Loganathan Natarajan
asked on
How do I prevent save as .JS files from my include directory?
I want to protect the users to save as my javascript files from my web site ... it is running on windows server with IIS ... How do I do that?
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>>can be restricted with folder permission to the files or any other way ?
sure, it's possible, but that also mean that after the restriction, only certain users can access to your site, but you also can't prevent that the users allowed won't go and download your JS files. The JS source is not protected unless it's a Server Site Scripting source.
sure, it's possible, but that also mean that after the restriction, only certain users can access to your site, but you also can't prevent that the users allowed won't go and download your JS files. The JS source is not protected unless it's a Server Site Scripting source.
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obfuscator makes your javascript unreadable by humans but not to the browsers. Even if someone downloads a obfuscated js file, it will be unreadble(in the sense, it will be very difficult).
Thanks to all! ...
but i have written some functions which is more confidential to the site ... at least Is not possible to prevent the file access ? through the browser ???
no matter if it saved in cache to access it ... but user should not try out with location of the folder and files ...
can be restricted with folder permission to the files or any other way ?