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Online Booking PHP software broken

I'm still getting the hang of writing PHP and MySQL code, so bare with me please.

I downloaded an open source booking web app, Online Booking (

Got everything working fine except when you go to schedule an actual appointment, the To Time: option doesn't display anything.  Well, I dug through the code and found the To Time: code on the showCalendar.php page.  Lo' and behold!  There's no code behind the drop down menu for the To Time: option!

I thought I may be able to get lucky and just use portions of the code from the From Time: option, but no luck.  It breaks the rest of the page.

So, I'm begging!  I need this booking system up within a few days, week tops!  Please, somebody dig through this code and help me find out how to get the To Time: option working!

P.S. You can download all the files from the link above.  Here it is again, just in case.

I've attached a copy of showCalendar.php.

Also, if you want to see a working "demo", go to

login with demo and demo

Thanks a million!!!
      Allows for full management of reservations.
      Copyright (C) 2002  David Thorne (
      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
      as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
  require_once "../system/access_privileges.php";
  if (!privileged('reservation')) {
    header("Location: ../no_access.php?privilege=Reservations");
    // Gets only the selected form variables into global scope
    // Taken from
    $param_list = array (
    foreach ($param_list as $param) {
  if (!isset($act)) { extract($_SESSION['_reservation']); }
  if (!isset($act)) { $act = ''; }
  if ($ID == '') $ID=$_SESSION['_resourceGroupID'];
  require "../system/shell_iframe_header.php";
  require_once "../system/opendb.php";
  require_once "../system/minicals.php";
  require_once "../system/recordset.php";
  require_once "../system/message.php";
  require_once "../system/time.php";
  require_once "../system/conflict.php";
  require_once "../system/global_preferences.php";
//  $db_connection = mysql_connect("localhost:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock","root","") or die("Fatal Error: Could not connect");
//  mysql_select_db("Sports") or die("Fatal Error: No Sports Database");
  // Retrieve resource group information
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_ResourceGroups WHERE ID=" . $ID;
  $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Fatal Error: Resource Group Query Failed");
  $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or die("Fatal Error: No Resource Group Information");
  // Retrieve section information for this resource group
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Resources WHERE ResourceGroupID=" . $ID;
  $result = mysql_recordset($sql);
  $num_sections = count($result);
  $_SESSION['_resourceGroupID'] = $ID;
  if (!isset($day) or !isset($month) or !isset($year)) {
    $year = $_SESSION['_year'];
    $month = $_SESSION['_month'];
    $day = $_SESSION['_day'];
  } else {
    while (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) $day--;
    $_SESSION['_year'] = $year;
    $_SESSION['_month'] = $month;
    $_SESSION['_day'] = $day;
  if ($act == 'reserveaction') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    if ($recurrencePeriod==0) {
        $endday = $day;
        $endmonth = $month;
        $endyear = $year;
    if (checkdate($endmonth,$endday,$endyear)) {
      $failurenotice = 'Links to conflicts: ';
      $_SESSION['_reservation'] = array();
      $startTimeObj = new timeCalculator($startTime);
      $finishTimeObj = new timeCalculator($finishTime);
      $numberPeriods = (($finishTimeObj->dumpTS()-$startTimeObj->dumpTS())/60)/5;
      $blockBookingID = mysql_send("INSERT INTO tbl_BlockBookings
(OperatorID,Pending) VALUES (" . $_SESSION['_id'] . "," . ($respending=='true'?'0':'1') . ")");
      $iday = $day;
      $imonth = $month;
      $iyear = $year;
// MH
      // Check for conflicts
      while (mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear)<=mktime(23,59,59,$endmonth,$endday,$endyear)) {
        $startTimeTS = mktime($startTimeObj->hour,$startTimeObj->min,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
        $conflicts = conflict($startTimeTS,$numberPeriods*5,$resourceIDs);
        if ($conflicts) {
          $no_conflicts = false;
          foreach ($conflicts as $conflict) {
              $failurenotice .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=".$conflict['id']."\">[" . strftime("%d/%m/%y %T", $conflict['startTime']) . "]</a> ";
        // And check the other reservations as well
        if ($recurrencePeriod==0) break;
        if ($recurrencePeriod==1) {
          do {
          } while (strftime('%u',mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear)) > 5);
        if ($recurrencePeriod==2) $iday += 7;
        if ($recurrencePeriod==3) $iday += 14;
      // Reset the index date
      $iday = $day;
      $imonth = $month;
      $iyear = $year;
      // No conflicts - so go ahead
      if ($no_conflicts) {
        while (mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear)<=mktime(23,59,59,$endmonth,$endday,$endyear)) {
            $startTimeTS = mktime($startTimeObj->hour,$startTimeObj->min,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
            $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_Reservations (MemberID,ActivityID,ClientName,ClientTel,StartTime,Period,BlockBookingID,Description) VALUES ($forMemberID,$activityID,'$clientName','$clientTel','" . $startTimeTS . "'," . (5*$numberPeriods) . ",$blockBookingID,'" . $description . "')";
            $reservationID = mysql_send($sql);
            foreach ($resourceIDs as $resourceID) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_ReservationMappings (ResourceID,ReservationID) VALUES ($resourceID,$reservationID)";
            if ($recurrencePeriod==0) break;
            if ($recurrencePeriod==1) {
              do {
              } while (strftime('%u',mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear)) > 5);
            if ($recurrencePeriod==2) $iday += 7;
            if ($recurrencePeriod==3) $iday += 14;
        $act = '';
      } else {
        $message = 'CONFLICTS: '.$failurenotice . "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'popupConflicts.php?".$conflictlist."','','status=0,toolabar=0,location=0,menus=0,directories=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,height=195,width=360')\">Popup conflicts...</a>";
        $act = 'reserve';
    } else {
      $message = "CORRECTION: End date must be in a valid format";
      $act = 'reserve';
  if ($act == 'reserve') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    // remember the current reservation information
    $vars = array('act','year','month','day','startTimeBeforeVariance','startTimeOfDay','finishTimeOfDay','startTimeVariance','numberPeriods','startResource','finishResource');
    $_SESSION['_reservation'] = compact($vars);
    $startTimeOfDayObj = new timeCalculator($startTimeOfDay);
    $finishTimeOfDayObj = new timeCalculator($finishTimeOfDay);
    $startTimeObj = new timeCalculator($startTimeBeforeVariance);
    if (!isset($occurrences)) $occurences=1;
    $activities = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Activities WHERE ResourceGroupID=$ID AND SectionCount<=" . (1+$finishResource-$startResource) . " ORDER BY Name");
    $sql = "SELECT tbl_Members.* FROM tbl_Members WHERE tbl_Members.ID>0 ORDER BY tbl_Members.Name";
    $members = mysql_recordset($sql);
    if (count($activities)>0) {
<script language=javascript>
  function Deselect() { = 'status';
    document.mainForm.act.value = 'focus';
    document.mainForm.memberID.value = 0;
    document.mainForm.action = '../status.php';
    document.location = 'showCalendar.php?memberID=0';
  function selectCont() {
    // Ensure that selected resources are next to each other
    firstsel = -1;
    lastsel = -1;
    for (i=0; i<document.getElementById('resourceIDs').length; i++) {
        if (document.getElementById('resourceIDs').options[i].selected) {
    //        alert(i + " is selected");
            if (firstsel != -1) {
                lastsel = i;
            } else {
                firstsel = i;
                lastsel = i;
