asked on
Sending multiple emails by iterating through recordset
Am trying to write a vbscript to send multiple emails but cannot get it to work. Here it is:
Dim Mail
Dim objCDOSYSCon , objCDOSYSMail, BodyString, ResponseString, myRS, db, strSQL, strSQL2
Dim mySQLWhere, MonthString, Connection, FullLoginName, Prompt, UserID, myCmd, myCmd2, RecordID
Set Connection = New clsDBConnection1
UserID = Connection.ToSQL(CCGetUser ID(), ccsInteger)
BodyString = "This is a test email sent via LIFEnet"
'This prevents the form from being Cached.
Response.Expires = 0
Response.Expiresabsolute = Now-1
'Create the MailSender Object
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persi ts.MailSen der")
Set myCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB .Command")
Set myCmd2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB .Command")
Set myRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB .Recordset ")
'Specify your SMTP Mail Server
Mail.Host = "mailA28.webcontrolcenter. com"
'Specify the From Address and Name
Mail.From = "matthewo'gorman@lifechari"
'Mail.FromName = FullLoginName
Mail.FromName = "Matthew O'Gorman, LIFE London"
strSQL = "SELECT tblselectedschools.fldCont act, tblselectedschools.fldemai l, tblselectedschools.fldReco rdID FROM tblschools RIGHT JOIN tblselectedschools ON tblschools.fldSCHOOL_ID = tblselectedschools.fldSCHO OL_ID WHERE tblselectedschools.fldUser ID = " & UserID & " AND tblselectedschools.fldSele cted = 1"
With myCmd
'.ActiveConnection = Connection
.CommandText = strSQL ' This should be your SQL select statement
.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
End With
strSQL2 = "UPDATE tblselectedschools SET fldmessagesent=0 WHERE fldID = " & RecordID
With myCmd2
'.ActiveConnection = Connection
.CommandText = strSQL ' This is the SQL statement for UPDATE query to change the fldmessagesent field
.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
End With
myRS.Open myCmd
Do While Not myRS.EOF
RecordID = myRS.Fields("fldRecordID")
if Mail.Send then
' Message sent sucessfully
If firstRecord = 1 Then
firstRecord = 0
Mail.AddRecipient myRS.Fields("fldContact"), myRS.Fields("fldemail")
Mail.AddBCC myRS.Fields("fldContact"), myRS.Fields("fldemail")
End If
' Message send failure
'WRITE 0 TO fldmessagesent in tblselectedschools
fldCurrentID = myRS.Fields("fldID")
myRS.Open myCmd2
myRS.Close myCmd2
Set Connection = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
end if
When opening the page, I get:
The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context
on the firstRecord=1 line.
Possibly the problem is due to trying to use the mail connection to open the recordset, and I should define two connections - I am far from being an expert here.
The coding should iterate through the recordset and, where emails can't be sent write to the fldmessagesent field in tblselectedschools. I am not sure whether this is valid. If an email cannot be sent, would this be detected immediately?
Anyway, would appreciate help on this.
Dim Mail
Dim objCDOSYSCon , objCDOSYSMail, BodyString, ResponseString, myRS, db, strSQL, strSQL2
Dim mySQLWhere, MonthString, Connection, FullLoginName, Prompt, UserID, myCmd, myCmd2, RecordID
Set Connection = New clsDBConnection1
UserID = Connection.ToSQL(CCGetUser
BodyString = "This is a test email sent via LIFEnet"
'This prevents the form from being Cached.
Response.Expires = 0
Response.Expiresabsolute = Now-1
'Create the MailSender Object
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persi
Set myCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB
Set myCmd2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB
Set myRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB
'Specify your SMTP Mail Server
Mail.Host = "mailA28.webcontrolcenter.
'Specify the From Address and Name
Mail.From = "matthewo'gorman@lifechari
'Mail.FromName = FullLoginName
Mail.FromName = "Matthew O'Gorman, LIFE London"
strSQL = "SELECT tblselectedschools.fldCont
With myCmd
'.ActiveConnection = Connection
.CommandText = strSQL ' This should be your SQL select statement
.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
End With
strSQL2 = "UPDATE tblselectedschools SET fldmessagesent=0 WHERE fldID = " & RecordID
With myCmd2
'.ActiveConnection = Connection
.CommandText = strSQL ' This is the SQL statement for UPDATE query to change the fldmessagesent field
.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
End With
myRS.Open myCmd
Do While Not myRS.EOF
RecordID = myRS.Fields("fldRecordID")
if Mail.Send then
' Message sent sucessfully
If firstRecord = 1 Then
firstRecord = 0
Mail.AddRecipient myRS.Fields("fldContact"),
Mail.AddBCC myRS.Fields("fldContact"),
End If
' Message send failure
'WRITE 0 TO fldmessagesent in tblselectedschools
fldCurrentID = myRS.Fields("fldID")
myRS.Open myCmd2
myRS.Close myCmd2
Set Connection = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
end if
When opening the page, I get:
The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context
on the firstRecord=1 line.
Possibly the problem is due to trying to use the mail connection to open the recordset, and I should define two connections - I am far from being an expert here.
The coding should iterate through the recordset and, where emails can't be sent write to the fldmessagesent field in tblselectedschools. I am not sure whether this is valid. If an email cannot be sent, would this be detected immediately?
Anyway, would appreciate help on this.
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Sorry for the delay in responding.
You were quite right. Have altered the coding and it works.
Have assigned the points.