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HarpuaFSBFlag for United States of America

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PHP page running SQL statement twice or incorrectly running it

I'm writing forum code and I've run into a very bizarre problem that I can't seem to figure out, it's driving me crazy.

Anyway, there's a part of the code where I run a SQL statement when a user views a topic that increments the counter for the times that topic has been viewed.

However, everytime the page is loaded, it increments the counter by two instead of one

The code in question:
$sql = "UPDATE forums_topics ";
$sql .= "SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 ";
$sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id;

You can see it in context of the rest of the page below.  For the life of me I can't figure out why it's incrementing the topic_views field by two instead of one each time that query is run.

If I run the code elsewhere or in a query window, it increments the counter by one, properly.

Anyone have any ideas?

Very perplexing!
	include "../library/dbconnect.php";	
	include "../library/sessionhandler.php"; 
	$userid = $_SESSION["userid"];
	$topic_id = $_GET["id"];
	if (!isset($topic_id))
	header ("Location:index.php"); 
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) ";
	$sql .= "FROM forums_posts ";
	$sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id;
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) == 0)
	header ("Location:index.php"); 
	$sql = "SELECT f.forum_name, ";
	$sql .= "t.* ";
	$sql .= "FROM forums_forums f, ";
	$sql .= "forums_topics t ";
	$sql .= "WHERE t.forum_id = f.forum_id AND ";
	$sql .= "t.topic_id = " . $topic_id;
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) == 0)
	header ("Location:index.php"); 
	$forum_name = mysql_result($recordset, 0, "forum_name");
	$forum_id =  mysql_result($recordset, 0, "forum_id");
	$topic_title = mysql_result($recordset, 0, "topic_title");	
	$sql = "UPDATE forums_topics ";
	$sql .= "SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 ";
	$sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id;
	$isadministrator = false;
	if (isset($_SESSION["userid"]))
	$sql = "SELECT administrator ";
	$sql .= "FROM users ";
	$sql .= "WHERE userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " AND ";
	$sql .= "administrator = -1";
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) > 0)
		{ $isadministrator = true; }
<html lang="en">
	<title>Find Your Geek | Forums | <?php echo $topic_title; ?></title>
	<meta name="description" content="" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="" />		
	<link href="../library/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
    <link href="library/forum.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../library/imagerollover.js"></script>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<div align="center">
	<?php include "../library/header.php" ?>
	<?php include "../library/menu.php" ?>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			if (isset($_SESSION["errormessage"]))
				$paddingtop = "";
					<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:5px;" colspan="2">
						<font color="red">
						<?php echo $_SESSION["errormessage"]; ?>
				<tr><td style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;" colspan="2"><hr size="1px" color="#ffc600"></td></tr>
				{ $paddingtop = "padding-top:5px;"; }
        	<td style="width:380px;padding-left:11px;<?php echo $paddingtop; ?>">
            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <a href="viewforum.php?id=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><?php echo $forum_name; ?></a>
            <td style="width:380px;padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right"></td>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;" colspan="2">
            	<font style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;">
            		<?php echo $topic_title; ?>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=reply&tid=<?php echo $topic_id; ?>"><img src="images/postreply_off.gif" srcover="images/postreply_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
            <td style="padding-right:11px;" align="right">
					$page = $_GET["page"];
					$limit = 25; 
					$select = "SELECT s.sessionid, ";
					$select .= "u.displayname, ";
					$select .= "u.avatar, ";
					$select .= "u.title, ";
					$select .= "u.signature, ";
					$select .= "u.posts, ";
					$select .= "u.hideonlinestatus, ";
					$select .= "u.lastlogindatetime, ";
					$select .= "u.administrator, ";
					$select .= "p.* ";
					$from = "FROM users u, ";
					$from .= "forums_posts p ";
					$from .= "LEFT JOIN sessions s ";
					$from .= "ON p.poster_id = s.sessionuserid ";
					$where = "WHERE p.poster_id = u.userid AND ";
					$where .= "p.topic_id = " . $topic_id . " ";
					$orderby = "ORDER BY post_time ";
					$resultcount = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) " . $from . $where); 
					if (mysql_num_rows($resultcount) > 0)
						$totalrows = mysql_result($resultcount, 0);  			
						$numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $limit); 
							$page = 1; 
							$limitvalue = 0;
							{ $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit); }						
						if ($page != 1)
							$pageprev = $page - 1;
							$previous = "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $pageprev . "\">&laquo;&nbsp;Prev</a>";
						if ($numofpages > 1)
							for ($count = 1; $count <= $numofpages; $count++)
								if ($count == $page)
									{ $pages .= $count . "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
									{ $pages .= "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $count . "\">" . $count . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } 
						if ($totalrows - ($limit * $page) > 0)
							$pagenext = $page + 1;
							$next = "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $pagenext . "\">Next&nbsp;&raquo;</a>";
					$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
					$sql = $safesql->query($select . $from . $where . $orderby . "LIMIT " . $limitvalue . ", " . $limit);				
					$postsrecordset = mysql_query($sql);												
					if ($numofpages == 0) { $numofpages = 1; }
					echo mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset); 
					echo "&nbsp;";
					if (mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset) == 1)
						{ echo "post"; }
						{ echo "posts"; }
                Page&nbsp;<?php echo $page . "&nbsp;of&nbsp;" . $numofpages; ?>
                <?php if ($pages) { echo "&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" . $pages; } ?>
    <div style="height:5px;"></div>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			$count = 0;
			while ($count < mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset))		
				if ($count % 2 == 1)
					{ $trid = "topic_rowA"; }
					{ $trid = "topic_rowB"; }	
				if ($count + 1 == mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset))
					{ $borderbottom = "border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"; }
					{ $borderbottom = ""; }						
				<tr id="<? echo $trid; ?>">
					<td style="width:200px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>padding: 11px 11px 11px 11px;" valign="top">
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "avatar") != null)
								echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id") . "\">";
								echo "<img src=\"" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "avatar") . "\" border=\"0px\">";
								echo "</a><br />";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "administrator"))
								{ echo "<a href=\"../administrators.php\"><img src=\"../images/administrator_esm.gif\" border=\"0px\"></a>&nbsp;"; }
							echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id") . "\">";
							echo "<b>" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "displayname") . "</b>";
							echo "</a><br />";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "title") != null)
								{ echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "title"); }
							//online / offline
							echo "<table style=\"padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0px\" cellspacing=\"0px\">";
							echo "<tr>";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "sessionid") == null)
								echo "<td width=\"20px\">";
								echo "<img src=\"../images/offline.gif\">&nbsp;"; 
								echo "</td>";
								echo "<td>";
								echo "<font style=\"font-size:9px;color:#ff2f15\"><b>Offline</b></font>";
								echo "</td>";
								//add hidden code here
								echo "<td width=\"20px\">";
								echo "<img src=\"../images/online.gif\">&nbsp;"; 
								echo "</td>";
								echo "<td>";
								echo "<font style=\"font-size:9px;color:#84ff15\"><b>Online</b></font>";
								echo "</td>";								
							echo "</tr>";
							echo "</table>";
							echo "Posts: " . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "posts");
                    <td style="width:560px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;" valign="top">
						<table width="100%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
								<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:11px;">
                                	<a name="p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"></a>
                                    <font style="font-size:12px;">
									<a href="#p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_subject"); ?></a>
								<td style="padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right">
									<a href="posting.php?mode=quote&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/quote_button_off.gif" srcover="images/quote_button_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
										if (isset($_SESSION["userid"]))
											if ($isadministrator || $_SESSION["userid"] == mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id"))
												&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="posting.php?mode=edit&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/edit_off.gif" srcover="images/edit_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
											if ($isadministrator)
												&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="posting.php?mode=delete&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/delete_off.gif" srcover="images/delete_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
							<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:5px;"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;">
									<a href="#p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/post.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;by&nbsp;
									<a href="../profile.php?id=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id"); ?>"><b><?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "displayname") ?></b></a>&nbsp;on&nbsp;
									<?php echo date("M d, Y g:i a", mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_time")) . " EST"; ?>
							<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;">
									<!-- post text -->
									<font style="font-size:1.2em;">
										echo FormatBBCode(mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_text"), $count);
										if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "signature") != null)
											<br /><br />
											<table style="width:100%;border-top:#ffc600 1px solid;" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
													<td style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">
													<?php echo FormatBBCode(mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "signature")); ?>
        	if ($previous || $pages || $next) { 
            <tr id="header">
                <td colspan="3" style="padding-left:11px;"><?php echo $previous; ?></td>
                <td colspan="2" style="padding-right:11px;" align="right"><?php echo $next; ?></td>
        <?php } ?>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=reply&tid=<?php echo $topic_id; ?>"><img src="images/postreply_off.gif" srcover="images/postreply_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
        	<td style="padding-right:11px;" align="right">   
					echo mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset); 
					echo "&nbsp;";
					if (mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset) == 1)
						{ echo "post"; }
						{ echo "posts"; }
                Page&nbsp;<?php echo $page . "&nbsp;of&nbsp;" . $numofpages; ?>
                <?php if ($pages) { echo "&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" . $pages; } ?>
		<tr><td height="5px" colspan="2"></td></tr>  	
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <a href="viewforum.php?id=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><?php echo $forum_name; ?></a>
		<tr><td height="5px" colspan="2"></td></tr> 
    <div style="height:5px;"></div>
	<img src="../images/line.gif">
	<p><?php include "../library/footer.php" ?></p>    
	function FormatBBCode($message) 
	$simple_search = array(
	$simple_replace = array(
							'<img src="../images/smileys/smile.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/wink.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/sad.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/cool.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/mad.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/confused.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/shock.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/bigsmile.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/oops.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/eyeroll.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/twisted.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/laugh.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/neutral.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/drool.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/ninja.gif">',
							'<a href="$1" target="_new">$1</a>',
							'<a href="$1" target="_new">$2</a>',
							'<img src="$1">',
							'<table width="90%" style="background:#2a2a2a;border:1px solid #555555;padding-bottom:5px;" cellspacing="1px" cellpadding="3px" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size:11px;"><img src="images/quote.gif"></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:12px;">$1</tr></table>',
							'<table width="90%" style="background:#2a2a2a;border:1px solid #555555;padding-bottom:5px;" cellspacing="1px" cellpadding="3px" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size:11px;"><img src="images/quote.gif">&nbsp;<b>$1&nbsp;wrote:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:12px;">$2</tr></table>',
							'<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="$1)"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="$1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>',
							"<div style=\"margin-top:5px\"><div><font style=\"font-size:12px;\"><b>Spoiler:</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"Show\" style=\"width:45px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Show'; }\" /></div><div class=\"quotecontent\"><div style=\"display: none;\"><br />$1</div></div></div>",
							"<div style=\"margin-top:5px\"><div><font style=\"font-size:12px;\"><b>NSFW:</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"Show\" style=\"width:45px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Show'; }\" /></div><div class=\"quotecontent\"><div style=\"display: none;\"><br />$1</div></div></div>"
	$message = preg_replace ($simple_search, $simple_replace, $message);
	return nl2br($message);