    //alert("first+last=" + firstsel + " " + lastsel);
    if (firstsel != -1) {
        for (i=firstsel; i<=lastsel; i++)
            document.getElementById('resourceIDs').options[i].selected = true;
  function correctDate() {
                // correct for 2 digit year :(
                // Lets hope this wont be in use later
                if ($year < 80) {
                    $year += 2000;
                } else if ($year < 100) {
                    $year += 1900;
    year = document.mainForm.endyear.value;
    if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) ||
        (year % 400 == 0) && (year % 4000 !=0)) leapyear=true;
    var daysin = new Array ('', 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    if (leapyear) daysin[2]=29;
    for (i = 29; i<=31; i++) {
        if (i>daysin[document.mainForm.endmonth.value]) {
            document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].disabled = true;
            if (document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].selected == true) {
                document.mainForm.endday.options[daysin[document.mainForm.endmonth.value]-1].selected = true;
        } else {
            document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].disabled = false;
  function enableEndDate() {
    if (document.mainForm.recurrencePeriod.value > 0) {
        disable = false;
    } else {
        disable = true;
    document.mainForm.endyear.disabled = disable;
    document.mainForm.endmonth.disabled = disable;
    document.mainForm.endday.disabled = disable;
// -->
  <form method=post name=mainForm>
  <input type=hidden name=ID value="<?=$ID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=act value=reserveaction>
  <input type=hidden name=year value="<?=$year?>">
  <input type=hidden name=month value="<?=$month?>">
  <input type=hidden name=day value="<?=$day?>">
  <input type=hidden name=startTimeBeforeVariance value="<?=$startTimeBeforeVariance?>">
  <input type=hidden name=startTimeVariance value="<?=$startTimeVariance?>">
  <table class=options cellpadding=0 cellspacing=10>
      <th colspan=2><b>Make Booking</b></th>
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
            <td align=right>Resource: </td>
            <td align=right>Sections: </td>
  // Sort the columns with natural order sort
  $to_sort = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    array_push($to_sort, $row['Name']);
  $sorted = array();
  foreach($to_sort as $key => $value) {
    array_push($sorted, $result[$key]);
  $result = $sorted;
                <select id="resourceIDs" name="resourceIDs[]" size="5" multiple="multiple" onChange="selectCont()">
        foreach ($result as $key => $resource) { 
            if ($startResource <= $key && $key <= $finishResource) {
                $checked=' selected="selected"';
                    <option value="<?=$resource['ID']?>" <?=$checked?>><?php
                        echo $resource[Name] ?></option>
<?php   }
            <td align=right>Member: </td>
            <td><select name=forMemberID>
    foreach ($members as $record) {
               <option value="<?=$record['ID']?>"><?=$record['Name']?></option>
            <td align=right>On Date: </td>
            <td><b><?=strftime('%A %e %B %Y',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year))?></b></td>
            <td align=right>From Time: </td>
<?php $startTimeObj->addMinutes(5*$startTimeVariance); ?>
              <select name=startTime>
  $currentTime = $startTimeOfDayObj;
  while ($currentTime->dump() < $finishTimeOfDayObj->dump()) {
    if ($currentTime->dump() == $startTimeObj->dump()) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; }
    print '                <option value="'.$currentTime->dump().'"'.$selected.'>'.$currentTime->dump()."</option>\n";
            <td align=right>To Time: </td>
              <select name=finishTime>
  $currentTime = $startTimeOfDayObj;
  while ($currentTime->dump() <= $finishTimeOfDayObj->dump()) {
    if ($currentTime->dump() == $startTimeObj->dump()) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; }
    print '                <option value="'.$currentTime->dump().'"'.$selected.'>'.$currentTime->dump()."</option>\n";
            <td align=right>For Activity: </td>
              <select name=activityID>
  if (isset($_REQUEST['activityID'])) {
    $activityID = $_REQUEST['activityID'];
  } else {
    $activityID = -1;
  foreach ($activities as $record) {
    if ($record["ID"] == $activityID) {$checked = " selected";} else {$checked = "";};
    print ("                <option value='{$record['ID']}'${checked}>{$record['Name']}</option>\n");
            <td align=right valign=top>Description: </td>
            <td><textarea name="description" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea></td>
            <td colspan=2>Note: The first line of the description is displayed
                on the reservations calendar page.</td>
            <td valign=top></td>
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="respending" value="true" checked /> Confirm this booking.</td>
            <td align=right> Recurrence: </td>
              <select name=recurrencePeriod onChange="enableEndDate()">
                <?php for ($i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
                        $a = 'checked' . $i;
                        if ($recurrencePeriod == $i) {
                            $$a = 'selected="selected"';
                        } else {
                            $$a = '';
                <option value='0' <?=$checked0?>>Single Reservation</option>
                <option value='1' <?=$checked1?>>Daily (Mon-Fri)</option>
                <option value='2' <?=$checked2?>>Weekly</option>
                <option value='3' <?=$checked3?>>Fortnightly</option>
            <td align=right>End Date: </td>
                <select name="endday" onFocus="correctDate()" disabled="disabled"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {
                    if (($i == $day && !isset($endday)) || $i == $endday) {
                        $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                    } else {
                        $checked = '';
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
          <?php } ?>
              <select name="endmonth" onChange="correctDate()" disabled="disabled"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
                    if (($i == $month && !isset($endmonth)) || $i==$endmonth) {
                        $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                    } else {
                        $checked = '';
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$months[$i]?></option>
                <?php } ?>
            <select name="endyear" onChange="correctDate()" disabled="disabled"><?php
                for ($i=$year-10; $i<=$year+10; $i++) {
                    if (($i == $year && !isset($endyear)) || $i == $endyear) {
                        $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                    } else {
                        $checked = '';
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
            <td align=right colspan=4><input type=submit class=button value="Make Reservation"><input type=reset class=button value="Reset"><input type=button class=button value="Cancel" onclick="document.location='showCalendar.php?act=&ID=<?=$ID?>'"></td>
  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    } else {
      $message = "ERROR: No Activities Set Up";
      $act = "";
  if ($act == 'remove') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    if (!isset($chosenIDs)) {
        $message="ERROR: No reservations selected to cancel";
        $act = "view";
    } else {
        $flag = false;
        $act = "view";
        $block = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE BlockBookingID=" . $blockBookingID);
        foreach ($chosenIDs as $chosenID) {
          mysql_send("DELETE FROM tbl_ReservationMappings WHERE ReservationID=$chosenID");
          mysql_send("DELETE FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE ID=$chosenID");
          if ($chosenID == $reservationID) { $flag = true; }
        if (count($chosenIDs) == $reservations) {
          mysql_send("DELETE FROM tbl_BlockBookings WHERE ID=$blockBookingID");
