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Pocket Pc Control in your Windows Program

I'm wondering if this is possible.  You have a dialog off of your windows form where you check to see if any devices are available and display them in a listbox.  You select the device, and you have a left and right arrow.  When you click on arrow, it brings data down from sql express to a sql compact on the device.  When you click the other arrow, it sends data back up from sql compact to sql express.  It is a pretty simple synchronization scenario so I'm thinking this might be the easiest way for the users to do it.  

My other possible options are ActiveSync, and Mobilink, but I don't know how to execute this scenario in these either.  I'm pretty ignorant on this.  The only thing I've did before is use active sync to send programs down to pocket pc that i've written, and then they talked to the database over wireless.  

Also, could I use this same model to send the cabs down so that I can do that through the program also.  

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Your best bet is either Bluetooth or WIFI where you can create a web service to control all of your needs.
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that isn't anywhere close to what the question is
According to your approach you can only have one device connected at a time.
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but that isn't the bulk of the question... i'm wanting information about how to do stuff to a pocketpc from inside a windows program....... there is going to be no wireless connection.  i've seen people have windows programs that you open up and you can use the program to manipulate stuff on the pocket pc.... i just have no clue where to begin
then its limited to the one device connected via usb. Is that what you want? Yes you can do that if thats what you want.
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I'm not sure if its implied or not, but now since we've establed that is what I want to do.  

I still have no idea how to do it.  I can't eve figure out the keywords I need to google it and get anywhere close to what I'm looking for.  I know I'm probably missing the main buzz word.

You will need a Client\Server app for your specs.

Using this example it should cover most of the Client\Server specs.
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Well, I looked at those examples.  They are ok, but I'm not sure if either applies to what I want to do.  

The first thing I'm wanting to know is how people build those little things that let you click on a shortcut on your desktop, and it installs the cab to the pocket pc.  I like those type of installers, but I don't know how to do that.  

The second is the thing I'm trying to do is to sync a sql express database that is on the server with a sql compact database on the client.  It is with the government, so wireless isn't permitted.  The pocket pc just needs an internet connection that is not wireless.  I don't think they have ethernet ports... I don't have one with me at the moment.  I think they can get a connection when they are plugged into a desktop though...

I may be using this thing called mobilink for this, but it would be nice to just have it in their windows program, but I don't know.  

I hate to do all that tcp stuff.  I'd just like to be able to get an internet connection from the desktop, and do a query that copies that database into sql compact, and then a query to suck what is out of compact back into sql.  

I'm not sure if this is possible or not.  Am I going to have to get a datareader and pass it through tcp down to the pocket pc and back up, or even a step further and pass it as business objects or something.  
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thanks, i think that is pretty much exactly what i need..... the only thing i need to find out now is whether i have to redesign the tables in sql compact to match what is in sql express, or if i can bring that down automatically somehow
I bleieve There is an Export\Import option.