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How to select data from mysql and display it based on user selections in multiple tables on a web page

I am trying to retrieve data from my MYSQL database and only display the information based on what a user has selected.  The user uses radio buttons and selects either 3 or 4 and it is passed to "btype", the problem is when I select 3 it will not display the data in the first table at all.  I have like 10 tables of data to diaplay and I would like to show all tables wilth balde of 3 and then when the user selects 4 it will show only tables with blade of 4.  Also is there an easier way to put the data on the webpage instead of having 15 seperate table to populate.  Can it be done with one set of code and then displayed, with some kind of loop?   The code is for the first table,  the second one gets a set of values from $ss2_start and $ss2_end from a table in MYSQL database, and uses the same code.
Stuck...Any help is appreciated.
$query1 = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." ORDER BY pitch";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
if (mysql_num_rows($result1) > 0) {
if ($ss_start > 0 )  //If data show table else hide
echo '<table>';
echo '<td>';
echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[2].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[3].'></td>
<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row1['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['E_part_num'].'</td>';
			//Check for rubex part number
			$str = $row1['E_part_num'];
			$first = $str[0];
			if ($first == '9'){ //If rubex then display rubex hub number and link
			$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
	$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub"; //Not rubex then show rubber hub
	echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
	echo 'td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'dealer2.php?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td></tr>';
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';

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Flag of United States of America image

There isn't enough information available yet to properly answer your question.

1.  You mentioned there were 10 tables... do all the tables have identical structure and column names?
2.  Do the same processing rules apply to the data from all the tables?
3.  Do you need to know which data rows came from which tables?

If the answers are "Y", "Y", and "N" then you could change your single-table query to this and pull all the data at one time...

$query1 = "SELECT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table2   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table3   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table4   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table5   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table6   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table7   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table8   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table9   WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." union ".
          "SELECT * FROM table10  WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) AND blade = ".$_REQUEST['btype']." ORDER BY pitch";

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Thanks for the reply..
Let me clarify a little the MYSQL tales are set up as an index table that gives the starting part number and the ending part number range, the the pn_solas table has the actual part numbers and the $ss_start and $ss_end are the consecutive range that is pulled from the pn_solas table then it is formated using PHP and displayed.  Each table has the code above (my snippet) but the varables of $ss_start and $ss_end are numbered to go along with each  section of PHP code to diplay the dat.  So for section 1 the variables are $ss_start and $ss_end, section 2 is $ss2_start and $ss2_end, section 3 is $ss3_start and  $ss3_end and so on for the 10 tables.  Each table displays different part numbers.  The processing is basically done by the radio buttons, the user selects.  These buttons allow for selection of brand A or Brand B (I have made two seperate MySql tables for that and it works, then the user can select material type, either stainless steel or aluminum, I have a switch and case statement for that and the last option is the blade type either 3 blade or 4 blade thsi si where it goes haywire.  When 3 or 4 is selected the PHP only displays one section and no more, it should be diplaying 3 sections.
I think we're going to have to see more/most of the code to fully understand the process and diagnose how to fix the problem with it.
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JesterToo, thanks for continuing to look at this for me.  I just found out that the part number coding contains vital information.  The part number is coded as such: ABCD-EF-GHI (ex: 1121-093-07).  It turns out that (C) is the material if it is a 1 it is aluminum any other number it is a stainless steel, and (D) in the part number is the blade type, where a 1 or 2 is 3 blade and a 3 or 4 is 4 blade.  So for this example it is a stainless steel, 3 blade. So I am thinking that it might be easier for me to look at the part number coming from my MySql table, look at the string coming in and check for the values of (C) in the part number and (D) and based on what the user has selected either output it to the webpage or skip it.  I am already doing that now by using this method (see code snippet).  So I am heading off to work on this.  My MySql table that stores the begining part number and ending part number range is overwhelming, it is 83 rows, as it has both brands, links for product images, and  product names all in one table.  There are two brands, with 10 stainless steel products and 6 aluminum products.  So I have seperated the brands into two sepertate tables.  I am a newbie when it comes to designing databases so I think I have made this more difficult by putting all of this data in one table.  Thougths  - on seperating some of this data out, then using joins as you suggested eairlier to be able to extract what I need???  Is less better for tables???
//Check for rubex part number
$str = $row1['E_part_num'];
$first = $str[0];
if ($first == '9'){ //If rubex then display rubex hub number and link
    $rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
    echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub"; //Not rubex then show rubber hub
echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';

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Can you post your existing table design (along with any indexes/constraints)?  It will be later today/evening before I can take a closer look at it (gotta do some stuff for my employer so my paychecks continue!).