          $act = "";
          $flag = false;
        $block = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE BlockBookingID=" . $blockBookingID);
        if ($flag) {
          $block = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE BlockBookingID=" . $blockBookingID . " ORDER BY StartTime");
          $reservationID = $block[0][ID];
  if ($act == 'editaction') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    $_SESSION['_reservation'] = array();
    if (!isset($chosenIDs)) $chosenIDs = array();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE ";
    foreach($chosenIDs as $id) {
        if ($flag) {
            $sql.=" OR ID=$id";
        } else {
    $records = mysql_recordset($sql);
    $startTimeObj = new timeCalculator($startTime);
    $finishTimeObj = new timeCalculator($finishTime);
    $period = $startTimeObj->periodUntil($finishTimeObj);
    if ($period <= 0) {
        $message="ERROR: The end time must be greater than the start time";
    } else {
        // MH
      // Check for conflicts
      foreach ($records as $record) {
        $currdate = $record['StartTime'];
        $imonth = strftime("%m", $currdate);
        $iday = strftime("%d", $currdate);
        $iyear = strftime("%y", $currdate);
        $conflicts = conflict($startTimeObj->dumpTSOnDate($iyear,$imonth,$iday), $period,$newres,$record['ID']);
        if ($conflicts) {
          $no_conflicts = false;
          foreach ($conflicts as $conflict) {
              $failurenotice .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=".$conflict['id']."\">[" . strftime("%d/%m/%y %T", $conflict['startTime']) . "]</a> ";
// ***************************
				$failurenotice="Links to conflict: ";
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $currdate = $record['StartTime'];
            $imonth = strftime("%m", $currdate);
            $iday = strftime("%d", $currdate);
            $iyear = strftime("%y", $currdate);
        // Get reservations on the same day as the one we are considering
            $stimetmp = mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
            $etimetmp = mktime(23,59,59,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
            foreach ($_REQUEST['newres'] as $resourceID) {
                $sql = <<<EOSQL
                SELECT StartTime,Period,ReservationID
                FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_ReservationMappings
                WHERE tbl_Reservations.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ReservationID
                AND tbl_Reservations.ID != {$record['ID']}
                AND tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID=$resourceID
                AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime>=$stimetmp
                AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime<$etimetmp
            // Now check each for conflicts
                foreach ($result as $res) {
                    if(conflicts($startTimeObj->dumpTSOnDate($iyear,$imonth,$iday), $period,
                    $res['StartTime'],$res['Period'])) {
                        $failurenotice .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=".$res['ReservationID']."\">".strftime(" [%d/%m/%y %T] ",
                            $res['StartTime']) . "</a> ";
        if ($no_conflicts) {
            foreach ($records as $record) {
                $currdate = $record['StartTime'];
                $imonth = strftime("%m", $currdate);
                $iday = strftime("%d", $currdate);
                $iyear = strftime("%y", $currdate);
                // Need to merge new start time with the date
                $st = mktime($startTimeObj->hour, $startTimeObj->min, 0,
                    $imonth, $iday, $iyear);
                // Update time
                mysql_send("UPDATE tbl_Reservations SET StartTime=$st,
                    Period=$period WHERE ID = {$record['ID']}");
                // Update resources
                $res_to_add=array_diff($_REQUEST['newres'], $_REQUEST['oldres']);
                $res_to_del=array_diff($_REQUEST['oldres'], $_REQUEST['newres']);
                foreach ($res_to_add as $resource) {
                    mysql_send("INSERT INTO tbl_ReservationMappings
                        (ReservationID, ResourceID) VALUES
                        ({$record['ID']}, $resource)");
                foreach ($res_to_del as $resource) {
                    mysql_send("DELETE FROM tbl_ReservationMappings
                        WHERE ResourceID = $resource
                        AND ReservationID = {$record['ID']}");
                $message = "Reservation successfully updated [at " .
                    date("h:i a") . "]";
                $act = "view";
        } else {
            $message = "CONFLICTS: " . $failurenotice . "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'popupConflicts.php?".$conflictlist."','','status=0,toolabar=0,location=0,menus=0,directories=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,height=195,width=360')\">Popup conflicts...</a>" . "<br />Changes to times and resources were unsuccessful due to conflicts with other reservations. All other changes were successful.";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        mysql_send("UPDATE tbl_Reservations SET MemberID={$_REQUEST['forMemberID']},
            ActivityID=$activityID, Description='{$_REQUEST['description']}'
            WHERE ID= {$record['ID']}");
    mysql_send("UPDATE tbl_BlockBookings SET Pending=" .
        ($_REQUEST['respending']=='true'?'0':'1') .
        " WHERE ID=" . $records[0]['BlockBookingID']);
  if ($act == 'confirm') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    $record = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations
        WHERE ID={$_REQUEST['reservationID']}");
    mysql_send("UPDATE tbl_BlockBookings SET Pending=" .
        ($_REQUEST['respending']=='true'?'0':'1') .
        " WHERE ID=" . $record[0]['BlockBookingID']);
        $message = "Reservation successfully updated [at ".date("h:i a") . "]";
        $act = "view";
  if ($act == 'addaction') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    if ((checkdate($endmonth,$endday,$endyear) || $recurrencePeriod == 0) &&
            checkdate($startmonth,$startday,$startyear)) {
        // We have dates, we have a description - hopefully.. we have a go
        // Get the start time in seconds without any date
        $reservationTime=strftime("%H",$_POST['StartTime']) * 3600;
        $reservationTime+=strftime("%M",$_POST['StartTime']) * 60;
        // Now get the date range in unix time format also
        $sdate=mktime(0,0,0,$startmonth, $startday, $startyear);
        // hack in case edate (doesnt matter for single reservation) > sdate
        if ($_POST['recurrencePeriod'] == 0) $edate = $sdate;
        // Check for conflicts
        $failurenotice="Links to conflicts: ";
        while ($currdate <= $edate) {
            $currtime = $currdate + $reservationTime;
            $imonth = strftime("%m", $currdate);
            $iday = strftime("%d", $currdate);
            $iyear = strftime("%y", $currdate);
            // Get reservations on the same day as the one we are considering
            $stimetmp = mktime(0,0,0,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
            $etimetmp = mktime(23,59,59,$imonth,$iday,$iyear);
            foreach ($_POST['resourceIDs'] as $resourceID) {
                $sql = <<<EOSQL
                SELECT StartTime,Period,ReservationID
                FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_ReservationMappings
                WHERE tbl_Reservations.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ReservationID
                AND tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID=$resourceID
                AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime>=$stimetmp 
                AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime<$etimetmp
                // Now check each for conflicts
                foreach ($result as $res) {
                    if(conflicts($currtime, $_POST['Period'], $res['StartTime'],
                        $res['Period'])) {
                        $failurenotice .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=".$res['ReservationID']."\">".strftime(" [%d/%m/%y %T] ",