Open in new window

Avatar of mdougan
Flag of United States of America image

Can we assume that topic_id is a unique primary key in the forum_topics table, or is it only unique when paired with the forum_id?  If you need the forum_id, then add it to the where clause since you'd already obtained it from the previous select statement.

But, since you say that this works when you run the sql stand-alone... I would look through the rest of the code to see if there is any place where you might be re-directing the page to itself?  Or could you be re-directing to some index page that would then re-direct back to this one?  In other words, this script is getting called twice?  You could try creating another table, temporarily, with the topic_id and a timestamp, and update that table every time you run the update statement.  If this script is being called recursively (or somehow multiple times), then you'll see two entries in this timestamp table with timestamps that are very close, though not identical.  If that is the case, then look at the code that calls this script to see if the problem is there.
Avatar of HarpuaFSB


I added some auditing code and  indeed, the view topics page is calling itself.

From where, I have no idea.  I mean the only reference to itself is where I construct the pagination links and they don't even get run through a location command anywhere.

In fact, the only location commands run on the viewtopic page are redirects back to the index if there is URL manipulation.

I am totally lost here.
	$sql = "INSERT INTO audit2 ";
	$sql .= "SELECT '" . getenv('HTTP_REFERER') . "', ";
	$sql .= time();
	$sql = "INSERT INTO audit ";
	$sql .= "SELECT " . $topic_id . ", ";
	$sql .= time();
15	1201017251
15	1201017252
16	1201017306
16	1201017306
AUDIT 2 (first is the correct referer, 2nd is the page calling itself)	1201017439	1201017440	        1201017468	1201017468	1201017525	1201017525	        1201017561	1201017561	1201017580	1201017580	1201017596	1201017596

Open in new window

hang in there... at least we now know where to look.  Let me look over your latest snippit for a bit.
Avatar of mdougan
Flag of United States of America image

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You definitely found a logic flaw there in that if the user is navigating through a topic, it should not increment the counter.  The counter should only be implemented if the user enters the topic.

What I did for that is add another query string parameter to the pagination links.

For next, I added &nav=next; for a page click within a topic, &nav=page and for previous, &nav=prev

So I grab that parameter when the page is loaded and only increment the counter if that variable is empty

      if (empty($nav))
      $sql = "UPDATE forums_topics ";
      $sql .= "SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 ";
      $sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id . " AND ";
      $sql .= "forum_id = " . $forum_id;

Still doesn't solve my original problem though and it's more wide spread than I originally thought.

I put that audit code in a few other pages and the result is the same, two rows are added per page load.

Yikes, I am majorly confused here.

Any code auditors for hire for this? =) ;)
How about showing some code snippits from the code that calls this script, ie viewforum.php and index.php?

I could use the work!  But, let's first try to identify the problem.  Then, once found, if you have a lot of changes to make, we can talk!
Ok, here is everything.


And everything that is referenced in them, ready? ;)

