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siacomFlag for Australia

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ASP .NET - SQL Dropping a customer to the bottom of a datagrid when clicked on.

I am listing contractors on a web site using SQL scripting sorting by clicks.

When someone clicks on a contractor from the list their position drops down to the bottom, then as other contractors are clicked they get pushed down to the bottom and the other one gets to go one up.

Here a thought:
Since the list will never be more than 500 I use this SQL script:
UPDATE Customers SET clicks = clicks + 500 WHERE (CusID =  [indoogrid:idValue])

 and of course sort by clicks when displaying list.

but how do the others go up in proper order  ...

say I have 50 set to 500 sorted by Clicks....  How will the first contractor clicked remain 50 from the bottom ?

is there a solution to this ?
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