                            $res['StartTime']) . "</a> ";
            switch($_POST['recurrencePeriod']) {
            case 0:
                // Single
                $currdate=$edate+1; // Break out of loop
            case 1:
                // Daily
                do {
                } while (strftime("%u", $currdate) > 5);
            case 2:
                // Weekly
            case 3:
                // Fortnightly
        if ($no_conflicts) {
            $currdate=$sdate; // reset currdate
            while ($currdate <= $edate) {
                $currtime = $currdate + $reservationTime;
                $sql="INSERT INTO tbl_Reservations (MemberID, ActivityID, ";
                $sql.="StartTime, Period, BlockBookingID, Description) ";
                $sql.="VALUES ($_POST[MemberID], $_POST[ActivityID], ";
                $sql.="$currtime, $_POST[Period], $_POST[BlockBookingID], ";
                $reservationID = mysql_send($sql);
                //echo $reservationID;
                // funky loop here to get all resources used
                // (Needs to have resources passed from Add
                foreach ($_POST['resourceIDs'] as $resourceID) {
                    $sql="INSERT INTO tbl_ReservationMappings (ReservationID, ";
                    $sql.="VALUES ($reservationID,$resourceID)";
                //echo strftime("%d/%m/%y %T", $currtime) . "<br>";
                switch($_POST['recurrencePeriod']) {
                case 0:
                    // Single
                    $currdate=$edate+1; // Break out of loop
                case 1:
                    // Daily
                    do {
                    } while (strftime("%u", $currdate) > 5);
                case 2:
                    // Weekly
                case 3:
                    // Fortnightly
            // Right, all done, move to view
            $message = "Reservation successfully added [at ".date("h:i a")."]";
        } else {
            $message = "CONFLICTS: " . $failurenotice . "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'popupConflicts.php?".$conflictlist."','','status=0,toolabar=0,location=0,menus=0,directories=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,height=100,width=195')\">Popup conflicts...</a>";
    } else {
        $message="ERROR: One of the dates entered is invalid";
  if ($act == 'Add') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    // Get one of the original reservations for time info etc..
    $sql="SELECT r.*, m.Name AS memberName, a.Name AS activityName ";
    $sql.="FROM tbl_Reservations AS r, tbl_Members AS m, tbl_Activities AS a ";
    $sql.="WHERE r.ID=$reservationID ";
    $sql.="AND m.ID=r.MemberID AND a.ID=r.ActivityID";
    $result = mysql_recordset($sql);
    // And get the Sections in use by the reservation
    $sql="SELECT rm.*, r.Name, r.ID AS rID ";
    $sql.="FROM tbl_ReservationMappings AS rm, tbl_Resources as r ";
    $sql.="WHERE rm.ReservationID=$reservationID AND rm.ResourceID=r.ID";
    $resources = mysql_recordset($sql);
    if (isset($_POST['Description'])) {
        $description = $_POST['Description'];
    } else {
        $description = $reservation['Description'];
    // Sometimes, case sensitivity is a pain.. but rather than fix it, heres
    // a little hack
    if (isset($_POST['BlockBookingID'])) {
    } else {
<script language="javascript"><!--
  function correctStartDate() {
                // correct for 2 digit year :(
                // Lets hope this wont be in use later
                if ($year < 80) {
                    $year += 2000;
                } else if ($year < 100) {
                    $year += 1900;
    year = document.mainForm.startyear.value;
    if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) ||
        (year % 400 == 0) && (year % 4000 !=0)) leapyear=true;
    var daysin = new Array ('', 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    if (leapyear) daysin[2]=29;
    for (i = 29; i<=31; i++) {
        if (i>daysin[document.mainForm.startmonth.value]) {
            document.mainForm.startday.options[i-1].disabled = true;
            if (document.mainForm.startday.options[i-1].selected == true) {
                document.mainForm.startday.options[daysin[document.mainForm.startmonth.value]-1].selected = true;
        } else {
            document.mainForm.startday.options[i-1].disabled = false;
  function correctEndDate() {
    year = document.mainForm.endyear.value;
    if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) ||
        (year % 400 == 0) && (year % 4000 !=0)) leapyear=true;
    var daysin = new Array ('', 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    if (leapyear) daysin[2]=29;
    for (i = 29; i<=31; i++) {
        if (i>daysin[document.mainForm.endmonth.value]) {
            document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].disabled = true;
            if (document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].selected == true) {
                document.mainForm.endday.options[daysin[document.mainForm.endmonth.value]-1].selected = true;
        } else {
            document.mainForm.endday.options[i-1].disabled = false;
  function enableEndDate() {
    if (document.mainForm.recurrencePeriod.value > 0) {
        disable = false;
    } else {
        disable = true;
    document.mainForm.endyear.disabled = disable;
    document.mainForm.endmonth.disabled = disable;
    document.mainForm.endday.disabled = disable;
  <form method=post name=mainForm>
  <input type=hidden name=ID value="<?=$ID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=act value="addaction">
  <input type=hidden name=Period value="<?=$reservation['Period']?>">
  <input type=hidden name=MemberID value="<?=$reservation['MemberID']?>">
  <input type=hidden name=ActivityID value="<?=$reservation['ActivityID']?>">
  <input type=hidden name=BlockBookingID value="<?=$blockBookingID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=StartTime value="<?=$reservation['StartTime'];?>">
    foreach ($resources as $section) {
        echo "<input type=hidden name=resourceIDs[] value='$section[rID]'>";
  <table class=options cellpadding=0 cellspacing=10>
      <th colspan=2><b>Add Reservation</b></th>
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
            <td align="right">Resource: </td>
            <td align="right">Sections: </td>
                foreach ($resources as $section) {
                    if ($printcomma) {
                        echo ", ";
                    } else {
                        $printcomma = TRUE;
                    echo $section['Name'];
            <td align="right">Member: </td>
            <td align="right">Activity: </td>
            <td align=right>Start Time: </td>
            <td align=right>End Time: </td>
                ($reservation['Period']*60)) ?></b></td>
            <td align=right valign=top>Description: </td>
            <td><textarea name="Description" cols="50"
            <td colspan=2>Note: The first line of the description is displayed
                on the reservations calendar page.</td>
            <td align=right> Recurrence: </td>
              <select name=recurrencePeriod onChange="enableEndDate()">
                <option value='0'>Single Reservation</option>
                <option value='1'>Daily (Mon-Fri)</option>
                <option value='2'>Weekly</option>
                <option value='3'>Fortnightly</option>
                // Havent got any stored date range from a previous attempt
                if ($endyear=='') {
                    $startyear = $year;
                    $startmonth = $month;
                    $startday = $day;
                    $endyear = $year;
                    $endmonth = $month;
                    $endday = $day;
            <td align=right>Start Date: </td>
                <select name="startday" onFocus="correctStartDate()"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {
                    $checked = $i == $startday ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
                <?php } ?>
              <select name="startmonth" onChange="correctStartDate()"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
                    $checked = $i == $startmonth ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$months[$i]?></option>