I'll probably put a listing on Rent-a-coder but will wait to hear from you before I look at bids there.
	include "../library/dbconnect.php";	
	include "../library/sessionhandler.php"; 
	if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] || $_GET['lo'] == 1) 
		if ($_COOKIE['loggedin_at'] == null) 
			header('Location: ../cookiecheck.php');
	$userid = $_SESSION["userid"];
<html lang="en">
	<title>Find Your Geek | Forums</title>
	<meta name="description" content="" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="" />		
	<link href="../library/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
    <link href="library/forum.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../library/imagerollover.js"></script>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<div align="center">
	<?php include "../library/header.php" ?>
	<?php include "../library/menu.php" ?>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			if (isset($_SESSION["errormessage"]))
				$paddingtop = "";
					<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:5px;" colspan="5">
						<font color="red">
						<?php echo $_SESSION["errormessage"]; ?>
				<tr><td style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;" colspan="5"><hr size="1px" color="#d5d5d5"></td></tr>
				{ $paddingtop = "padding-top:5px;"; }
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;<?php echo $paddingtop; ?>" colspan="3"><a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a></td>
            <td style="padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" colspan="2" align="right"></td>
    	<tr><td style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;" colspan="5"><hr size="1px" color="#d5d5d5"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-bottom:5px;" colspan="3"><?php echo date("F j, Y g:i a ") . " EST"; ?></td>
            <td style="padding-right:11px;padding-bottom:5px;" colspan="2" align="right"><a href="">Mark forums read</a></td>
		$sql = "SELECT f.*, ";
		$sql .= "p.topic_id ";
		$sql .= "FROM forums_forums f ";
		$sql .= "LEFT JOIN forums_posts p ";
		$sql .= "ON f.forum_last_post_id = p.post_id ";
		$sql .= "ORDER BY sort_order";
		$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
		$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
		$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
		$count = 0;
		while ($count < mysql_num_rows($recordset))		
			if (mysql_result($recordset, $count, "parent_id") == 0)
				if ($count == 0)
					{ $bordertop = "border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;"; }
					{ $bordertop = ""; }
    			<tr id="header">
                	<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;<?php echo $bordertop; ?>border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"><b><?php echo strtoupper(mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_name")); ?></td>
                    <td align="center" style="padding-left:5px;<?php echo $bordertop; ?>border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Topics</b></td>
                    <td align="center" style="padding-left:5px;<?php echo $bordertop; ?>border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Posts</b></td>
                    <td style="padding-left:5px;<?php echo $bordertop; ?>border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Last Post</b></td>
				if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) == $count + 1)
					{ $borderbottom = ""; }
					{ $borderbottom = "border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;"; }
    			<tr id="forum">
                	<td style="width:30px;padding-left:11px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>"><img src="images/newposts.gif" alt="New posts" title="New posts"></td>
                	<td style="width:385px;padding-left:5px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>">
							echo "<a href=\"viewforum.php?id=" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_id") . "\"><font style=\"font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;\">" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_name") . "</font></a><br />";
							echo "<font style=\"font-size:11px;\">" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_description") . "</font>";
                    <td align="center" style="width:70px;padding-left:5px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;"><?php echo mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_topics") ?></td>
                    <td align="center" style="width:70px;padding-left:5px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;"><?php echo mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_posts") ?></td>
                    <td style="width:205px;padding-left:5px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;">
							if (mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_last_post_time") > 0)
								$viewtopic = "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" .  mysql_result($recordset, $count, "topic_id") . "#p" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_last_post_id") . "\">";
								$viewtopic .= "<img src=\"images/last_post.gif\" border=\"0px\" alt=\"View latest post\" title=\"View latest post\">";
								$viewtopic .= "</a>";
                                echo "by&nbsp;";
								echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_last_poster_id") . "\">" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_last_poster_name") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
								echo $viewtopic . "<br />";
								echo "on&nbsp;";
								echo date("M d, Y g:i a", mysql_result($recordset, $count, "forum_last_post_time")) . " EST";
								echo "&nbsp;";
			$count ++;
	<img src="../images/line.gif">
	<table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			<td style="padding-top:5px;padding-left:11px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">
				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) totalmembers ";
				$sql .= "FROM users";
				$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
				$sql = $safesql->query($sql);		
				$usersonlinerecordset = mysql_query($sql);
				$totalmembers = mysql_result($usersonlinerecordset, 0, "totalmembers");
				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(s.sessionuserid) membersonline ";
				$sql .= "FROM sessions s, ";
				$sql .= "users u ";
				$sql .= "WHERE s.sessionuserid = u.userid AND ";
				$sql .= "hideonlinestatus = 0 AND ";
				$sql .= "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sessiondatetime, now()) <= 300";
				$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
				$sql = $safesql->query($sql);		
				$usersonlinerecordset = mysql_query($sql);
				$membersonline = mysql_result($usersonlinerecordset, 0, "membersonline");
				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(s.sessionuserid) membersonline ";
				$sql .= "FROM sessions s, ";
				$sql .= "users u ";
				$sql .= "WHERE s.sessionuserid = u.userid AND ";
				$sql .= "hideonlinestatus = -1 AND ";
				$sql .= "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sessiondatetime, now()) <= 300";
				$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
				$sql = $safesql->query($sql);		
				$usersonlinerecordset = mysql_query($sql);
				$hiddenmembersonline = mysql_result($usersonlinerecordset, 0, "membersonline");
				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) membersonline ";
				$sql .= "FROM sessions ";
				$sql .= "WHERE sessionuserid = 0 AND ";
				$sql .= "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sessiondatetime, now()) <= 300";
				$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
				$sql = $safesql->query($sql);		
				$usersonlinerecordset = mysql_query($sql);
				$guestsonline = mysql_result($usersonlinerecordset, 0, "membersonline");
				$totalusers = $membersonline + $hiddenmembersonline + $guestsonline;
				echo "We currently have  <a href=\"../memberlist.php\">" . $totalmembers . "</a> members and ";
				echo "there ";
				if ($totalusers > 1 || $totalusers == 0)
					{ echo "are "; }
					{ echo "is "; }
				echo $totalusers . " ";
				if ($totalusers > 1 || $totalusers == 0)
					{ echo "users "; }
					{ echo "user "; }
				echo "online :: ";
				if ($membersonline > 0)
					$head = "<a href=\"../whosonline.php\">";
					$tail = "</a>";
					$head = "";
					$tail = "";
				echo $head . $membersonline . $tail . " ";
				if ($membersonline > 1 || $membersonline == 0)
					{ echo "members, "; }
					{ echo "member, "; }
				echo $hiddenmembersonline . " hidden ";
				if ($hiddenmembersonline > 1 || $hiddenmembersonline == 0)
					{ echo "members, "; }
					{ echo "member, "; }
				echo "and ";
				echo $guestsonline . " ";
				if ($guestsonline == 0 || $guestsonline > 1)
					{ echo "guests"; }
					{ echo "guest"; }
        <?php if ($membersonline > 0) { echo "<tr><td height=\"10px\"></td></tr>"; }	?>
        	<td style="padding-bottom:5px;padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;font-size:10px;">
