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Unable to open PFD email attachments
When trying to open pfd email attachments being account statements from my broker I get an error message stating " Adobe Reader could not open 'zerm511r.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged( for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)".
On saving them to the hard drive for these PDF files I still get the same error message.
In the past PFD email attachments from the same source have been fine
I am using adobe reader 8.1.0. & XP Pro SP2
It has only recently started occurring and I can open all other PDF files.
On saving them to the hard drive for these PDF files I still get the same error message.
In the past PFD email attachments from the same source have been fine
I am using adobe reader 8.1.0. & XP Pro SP2
It has only recently started occurring and I can open all other PDF files.
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