                <?php } ?>
            <select name="startyear" onChange="correctStartDate()"><?php
                for ($i=$year-10; $i<=$year+10; $i++) { 
                    $checked = $i == $startyear ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
            <td align=right>End Date: </td>
                <select name="endday" disabled="disabled" onFocus="correctEndDate()"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {
                    $checked = $i == $endday ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
                <?php } ?>
              <select name="endmonth" disabled="disabled" onChange="correctEndDate()"><?php
                for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
                    $checked = $i == $endmonth ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$months[$i]?></option>
                <?php } ?>
            <select name="endyear" disabled="disabled" onChange="correctEndDate()"><?php
                for ($i=$year-10; $i<=$year+10; $i++) { 
                    $checked = $i == $endyear ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>
                    <option value="<?=$i?>"<?=$checked?>><?=$i?></option>
            <td align=right colspan=4>
                <input type=submit class=button value="Add Reservation">
                <input type=reset class=button value="Reset">
                <input type=button class=button value="Cancel"
  if ($act == 'view') {
    $_SESSION['_reservation'] = array();
    $today = $_SESSION['_today'];
    $reservation = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Reservations.*,tbl_Activities.Name AS ActivityName FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_Activities WHERE tbl_Reservations.ID=$reservationID AND tbl_Reservations.ActivityID=tbl_Activities.ID");
    if (count($reservation) == 0) {
      $reservation = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Reservations.*,tbl_Activities.Name AS ActivityName FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_Activities WHERE tbl_Reservations.ActivityID=tbl_Activities.ID");
    $memberID = $reservation[0][MemberID];
    $operator = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Operators.* FROM tbl_Operators, tbl_BlockBookings WHERE tbl_Operators.ID = tbl_BlockBookings.OperatorID AND tbl_BlockBookings.ID = " . $reservation[0]['BlockBookingID']);
    $mappings = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Resources.* FROM tbl_ReservationMappings,tbl_Resources WHERE tbl_Resources.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID AND tbl_ReservationMappings.reservationID=$reservationID");
    $member = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Members WHERE ID=$memberID");
    $todaytime  = mktime (0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));
    $block = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE
    BlockBookingID=" . $reservation[0][BlockBookingID] .
    " AND (StartTime>=".$todaytime.") ORDER BY StartTime");
    $oldblock = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE
    BlockBookingID=" . $reservation[0][BlockBookingID] .
    " AND (StartTime<".$todaytime.") ORDER BY StartTime DESC");
    $blockbooking = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_BlockBookings WHERE ID=" . $reservation[0][BlockBookingID]);
    $startTimeObj = new timeCalculator(strftime('%H:%M',$reservation[0][StartTime]));
<script language="javascript">
  function submitForm(act) {
    document.mainForm.act.value = act;
  <form method=post name=mainForm>
  <input type=hidden name=ID value="<?=$ID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=MemberID value="<?=$memberID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=act value=confirm>
  <input type=hidden name=year value="<?=$year?>">
  <input type=hidden name=month value="<?=$month?>">
  <input type=hidden name=day value="<?=$day?>">
  <input type=hidden name=reservations value="<?=count($block)+count($oldblock)?>">
  <input type=hidden name=reservationID value="<?=$reservation[0][ID]?>">
  <input type=hidden name=blockBookingID value="<?=$reservation[0][BlockBookingID]?>">
  <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=10 width="90%" align="center">
      <th colspan=2><b>View Reservation</b></th>
      <td valign=top>
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
            <td align=right>For Resource: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$info['Name']?></b></td>
            <td align=right>For Sections: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
  $flag = FALSE;
  foreach ($mappings as $resource) {
    if ($flag) {
      print ', ';
    } else {
      $flag = TRUE;
    print '              <b>' . $resource[Name] . '</b>';
    print '<input type=hidden name="resourceIDs[]" value="' . $resource[ID] . '">';
            <td align=right>For Member: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><a href="../members/members.php?act=view&memberID=<?=$member[0]['ID']?>"><?=$member[0][Name]?></a></b></td>
            <td align="right">Booked By: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$operator[0]['Name']?></b></td>
  if ($member[0][ID] == 0) {
            <td align=right>Name: </td>
            <td colspan=3><input type=text name=clientName value="<?=$reservation[0][ClientName]?>"></td>
            <td align=right>Tel: </td>
            <td colspan=3><input type=text name=clientTel value="<?=$reservation[0][ClientTel]?>"></td>
            <td align=right>On Date: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=date("l j F Y",$reservation[0][StartTime])?></b></td>
            <td align=right>From Time: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$startTimeObj->dump()?></b></td>
            <td align=right>To Time: </td>
<?php $startTimeObj->addMinutes($reservation[0][Period]); ?>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$startTimeObj->dump()?></b><input type=hidden name=Period value="<?=$reservation[0][Period]?>"></td>
            <td align=right>For Activity: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$reservation[0][ActivityName]?></b></td>
            <td align=right valign=top>Description: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$reservation[0][Description]?></b></td>
            <td colspan=2>Note: The first line of the description is displayed
                on the reservations calendar page.</td>
        if (privileged('modify')) {
            <td valign=top>&nbsp;</td>
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="respending" value="true" <?=$blockbooking[0][Pending]==1?'':'checked="checked"'?> /> Confirm this booking.</td>
            <td align=right colspan=3><input type=submit class=button value="Submit Changes" /></td>
            <td align=right colspan=2><input type=button class=button
                value="Edit" onclick="submitForm('edit')">
            <input type=reset class=button value="Reset">
        } else {
            <td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
            <td align="left" colspan="2">
            <input type=button class=button value="Back to daily view" onclick="document.location='showCalendar.php?ID=<?=$ID?>'">
            <input type=button class=button value="Back to monthly view" onclick="document.location='showMonthly.php?month=<?=date("m",$reservation[0][StartTime])?>&year=<?=date("Y",$reservation[0][StartTime])?>&resourceID=<?=$mappings[0]['ID']?>'" /></td>
            <td align=right colspan=3>&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top style="border-left: solid 1px #bbbbbb">
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
  if (count($block) > 0) {
          <tr valign=top>
            <td colspan=4>Present and upcoming reservations for this booking: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
  $checkboxnumber = 0;
  foreach ($block as $record) {
    $text = "            ";
    if ($record[ID]!=$reservationID)
      $text .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=" . $record[ID] . "\">";
      $text .= "<b>";
    $text .= date("l j F Y",$record[StartTime]);
    if ($record[ID]!=$reservationID)
      $text .= "</a>";
      $text .= "</b> (this)";
    if (privileged('modify')) {
        print "<input id=\"cb" . $checkboxnumber++ . "\" style=\"margin:0px\" type=checkbox name=\"chosenIDs[]\" value=\"" . $record[ID] . "\">&nbsp; $text";
