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Windows Task Scheduler - Open Specific Webpage
Could someone advise me on how I can set up task scheduler (step by step) to open a specific web page. I need this to be done at a certain time each day and then for the opposite - i.e. web page closed - to be done at a set interval. I have used task scheduler and it seems intuitive if you only need an application opened - but not sure how I would specify exact location to be opened.
Kind Regards,
Could someone advise me on how I can set up task scheduler (step by step) to open a specific web page. I need this to be done at a certain time each day and then for the opposite - i.e. web page closed - to be done at a set interval. I have used task scheduler and it seems intuitive if you only need an application opened - but not sure how I would specify exact location to be opened.
Kind Regards,
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And how to close it again?
Thanks mplungjan - the opening part worked. Yes, good point re closing - any ideas?
Mereshk - thanks for clarification - that part I already understood - it was just the URL string I really needed.
I don't think the scheduling tool is necessary for my requirements - I'm almost there using task scheduler and the features of that are too excessive for what I need.
Thanks mplungjan - the opening part worked. Yes, good point re closing - any ideas?
Mereshk - thanks for clarification - that part I already understood - it was just the URL string I really needed.
I don't think the scheduling tool is necessary for my requirements - I'm almost there using task scheduler and the features of that are too excessive for what I need.
Hi - yep but after the trial period it requires purchase of software - I want a free solution :-)
I'm sure you can use a local frameset to display the page, use the windows scheduler to display it, and the close command can go in the local frameset.
If the close command absolutely must come from the scheduler too, then you can put the frameset non-local and use a URI parameter to signal this, and use AJAX to communicate the close to a central server to signal that a close has been issued. For which the original frameset would be polling at regular intervals. Overkill? I think maybe.
If the close command absolutely must come from the scheduler too, then you can put the frameset non-local and use a URI parameter to signal this, and use AJAX to communicate the close to a central server to signal that a close has been issued. For which the original frameset would be polling at regular intervals. Overkill? I think maybe.
Just a bit :-) - any ideas of any rival task scheduling tools that are cheaper as even a single license of the above is pretty pricey.
Google is your friend. I do not know any of them anyway
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Oh, you can remove the line: top.status = new Date() + document.cookie; - that was just me testing it.