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smcintire001Flag for United States of America

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Print spooler service is not running

print spooler is turning off which caused the printers to disappear from the printers and faxes page ujnder control panel.  have window xp pro. sev pack 2
Avatar of jimmymcp02
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you can try doing the following

go to control panel -> administrative tools -> services
under services look for Print Spooler right click and select start

or you can click on the run command and copy and past the following

net start "Print Spooler"  

hit run or enter and see if your printers are under printers and faxed
Avatar of smcintire001


i tried that, but it just turns it off again;en-us;314085
Advanced troubleshooting for when you cannot print in Windows XP
hmmm....what type of printer are you using and also are you sure you have the correct drivers for it?
To quote from the link given below:

If the Print Spooler service fails when printing, when Windows starts or it can not be restarted, the usual reason is that one or more printer drivers is defective.

This page has some very good advice on how to clean up installed printer drivers so that you can reinstall the printer and hopefully correct your problem:

Read "print spooler is turning off"  conflict in services
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thanks a lot remeshk....  one of the dependencies was not turned on.  once i turned it on... it worked great.

thanks bud.
you are welcome  ..