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ideas for using and styling treeviews as your main 'navigation tool'


I'm after some ideas or advice.

I'm starting a new site and have done it in 2.0 to try and get some exprience in it.

I have been looking at the new treeview control.

Do you think this would be a good way of navigating thru my site rather than standar hyperlinks at the top of the page etc?

Does any1 know of any other controls that have been uintroduced that could 'jazz' up my links.....

I'm playing with a test treeview and the problem i have at the moment is that whenever i expand a node, it drops the rest of the site down to accomodate the nodes.

Is iot possible to have this drop down in a panel that is effectively on another 'layer' so appears to be floating over the other parts of the page so when expanded doesnt change the positioning of anything else on the page.

any advice or ideas owuld be appreciated as i would just like to try and do something a bit different....
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