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robocopy setup help

i have a drive G: that is a network drive and woudl like to robocopy everything from G: to e:\ full on monday and incremental tuesday thorugh thursday. I have robocopy already I was going to try something like this will this work please help thank you

robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /mir /xd
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/xd doesn't look right at all.
"/XD dirs [dirs]... : eXclude Directories matching given names/paths."

Perhaps you meant /XO
"/XO : eXclude Older - if destination file exists and is the same date or newer than the source - don't bother to overwrite it."

For your incrementals /XO should get the job done.
For your full, /mir should work a treat.

Please note however you are not copying over the security, owner or auditing information (Because of not speficying the /copy option).
"/COPY:copyflag[s] : What to COPY (default is /COPY:DAT).
(copyflags : D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps).
(S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=aUditing info)."

You might also need /IA:RASHCNETO to be sure you pick up ALL files (Promarily the system and hidden ones)

Avatar of Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]
by default, robocopy does incremental...

to make a full copy, you either use the /IS flag, or don't use robocopy at all..
Actually Angel Robocopy will not by default do an incremental. (Copy newer files from source to the destination)
It just copies ALL files with different timestamps or sizes.
BUT the senario you update one on the destination (for later migration) would be over-written without specifying /XO
Also good catch on the /IS, Knew I was missing something on the full command line.

>It just copies ALL files with different timestamps or sizes.
that is, for me, an incremental. anything that changed / is different gets copied...
maybe you can enlighten me on the difference?

Hi Angel,
Sometimes I think in a "prod/development/DR" mindset abit too much.

I'm used to things like Arcserve/Brightstore, medium/enterprise backup packages backing up to offline media, but also do abit of this with source control on disk (Hence my pointing out about the destination being modified).
Incrementals (In my mind) should only backup files from the source that have changed since the last full backup.
Whats on the target is not relevant at all. It's just if it's changed on the source since the last full backup.

Then theres differential backups, which is backing up everything thats changed on the source since the last backup (NOT full backup). So restoring them can be a pain because you have to restore your full and every differential since the full. At least with the incrementals you only have to restore the last incremental.

The archive attribute for files/directories is used alot for identifying such files.

I might be going abit too far with what I'm saying about /XO, was just thinking about it alone the lines of how I'd do it with what I understand an incremental backup to be which is totally source computer based.

BUT also thinking about them modifying the destination files (A development enviroment) and what would happen to their modified files.
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so if I setup a batch file to run this every monday as my full

robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /mir /xd

and this tuesday thorugh thursday as the incremental

robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /mir

thsi shoudl work?
yes, at least that is what I would think of the parameters...
quick question someone deleted or i deleted the robocopy :) where can I download it
It's the windows 2003 resource kit with an updated robocopy.

And for your command line the /XD is for expluding directories but your not specifying any to exclude.

For your weekly
robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /mir /IA:RASHCNETO

For your incremental
robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /IA:RASHCNETO
robocopy g:\ e:\sbas /XD /IA:RASHCNETO
Depending on wether or not you want the source to overwrite any files changed on the target.

what I would like is for there to be a directory called sbas for the full
then a incrmental location for tuesday -friday with four different folder tuesday wednesday thursday friday. i only want chagned files in teh tuesday through friday
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