				if ($membersonline > 0)
					//add hidden code here
					echo "<b>Registered users:&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>";
					$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.userid, ";
					$sql .= "u.displayname, ";
					$sql .= "u.administrator ";
					$sql .= "FROM sessions s, ";
					$sql .= "users u ";
					$sql .= "WHERE s.sessionuserid = u.userid AND ";
					$sql .= "hideonlinestatus = 0 AND ";
					$sql .= "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sessiondatetime, now()) <= 300 ";
					$sql .= "ORDER BY u.displayname";
					$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
					$sql = $safesql->query($sql);		
					$recordset = mysql_query($sql);
					$count = 0;
					while ($count < mysql_num_rows($recordset))		
						if (mysql_result($recordset, $count, "administrator")) 
							{ echo "<a href=\"../administrators.php\"><img src=\"../images/administrator_esm.gif\" border=\"0px\"></a>&nbsp;"; }
						echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($recordset, $count, "userid") . "\">";
						echo mysql_result($recordset, $count, "displayname");
						echo "</a>";
						$count ++;
						if ($count != mysql_num_rows($recordset)) { echo ", "; }
    <img src="../images/line.gif">
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	header ("Location:index.php"); 
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	if (isset($_SESSION["userid"]))
	$sql = "SELECT administrator ";
	$sql .= "FROM users ";
	$sql .= "WHERE userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " AND ";
	$sql .= "administrator = -1";
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) > 0)
		{ $isadministrator = true; }
<html lang="en">
	<title>Find Your Geek | Forums | <?php echo $forum_name; ?></title>
	<meta name="description" content="" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="" />		
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            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <?php echo $forum_name; ?>
            <td style="width:380px;padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right"></td>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;" colspan="2">
            	<font style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;">
            		<?php echo $forum_name; ?>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=post&fid=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><img src="images/newtopic_off.gif" srcover="images/newtopic_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
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                <a href="">Mark topics read</a>
					echo mysql_num_rows($topicsrecordset); 
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						{ echo "topic"; }
						{ echo "topics"; }
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    	<tr id="header">
        	<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;"><b>TOPICS</b></td>
            <td align="center" style="padding-left:5px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Replies</b></td>
            <td align="center" style="padding-left:5px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Views</b></td>
            <td style="padding-left:5px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"><b>Last Post</b></td>
        <?php if (mysql_num_rows($topicsrecordset) == 0) { ?>
                    	<td style="width:30px"></td>
                        <td style="width:385px"></td>
                        <td style="width:70px"></td>
                        <td style="width:70px"></td>
                        <td style="width:205px"></td>
                    	<td style="height:50px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;" colspan="5" align="center">
                        	There are no topics or posts in this forum
				$count = 0;
				while ($count < mysql_num_rows($topicsrecordset))		
				if ($count % 2 == 1)
					{ $trid = "forum_rowA"; }
					{ $trid = "forum_rowB"; }
        			<tr id="<?php echo $trid; ?>">
                    	<td style="width:30px;padding-left:11px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;">
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									<img src="images/newposts.gif" alt="New posts" title="New posts">
									<img src="images/newposts_sticky.gif" alt="New posts" title="New posts">
                        <td style="width:385px;padding-left:5px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;">
                                echo "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_id") . "\"><font style=\"font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;\">" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_title") . "</font></a><br />";
                            	echo "by&nbsp;";
								echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_first_poster_id") . "\">" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_first_poster_name") . "</a>&nbsp;";
								echo "on&nbsp;";
								echo date("M d, Y g:i a", mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_time")) . " EST";
                        <td style="width:70px;padding-left:5px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;" align="center">
                                echo mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_replies");
                        <td style="width:70px;padding-left:5px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;" align="center">
                                echo mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_views");
                        <td style="width:205px;padding-left:5px;border-bottom: #ffc600 1px solid;border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;">
								$viewtopic = "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" .  mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_id") . "#p" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_last_post_id") . "\">";
								$viewtopic .= "<img src=\"images/last_post.gif\" border=\"0px\" alt=\"View latest post\" title=\"View latest post\">";
								$viewtopic .= "</a>";
                                echo "by&nbsp;";
								echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_last_poster_id") . "\">" . mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_last_poster_name") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
								echo $viewtopic . "<br />";
								echo "on&nbsp;";
								echo date("M d, Y g:i a", mysql_result($topicsrecordset, $count, "topic_last_post_time")) . " EST";
        	if ($previous || $pages || $next) { 
            <tr id="header">
                <td colspan="3" style="padding-left:11px;"><?php echo $previous; ?></td>
                <td colspan="2" style="padding-right:11px;" align="right"><?php echo $next; ?></td>
        <?php } ?>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=post&fid=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><img src="images/newtopic_off.gif" srcover="images/newtopic_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
        	<td style="padding-right:11px;" align="right">   
                <a href="">Mark topics read</a>
					echo mysql_num_rows($topicsrecordset); 
					echo "&nbsp;";
					if (mysql_num_rows($topicsrecordset) == 1)
						{ echo "topic"; }
						{ echo "topics"; }
                Page&nbsp;<?php echo $page . "&nbsp;of&nbsp;" . $numofpages; ?>
                <?php if ($pages) { echo "&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" . $pages; } ?>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:5px;">
            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <?php echo $forum_name; ?>
            <td style="padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right"></td>
	<div style="height:5px;"></div>
	<img src="../images/line.gif">
	<p><?php include "../library/footer.php" ?></p>    
	include "../library/dbconnect.php";	
	include "../library/sessionhandler.php"; 
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		if ($_COOKIE['loggedin_at'] == null) 
			header('Location: ../cookiecheck.php');
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	header ("Location:index.php"); 
	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) ";
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	$sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id;
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
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	header ("Location:index.php"); 
	$sql = "SELECT f.forum_name, ";
	$sql .= "t.* ";
	$sql .= "FROM forums_forums f, ";
	$sql .= "forums_topics t ";
	$sql .= "WHERE t.forum_id = f.forum_id AND ";
	$sql .= "t.topic_id = " . $topic_id;
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) == 0)
	header ("Location:index.php"); 
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	if (empty($nav))
	$sql = "UPDATE forums_topics ";
	$sql .= "SET topic_views = topic_views + 1 ";
	$sql .= "WHERE topic_id = " . $topic_id . " AND ";
	$sql .= "forum_id = " . $forum_id;
