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fmewFlag for Netherlands

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Do while, loop etc

Hi there,

I am trying to adjust

Private Sub Form_Timer()

   Dim strSql As String

    strSql = " Select * from P_BA"
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbOpenDynaset)

Do While Not rs.EOF
       If ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value Is Null Then
             ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = False


       End If

Exit Do
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

So its about the:
       If ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value Is Null Then
             ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = False
This doesnt work. In fact I tried other code. Nothiing works. I just can not do it.
What kind of code should I use to let this go to the recordset

Avatar of frankytee
Flag of Australia image

If nz(ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value,"") Then
             ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = False

.... etc
typo, it should be
If nz(ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value,"") = "" Then
             ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = False
Avatar of fmew


Problem is the code stops at If Nz(ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value, "") = "" Then
No error, just stops
So thats something in my loop?

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Its because the first value it finds is ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value, "") = "E"
When I change the first record to E, the code runs , but makes all the  ba_Stat_Bp_4 field invisible, incluis the ones which are empty
Avatar of Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
What exactly are you trying to do with this code? Please tell us what the loop is supposed to do ...
The IS NULL sysntax applies only to objects. For normal values you can use the IsNull() function:
E.g. If IsNull(ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value) Then

You can set the visible property in a single step without an IF statement:

ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = not IsNull(ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value)

The loop doen't look quite right:    
<    Do While Not rs.EOF
         If ba_Stat_Bp_4.Value Is Null Then
             ba_Stat_Bp_4.Visible = False
             rs.MoveNext      ' <======= this will never execute after a null is found
         End If
         Exit Do                   ' <======= exits the loop first time through
    Loop >
Yes, that was the next point, It looks like an attempt to show/hide a control on different rows of a continuous form, which won't in any case work via the visible property of the control.
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Yes MikeToole,
Thats what Iam trying to do.
But it hasnt have to be a visible property, it may be something else
The field maybe Null, I can change the default to say .  So theres a value than.
The loop would work then? Still not with the visible property?

Avatar of Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
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Thank you all.

Mike and LSM, I will split points. You both helped me to get things clear and done

Avatar of bhushanvinay

i dont know if i make sense

can you try your sql query to be tuned.

Select * from P_BA where ba_Stat_Bp_4 is not null