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Thank you again for your continued assistance with this....
I have attached two pdf's the one named all_grid it is the design for the main table, the second is the pn_solas table which is the part number and part description table.  As for the part numbers they are set up as follows: part_num (this is the part number), E_part_num (this is the part number that is displayed on the web page, as I ran into trouble because I used a range of part numbers to get to the proper part so I have had to add a 1 in front of some part numbers as the  range included some parts that didn't belong in the list, blade (3 or 4 blade), dia (diameter), pitch (pitch), rotation (rotation),rubex_hub_kit (this is an additional part for the other brand that this company markets).  As for the all_grid (this is the large 83 row table).  Here is its description:  bin_id (this comes from another page and is the derived from a user selection process once the bin_id is determined the data to be displayed is read from that row), rubex_id (this is only used for the other brand), sprop_name (is the product name to be displayed), image1 (this is the linke to the product image to be displayed), ss_start (is the starting range of part numbers), ss_end (is the ending number of the range to be chosen), then it repeats for prop2 and so on.  the al_prop_name and al_start and al_end are for aluminum products.  At the time I did this this was the best I could come up with.  Here is the url of my test server if you would like to see how this works.  It is,  if you choose mercury, 200 hp, 200, then 1978 - present you will see the page in action.  When I took this on it was just to be a simple web site, but it has evolved in to this, It is a learning experience, much of this I have had to learn how to do on my own as the college I attend has no classes in this.  I appreciate your time in looking at this for me.  I know all to well about keeping those paychecks coming. The Snippet is of sample data from the pn_solas table and the all_grid table.

all_grid table
s1,,Saturn,/propimages/saturn.jpg,112109307,112109311,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rubex 3,/propimages/rubex3.jpg,111109307,111109311,,,0,0,Rubex 4,/propimages/rubex4.jpg,111309307,111310007,,,,,,,,,,,,
a1,,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rubex 3,/propimages/rubex3.jpg,501108507,501108509,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,
s4,,New Saturn,/propimages/newsaturn.jpg,123110015,123110810,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Amita 3,/propimages/amita3.jpg,121110014,121111009,,,0,0,Amita 4,/propimages/amita4.jpg,121310013,121310211,,,,,,,,,,,,
s3,,Saturn,/propimages/saturn.jpg,512109307,512109311,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Amita 3,/propimages/amita3.jpg,111109307,111109311,Amita 4,/propimages/anita4.jpg,111309307,111309311,Amita 4 - Heavy Boat: High Thrust,/propimages/amita4.jpg,111310005,111310007,,,,,,,,,,,,
s5,,New Saturn,/propimages/newsaturn.jpg,323110014,323110810,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Amita 3,/propimages/amita3.jpg,121110014,121111009,,,0,0,Amita 4,/propimages/amita4.jpg,121310013,121310211,,,,,,,,,,,,
s7,,New Saturn,/propimages/newsaturn.jpg,323110014,323110810,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Amita 3,/propimages/amita3.jpg,121110014,121111009,,,0,0,Amita 4,/propimages/amita4.jpg,121310013,121310211,,,,,,,,,,,,
112109307,1121-093-07,3,9 1/4,7,R,
112109308,1121-093-08,3,9 1/4,8,R,
112109309,1121-093-09,3,9 1/4,9,R,
112109310,1121-093-10,3,9 1/4,10,R,
112109311,1121-093-11,3,9 1/4,11,R,
312109307,3121-093-07,3,9 1/4,7,R,
312109308,3121-093-08,3,9 1/4,8,R,
323110810,3231-108-10,3,10 3/4,10,R,
312109309,3121-093-09,3,9 1/4,9,R,
312109310,3121-093-10,3,9 1/4,10,R,
312109311,3121-093-11,3,9 1/4,11,R,
512109307,5121-093-07,3,9 1/4,7,R,
512109308,5121-093-08,3,9 1/4,8,R,
512109309,5121-093-09,3,9 1/4,9,R,
512109310,5121-093-10,3,9 1/4,10,R,
512109311,5121-093-11,3,9 1/4,11,R,