	$isadministrator = false;
	if (isset($_SESSION["userid"]))
	$sql = "SELECT administrator ";
	$sql .= "FROM users ";
	$sql .= "WHERE userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " AND ";
	$sql .= "administrator = -1";
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);			
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);		
	if (mysql_num_rows($recordset) > 0)
		{ $isadministrator = true; }
<html lang="en">
	<title>Find Your Geek | Forums | <?php echo $topic_title; ?></title>
	<meta name="description" content="" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="" />		
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					<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:5px;" colspan="2">
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						<?php echo $_SESSION["errormessage"]; ?>
				<tr><td style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;" colspan="2"><hr size="1px" color="#ffc600"></td></tr>
				{ $paddingtop = "padding-top:5px;"; }
        	<td style="width:380px;padding-left:11px;<?php echo $paddingtop; ?>">
            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <a href="viewforum.php?id=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><?php echo $forum_name; ?></a>
            <td style="width:380px;padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right"></td>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;" colspan="2">
            	<font style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;">
            		<?php echo $topic_title; ?>
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=reply&tid=<?php echo $topic_id; ?>"><img src="images/postreply_off.gif" srcover="images/postreply_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
            <td style="padding-right:11px;" align="right">
					$limit = 25; 
					$select = "SELECT s.sessionid, ";
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					$select .= "u.title, ";
					$select .= "u.signature, ";
					$select .= "u.posts, ";
					$select .= "u.hideonlinestatus, ";
					$select .= "u.lastlogindatetime, ";
					$select .= "u.administrator, ";
					$select .= "p.* ";
					$from = "FROM users u, ";
					$from .= "forums_posts p ";
					$from .= "LEFT JOIN sessions s ";
					$from .= "ON p.poster_id = s.sessionuserid ";
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					$where .= "p.topic_id = " . $topic_id . " ";
					$orderby = "ORDER BY post_time ";
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									{ $pages .= $count . "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
									{ $pages .= "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $count . "&nav=page\">" . $count . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } 
						if ($totalrows - ($limit * $page) > 0)
							$pagenext = $page + 1;
							$next = "<a href=\"viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $pagenext . "&nav=next\">Next&nbsp;&raquo;</a>";
					$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
					$sql = $safesql->query($select . $from . $where . $orderby . "LIMIT " . $limitvalue . ", " . $limit);				
					$postsrecordset = mysql_query($sql);												
					if (mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset) == 0)
						if ($page != 1)
						echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "\">";
					if ($numofpages == 0) { $numofpages = 1; }
					echo mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset); 
					echo "&nbsp;";
					if (mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset) == 1)
						{ echo "post"; }
						{ echo "posts"; }
                Page&nbsp;<?php echo $page . "&nbsp;of&nbsp;" . $numofpages; ?>
                <?php if ($pages) { echo "&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" . $pages; } ?>
    <div style="height:5px;"></div>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			$count = 0;
			while ($count < mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset))		
				if ($count % 2 == 1)
					{ $trid = "topic_rowA"; }
					{ $trid = "topic_rowB"; }	
				if ($count + 1 == mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset))
					{ $borderbottom = "border-bottom:#ffc600 1px solid;"; }
					{ $borderbottom = ""; }						
				<tr id="<? echo $trid; ?>">
					<td style="height:240px;width:200px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;padding: 11px 11px 11px 11px;" valign="top">
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "avatar") != null)
								echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id") . "\">";
								echo "<img src=\"" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "avatar") . "\" border=\"0px\">";
								echo "</a><br />";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "administrator"))
								{ echo "<a href=\"../administrators.php\"><img src=\"../images/administrator_esm.gif\" border=\"0px\"></a>&nbsp;"; }
							echo "<a href=\"../profile.php?id=" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id") . "\">";
							echo "<b>" . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "displayname") . "</b>";
							echo "</a><br />";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "title") != null)
								{ echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "title"); }
							//online / offline
							echo "<table style=\"padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0px\" cellspacing=\"0px\">";
							echo "<tr>";
							if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "sessionid") == null)
								echo "<td width=\"20px\">";
								echo "<img src=\"../images/offline.gif\">&nbsp;"; 
								echo "</td>";
								echo "<td>";
								echo "<font style=\"font-size:9px;color:#ff2f15\"><b>Offline</b></font>";
								echo "</td>";
								//add hidden code here
								echo "<td width=\"20px\">";
								echo "<img src=\"../images/online.gif\">&nbsp;"; 
								echo "</td>";
								echo "<td>";
								echo "<font style=\"font-size:9px;color:#84ff15\"><b>Online</b></font>";
								echo "</td>";								
							echo "</tr>";
							echo "</table>";
							echo "Posts: " . mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "posts");
                    <td style="width:560px;border-top: #ffc600 1px solid;border-left: #ffc600 1px solid;" valign="top">
						<table width="100%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
								<td style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:11px;">
                                	<a name="p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"></a>
                                    <font style="font-size:12px;">
									<a href="#p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_subject"); ?></a>
								<td style="padding-right:11px;padding-top:5px;" align="right">
									<a href="posting.php?mode=quote&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/quote_button_off.gif" srcover="images/quote_button_on.gif" border="0px" alt="Reply with quote" title="Reply with quote"></a>
										if (isset($_SESSION["userid"]))
											if ($isadministrator || $_SESSION["userid"] == mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id"))
												&nbsp;<a href="posting.php?mode=edit&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/edit_off.gif" srcover="images/edit_on.gif" border="0px" alt="Edit post" title="Edit post"></a>
											if ($isadministrator)
												&nbsp;<a href="posting.php?mode=delete&pid=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/delete_off.gif" srcover="images/delete_on.gif" border="0px" alt="Delete post" title="Delete post"></a>
							<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:5px;"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;">
									<a href="#p<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_id"); ?>"><img src="images/post.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;by&nbsp;
									<a href="../profile.php?id=<?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "poster_id"); ?>"><b><?php echo mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "displayname") ?></b></a>&nbsp;on&nbsp;
									<?php echo date("M d, Y g:i a", mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_time")) . " EST"; ?>
							<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="2" style="padding-left:11px;padding-right:11px;">
									<!-- post text -->
									<font style="font-size:1.2em;">
										echo FormatBBCode(mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "post_text"), $count);
										if (mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "signature") != null)
											<br /><br />
											<table style="width:100%;border-top:#ffc600 1px solid;" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
													<td style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">
													<?php echo FormatBBCode(mysql_result($postsrecordset, $count, "signature")); ?>
                <tr id="<?php echo $trid ?>">
