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Unstable Win2000 Environment

I am doing tech support in a middle school. We are using Dell GX 150's Win 2000 OS, SP4, Windows security, various server apps as well as apps running from the machine. These machines are 6 years old and I am experiencing some intermittent crashes/abends/shutdown/freezes, etc..etc, mostly on the machines (teacher machines) that experience quite a bit of use.. One of our service techs replaced a hard drive today that had been suffering for a number of years. This particular machine has suffered 2 black screen episodes as well as the latest blue screen incident that seemed unrecoverable.
The tech brought the old hd to me, I promptly plugged it into my external usb hd case to see if the teacher's files were retrievable.....It's all there and I was able to burn her files onto a cd. I was talking to the tech and I asked the question "does the amount of excess stuff on the computer cause the windows environment to become unstable, or does the windows environment become unstable on it's own??
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Not all applications are perfect. Over a time, as you keep installing and uninstalling applications, they tend to leave their footprint onto the system. Several things such as inconsistent program files, inconsistent registry or improper file/registry permissions can lead to the issue. You can have a PC with ONE faulty application that can cause it to crash over and over again or you can have a PC with 100 or even 1000's of well written applications running on it for years together without making the system come to a screeching hault. Get my drift?
Not all applications are perfect. Over a time, as you keep installing and uninstalling applications, they tend to leave their footprint onto the system. Several things such as inconsistent program files, inconsistent registry or improper file/registry permissions can lead to the issue. You can have a PC with ONE faulty application that can cause it to crash over and over again or you can have a PC with 100 or even 1000's of well written applications running on it for years together without making the system come to a screeching halt. Get my drift?