not shown in the start menu.
The application is only accessible from the start menu when installed from a CD and that is the only way to initiate the program because there are no file extensions associated with that particular program
I have tried to assign the application, publish it, but still it did not work.
The application

Any idea how can I make the application shown in the start menu?

Thanks very much.  
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I am using Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
Avatar of Brian Pierce
Did you assign it or publish it - see
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another simple guide -

Don't forget to run gpupdate /force to apply the policy
The setting may not apply until the PC is restarted and the user logs on