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asked on 3.5 image button WithEvents problem

I get this error "Compiler Error Message: BC30506: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types." on this button below:
Protected Sub imgbtnWebcast_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles imgbtnWebcast.Click

What am I missing here?
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Is your ImageButton inside of any sort of Repeater or other container?
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John Account


It's inside a table. And anytime I click some of the things on the page that are clickable, except the actual imagebutton, I get that error message. I don't get that error when I click the imagebutton.
Try adding this line to your class.

Protected WithEvents imgbtnWebCast As ImageButton
I don't know how.
In your code behind file.  I usually put it right under the Inherits System.Web.UI.Page line.
You know...that's what I thought, which is why that's the first thing I had tried, but it doesn't work. Oddly enough, there's a squiggly line underneath imgbtnWebCast in that declaration. And, the tooltip from placing my mouse over that squiggly line reads: "'imgbtnWebCast' is already declared as 'Protected Dim WithEvents imgbtnWebCast As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton' in this class."--which doesn't make a lick of sense, because there's no other such declaration anywhere to be found!
Well, that SHOULD be what it says, oddly enough.  imgbtnWebCast is declared in the class when you add the control to your page.

Can you post the code to your page and code behind?
Sure...but it's a lot of code...anyway, here goes. Thanks.
'---------CODE BEHIND------------
Partial Class _Home
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Protected WithEvents imgbtnWebCast As ImageButton
    Public PgSoundSrc As String
    Public mySwf As String
    Public mySrc As String
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim playFile As Boolean
        playFile = Session.Item("PlayFile")
        If playFile = False Then
            mySwf = "headChurch.swf"
            Session.Item("PlayFile") = True
            Dim YourMp3 As Random = New Random
            PgSoundSrc = "AudioClips/" & YourMp3.Next(1, 12) & ".mp3"
            mySwf = "HeadChurchStatic.swf"
        End If
    End Sub
    Protected Sub imgbtnWebCast_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles imgbtnWebCast.Click
        'I want to do my stuff here, but having problems with the WithEvents
    End Sub
End Class
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<font color=D9EFEE size=1><h1>Church in Cornwall Ontario</h1> Canada.  Pentecostal <b>church in Cornwall, Ontario</b>. Fountaingate Christian Assembly is a <b>church located in Cornwall, Ontario</b>.  Of all churches in Cornwall, Ontario, Fountaingate is the one you want to attend.Fountaingate Christian Assembly has been tending to people in Cornwall Ontario for over 15 years.  Pastor Brad Montsion is the Pastor at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, a church in Cornwall Ontario Canada.
If you are looking to attend a <B>Good church in Cornwall Ontario</b> Fountaingat Christian Assembly is the one to go to.  Visit our church in Cornwall Ontario and visit our website.  Pastor Brad Montsion of the churc in Cornwall Onatrio name Fountaingate Christian Assembly welcomes you to his site.</font>

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Well, your solution didn't work in my case, but perhaps it can in another person's; hence the "Good" grade. Thanks for trying to help me out, but there are many fish to fry and many different ways to skin a, I've moved on from this.