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zimmer9Flag for United States of America

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How to resolve runtime error '50290': Method 'Quit' of object '_Application' failed ?

I am developing an Access 2003 application using Access and Excel as the front end and SQL Server as the back end database.

I am trying to give the user the option to either SAVE or DISCARD an Excel file that is generated.

In the Attached Code Snippet, when the compiler reaches the following line of code as a result of
answering the MsgBox question: Do you wish to keep a copy of the workbook?"

An Excel file is opened that has no grid lines and is empty. There is a message box on the Excel file:

Microsoft Office Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action.
OK button.

after the line app.Quit is executed, the following Run time error occurs:

Runtime error '50290':
Method 'Quit' of object '_Application' failed

Do you know how I can close the Excel file programatically and resolve this error ?

type ClassModule  [CExcelMonitor (Code)]
Option Compare Database
Private wbk As Excel.Workbook
Private WithEvents app As Excel.Application
Private mstrFilePath As String
Private blnKillFile As Boolean
Public Property Set MonitoredWorkbook(wbkIn As Excel.Workbook)
   Set wbk = wbkIn
   Set app = wbk.Application
   mstrFilePath = wbkIn.FullName
End Property
Private Sub app_WorkbookBeforeClose(ByVal Wb As Workbook, Cancel As Boolean)
   If Wb.FullName = wbk.FullName Then
      app.EnableEvents = False
      app.Visible = False
      AppActivate "Microsoft Access"
      If MsgBox("Do you wish to keep a copy of the workbook?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
                           "Keep workbook?") = vbNo Then
         blnKillFile = True
         wbk.Close False
         Kill mstrFilePath
         wbk.Close True
      End If
      app.Visible = True
      app.EnableEvents = True
   End If
   app.Quit         <----------------- Breakpoint 
End Sub
Dim clsMonitor As CExcelMonitor
Private Sub UDLSummaryByBranch()
    str_sql1 = "If  Exists(SELECT * FROM dbo.SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME = 'tblUDLSummary' AND TYPE = 'U') DELETE FROM tblUDLSummary"
    DoCmd.RunSQL (str_sql1)
    Set com = New ADODB.Command
    With com
       .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
       .CommandText = "dbo.procUDLSummaryByBranch"
       .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
       Set rstQueryFS = .Execute
    End With
    ExportedFile = strAccessPath0 & strAccessPath7 & "SUMMARY_BY_BRANCH" & "_" & intYearSP & "_" & Format(Now, "mmddhhnnss") & ".XLS"
    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "tblUDLSummary", ExportedFile, True, ""
    MsgBox "Summary By Branch records have been exported to Excel", vbOKOnly, ""
    If isFileExist(ExportedFile) Then StartDocACS ExportedFile
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Sub
Private Sub StartDocACS(filename)
 Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
 Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
 Dim xlWS As Excel.Worksheet
 'open excel template
 Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
 xlApp.Visible = True
 Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
 Set clsMonitor = New CExcelMonitor
 Set clsMonitor.MonitoredWorkbook = xlWB
 Set xlWS = xlWB.Worksheets(1)
 xlApp.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Open in new window

Avatar of Jeffrey Coachman
Jeffrey Coachman
Flag of United States of America image


What are you doing with an Excel "front end" that you cannot do with one Access front end?

(Especially if the Excel part is giving you trouble.)

Avatar of zimmer9


My users expect to see their reports in Excel because they are accountants and they are comfortable with Excel. Therefore, I use stored procedures to generate a result set and transfer the result set to an Excel file. However, I would like to have the user explicitly deteremine whether or not the Excel file is saved to minimize disk space on the Network drive.

That is why I want the user to answer the question "Yes" or "No" as to whether or not to save the Excel file that is created as a result of the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet command. I want a mechanism in place whereby the Excel file will not be created and saved automatically everytime the user generates a report. The user may not take the time to delete unwanted Excel files.

Avatar of Rory Archibald
Rory Archibald
Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland image

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