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How to configure receipient filtering in Exchange 2007

We have been using Exchange 2007 for about two months now. About two weeks ago, we added a new domain name to the list of accepted domains. As a result, we started getting a  tremendous amount of spam sent to fake addresses on the new domain. Our previous Exchange version, (2003) did provide a way of prevent this by checking a box that would  block messages to recipients that were not on the Active Directory. I have been looking for such feature in 2007 but I have not been able to find it on the Exchange Management Console. Could it be, that there is a command based procedure in the Exchange Managment Shell that does this? In other words, is there a command that can be run on the shell that will allow us to block all this messages being sent to fake addresses?

Anticipated thanks for your time,
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Do you have an Edge Transport server running - or is Ex2007 only hub transport?
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We don't have a separate Edge Transport server. All the roles are in one single server.

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As the MSExchange article states - once you've ran the script there will be an additional 'Anti-Spam' tab visible on your Hub Transport server. From there you can configure the Recipient Filtering.
We had the anti-spam feature active for a couple of weeks but decided to remove it after we bought a third party application and due in part to a suspicious we had  that the server was 'silently' dropping good messages after the anti-spam in exchange was activated. I will however, re install it and take a look to see if we can find what we need. I will definetively read the links you send me. Thanks so much for your time. I will get back to the forum with an update. Again, thanks very much for your help.
Sounds good - hope it helps out.

You can certainly leave all the features disabled except the Recipient Filtering'll see on the properties of the recipient filtering -> blocked recipients tab -> there's a tick box for "block messages sent to recipients not listed in the global address list".
Running the antispam PS script doesn't activate the Exchange antispam features at all. It just adds the options to the management console. You can then activate the recipient filtering option and leave the others alone.

Yes, activating the anti spam feature solved the problem as I now only get the spam sent to users in the active directory. the recipient filter portion of the anti-spam contains a box that specifically block messages sent to recipients not listed in AD.
Thanks very much for your help aissim and sembee for your comment.