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Crystal Reports - RecordSelectionFormula issues

This is a windows Application:

I am trying to select all the records that have a submitted state of "Pending Submission"
It is not working.
it returns all data to me.
I need to figure out why its not returning the specified data.
any idea?

                crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = hardwareSalesSum;
                hardwareSalesSum.RecordSelectionFormula = "{SelectMPSCommissionsTransactionBalance.Submitted} = 'Pending Submission'";

Thank you,

Avatar of frodoman
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Try changing your record selection formula before you assign the reportsource to your viewer...

Avatar of NurveTech


Tried that already and it still does the same thing.
Avatar of Mike McCracken
Mike McCracken

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for some reason the discardsaveddata is not coming up as an option for me in intelisense, and when i try to compile with it, it fails, am i missing something?
How is hardwareSalesSum declared?

You can also open the report and uncheck the SAVE DATA WITH REPORT option.

Can you show a more complete section of your code - I suspect the problem may be in lines that we haven't seen.

Also, if you have used the 'save data with report' option simply modify the report, unselect that option, and save it again.

the code i have shown is all i use to try and load the data, other then the report that I created, but it doesnt save any data.
I find that difficult to believe.  For example, aren't you declaring hardwareSalesSum somewhere?  What is hardwareSalesSum anyway, is it a Reportdocument object, a .Net dataset?  

ahh, i do that right above everything else, sorry i thought that was in there.

HardwareSalesSummary hardwareSalesSum = new HardwareSalesSummary();

crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = hardwareSalesSum;
hardwareSalesSum.RecordSelectionFormula = "{SelectMPSCommissionsTransactionBalance.Submitted} = 'Pending Submission'";

This is my entire function.
What is HardwareSalesSummary?  I mean, what type of object is it?

It is the crystal report object.