                	<td style="padding-left:11px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td style="padding-right:11px;<?php echo $borderbottom; ?>padding-bottom:10px;border-left:#ffc600 1px solid;" align="right">
                    	<a href="#topofpage"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px" alt="Top" title="Top"></a>
        	if ($previous || $pages || $next) { 
            <tr id="header">
                <td colspan="3" style="padding-left:11px;"><?php echo $previous; ?></td>
                <td colspan="2" style="padding-right:11px;" align="right"><?php echo $next; ?></td>
        <?php } ?>
    <table width="760px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
        <tr><td height="10px" colspan="2"></td></tr>
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="posting.php?mode=reply&tid=<?php echo $topic_id; ?>"><img src="images/postreply_off.gif" srcover="images/postreply_on.gif" border="0px"></a>
        	<td style="padding-right:11px;" align="right">   
					echo mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset); 
					echo "&nbsp;";
					if (mysql_num_rows($postsrecordset) == 1)
						{ echo "post"; }
						{ echo "posts"; }
                Page&nbsp;<?php echo $page . "&nbsp;of&nbsp;" . $numofpages; ?>
                <?php if ($pages) { echo "&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" . $pages; } ?>
		<tr><td height="5px" colspan="2"></td></tr>  	
        	<td style="padding-left:11px;">
            	<a href="index.php"><img src="images/up_arrow.gif" border="0px"></a>&nbsp;<a href="index.php">Index</a>
                <a href="viewforum.php?id=<?php echo $forum_id; ?>"><?php echo $forum_name; ?></a>
		<tr><td height="5px" colspan="2"></td></tr> 
    <div style="height:5px;"></div>
	<img src="../images/line.gif">
	<p><?php include "../library/footer.php" ?></p>    
	function FormatBBCode($message) 
	$simple_search = array(
	$simple_replace = array(
							'<img src="../images/smileys/smile.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/wink.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/sad.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/cool.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/mad.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/confused.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/shock.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/bigsmile.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/oops.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/eyeroll.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/twisted.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/laugh.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/neutral.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/drool.gif">',
							'<img src="../images/smileys/ninja.gif">',
							'<a href="$1" target="_new">$1</a>',
							'<a href="$1" target="_new">$2</a>',
							'<img src="$1">',
							'<table width="90%" style="background:#2a2a2a;border:1px solid #555555;padding-bottom:5px;" cellspacing="1px" cellpadding="3px" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size:11px;"><img src="images/quote.gif"></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:12px;">$1</tr></table>',
							'<table width="90%" style="background:#2a2a2a;border:1px solid #555555;padding-bottom:5px;" cellspacing="1px" cellpadding="3px" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size:11px;"><img src="images/quote.gif">&nbsp;<b>$1&nbsp;wrote:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:12px;">$2</tr></table>',
							'<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="$1)"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="$1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>',
							"<div style=\"margin-top:5px\"><div><font style=\"font-size:12px;\"><b>Spoiler:</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"Show\" style=\"width:45px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Show'; }\" /></div><div class=\"quotecontent\"><div style=\"display: none;\"><br />$1</div></div></div>",
							"<div style=\"margin-top:5px\"><div><font style=\"font-size:12px;\"><b>NSFW:</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"Show\" style=\"width:45px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\" onclick=\"if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none';this.innerText = '';this.value = 'Show'; }\" /></div><div class=\"quotecontent\"><div style=\"display: none;\"><br />$1</div></div></div>"
	$message = preg_replace ($simple_search, $simple_replace, $message);
	return nl2br($message);
	$user = "root";
	$password = "XXXXXX";
	$database = "XXXXXX";
	mysql_connect(localhost, $user, $password);
	@mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database");
	require "SafeSQL.class.php"
	ini_set('display_errors', E_ALL);
	if (isset($_SESSION['userid']))
		$previous_session_id = session_id();
		if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/scripts/") > 0 || strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/pop/") > 0)
			{ require_once '../library/securesession.class.php'; }
			{ require_once 'securesession.class.php'; }
		$ss = new SecureSession();
		$ss->check_browser = true;
		$ss->check_ip_blocks = 2;
		$ss->secure_word = 'SALT_';
		$ss->regenerate_id = false;
		if (!$ss->Check() || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) || !$_SESSION['loggedin'])
		if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/scripts/") > 0 || strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/pop/") > 0)
			header('Location: ../index.php');
			header('Location: index.php');
		$sql = "UPDATE sessions ";
		$sql .= "SET sessionid = \"" . session_id() . "\", ";
		$sql .= "sessiondatetime = now() ";
		$sql .= "WHERE sessionid = \"" . $previous_session_id . "\"";
		setcookie('loggedin_at', time(), time() + 3602, '/');
	//first check to see if sessionid exists
	$sql = "SELECT * ";
	$sql .= "FROM sessions ";
	$sql .= "WHERE sessionid = \"" . session_id() . "\"";
	$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
	$sql = $safesql->query($sql);
	$recordset = mysql_query($sql);	
	//remove records inactive for five minutes or more
	$sqldelete = "DELETE FROM sessions ";
	$sqldelete .= "WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, sessiondatetime, now()) > 300";
	if (mysql_numrows($recordset) > 0)
		$sql = "UPDATE sessions ";
		$sql .= "SET sessiondatetime = now() ";
		$sql .= "WHERE sessionid = \"" . session_id() . "\"";
		$sql = "INSERT INTO sessions ";
		$sql .= "SELECT \"" . session_id() . "\", ";
		if (isset($_SESSION['userid']))
			{ $userid = $_SESSION["userid"]; }
			{ $userid = 0; }
		$sql .= $userid . ", ";
		$sql .= "\"" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\", ";
		$sql .= "now()";
  SecureSession class
  Written by Vagharshak Tozalakyan <>
  Released under GNU Public License
class SecureSession
  // Include browser name in fingerprint?
  var $check_browser = true;
  // How many numbers from IP use in fingerprint?
  var $check_ip_blocks = 0;
  // Control word - any word you want.
  var $secure_word = 'SECURESTAFF';
  // Regenerate session ID to prevent fixation attacks?
  var $regenerate_id = true;
  // Call this when init session.
  function Open()
    $_SESSION['ss_fprint'] = $this->_Fingerprint();
  // Call this to check session.
  function Check()
    return (isset($_SESSION['ss_fprint'])
      && $_SESSION['ss_fprint'] == $this->_Fingerprint());
  // Internal function. Returns MD5 from fingerprint.
  function _Fingerprint()
    $fingerprint = $this->secure_word;
    if ($this->check_browser)
      $fingerprint .= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    if ($this->check_ip_blocks)
      $num_blocks = abs(intval($this->check_ip_blocks));
      if ($num_blocks > 4)
        $num_blocks = 4;
      $blocks = explode('.', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
      for ($i=0; $i<$num_blocks; $i++)
        $fingerprint .= $blocks[$i] . '.';
    return md5($fingerprint);
  // Internal function. Regenerates session ID if possible.
 	function _RegenerateId()
    if ($this->regenerate_id && function_exists('session_regenerate_id'))
	if (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "forums/"))
		{ $slashback = "../"; }
<table width="762px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
		<td width="412px" style="padding-left:11px;padding-top:13px;padding-bottom:13px;">
				$pos = strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "index.php");
				if ($pos > 0 && $slashback == '')
					{ echo "<img src=\"images/fyg_header_beta.gif\">"; }
					{ echo "<a href=\"" . $slashback . "index.php\"><img src=\"" . $slashback . "images/fyg_header_beta.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; }
	  <td width="350px" valign="middle">
				if (strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) != "cookiecheck.php" && strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) != "forgotpassword.php")
					if (!$_SESSION["loggedin"])
						<table width="100%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