    } else {
        print $text;
    print "<br>\n";
    if (privileged('modify')) {
            <td colspan=3><input type=button class=button value="Select All" onClick="setCheckBoxes()" />
            <td colspan=3><input type=button class=button value="Cancel Reservation(s)" onclick="submitForm('remove')" />
  } else {
          $checkboxnumber = 0;
          <tr valign=top>
            <td colspan=4>Present and upcoming reservations for this booking: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b>No reservations.</b>
    if (privileged('modify')) {
            <td colspan=3><input type=button class=button value="Add Reservation" onclick="submitForm('Add')" />
  if (count($oldblock) > 0) {
          <tr valign=top>
            <td colspan=4>Past reservations for this booking: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
  foreach ($oldblock as $record) {
    $text = "            ";
    if ($record[ID]!=$reservationID)
      $text .= "<a href=\"showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=" . $record[ID] . "\">";
      $text .= "<b>";
    $text .= date("l j F Y",$record[StartTime]);
    if ($record[ID]!=$reservationID)
      $text .= "</a>";
      $text .= "</b> (this)";
    print $text;
    print "<br>\n";
<script language="javascript" src="<? echo $site_url; ?>system/xplatform.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
  function setCheckBoxes() {
    var i;
    for (i=0;i<=<?=$checkboxnumber?>;i++) {
        getObj('cb' + i).checked = 'true';
  if ($act == 'edit') {
    if (!privileged('modify')) {
        require "../no_access.php";
    $_SESSION['_reservation'] = array();
    $today = $_SESION['_today'];
    $reservation = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Reservations.*,tbl_Activities.Name AS ActivityName FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_Activities WHERE tbl_Reservations.ID=$reservationID AND tbl_Reservations.ActivityID=tbl_Activities.ID");
    if (count($reservation) == 0) {
      $reservation = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Reservations.*,tbl_Activities.Name AS ActivityName FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_Activities WHERE tbl_Reservations.ActivityID=tbl_Activities.ID");
    $memberID = $reservation[0][MemberID];
    $members = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Members.* FROM tbl_Members WHERE
        tbl_Members.ID>0 ORDER BY tbl_Members.Name");
    $activities = mysql_recordset("SELECT * from tbl_Activities WHERE
        ResourceGroupID = $ID");
    $mappings = mysql_recordset("SELECT tbl_Resources.* FROM tbl_ReservationMappings,tbl_Resources WHERE tbl_Resources.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID AND tbl_ReservationMappings.reservationID=$reservationID");
    $allresources = mysql_recordset("SELECT * from tbl_Resources WHERE
        ResourceGroupID = $ID");
    $member = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Members WHERE ID=$memberID");
    $block = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Reservations WHERE BlockBookingID=" . $reservation[0][BlockBookingID] . " ORDER BY StartTime");
    $blockbooking = mysql_recordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_BlockBookings WHERE ID=" . $reservation[0][BlockBookingID]);
    $startTimeObj = new timeCalculator(strftime('%H:%M',$reservation[0][StartTime]));
    $startTimeOfDayObj = new timeCalculator($info['StartTime']);
    $finishTimeOfDayObj = new timeCalculator($info['FinishTime']);
<script language="javascript">
  function submitForm(act) {
    document.mainForm.act.value = act;
  function selectCont() {
    // Ensure that selected resources are next to each other
    firstsel = -1;
    lastsel = -1;
    for (i=0; i<document.getElementById('resourceIDs').length; i++) {
        if (document.getElementById('resourceIDs').options[i].selected) {
    //        alert(i + " is selected");
            if (firstsel != -1) {
                lastsel = i;
            } else {
                firstsel = i;
                lastsel = i;
    //alert("first+last=" + firstsel + " " + lastsel);
    if (firstsel != -1) {
        for (i=firstsel; i<=lastsel; i++)
            document.getElementById('resourceIDs').options[i].selected = true;
  <form method=post name=mainForm>
  <input type=hidden name=ID value="<?=$ID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=MemberID value="<?=$memberID?>">
  <input type=hidden name=act value=editaction>
  <input type=hidden name=year value="<?=$year?>">
  <input type=hidden name=month value="<?=$month?>">
  <input type=hidden name=day value="<?=$day?>">
  <input type=hidden name=reservations value="<?=count($block)+count($oldblock)?>">
  <input type=hidden name=reservationID value="<?=$reservation[0][ID]?>">
  <input type=hidden name=blockBookingID value="<?=$reservation[0][BlockBookingID]?>">
  <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=10 width="90%" align="center">
      <th colspan=2><b>Edit Reservation</b></th>
      <td valign=top>
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
            <td align=right>For Resource: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=$info['Name']?></b></td>
            <td align=right>For Sections: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
                <select id="resourceIDs" name="newres[]" size="5" multiple="multiple" onChange="selectCont()">
        foreach ($allresources as $resource) { 
                    foreach ($mappings as $check) {
                        if ($resource['ID'] == $check['ID']) {
                            $checked=' selected="selected"';
                    <option value="<?=$resource['ID']?>" <?=$checked?>><?php
                        echo $resource[Name] ?></option>
<?php    }
<?php       foreach($mappings as $resource) {
                echo "<input type='hidden' name='oldres[]'
            <td colspan=4>
                Note: To select more than one section, either drag the mouse
                when selecting, or hold down CTRL and click on each entry.
            <td align=right>For Member: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
                <select name=forMemberID>
                foreach ($members as $record) {
                    if ($record['ID'] == $member[0][ID]) {
                        $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                    } else {
                        $checked = '';
                    }?><option value="<?=$record['ID']?>"<?=$checked?>>
            <?php } ?>
            <td align=right>On Date: </td>
            <td colspan=3><b><?=date("l j F Y",$reservation[0][StartTime])?></b></td>
            <td align=right>From Time: </td>
            <td colspan=3><select name=startTime>
  $currentTime = $startTimeOfDayObj;
  while ($currentTime->dump() < $finishTimeOfDayObj->dump()) {
    if ($currentTime->dump() == $startTimeObj->dump()) { $selected = '
selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; }
    print '                <option
            <td align=right>To Time: </td>
            <td colspan=3><select name=finishTime>
  $currentTime = $startTimeOfDayObj;
  while ($currentTime->dump() <= $finishTimeOfDayObj->dump()) {
    if ($currentTime->dump() == $startTimeObj->dump()) { $selected = '
selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; }
    print '                <option
            <td align=right>For Activity: </td>
            <td colspan=3><select name=activityID>
                foreach ($activities as $record) {
                    if ($record['ID'] == $reservation[0]['ActivityID']) {
                        $checked = ' selected="selected"';
                    } else {
                        $checked = '';
                    }?><option value="<?=$record['ID']?>"<?=$checked?>>
            <?php } ?>
            <td align=right valign=top>Description: </td>
            <td colspan=3><textarea name="description" cols="50"
            <td colspan=2>Note: The first line of the description is displayed
                on the reservations calendar page.</td>
            <td valign=top></td>
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="respending" value="true" <?=$blockbooking[0][Pending]==1?'':'checked="checked"'?> /> Confirm this booking.</td>