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Here is the code for the page I am working on. It is rather long.  I am working on a way to try and use one table to display the dat with some kind of loop (if that is possible). Once I gget the button issue worked out.  The code is not clean enought yet, at least for me.
	//database credentials
  include ("");
	//Connect to the database
	$cxn = mysql_connect("$host","$user","$passwd");
	if (!$cxn)
		die ('The propeller database is not available at this time, Please try again later.' .mysql_error());
	$selected="s13"; //HArd coded for testing purposes, normal operation this is set to  $selected = $_REQUEST['bin_id']
	$query="SELECT * FROM all_grid_copy WHERE bin_id = '$selected'";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
	//Get data for extras from database
	$pop = "U.S. Dealer Locator";
	//Get data from the database for stainless steel part ranges
	$ss_start = $row[4];
    $ss_end = $row[5];
	//Get data from the database for aluminmum part ranges
	//Get propname for aluminum from table
	//Get prop image from table for aluminum
	//Query for Stainless steel props table 1
	$query1="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss_start AND $ss_end) ORDER BY pitch ";
	$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
	echo '<table>';
	if ($ss_start > 0 )  //If data show table else hide
		$strcheck = $ss_start;
		$fourth = $strcheck[3];
		echo $fourth;
	echo '<td>';
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[2].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[3].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row1['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row1['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row1['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){ //If rubex then display rubex hub number and link
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub"; //Not rubex then show rubber hub
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
				echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, 	height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
//Query for Stainless steel props table 2
	$query2="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss2_start AND $ss2_end) ORDER BY pitch ";
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
	echo '<table>';
	if ($ss2_start > 0 )  //If data show table else hide
	echo '<td>';
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[6].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[7].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row2['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row2['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){ //If rubex then display rubex hub number and link
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub"; //Not rubex then show rubber hub
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss3_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 3
	$query3="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss3_start AND $ss3_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[10].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[11].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row3['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row3['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss4_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 4
	$query4="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss4_start AND $ss4_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result4 = mysql_query($query4);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[14].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[15].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row4=mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row4['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row4['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss5_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 5
	$query5="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss5_start AND $ss5_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result5 = mysql_query($query5);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[18].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[19].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row5=mysql_fetch_array($result5, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row5['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row5['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss6_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 6
	$query6="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss6_start AND $ss6_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result6 = mysql_query($query6);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[22].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[23].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row6=mysql_fetch_array($result6, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row6['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row6['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss7_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 7
	$query7="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss7_start AND $ss7_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result7 = mysql_query($query7);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[26].'</b></font></td><td></td><td></td><td rowspan="7"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[27].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row7=mysql_fetch_array($result7, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row7['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row7['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row7['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row7['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row7['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row7['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
 if ($ss8_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 8
	$query8="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss8_start AND $ss8_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result8 = mysql_query($query8);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[30].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[31].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row8=mysql_fetch_array($result8, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row8['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row8['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row8['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row8['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row8['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row8['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss9_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 9
	$query9="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss9_start AND $ss9_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result9 = mysql_query($query9);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[34].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[35].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row9=mysql_fetch_array($result9, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row9['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row9['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row9['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row9['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row9['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row9['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss10_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 10
	$query10="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss10_start AND $ss10_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result10 = mysql_query($query10);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[38].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[39].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row10=mysql_fetch_array($result10, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row10['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row10['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row10['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row10['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row10['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row10['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss11_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 11
	$query11="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss11_start AND $ss11_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result11 = mysql_query($query11);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[42].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[43].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row11=mysql_fetch_array($result11, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row11['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row11['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row11['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row11['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row11['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row11['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss12_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 12