							<form name="login" method="post" action="<?php echo $slashback; ?>scripts/login.php">
								<td width="55px">Email:</td>
								<td width="65px" align="right">
										if (isset($_SESSION["emailnotfound"])) 
											echo "<b><font color=\"red\">Not found</font></b>";
										if (isset($_SESSION["emptyemail"]))
											echo "<b><font color=\"red\">Required</font></b>";
								<td width="20px"></td>
								<td width="55px">Password:</td>
								<td width="65px" align="right">
										if (isset($_SESSION["incorrectpassword"])) 
											echo "<b><font color=\"red\">Incorrect</font></b>";
										if (isset($_SESSION["emptypassword"]))
											echo "<b><font color=\"red\">Required</font></b>";
								<td width="79px"></td>
							<tr><td colspan="6" height="3px"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="email" style="width:125px;" value="<?php if (isset($_SESSION["emailnotfound"]) || isset($_SESSION["incorrectpassword"]) || isset($_SESSION["emptypassword"])) { echo $_SESSION["loginemail"]; } ?>"></td>
								<td colspan="2"><input type="password" name="password" style="width:125px;"></td>
								<td align="right" style="padding-right:11px;">
                                	<input type="image" src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/login_off.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/login_on.gif" />
							<tr><td colspan="6" height="3px"></td></tr>
								<td colspan="6">
									<a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>forgotpassword.php">Forgot password</a>
						$sql = "SELECT displayname ";
						$sql = $sql . "FROM users ";
						$sql = $sql . "WHERE userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"];
						$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
						$sql = $safesql->query($sql);
						$loginrecordset = mysql_query($sql);
						$headerdisplayname = mysql_result($loginrecordset, 0, "displayname");						
						$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) messagecount ";
						$sql .= "FROM messages m, ";
						$sql .= "messagerecipients r ";
						$sql .= "WHERE m.messageid = r.messageid AND ";
						$sql .= "m.type = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= " = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.trashed = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.deleted = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " AND ";
						$sql .= "r.authorid <> " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " ";
						$sql .= "UNION ALL ";
						$sql .= "SELECT COUNT(*) messagecount ";
						$sql .= "FROM messages m, ";
						$sql .= "messagerecipients r ";
						$sql .= "WHERE m.messageid = r.messageid AND ";
						$sql .= "m.type = 1 AND ";
						$sql .= " = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.trashed = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.deleted = 0 AND ";
						$sql .= "r.userid = " . $_SESSION["userid"] . " AND ";
						$sql .= "r.authorid <> " . $_SESSION["userid"];
						$safesql = & new SafeSQL_MySQL;
						$sql = $safesql->query($sql);
						$loginrecordset = mysql_query($sql);
						$messagecount = mysql_result($loginrecordset, 0, "messagecount");	
						$winkcount = mysql_result($loginrecordset, 1, "messagecount");	
            			<table width="350px" style="padding-right:11px;" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
                            	<td width="50px"></td>
                                <td width="300px"><font style="font-size:14px;color:#ffc600;"><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo $_SESSION["userid"]; ?>"><b><? echo $headerdisplayname; ?></b></a></font></td>
                                	<table width="300px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
                                            	<table width="225px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
                                                    	<td width="25px"><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>messages.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/message.gif" border="0" /></a></td>
                                                    	<td width="200px">You have <a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>messages.php"><b><?php echo $messagecount ?></b></a> new <?php if ($messagecount == 1) { echo "message"; } else { echo "messages"; } ?></b></td>
                                                    	<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>messages.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/wink_sm.gif" border="0" /></a></td>
                                                    	<td>You have <a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>messages.php"><b><?php echo $winkcount ?></b></a> new <?php if ($winkcount == 1) { echo "wink"; } else { echo "winks"; } ?></td>
                                            	<table width="75px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" align="right">
                                                	<tr><td style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right"><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>scripts/logout.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/logout_off.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/logout_on.gif" border="0"/></a></td></tr>
	if (!$_SESSION["loggedin"])
	<table style="width:760px;height:33px;" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" align="center">
		<tr style="background: url( repeat-x;">
			<td align="right">
				<a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>index.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/home_<?php ReturnClass("index.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/home_hover.gif" border="0px"></a><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>join.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/join_<?php ReturnClass("join.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/join_hover.gif" border="0px"></a><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>whosonline.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/whosonline_<?php ReturnClass("whosonline.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/whosonline_hover.gif" border="0px"></a><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>contact.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/contact_<?php ReturnClass("contact.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/contact_hover.gif" border="0px"></a>
	<table style="width:760px;height:33px;" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
			<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>index.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/home_<?php ReturnClass("index.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/home_hover.gif" border="0px"></a></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>messages.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/messages_<?php ReturnClass("messages.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/messages_hover.gif" border="0px"></a></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>favorites.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/favorites_<?php ReturnClass("favorites.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/favorites_hover.gif" border="0px"></a></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo $_SESSION["userid"]; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/myprofile_<?php ReturnClass("profile.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/myprofile_hover.gif" border="0px"></a></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $slashback; ?>mygeek.php"><img src="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/mygeek_<?php ReturnClass("mygeek.php"); ?>.gif" srcover="<?php echo $slashback; ?>images/menu/mygeek_hover.gif" border="0px"></a></td>
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	function ReturnClass($currentpage)
	if ($currentpage == "profile.php")
		if ($_GET["id"] == $_SESSION["userid"])
				if (strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "profile.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "editprofile.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "editphotos.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "accountsettings.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "cancelaccount.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "blockedusers.php")
					{ echo "on"; }
					{ echo "off"; }
			{ echo "off"; }
	else if ($currentpage == "messages.php")
		if (strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "messages.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "viewmessage.php" || strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == "sendmessage.php")
			{ echo "on"; }
			{ echo "off"; }
		if (strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1)) == $currentpage)
			{ echo "on"; }
			{ echo "off"; }
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    _uacct = "UA-592780-4";