            <td align=right colspan=4><input type=submit class=button value="Submit Changes" />
            <input type=reset class=button value="Reset">
            <input type=button class=button value="Back" onclick="document.location='showCalendar.php?ID=<?=$ID?>'"></td>
            <td align=right colspan=3>&nbsp;</td>
      <td valign=top style="border-left: solid 1px #bbbbbb">
        <table class=options cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
          <tr valign=top>
            <td colspan=4>Apply changes to these bookings as well: </td>
            <td colspan=3>
  $checkboxnumber = 0;
  foreach ($block as $record) {
    if ($record[ID]!=$reservationID) {
        $text = "            " . date("l j F Y",$record[StartTime]);
        print "<input id=\"cb" . $checkboxnumber . "\" style=\"margin:0px\" type=checkbox name=\"chosenIDs[]\" value=\"" . $record[ID] . "\">&nbsp; $text";
        print "<br>\n";
            <td colspan=3><input type=button class=button value="Select All" onClick="setCheckBoxes()" />
<script language="javascript" src="<? echo $site_url; ?>system/xplatform.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
  function setCheckBoxes() {
    var i;
    for (i=0;i<=<?=$checkboxnumber?>;i++) {
        getObj('cb' + i).checked = 'true';
  if ($act == '') {
    $_SESSION['_reservation'] = array();
    $i= mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year);
    $nextDayY = date("Y",$i);
    $nextDayM = date("m",$i);
    $nextDayD = date("d",$i);
    $i= mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day-1,$year);
    $previousDayY = date("Y",$i);
    $previousDayM = date("m",$i);
    $previousDayD = date("d",$i);
    // Calculate time information
    $startTime = new timeCalculator($info['StartTime']);
    $finishTime = new timeCalculator($info['FinishTime']);
    // Retrieve reservation information
    $sql = "SELECT tbl_Reservations.*,tbl_ResourceGroups.Period AS StandardPeriod,tbl_Resources.ID AS ResourceID,tbl_Activities.Name AS ActivityName, tbl_Members.Colour AS MemberColour, tbl_Members.Name AS MemberName, tbl_BlockBookings.Pending FROM tbl_Reservations,tbl_ReservationMappings,tbl_Resources,tbl_ResourceGroups,tbl_Activities,tbl_Members,tbl_BlockBookings WHERE tbl_Reservations.BlockBookingID=tbl_BlockBookings.ID AND tbl_Reservations.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ReservationID AND tbl_Resources.ID=tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID AND tbl_Activities.ID=tbl_Reservations.ActivityID AND tbl_Reservations.MemberID=tbl_Members.ID AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime>=" . mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) . " AND tbl_Reservations.StartTime<=" . mktime(0,0,0,$nextDayM,$nextDayD,$nextDayY) . " AND tbl_Resources.ResourceGroupID=$ID AND tbl_ResourceGroups.ID=$ID ORDER BY tbl_Reservations.StartTime,tbl_ReservationMappings.ResourceID";
    $reservations = mysql_recordset($sql);
<script language="javascript" src="<? echo $site_url; ?>system/xplatform.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
  var highlightColour = '#6666ff';
  var lowlightColour = '#dddddd';
  var highlightColumnColour = '#8888ff';
  var lowlightColumnColour = '#aaaacc';
  var highlightRowColour = '#8888ff';
  var lowlightRowColour = '#ccccee';
  var startx,starty,endx,endy,starti,startj,endi,endj,selecting = 0;
  var maxx = <?=$num_sections?>,maxy;
  var selectColumns = false,selectRows = false,conflict = false;
  function flip() {
    conflict = false;
    if (startx <= endx) {
      endi = endx;
      starti = startx;
    } else {
      endi = startx;
      starti = endx;
    if (starty <= endy) {
      endj = endy;
      startj = starty;
    }else {
      endj = starty;
      startj = endy;
  function highlight(x,y) {
    if (!(x == 0 && y == 0)) {
      var Colour;
      if (y==0) {
        Colour = highlightColumnColour;
      } else if (x==0) {
        Colour = highlightRowColour;
      } else {
        Colour = highlightColour;
      if (!(selecting == 1 && (x == 0 || y == 0))) {
        if (getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't') == null || getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').className == 'reserved') {
          if (!(x == 0 || y == 0)) conflict = true;
        } else {
          setBGCOLOR(getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't'),Colour);
//          if (y > 0) getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').style.border = 'solid 1px ' + Colour;
  function lowlight(x,y) {
    if (!(x == 0 && y == 0)) {
      var Colour;
      if (y==0) {
        Colour = lowlightColumnColour;
      } else if (x==0) {
        Colour = lowlightRowColour;
      } else {
        Colour = lowlightColour;
      if (!(selecting == 1 && (x == 0 || y == 0))) {
        if (getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't') == null || getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').className == 'reserved') {
          if (!(x == 0 || y == 0)) conflict = true;
        } else {
          setBGCOLOR(getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't'),Colour);
//          if (y > 0) getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').style.border = 'solid 1px ' + Colour;
  function high(x,y) {
    if (selecting==0) {
      if (x == 0) {
        for (k=1;k<=maxx;k++) {
      } else {
      if (y == 0) {
        for (k=1;k<=maxy;k++) {
      } else {
    } else if (selecting == 1) {
      if (selectColumns == true) {
        endx = x;
      } else if (selectRows == true) {
        endy = y;
      } else {
        endy = y;
        endx = x;
      for (i=starti;i<=endi;i++) {
        for (j=startj;j<=endj;j++) {
      selecting = 0;
      selecting = 1;
  function low(x,y) {
    if (selecting==0) {
      if (x == 0) {
        for (k=1;k<=maxx;k++) {
      } else {
      if (y == 0) {
        for (k=1;k<=maxy;k++) {
      } else {
    } else if (selecting == 1) {
      for (i=starti;i<=endi;i++) {
        for (j=startj;j<=endj;j++) {
      selecting = 0;
      selecting = 1;
  function startSelect(x,y) {
    if (selecting == 0 && getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').className != 'reserved') {
      if (y == 0) {
        startx = x;
        starty = 1;
        endy = maxy;
        selectColumns = true;
      } else if (x == 0) {
        startx = 1;
        starty = y;
        endx = maxx;
        selectRows = true;
      } else {
        starty = y;
        startx = x;
      selecting = 1;
    } else if (selecting == 1 && getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't').className != 'reserved') {
      selecting = 2;
      selectColumns = false;
      selectRows = false;
    } else if (selecting == 2) {
      if (!conflict && getBGCOLOR('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't') == highlightColour) {
        var timeObj = getObj('tx0y' + (startj-((startj-1)%6)) + 't');
        document.mainForm.startResource.value = starti-1;
        document.mainForm.finishResource.value = endi-1;
        document.mainForm.startTimeBeforeVariance.value = timeObj.innerHTML;
        document.mainForm.startTimeVariance.value = (startj-1)%6;
        document.mainForm.numberPeriods.value = 1 + endj - startj;
      } else {
        if (conflict && getBGCOLOR(getObj('tx' + x + 'y' + y + 't')) == highlightColour) {
          alert('You have chosen a block that conflicts with existing reservations.\n\nPlease choose another block.');
        selecting = 0;
        for (i=starti;i<=endi;i++) {
          for (j=startj;j<=endj;j++) {
  function bookWholeDay() {
    $st = new timeCalculator($info['StartTime']);
    $ft = new timeCalculator($info['FinishTime']);
    $numper = $st->periodUntil($ft)/5;
        document.mainForm.startResource.value = 0;
        document.mainForm.finishResource.value = 0;
        // Cheating here, starttime should be in half hour intervals
        // With the starttimevariance adding on 5 minutes each time
        document.mainForm.startTimeBeforeVariance.value = '<?=$info['StartTime']?>';
        document.mainForm.startTimeVariance.value = 0;
        document.mainForm.numberPeriods.value = <?=$numper?>;
// -->
<form method=post action="showCalendar.php" name=mainForm>
<input type=hidden name=ID value="<?=$ID?>">
<input type=hidden name=startResource value="">