	$query12="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss12_start AND $ss12_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result12 = mysql_query($query12);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[46].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[47].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row12=mysql_fetch_array($result12, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row12['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row12['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row12['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row12['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row12['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row12['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss13_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 13
	$query13="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss13_start AND $ss13_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result13 = mysql_query($query9);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[50].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[51].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row13=mysql_fetch_array($result13, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row13['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row13['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row13['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row13['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row13['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row13['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss14_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 14
	$query14="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss14_start AND $ss14_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result14 = mysql_query($query14);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[54].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[55].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row14=mysql_fetch_array($result14, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row14['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row14['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row14['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row14['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row14['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row14['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($ss15_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Stainless Steel props table 15
	$query15="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $ss15_start AND $ss15_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result15 = mysql_query($query15);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Stainless Steel - '.$row[58].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[59].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="center"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row15=mysql_fetch_array($result15, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row15['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row15['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row15['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row15['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row15['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row15['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
//Start of Aluminum prop tables  //
if ($al_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Aluminum props table 1
	$query="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al_start AND $al_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result = mysql_query($query);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$row[62].'</b></font></td>
	<td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$row[63].'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($al2_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';
	//Query for Aluminum props table 2
	$query2="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al2_start AND $al2_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$alprop2.'</b></font></td>
	</td><td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$alimage2.'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row2['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row2['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row2['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($al3_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';	
	//Query for Aluminum props table 3
	$query3="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al3_start AND $al3_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$alprop3.'</b></font></td>
	</td><td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$alimage3.'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row3['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row3['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row3['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($al4_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';	
	//Query for Aluminum props table 4
	$query4="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al4_start AND $al4_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result4 = mysql_query($query4);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$alprop4.'</b></font></td>
	</td><td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$alimage4.'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row4=mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row4['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row4['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row4['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '<tr></tr>';
if ($al5_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';	
	//Query for Aluminum props table 5
	$query5="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al5_start AND $al5_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result5 = mysql_query($query5);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$alprop5.'</b></font></td>
	</td><td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$alimage5.'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row5=mysql_fetch_array($result5, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row5['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row5['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row5['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	if ($al6_start > 0 ) //If data show else hide
	echo '<td>';	
	//Query for Aluminum props table 6
	$query6="SELECT DISTINCT * FROM pn_solas WHERE (part_num BETWEEN $al6_start AND $al6_end) ORDER BY pitch";
	$result6 = mysql_query($query6);
	echo '<table align="left" cellspacing="left" cellpadding="2">
	<td align="center" bgcolor="#000" colspan="6"><font color="white" font face="verdana"><b>Aluminum - '.$alprop6.'</b></font></td>
	</td><td></td><td rowspan="6"><img  width="450" height="250" src='.$alimage6.'></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#0099FF">
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Blade</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Diameter</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Pitch</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rotation</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Part Num</b></font></td>
		<td align="left"><font color="yellow"><b>Rubex Hub Kit</b></font></td>
	//Fetch and print all matching records
	$bg ='#eeeeee'; //Set row color
	while ($row6=mysql_fetch_array($result6, MYSQL_ASSOC))
		$bg=($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee');
		echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$bg.'">
			<td align="center">'.$row6['blade'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['dia'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['pitch'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['rotation'].'</td>
			<td align="center">'.$row6['E_part_num'].'</td>';
				//Check for rubex part number
				$str = $row6['E_part_num'];
				$first = $str[0];
				if ($first == '9'){
					$rubex_id_value = $rubex_id;
					echo '<td align="center"><a href="./pdf/'.$rubex_id_value.'.pdf">'.$rubex_id_value.'</a></td>';
					$rubex_id_value = "Pressed in Rubber Hub";
					echo '<td align="center">'.$rubex_id_value.'</td>';
			if ($_COOKIE['dealer'] == 0) {//Not a dealer then show dealer locator
			echo '<td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="\'worlddealer.html?pid=' . $pop . '\', \'windowname1\', \'width=750, height=650, left=500, top=200\'); return false;"><img border="0" src="./images/locatedeal.jpg"></a></td>
			//Continue on dealer is present
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '</table>';
	mysql_close();//Close the database connection

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