Open in new window

OK, I think I have it... in the viewtopic.php you have this line

echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "\">";

You probably need to add your page parameter there too

echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=viewtopic.php?id=" . $topic_id . "&page=" . $count . "&nav=page . "\">";

If that doesn't work, Rent-A-Coder is a good idea.  I'm on there too .

I don't think so, that meta refresh only gets outputted to the browser if the user has navigated to an invalid page or a page that has no data.

I took it out and loaded the page and the same thing is happening.

Besides, that wouldn't explain why all the pages are getting called twice =(

Can you navigate to one of those ViewTopic pages and then save the source and paste it here?  It might be easier to look at the HTML that is output from the script.

I was sure that refresh was going to do it!  Actually, though, what if a user clicks on the link in the ViewForums page to go to a topic, then clicks refresh immediately?  Even with your current scheme, it will cause it to update twice.  Any way to check the referrer and only do the update if the referrer is not the page itself?  
Here's the HTML output.

Good suggestion on that second part though, will definitely add some logic in there for that.
<html lang="en">
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Open in new window

Just to be sure, as you are running these tests, you should change the Head title text in your script after making each change... such as
      <title>Find Your Geek | Forums | TEST 1</title>
      <title>Find Your Geek | Forums | TEST 2</title>

In this way, you can always be sure that your latest change is actually executing.  Depending on your browser settings, you might actually be re-running the old version of the script cached in your browser.  When in doubt, close all open browsers windows (to clear the session), and re-open the browser to begin your next test... and, be sure that your browser settings will always retrieve a new version of a page with every new session.

OK, just a wild guess, but does anything change when you comment out the very last DIV statement?  I'm just trying to think of anything that might cause a hit to the same URL.

<div style="height:2px;"></div>
      <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    _uacct = "UA-592780-4";
    </script>    </p>    
Yeah, I tried taking that out, no dice.

This is very weird.

Anyway, I put up a request at RentA if you want to take a look.
Ok, check this out.

It's only happening with Firefox in Windows.

I've tested it with Safari and Firefox on a Mac and IE under Windows and none of those browsers are incrementing the counter or loading twice.
Now it's stopped happening completely.

Wow that is weird, I'm going to consider this matter closed and award you the points for the good advice you've given me in this thread.

And if you want to check out my RentA request, feel free, there's still work to be done!
Wow, don't you hate that?  

Well, at least we identified a couple of other issues in the code that might help in the future.

Sure, I'll check out the listing, thanks!