<input type=hidden name=finishResource value="">
<input type=hidden name=startTimeOfDay value="<?=$info['StartTime']?>">
<input type=hidden name=finishTimeOfDay value="<?=$info['FinishTime']?>">
<input type=hidden name=startTimeBeforeVariance value="">
<input type=hidden name=startTimeVariance value="">
<input type=hidden name=year value="<?=$year?>">
<input type=hidden name=month value="<?=$month?>">
<input type=hidden name=day value="<?=$day?>">
<input type=hidden name=numberPeriods value="">
<input type=hidden name=act value=reserve>
    $prev3months=mktime(0,0,0,$month - 3,$day,$year);
    $next3months=mktime(0,0,0,$month + 3,$day,$year);
    $prev6months=mktime(0,0,0,$month - 6,$day,$year);
    $next6months=mktime(0,0,0,$month + 6,$day,$year);
<div id="minical" style="position:absolute;visibility:<?=(!isset($minical))?'hidden':$minical?>;top:5;left:5;border: solid black 1px;background:white;">
<td style="font-size:10px;"><a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=date("y",$prev3months)?>&month=<?=date("m",$prev3months)?>&day=<?=date("d",$prev3months)?>&minical=visible">Back 3 months</a></td>
<td style="font-size:10px;">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" style="font-size:10px;"><a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=date("y",$next3months)?>&month=<?=date("m",$next3months)?>&day=<?=date("d",$next3months)?>&minical=visible">Forward 3 months</a></td>
<td style="font-size:10px;"><a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=date("y",$prev6months)?>&month=<?=date("m",$prev6months)?>&day=<?=date("d",$prev6months)?>&minical=visible">Back 6 months</a></td>
<td style="font-size:10px;">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" style="font-size:10px;"><a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=date("y",$next6months)?>&month=<?=date("m",$next6months)?>&day=<?=date("d",$next6months)?>&minical=visible">Forward 6 months</a></td>
  minicals($year, $month, $day, 'visible');
<tr><td colspan=3 align=right>[<a href="#" onClick="getObj('minical').style.visibility = 'hidden'">Close Calendar</a>]</td>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="calendar">
  $i= mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
  foreach ($reservations as $reservation) {
    $today[$reservation['ResourceID']][$reservation['StartTime']] = $reservation;
  if (isset($today)) {
      $_SESSION['_today'] = $today;
  // Sort the columns/resources with natural order sort
  $to_sort = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    array_push($to_sort, $row['Name']);
  $sorted = array();
  foreach($to_sort as $key => $value) {
    array_push($sorted, $result[$key]);
    <td align=right colspan=<?=($num_sections+1)?>>Reservations for
    <b><?=$info['Name']?></b> on <b><?=strftime('%A %e %B %Y',$i)?></b></td>
    <td colspan=<?=$num_sections+1?>><a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=$previousDayY?>&month=<?=$previousDayM?>&day=<?=$previousDayD?>">Previous Day</a> | <a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=date('Y')?>&month=<?=date('m')?>&day=<?=date('d')?>">Today</a> | <a href="showCalendar.php?year=<?=$nextDayY?>&month=<?=$nextDayM?>&day=<?=$nextDayD?>">Next Day</a> |
<a onClick="getObj('minical').style.visibility='visible'" href="#">Launch Calendar...</a> | <a href="#" onclick="'popupCalendar.php?year=<?=$year?>&month=<?=$month?>&day=<?=$day?>','','status=0,toolabar=0,location=0,menus=0,directories=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,height=195,width=360')">Popup Calendar...</a> | 
    if (privileged('modify')) {
        <a href="javascript:bookWholeDay()">Whole Day Booking</a> |
<a href="showMonthly.php?year=<?=$year?>&month=<?=$month?>&resourceID=<?=$sorted[0]['ID']?>">Monthly view</a>
  $strHeader = "";
  $strFooter = "";
  $i = 1;
  $columns = array();
  foreach ($sorted as $row) {
    $today_resource[$i] = $row['ID'];
    if (privileged('modify')) {
        $strHeader .= '  <th width="'.$tablewidth.'%" bgcolor="#aaaacc" id=tx'.
        $i.'y0t onMouseOver="high(' . $i . ',0)" onMouseOut="low(' . $i .
        ',0)" onMouseDown="startSelect(' . $i . ',0)">&nbsp;' . $row['Name'] .
        '&nbsp;</th>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $strHeader .= '  <th width="'.$tablewidth.'%" bgcolor="#aaaacc" id=tx'.
        $i.'y0t>&nbsp;' . $row['Name'] . '&nbsp;</th>' . "\n";
    $strFooter .= '  <th bgcolor="#aaaacc">&nbsp;' . $row['Name'] . '&nbsp;</th>' . "\n";
    $columns[] = 0;
  print $strHeader;
  $currentTime = $startTime;
//  print_r($today);
  $j = 1;
  $fives = 5;
  while ($currentTime->dump() < $finishTime->dump()) {
    if (privileged('modify')) {
    <td rowspan=6 height=15px bgcolor="#ccccee" class=time id=tx0y<?=$j?>t onMouseOver="high(0,<?=$j?>)" onMouseOut="low(0,<?=$j?>)" onMouseDown="startSelect(0,<?=$j?>)"><?=$currentTime->dump()?></td>
    } else {
    <td rowspan=6 height=15px bgcolor="#ccccee" class=time id=tx0y<?=$j?>t><?=$currentTime->dump()?></td>
    for ($fives=0;$fives<6;$fives++) {
    for ($i=1;$i<=$num_sections;$i++) {
      $colspan = 1;
      $currtime = mktime($currentTime->hour,$currentTime->min,0,$month,$day,
      if (isset($today[$today_resource[$i]][$currtime])) {
        $thisres = $today[$today_resource[$i]][$currtime];
        $columns[$i-1] = $thisres['Period']/5;
        for ($k=$i+1;$k<=$num_sections;$k++) {
          if (isset($today[$today_resource[$k]][$currtime]['ID']) &&
            $today[$today_resource[$k]][$currtime]['ID'] == $thisres['ID']) {
            $columns[$k-1] = $columns[$i-1];
    if (privileged('modify')) {
    <td colspan="<?=$colspan?>" bgcolor="<?=$thisres['MemberColour']?>"
rowspan="<?=$columns[$i-1]?>" height="<?=$columns[$i-1]*3?>px" valign="top" class="reserved" id=tx<?=$i?>y<?=$j?>t onMouseOver="high(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)" onMouseOut="low(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)" onClick="startSelect(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)">
    } else {
    <td colspan="<?=$colspan?>" bgcolor="<?=$thisres['MemberColour']?>"
rowspan="<?=$columns[$i-1]?>" height="<?=$columns[$i-1]*3?>px" valign="top" class="reserved" id=tx<?=$i?>y<?=$j?>t>
      <a href="showCalendar.php?act=view&reservationID=<?=$thisres['ID']?>"><?=$thisres['MemberName']?></a>
        $thisresTimeObj = $currentTime;
        print '('.$thisres['ActivityName'].')';
        if ($columns[$i-1] > 10) print '<br>';
      <b><?=$currentTime->dump().' - '.$thisresTimeObj->dump()?></b>
      if ($columns[$i-1] > 20) print '<br>';
      // Print the first line of the description
      print strtok($thisres['Description'],"\r\n");
      if ($columns[$i-1] == 0) {
        if (privileged('modify')) {
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" height="3px" class="unreserved<?=($fives==5)?'boundary':''?>" align="center" id=tx<?=$i?>y<?=$j?>t onMouseOver="high(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)" onMouseOut="low(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)" onClick="startSelect(<?=$i?>,<?=$j?>)"></td>
        } else {
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" height="3px" class="unreserved<?=($fives==5)?'boundary':''?>" align="center" id=tx<?=$i?>y<?=$j?>t></td>
      } else {
<?php print $strFooter; ?>
<script language=javascript>
  maxy = <?=($j-1)?>;
// -->
  require "../system/shell_iframe_footer.php"

Open in new window

Avatar of mcamed
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Also, after diggin a bit, it looks like there isn't even a MySQL db entry for the Finish Time....

Hmm.  I've tried emailing the creators, but I might need to bug the crap out of them.
Avatar of Joe Wu
I can't login to your webpage with demo and demo :)
But its ok, it sounds like (unless you have missed something) that this openbooking software is missing a chunk of its code, if this is truely the case, it cannot be fixed easily.

Hope you do get the creator's rsponse, if not, and if you want to get it up and running pretty soon, maybe switching to another online booking script is an option?
Avatar of mcamed


That's an option, right there!  Do you have any suggestions while I'm awaiting his response?

Also, you can log in now.

demo and _demo <-Note the underscore!
Avatar of Joe Wu
Joe Wu
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